{"variable":"poptotal","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Population total","long_desc":"Total population per state","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau (http://www.census.gov/)\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nFor 2012-2017: U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","bibtex_cite":"@misc{stateminderNA,\n title={Stateminder.org},\n author={Georgetown University}\n}\n"} {"variable":"popdensity","years":"1975-1999","short_desc":"Population density","long_desc":"Number of people per square mile of land area; population in 1000s divided by land area in square miles (excludes water)","sources":"http://www.ipsr.ku.edu/SPPQ/datasets.shtml (data from The Statistical Abstract of the United States, U.S. Census Bureau). No data were available for the District of Columbia.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Ryu, Seung-Hyun. The effect of political ideology of the three branches of state governments and socio-economic factors on the presence of death penalty statutes. Diss. Georgetown University, 2009.","bibtex_cite":"@phdthesis{ryu2009effect,\r\r\n title={The effect of political ideology of the three branches of state governments and socio-economic factors on the presence of death penalty statutes},\r\r\n author={Ryu, Seung-Hyun},\r\r\n year={2009},\r\r\n school={Georgetown University}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"popfemale","years":"1994-2000, 2002-2010","short_desc":"Female population","long_desc":"The number of residents who are female. Data for 2001 are unavailable.","sources":"CQ Press. 'State Stats: Population under 5 years old.' http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/index.php\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Morgan, K.O.L. and Morgan, S. eds., 2016. State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America. CQ Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{morgan2016state,\r\r\n title={State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America},\r\r\n author={Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary and Morgan, Scott},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={CQ Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctpopfemale","years":"2012-2017","short_desc":"Female population (percentage)","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's population that is female","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"popmale","years":"1994-2000, 2002-2010","short_desc":"Male population","long_desc":"The number of residents who are male. Data for 2001 are unavailable.","sources":"CQ Press. 'State Stats: Population under 5 years old.' http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/index.php\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Morgan, K.O.L. and Morgan, S. eds., 2016. State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America. CQ Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{morgan2016state,\r\r\n title={State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America},\r\r\n author={Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary and Morgan, Scott},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={CQ Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctpopmale","years":"2012-2017","short_desc":"Male population (percentage)","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's population that is male","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"popunder5","years":"1994-2000, 2002-2010","short_desc":"Population under 5 years old","long_desc":"The number of residents under the age of five in a state. Data for 2001 are unavailable.","sources":"CQ Press. 'State Stats: Population under 5 years old.' http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/index.php\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Morgan, K.O.L. and Morgan, S. eds., 2016. State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America. CQ Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{morgan2016state,\r\r\n title={State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America},\r\r\n author={Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary and Morgan, Scott},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={CQ Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctpopunder14","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Population under 14 years old (percentage)","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's population aged 14 years or younger","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pop5to17","years":"1994-2000, 2002-2010","short_desc":"Population from 5 years old to 17 years old","long_desc":"The number of residents between the ages of 5 and 17 in a state. Data for 2001 are unavailable.","sources":"CQ Press. 'State Stats: Population under 5 years old.' http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/index.php\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Morgan, K.O.L. and Morgan, S. eds., 2016. State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America. CQ Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{morgan2016state,\r\r\n title={State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America},\r\r\n author={Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary and Morgan, Scott},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={CQ Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pop18to24","years":"1994-2000, 2002-2010","short_desc":"Population from 18 years old to 24 years old","long_desc":"The number of residents between the ages of 18 and 24 in a state. Data for 2001 are unavailable.","sources":"CQ Press. 'State Stats: Population under 5 years old.' http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/index.php\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Morgan, K.O.L. and Morgan, S. eds., 2016. State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America. CQ Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{morgan2016state,\r\r\n title={State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America},\r\r\n author={Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary and Morgan, Scott},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={CQ Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctpop15to24","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Population between the ages of 15 and 24 (percentage)","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's population between the ages of 15 and 24","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pop25to44","years":"1994-2000, 2002-2010","short_desc":"Population from 25 years old to 44 years old","long_desc":"The number of residents between the ages of 25 and 44 in a state. Data for 2001 are unavailable.","sources":"CQ Press. 'State Stats: Population under 5 years old.' http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/index.php\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Morgan, K.O.L. and Morgan, S. eds., 2016. State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America. CQ Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{morgan2016state,\r\r\n title={State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America},\r\r\n author={Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary and Morgan, Scott},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={CQ Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctpop25to44","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Population between the ages of 25 and 44 (percentage)","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's population between the ages of 25 and 44","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pop45to64","years":"1994-1996, 1998-2000, 2002-2010","short_desc":"Population from 45 years old to 64 years old","long_desc":"The number of residents between the ages of 45 and 64 in a state. Data for 2001 are unavailable.","sources":"CQ Press. 'State Stats: Population under 5 years old.' http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/index.php\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Morgan, K.O.L. and Morgan, S. eds., 2016. State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America. CQ Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{morgan2016state,\r\r\n title={State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America},\r\r\n author={Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary and Morgan, Scott},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={CQ Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctpop45to64","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Population between the ages of 45 and 64 (percentage)","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's population between the ages of 45 and 64","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"popover65","years":"1994-2000, 2002-2010","short_desc":"Population from 65 years old and older","long_desc":"The number of residents over the age of 65 in a state. Data for 2001 are unavailable.","sources":"CQ Press. 'State Stats: Population under 5 years old.' http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/index.php\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Morgan, K.O.L. and Morgan, S. eds., 2016. State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America. CQ Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{morgan2016state,\r\r\n title={State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America},\r\r\n author={Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary and Morgan, Scott},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={CQ Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctpopover65","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Population over 65 years old (percentage)","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's population over the age of 65","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctpopover18","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Population over 18 years old (percentage)","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's population over the age of 18","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"popover85","years":"1995-2000, 2002-2010","short_desc":"Population from 85 years old and older","long_desc":"The number of residents over the age of 85 in a state. Data for 2001 are unavailable.","sources":"CQ Press. 'State Stats: Population under 5 years old.' http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/index.php\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Morgan, K.O.L. and Morgan, S. eds., 2016. State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America. CQ Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{morgan2016state,\r\r\n title={State Rankings 2016: A Statistical View of America},\r\r\n author={Morgan, Kathleen O'Leary and Morgan, Scott},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={CQ Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctlatinx","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Latinx population","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's residents who are Hispanic or Latino (of any race)","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctwhite","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"White population","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's residents who are white (not Hispanic or Latino)","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctblack","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Black population","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's residents who are black or African American (alone)","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctasian","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Asian population","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's residents who are Asian (alone)","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctpacific","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Pacific Islander population","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's residents who are native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (alone)","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctamericanindian","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"American Indian population","long_desc":"Percentage of the state's residents who are American Indian or Alaska Native (alone)","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder: https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/data-tables-and-tools/american- factfinder/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hamilton, Gregory L., and Blake Hamilton. Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis. Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2017.","bibtex_cite":"@book{hamilton2017economic,\r\r\n title={Economic Consequences of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Arkansas: An Analysis},\r\r\n author={Hamilton, Gregory L and Hamilton, Blake},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Institute for Economic Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"birthrate","years":"1991-2008","short_desc":"Birth rate","long_desc":"Children per woman (total fertility) with projections; births per 1,000 women aged 15-44","sources":"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics (VitalStats). https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data_access/vitalstatsonline.htm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Health Statistics (US. \"Data Sources.\" Health, United States, 2018 [Internet]. National Center for Health Statistics (US), 2019.","bibtex_cite":"@incollection{national2019data,\r\r\n title={Data Sources},\r\r\n author={National Center for Health Statistics (US and others},\r\r\n booktitle={Health, United States, 2018 [Internet]},\r\r\n year={2019},\r\r\n publisher={National Center for Health Statistics (US)}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"evangelical_pop","years":"1975-2013","short_desc":"Evangelical population","long_desc":"Percentage of evangelical residents in a state","sources":"Sellers, Mitchell D. 'Gubernatorial Use of Executive Orders: Unilateral Action and Policy Adoption.' Journal of Public Policy 37.3 (2017): 315-339.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Sellers, M.D., 2017. Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption. Journal of Public Policy, 37(3), pp.315-339.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sellers2017gubernatorial,\n title={Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption},\n author={Sellers, Mitchell Dylan},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={37},\n number={3},\n pages={315--339},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"nonwhite","years":"1974-2011","short_desc":"Nonwhite population","long_desc":"Proportion of the state population that is nonwhite","sources":"Kelly, Nathan J., and Christopher Witko. 'Government Ideology and Unemployment in the U.S. States.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14.4 (2014): 389-413.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Kelly, N.J. and Witko, C., 2014. Government ideology and unemployment in the US states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 14(4), pp.389-413.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kelly2014government,\n title={Government ideology and unemployment in the US states},\n author={Kelly, Nathan J and Witko, Christopher},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={14},\n number={4},\n pages={389--413},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"foreign_born","years":"2005-2012","short_desc":"Foreign-born population","long_desc":"Percentage of state population who are foreign born","sources":"Pew Research Center, Hispanic Trends Projection (based on American Community Survey data): http://www.pewhispanic.org/2014/04/29/statistical- portrait-of-the-foreign-born-population-in-the-united-states-2012/#foreign- born-by-state-2012\r\nReich, Gary. 'Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States.'\r\nResearch & Politics 4.4 (2017): 1-11.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Reich, G., 2017. Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States. Research & Politics, 4(4), p.2053168017742005.","bibtex_cite":"@article{reich2017immigrant,\n title={Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States},\n author={Reich, Gary},\n journal={Research \\& Politics},\n volume={4},\n number={4},\n pages={2053168017742005},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}\n}"} {"variable":"newimmig","years":"1988-2011","short_desc":"New immigrant green card holders","long_desc":"Persons obtaining legal permanent resident status by state of residence: fiscal years 1988 to 2011. The fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30. A permanent resident is defined as a green card holder who has been granted lawful authorization to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis.","sources":"U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 'Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status by State of Residence: Fiscal Years 1988 to 2011.' https://www.dhs.gov/publication/yearbook-immigration-statistics-2011-legal- permanent-residents.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: To obtain permanent resident status, most individuals are sponsored by a family member or employer in the United States. Other individuals may become permanent residents through refugee or asylee status or other humanitarian programs. In some cases, people may be eligible to file for themselves.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 'Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status by State of Residence: Fiscal Years 1988 to 2011.' https://www.dhs.gov/publication/yearbook-immigration-statistics-2011-legal- permanent-residents.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{usdhs2011,\r\r\n title = {Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status by State of Residence: Fiscal Years 1988 to 2011},\r\r\n author = {Department of Homeland Security},\r\r\n year = {2011},\r\r\n note = {\\url{https://www.dhs.gov/publication/yearbook-immigration-statistics-2011-legal- permanent-residents}}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"undocumented_immigrants","years":"1990, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2010","short_desc":"Estimated number of undocumented immigrants","long_desc":"Estimated number of unauthorized immigrants in a state Notes: data are estimates by Pew Hispanic Center, not actual counts. Several observations are recorded as '< 5,000' and '< 10,000' rather than discrete estimates.","sources":"Passel, Jeffrey S., and D'Vera Cohn. 2011. 'Unauthorized Immigrant Population: National and State Trends, 2010.' Pew Research Center.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Passel, J.S. and D'Vera Cohn, S.W., 2011. Unauthorized immigrant population: National and state trends, 2010 (pp. 1-31). Washington, DC: Pew Hispanic Center.","bibtex_cite":"@book{passel2011unauthorized,\n title={Unauthorized immigrant population: National and state trends, 2010},\n author={Passel, Jeffrey S and D'Vera Cohn, SW},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Pew Hispanic Center Washington, DC}\n}"} {"variable":"refugeetotal","years":"2000-2012","short_desc":"Refugee total","long_desc":"Number of refugees arriving per state per fiscal year. The fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30.","sources":"U.S. Department of Health & Human Services-Office of Refugee Resettlement. 'Refugee Arrival Data.' http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/orr/resource/refugee-arrival-data.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNote: To be eligible for refugee status, an applicant must meet the definition of a refugee set forth in 101(a)(42) of the Immigration and Nationality Act: a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her country of nationality because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Health and Human Services-Office of Refugee Resettlement. “Refugee Arrival Data” http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/orr/resource/refugee-arrival-data. (Accessed 9/16/2021)"} {"variable":"pop_annual","years":"1929-2012","short_desc":"Total state population","long_desc":"Total population in the state, measured annually.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource (2012): http://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/on-numbers/scott- thomas/2012/06/californias-population-passes- 38.html?appSession=10897383915145&RecordID=&PageID=2&PrevPageI D=&cpipage=3&CPISortType=&CPIorderBy","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\r\r\n title={State economic data},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"dimmhed","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Undocumented immigrants' access to public higher education","long_desc":"Undocumented immigrants' access to public higher education (-1 = banned from all public universities, -0.5 = banned from some public universities, 0 = no in-state tuition, 0.5 = in-state tuition at some universities, 0.75 = in- state tuition for community colleges and transfers to 4-years, 1 = in-state tuition statewide)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"immig_laws_restrict","years":"2005-2012","short_desc":"Total restrictive immigrant laws passed","long_desc":"Number of 'restrictive' laws relating to immigrants passed in the year","sources":"Reich, Gary. 'Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States.'\r\nResearch & Politics 4.4 (2017): 1-11.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Reich, G., 2017. Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States. Research & Politics, 4(4), p.2053168017742005.","bibtex_cite":"@article{reich2017immigrant,\n title={Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States},\n author={Reich, Gary},\n journal={Research \\& Politics},\n volume={4},\n number={4},\n pages={2053168017742005},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}\n}"} {"variable":"immig_laws_accom","years":"2005-2012","short_desc":"Total accommodating immigrant laws passed","long_desc":"Number of 'accommodating' laws relating to immigrants passed in the year","sources":"Reich, Gary. 'Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States.'\r\nResearch & Politics 4.4 (2017): 1-11.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Reich, G., 2017. Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States. Research & Politics, 4(4), p.2053168017742005.","bibtex_cite":"@article{reich2017immigrant,\n title={Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States},\n author={Reich, Gary},\n journal={Research \\& Politics},\n volume={4},\n number={4},\n pages={2053168017742005},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}\n}"} {"variable":"immig_laws_neut","years":"2005-2012","short_desc":"Total neutral immigrant laws passed","long_desc":"Number of 'neutral' laws relating to immigrants passed in the year","sources":"Reich, Gary. 'Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States.'\r\nResearch & Politics 4.4 (2017): 1-11.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Reich, G., 2017. Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States. Research & Politics, 4(4), p.2053168017742005.","bibtex_cite":"@article{reich2017immigrant,\n title={Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States},\n author={Reich, Gary},\n journal={Research \\& Politics},\n volume={4},\n number={4},\n pages={2053168017742005},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}\n}"} {"variable":"immig_laws_total","years":"2005-2012","short_desc":"Total immigrant laws passed","long_desc":"Total laws relating to immigrants passed in the year","sources":"Reich, Gary. 'Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States.'\r\nResearch & Politics 4.4 (2017): 1-11.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Reich, G., 2017. Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States. Research & Politics, 4(4), p.2053168017742005.","bibtex_cite":"@article{reich2017immigrant,\n title={Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States},\n author={Reich, Gary},\n journal={Research \\& Politics},\n volume={4},\n number={4},\n pages={2053168017742005},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}\n}"} {"variable":"immigration_english_language","years":"1970-2014","short_desc":"English is official language","long_desc":"Is English the state's official language? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"immigration_instate_tuition_illegalimmigrants","years":"2001-2014","short_desc":"In-state tuition for immigrants","long_desc":"Does the state allow in-state tuition for illegal immigrants? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"engonly","years":"1900-2017","short_desc":"English-only law","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"all_other_taxes","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"All other taxes","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"corporation_net_income_taxes","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Corporation net income taxes","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"current_charges","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Current charges","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_correction","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: correction","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_direct","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Total expenditure: direct expenditure","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_direct_assistance_subsidies","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Total expenditure: direct expenditure (assistance and subsidies)","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_direct_capital_outlay","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Total expenditure: direct expenditure (capital outlay)","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_direct_current_operations","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Total expenditure: direct expenditure (current operations)","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_direct_insurance","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Total expenditure: direct expenditure (insurance benefits and repayments)","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_direct_interest","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Total expenditure: direct expenditure (interest on debt)","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_education","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: education","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_general_intergovernmental","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: intergovernment al general expenditure","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_governmental_administration","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: governmental administration","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_health","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: health","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_highways","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: highways","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_hospitals","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: hospitals","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_interest_on_general_debt","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: interest on general debt","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_intergovernmental","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Total expenditure: intergovernment al expenditure","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_natural_resources","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: natural resources","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_other_and_unallocable","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: other and unallocable","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_parks_and_recreation","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: parks and recreation","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_police_protection","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: police protection","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_public_welfare","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General expenditure, by function: public welfare","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_salaries_wages","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Total expenditure (exhibit): salaries and wages","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"general_sales_receipts_taxes","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"General sales and gross receipts taxes","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"hincomemed","years":"2012-2019","short_desc":"Median household income","long_desc":"The median of all household incomes in a state. 2011 CPI-U-RS adjusted dollars.","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau. 2012. 'Median Household Income by State - Single- Year Estimates.' Accessed at: http://www.census.gov/topics/income- poverty/income.html.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"U.S Census Bureau. 'Median Household Income by State - Single- Year Estimates.’ ’http://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/income.html (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2012median,\r\r\n title={Median Household Income by State - Single- Year Estimates},\r\r\n author={U.S Census Bureau},\r\r\n journal={URL: http://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/income.html},\r\r\n year={2012}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"individual_income_taxes","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Individual income taxes","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"insurance_trust_expenditure","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Insurance trust expenditure","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"insurance_trust_revenue","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Insurance trust revenue","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"intergovernmental_revenue","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Intergovernment al revenue","long_desc":"Intergovernmental state revenue. All state government finance data are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"license_taxes","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"License taxes","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"liquor_stores_expenditure","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Liquor stores expenditure","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"liquor_stores_revenue","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Liquor stores revenue","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lotticksales","years":"1992-2000, 2002","short_desc":"Lottery ticket sales","long_desc":"Lottery ticket sales for instant tickets, three-digit, four-digit, lotto and other tickets (excluding commissions) (in thousands)","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau. 2009. 'Lottery Sales-Type of Game and Use of Proceeds.'\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNote: Data from Census is actually originally from TLF Publications, Inc., Boyds, MD, 2009 World Lottery Almanac (copyright).","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"U.S Census Bureau. “Lottery Sales-Type of Game and Use of Proceeds.” (2009)","bibtex_cite":"NA@article{us2009lottery,\r\r\n title={Lottery Sales-Type of Game and Use of Proceeds},\r\r\n author={U.S Census Bureau},\r\r\n year={2009}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lotadmincosts","years":"1992-1999","short_desc":"Lottery administration costs","long_desc":"Lottery administration costs (in thousands)","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau. 2012. 'Lottery Prize Amounts Awarded.'\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"U.S Census Bureau. “Lottery Prize Amounts Awarded” http://stateminder.org/. 2012"} {"variable":"lotprize","years":"1992-2000, 2002","short_desc":"Lottery prize amounts awarded","long_desc":"Lottery prize amounts awarded (in thousands)","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau. 2012. 'Lottery Prize Amounts Awarded.'\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"U.S Census Bureau. “Lottery Prize Amounts Awarded” http://stateminder.org/. 2012"} {"variable":"miscellaneous_general_revenue","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Miscellaneous general revenue","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"selective_sales_receipts_taxes","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Selective sales and gross receipts taxes","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"taxrevcorporate","years":"1946-2019","short_desc":"Tax revenue, corporate net income","long_desc":"Taxes on net income of corporations and unincorporated businesses (when taxed separately from individual income). Includes distinctively imposed net income taxes on special kinds of corporations (e.g., financial institutions). Measured in thousands of dollars. Sum of tax revenue from corporate net income.","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau. 2011. 'State Government Tax Collections.' Originally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from\r\nGeorgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"U.S Census Bureau. “State Government Tax Collections.” (2011)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2011state,\r\r\n title={State Government Tax Collections.},\r\r\n author={U.S Census Bureau},\r\r\n year={2012}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"total_holdings","years":"1902, 1904, 1906, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1916, 1918, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1930, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1948, 1950, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017","short_desc":"Total cash and security holdings","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"utility_expenditure","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Utility expenditure","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"utility_revenue","years":"2012-2016","short_desc":"Utility revenue","long_desc":"All state government finance data from the Census Bureau are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Connolly, Rachel, et al. \"Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley.\" Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 78 (2020): 102190.","bibtex_cite":"@article{connolly2020estimating,\r\r\n title={Estimating mortality impacts from vehicle emission reduction efforts: The Tune In and Tune Up program in the San Joaquin Valley},\r\r\n author={Connolly, Rachel and Pierce, Gregory and Gattaciecca, Julien and Zhu, Yifang},\r\r\n journal={Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment},\r\r\n volume={78},\r\r\n pages={102190},\r\r\n year={2020},\r\r\n publisher={Elsevier}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"firms","years":"1901, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908-1911, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1920, 1922, 1924-1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947-1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963-1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986-1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002-2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Number of firms","long_desc":"Number of Firms. A firm is a business organization consisting of one or more domestic establishments in the same state and industry that were specified under common ownership or control. The firm and the establishment are the same for single-establishment firms. For each multi-establishment firm, establishments in the same industry within a state will be counted as one firm-the firm employment and annual payroll are summed from the associated establishments.","sources":"US Census Bureau. Statistics of US Businesses. 2012. 'SUSB totals for U.S. & States.'\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"US Census Bureau, Statistics of US Businesses “'SUSB totals for U.S. & States” (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2012susb,\r\r\n title={SUSB totals for U.S. & States},\r\r\n author={US Census Bureau, Statistics of US Businesses},\r\r\n year={2012}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"patents","years":"1998-2011","short_desc":"Number of patents granted","long_desc":"This variable displays the number of\r\nU.S. patents distributed by U.S. state and by calendar year of grant, and it counts documents of utility patents (i.e., patents for invention) granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.","sources":"U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 2012. 'Number of Patents Granted as Distributed by Year of Patent Grant, Breakout by U.S. State and Foreign Country of Origin.' Accessed at: http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/cst_utl.htm.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNote: The origin of a patent is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. A patent is a document, issued by an authorized governmental agency, granting the right to exclude anyone else from the production or use of a specific new device, or process for a stated number of years. The grant is issued to the inventor after an examination that focuses on both the novelty and potential utility of the item. Pre-1998 data is omitted due to aggregation of years between 1963-1998 in the report.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.”Number of Patents Granted as Distributed by Year of Patent Grant, Breakout by U.S. State and Foreign Country of Origin.” http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/cst_utl.htm (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2012number,\r\r\n title={Number of Patents Granted as Distributed by Year of Patent Grant, Breakout by U.S. State and Foreign Country of Origin},\r\r\n author={U.S. Patent and Trademark Office},\r\r\n journal={URL: http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/cst_utl.htm}\r\n year={2012}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"valueofagsect","years":"1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 1997, 2000-2011","short_desc":"Value added to\r\nU.S. economy by agricultural sector","long_desc":"Net value-added is the sector's contribution to the national economy and is the sum of the income from production earned by all factors-of- production, regardless of ownership (thousands of dollars)","sources":"Economic Research Service/USDA. 2011. 'Value Added to the U.S. Economy by the agricultural sector via the production of goods and services 1949-2011.' Accessed at: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/farm- income-and-wealth-statistics.aspx.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Economic Research Service/USDA. “Value Added to the U.S. Economy by the agricultural sector via the production of goods and services 1949-2011” http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/farm- income-and-wealth-statistics.aspx. (2011)","bibtex_cite":"@article{economic2011value,\r\r\n title={Value Added to the U.S. Economy by the agricultural sector via the production of goods and services 1949-2011},\r\r\n author={Economic Research Service/USDA},\r\r\n journal={URL: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/farm-income-and-wealth-statistics.aspx}\r\n year={2011}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"farmpayment","years":"1949-2011","short_desc":"Government direct farm payments","long_desc":"Aggregate sum of direct payments from programs in respective years by the government to farmers (thousands of dollars)","sources":"Economic Research Service/USDA. 2012. 'Government payments, by program and State, 1990-2011.' http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/farm- income-and-wealth-statistics.aspx.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Economic Research Service/USDA. “Government payments, by program and State, 1990-2011” http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/farm- income-and-wealth-statistics.aspx. (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@article{economic2012government,\r\r\n title={Government payments, by program and State, 1990-2011},\r\r\n author={Economic Research Service/USDA.},\r\r\n journal={URL: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/farm- income-and-wealth-statistics.aspx},\r\r\n year={2012}"} {"variable":"atkin_index","years":"1917-2013","short_desc":"Atkinson Index","long_desc":"State income inequality measured by Atkinson Index","sources":"Frank, Mark W. 'U.S. State-Level Income Inequality Data.' http://www.shsu.edu/eco_mwf/inequality.html","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Frank, Mark W. \"US state-level income inequality data.\" Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/~ eco_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012) (2015).","bibtex_cite":"@article{frank2015us,\r\r\n title={US state-level income inequality data},\r\r\n author={Frank, Mark W},\r\r\n journal={Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. (accessed April 20, 2012)},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gini_coef","years":"1917-2013","short_desc":"Gini coefficient","long_desc":"State income inequality measured by Gini coefficient","sources":"Frank, Mark W. 'U.S. State-Level Income Inequality Data.' http://www.shsu.edu/eco_mwf/inequality.html","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Frank, Mark W. \"US state-level income inequality data.\" Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/~ eco_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012) (2015).","bibtex_cite":"@article{frank2015us,\r\r\n title={US state-level income inequality data},\r\r\n author={Frank, Mark W},\r\r\n journal={Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. (accessed April 20, 2012)},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"incshare_top001","years":"1917-2013","short_desc":"Top 0.01% share of income","long_desc":"Share of total income earned by the top 0.01% of earners","sources":"Frank, Mark W. 'U.S. State-Level Income Inequality Data.' http://www.shsu.edu/eco_mwf/inequality.html\r\nFor methodology, see: Frank, Mark, Estelle Sommeiller, Mark Price, and Emmanuel Saez. 2015. 'Frank-Sommeiller-Price Series for Top Income Shares by US States since 1917.'","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Frank, Mark W. \"US state-level income inequality data.\" Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/~ eco_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012) (2015).","bibtex_cite":"@article{frank2015us,\r\r\n title={US state-level income inequality data},\r\r\n author={Frank, Mark W},\r\r\n journal={Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/\\~{} eco\\_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012)},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"incshare_top01","years":"1917-2013","short_desc":"Top 0.1% share of income","long_desc":"Share of total income earned by the top 0.1% of earners","sources":"Frank, Mark W. 'U.S. State-Level Income Inequality Data.' http://www.shsu.edu/eco_mwf/inequality.html\r\nFor methodology, see: Frank, Mark, Estelle Sommeiller, Mark Price, and Emmanuel Saez. 2015. 'Frank-Sommeiller-Price Series for Top Income Shares by US States since 1917.'","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Frank, Mark W. \"US state-level income inequality data.\" Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/~ eco_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012) (2015).","bibtex_cite":"@article{frank2015us,\r\r\n title={US state-level income inequality data},\r\r\n author={Frank, Mark W},\r\r\n journal={Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/\\~{} eco\\_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012)},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"incshare_top05","years":"1917-2013","short_desc":"Top 0.5% share of income","long_desc":"Share of total income earned by the top 0.5% of earners","sources":"Frank, Mark W. 'U.S. State-Level Income Inequality Data.' http://www.shsu.edu/eco_mwf/inequality.html\r\nFor methodology, see: Frank, Mark, Estelle Sommeiller, Mark Price, and Emmanuel Saez. 2015. 'Frank-Sommeiller-Price Series for Top Income Shares by US States since 1917.'","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Frank, Mark W. \"US state-level income inequality data.\" Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/~ eco_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012) (2015).","bibtex_cite":"@article{frank2015us,\r\r\n title={US state-level income inequality data},\r\r\n author={Frank, Mark W},\r\r\n journal={Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/\\~{} eco\\_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012)},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"incshare_top1","years":"1917-2013","short_desc":"Top 1% share of income","long_desc":"Share of total income earned by the top 1% of earners","sources":"Frank, Mark W. 'U.S. State-Level Income Inequality Data.' http://www.shsu.edu/eco_mwf/inequality.html\r\nFor methodology, see: Frank, Mark, Estelle Sommeiller, Mark Price, and Emmanuel Saez. 2015. 'Frank-Sommeiller-Price Series for Top Income Shares by US States since 1917.'","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Frank, Mark W. \"US state-level income inequality data.\" Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/~ eco_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012) (2015).","bibtex_cite":"@article{frank2015us,\r\r\n title={US state-level income inequality data},\r\r\n author={Frank, Mark W},\r\r\n journal={Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/\\~{} eco\\_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012)},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"incshare_top5","years":"1917-2013","short_desc":"Top 5% share of income","long_desc":"Share of total income earned by the top 5% of earners","sources":"Frank, Mark W. 'U.S. State-Level Income Inequality Data.' http://www.shsu.edu/eco_mwf/inequality.html. For methodology, see: Frank, Mark, Estelle Sommeiller, Mark Price, and Emmanuel Saez. 2015. 'Frank-Sommeiller-Price Series for Top Income Shares by US States since 1917.'","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Frank, Mark W. \"US state-level income inequality data.\" Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/~ eco_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012) (2015).","bibtex_cite":"@article{frank2015us,\r\r\n title={US state-level income inequality data},\r\r\n author={Frank, Mark W},\r\r\n journal={Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/\\~{} eco\\_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012)},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"incshare_top10","years":"1917-2013","short_desc":"Top 10% share of income","long_desc":"Share of total income earned by the top 10% of earners","sources":"Frank, Mark W. 'U.S. State-Level Income Inequality Data.' http://www.shsu.edu/eco_mwf/inequality.html\r\nFor methodology, see: Frank, Mark, Estelle Sommeiller, Mark Price, and Emmanuel Saez. 2015. 'Frank-Sommeiller-Price Series for Top Income Shares by US States since 1917.'","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Frank, Mark W. \"US state-level income inequality data.\" Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/~ eco_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012) (2015).","bibtex_cite":"@article{frank2015us,\r\r\n title={US state-level income inequality data},\r\r\n author={Frank, Mark W},\r\r\n journal={Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/\\~{} eco\\_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012)},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"theil_index","years":"1917-2013","short_desc":"Theil Index","long_desc":"State income inequality measured by Theil Index","sources":"Frank, Mark W. 'U.S. State-Level Income Inequality Data.' http://www.shsu.edu/eco_mwf/inequality.html","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Frank, Mark W. \"US state-level income inequality data.\" Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. http://www. shsu. edu/~ eco_mwf/inequality. html (accessed April 20, 2012) (2015).","bibtex_cite":"@article{frank2015us,\r\r\n title={US state-level income inequality data},\r\r\n author={Frank, Mark W},\r\r\n journal={Sam Houston State University: Department of Economics. (accessed April 20, 2012)},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"is_a_state","years":"1929-2016","short_desc":"State dummy variable","long_desc":"1 = is a state. 0 = DC and national data.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"region","years":"1929-2016","short_desc":"U.S. region","long_desc":"If state is located in South (1), West (2), Midwest (3), Northeast (4).","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: The codes do not reflect the numeric codes used by the Census","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"bfh_cpi_multiplier","years":"1961-2010","short_desc":"Change in state consumer price index","long_desc":"Change between years was established with the following formula.\r\n{[State_cpi_bfh_est (time t) - State_cpi_bfh_est (time t-1)] / State_cpi_bfh_est (time t-1)}+1","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes on construction of variable: i","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"budget_surplus","years":"1941-2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Budget surplus estimate","long_desc":"Computed by: General_revenue - general_expenditure. Note: this is not a good measure of a state's budget surplus in one year.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen budget_surplus= general_revenue- general_expenditure Coded years 2012-2016 using the above code","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"budget_surplus_gsp","years":"1963-2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Budget surplus as pct. of GSP","long_desc":"Budget surplus as percent of gross state product","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE:\r\ngen budget_surplus_gsp= (budget_surplus/(gsp_q*1000))*100\r\nCoded years 2012-2016 using the above code","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"budget_surplus_inc","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Budget surplus as pct. of personal income","long_desc":"Budget surplus as percent of personal income.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen budget_surplus_inc= (budget_surplus/personal_income1000s_b)*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"disposable_personal_income1000s_annual","years":"1948-2011","short_desc":"Total state disposable personal income","long_desc":"Total disposable personal income in the state, measured annually.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: http://www.bea.gov/. Then click on 'state and local area personal income' under 'regional.' Then under 'data' click on 'state annual personal income and employment.' Then, under 'Annual State Personal Income and Employment' click 'Personal income, per capita personal income, disposable personal income, and population (SA1-3, SA51-53).' Then click on Table ID 'SA51-53 Disposable Personal Income Summary.' This yields both personal income ($1,000s), population (persons), and per capita personal income (dollars) (the latter was a perfect function of the two former (after rounding) so wasn't retained).","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"fy_end_day","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Day in which fiscal year ends","long_desc":"Day of the month that the state fiscal year ends in.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fy_end_month","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Month in which fiscal year ends","long_desc":"Number of month that the state fiscal year ends in.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fy_end_quar","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Quarter in which fiscal year ends","long_desc":"Last quarter of the state fiscal year.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"general_expenditure","years":"1941-2018","short_desc":"General state expenditures","long_desc":"General state expenditures. All state government finance data are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: Figures exactly as they appear in the Census database file State_Govt_Finances for 1942 - 2006. For 2007 - 2010: http://www.census.gov/govs/state/\r\nNote for data put into quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4: although these data were put into quarters, they were not divided by 4. There are always four cases that have the same exact numbers. These sets of four are within the same state fiscal year. Note for data put into quarter 2.5: data for the fiscal year that matches the year of the case is put into 2.5. For example, Indiana's FY1986 (which goes from July 1st 1985, to June 30th, 1986) is put into 1986q2.5. United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"general_expenditure_gsp","years":"1963-2010","short_desc":"General expenditures as pct. of GSP","long_desc":"General expenditures as percent of gross state product","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE:\r\ngen general_expenditure_gsp= (general_expenditure/(gsp_q*1000))*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"general_expenditure_inc","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"General expenditures as pct. of personal income","long_desc":"General expenditures as percent of personal income.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen general_expenditure_inc= (general_expenditure/personal_income1000s_b)*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"general_revenue","years":"1941-2018","short_desc":"General state revenue","long_desc":"General state revenue. All state government finance data are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: Figures exactly as they appear in the Census database file State_Govt_Finances for 1942 - 2006. For 2007 - 2010: http://www.census.gov/govs/state/\r\nNote for data put into quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4: although these data were put into quarters, they were not divided by 4. There are always four cases that have the same exact numbers. These sets of four are within the same state fiscal year. Note for data put into quarter 2.5: data for the fiscal year that matches the year of the case is put into 2.5. For example, Indiana's FY1986 (which goes from July 1st 1985, to June 30th, 1986) is put into 1986q2.5.\r\nUnited States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"general_revenue_gsp","years":"1963-2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"General revenue as pct. of GSP","long_desc":"General revenue as percent of gross state product","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE:\r\ngen general_revenue_gsp= (general_revenue/(gsp_q*1000))*100\r\nCoded years 2012-2016 using the above code","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"general_revenue_inc","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"General revenue as pct. of personal income","long_desc":"General revenue as percent of personal income.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen general_revenue_inc= (general_revenue/personal_income1000s_b)*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"gov_fin_fy","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Fiscal year of quarter","long_desc":"Fiscal year that the quarter in question belongs to (when is_a_quarter=1) or simply the fiscal year in question when quar=2.5. Only observed when the six state government finances variables below are observed when is_a_quarter=1, but is always observed within the available time period when quar=2.5. Most states are available annually starting in 1950, and biennially for 1942, 1944, 1946, and 1948. See the variable state_gov_finance_exists for quarters and years of coverage for each state.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: ii","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_naics_ann","years":"1997-2010","short_desc":"Gross state product by NAICS","long_desc":"Gross state product, NAICS system of classification (millions of current dollars). quar=2.5 only","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: http://www.bea.gov/regional/gsp/","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_naics_ann_exists","years":"1997-2010","short_desc":"Gross state product by NAICS (dummy variable)","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = gsp_NAICS_ann exists, 0\r\n= else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_naics_ann_exists2","years":"1997-2010","short_desc":"Gross state product by NAICS (2nd\r\ndummy variable)","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = gsp_NAICS_ann exists (for the both quar=2.5 and for all quarters between the middle of the year that gsp_NAICS_ann exists for).","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNote: In other words, since gsp_NAICS_ann exists for 1997 to 2010, this is coded '1' for 1997q3 to 2010q2), blank = else.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_naics_ann_multiplier","years":"1998-2010","short_desc":"Gross state product by NAICS\r\nmultiplier","long_desc":"For Q=2.5: amount that last year's figure needs to be multiplied by to equal this year's figure. For Q=1, 2, 3 or 4: figure in Q=2.5, but altered as follows. Q3 from the year before Q2.5 gets a ^(1/8). Q4 from the year before Q2.5 gets a ^(1/4). Q1 from the year of Q2.5 gets a ^(1/4). Q2 from the year of Q2.5 gets a ^(1/4)","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_naics_q","years":"1997-2010","short_desc":"Gross state product by NAICS in\r\nmillions of current dollars","long_desc":"Millions of current dollars. For Q=2.5, this equals gsp_naics_ann or gsp_sic_ann as appropriate. For Qs=1, 2, 3 and 4, it equals the figure from the last quarter (or Q=2.5, for Q=3), times the multipliers gsp_naics_ann_multiplier or gsp_sics_ann_multiplier above as appropriate. Note: although these data were put into quarters, they were not divided by 4.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_q","years":"1963-2010","short_desc":"Gross state product combined in millions of current dollars","long_desc":"Millions of current dollars. Uses gsp_naics_q for 1997q2.5 to 2010. Uses gsp_sic_q for up to 1996q2.5. For 1996q3 to 1997q2, it connects the values between 1996q2.5 and 1997q2.5 with the multiplier. For the following three states only, 2010q2.5 was put into 2010q3: AL, MI, and TX.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_sic_ann","years":"1963-1997","short_desc":"Gross state product by SIC","long_desc":"Gross state product, SIC system of classification (millions of current dollars). Note: Figures for SIC and NAICS coexist for 1997","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: http://www.bea.gov/regional/gsp/","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_sic_ann_exists","years":"1963-1997","short_desc":"Gross state product by SIC dummy variable","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = gsp_SIC_ann exists (quar=2.5 only), 0 = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_sic_ann_exists2","years":"1963-1997","short_desc":"Gross state product by SIC (2nd dummy variable)","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = gsp_SIC_ann exists (for the both quar=2.5 and for all quarters between the middle of the year that gsp_SIC_ann exists for).","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNote: In other words, since gsp_SIC_ann exists for 1997 to 2010, this is coded '1' for 1997q3 to 2010q2), blank = else.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_sic_ann_multiplier","years":"1964-1997","short_desc":"Gross state product by SIC multiplier","long_desc":"For Q=2.5: amount that last year's figure needs to be multiplied by to equal this year's figure. For Q=1, 2, 3 or 4: figure in Q=2.5, but altered as follows. Q3 from the year before Q2.5 gets a ^(1/8). Q4 from the year before Q2.5 gets a ^(1/4). Q1 from the year of Q2.5 gets a ^(1/4). Q2 from the year of Q2.5 gets a ^(1/4)","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gsp_sic_q","years":"1963-1997","short_desc":"Gross state product by SIC in millions of current dollars","long_desc":"Millions of current dollars. For Q=2.5, this equals gsp_naics_ann or gsp_sic_ann as appropriate. For Qs=1, 2, 3 and 4, it equals the figure from the last quarter (or Q=2.5, for Q=3), times the multipliers gsp_naics_ann_multiplier or gsp_sics_ann_multiplier above as appropriate. Note: although these data were put into quarters, they were not divided by 4.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"housing_prices_quar","years":"1975-2011","short_desc":"Quarterly housing price index","long_desc":"When 'is_a_quarter'=1, this represents quarterly housing price index (1980q1=1 for all states). All- transaction index estimated using sales prices and appraisal data. Data isn't seasonally adjusted. When quar=2.5, this represents the average from the same indicator for the four quarters of the calendar year.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource for quarterly data: Federal Housing Finance Agency. http://www.fhfa.gov/Default.aspx?Page=87. 'States through 2012q1 (not seasonally adjusted) [CSV].' Note: In the original source, 1980q1=100, and so was divided by 100 here. In the original source, all states are given a score of '100' in 1980q1, so apparently the index isn't comparable across states.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"inc_multiplier","years":"1930-1947","short_desc":"Imputed quarterly income","long_desc":"Amount last period has to be multiplied by to get the next period. The purpose of this variable is to impute quarterly income before such data were available.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes on construction of variable:iii","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_construction_exp","years":"2006-2010","short_desc":"Legislative construction expenditures","long_desc":"State legislature's construction expenditures. Note: these are annual amounts put into quarters.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource (fy2006 to fy2010): http://www.census.gov/govs/state/","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_current_op_exp","years":"2006-2010","short_desc":"Legislative operating expenditures","long_desc":"State legislature's current operating expenditures. Note: these are annual amounts put into quarters.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource (fy2006 to fy2010): http://www.census.gov/govs/state/\r\nNote: when legislative_current_op_exp was non-zero, I pasted in '0' into the other variables if there was no data there.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_equipment_exp","years":"2006-2010","short_desc":"Legislative equipment expenditures","long_desc":"State legislature's equipment expenditures. Note: these are annual amounts put into quarters.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource (fy2006 to fy2010): http://www.census.gov/govs/state/\r\nNote: legislative_equipment_exp is often the same figure as legislative_other_capital_exp. When they differ, legislative_other_capital_exp is always larger.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_other_capital_exp","years":"2006-2010","short_desc":"Legislative other capital expenditures","long_desc":"State legislature's other capital expenditures. Note: these are annual amounts put into quarters.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource (fy2006 to fy2010): http://www.census.gov/govs/state/","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_total_exp","years":"1950-2010","short_desc":"Legislature total expenditures in current dollars (complete)","long_desc":"Total amount of money spent on the legislature (current dollars). Note: these are annual amounts put into quarters.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource (fy1951-fy2005): legislative_total_exp1; Source (fy2006-fy2010): legislative_total_exp2","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_total_exp_exists","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Legislature total expenditures in current dollars (complete dummy variable)","long_desc":"1 = legislative_total_exp has a non- missing value, and it is one of the cases that state_gov_finance_exists=1 for. 0\r\n= legislative_total_exp has a missing value, and it is one of the cases that state_gov_finance_exists=1 for. Blank\r\n= else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_total_exp1","years":"1950-2006","short_desc":"Legislature total expenditures","long_desc":"Total amount of money spent on the legislature (current $1s). Note: the four component parts of legislative expenditure are 1) current operations, legislative services (code E26), 2) construction, legislative (code F26), 3) other capital outlay, legislative (code G26), and 4) equipment only, legislative (code K26).","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource (fy1951-fy2006: State Government Finances file.\r\nNote: these are annual amounts put into quarters. Timing of variable: data put into the four quarters of the fiscal year the data are from. The data aren't divided by four, even though they're put into quarters.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_total_exp1_exists","years":"1941-2006","short_desc":"Legislature total expenditures (dummy variable)","long_desc":"1 = legislative_total_exp has a non- missing value, and it is one of the cases that state_gov_finance_exists=1 for. 0\r\n= legislative_total_exp has a missing value, and it is one of the cases that state_gov_finance_exists=1 for. Blank\r\n= else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_total_exp2","years":"2006-2010","short_desc":"Legislature total expenditures in current dollars","long_desc":"Total amount of money spent on the legislature (current $1s). Note: these are annual amounts put into quarters.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource (fy2006 to fy2010): http://www.census.gov/govs/state/","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"legislative_total_exp2_exists","years":"2006-2010","short_desc":"Legislature total expenditures in current dollars (dummy variable)","long_desc":"1 = legislative_total_exp2 has a non- missing value, and it is one of the cases that state_gov_finance_exists=1 for. 0\r\n= legislative_total_exp has a missing value, and it is one of the cases that state_gov_finance_exists=1 for. Blank\r\n= else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"nat_cpi_bls_quar","years":"1929-2011","short_desc":"National consumer price index","long_desc":"National consumer price index for the year, same value for all states within a quarter. This took the monthly data posted on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Web site, and averaged them within quarters, and applied them to all the states (not just to stateno=0, like in regional_cpi_bls_quar above) when 'is_a_quarter'=1. The months were averaged across a calendar year when quar=2.5.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: the variable 'cpi_bls_quar_interpolated' (although none of the national data were interpolated) from the file BLS_Regional_CPI_2012_06_04.xls. Before that ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/cpi/cpiai.txt","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"non_june_30_fy_end_date","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Non-June 30th fiscal year end date","long_desc":"1 = state fiscal year doesn't end on June 30th, 0 = state fiscal year ends on June 30th. blank = non-observed.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"odd_even_year","years":"1929-2016","short_desc":"Odd/even election year (dummy variable)","long_desc":"1 = state is an odd-year election state, 2\r\n= state is an even-year election state, 3 = Louisiana. Years available: 1929q1 to 2016q4","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pc_inc_ann","years":"1941-2010, 2012","short_desc":"Per capital annual income","long_desc":"Per capita income, annual data ($1s). Calculated by: (personal_income1000s_annual*1000)/ pop_annual","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pc_inc_quar","years":"1929-2011","short_desc":"Personal income per capita by quarter","long_desc":"Personal income per capita (dollars). Note: not in thousands, but in dollars. Computed by: (Personal_income1000s*1000) / pop_quar","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pc_inc_quar_exists","years":"1929-2012","short_desc":"Personal income per capita by quarter (dummy variable)","long_desc":"1 = pc_inc has a non-missing case. Blank = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"personal_income1000s","years":"1929-2011","short_desc":"Total personal income in state","long_desc":"Combines the variables personal_income1000s_quar (when is_a_quarter=1) and personal_income1000s_annual (when quar=2.5).","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"personal_income1000s_b","years":"1929-2011","short_desc":"Personal income","long_desc":"Personal income in $1,000s. For Q=2.5, it's equal to personal_income1000s_Annual.\r\nFor Qs=1, 2, 3 and 4, and years 1948q1 to 2011q4, it's equal to personal_income1000s_quar. For Qs=1, 2, 3 and 4, and years 1929q3 to 1947q4, it's equal to the 'last value' (q2.5 in the same year for q3, or the last quarter for other quarters) times the growth rate given in inc_multiplier.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"personal_income1000s_b_exists","years":"1929-2012","short_desc":"Personal income dummy","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = there is a value for 'Personal_income1000s_b.' Blank = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"real_inc1000s_quar_exists","years":"1960-2010","short_desc":"Real personal income (dummy variable)","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = there is a value for 'real_inc1000s_quar.' Blank = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"real_pc_inc_quar","years":"1960-2010","short_desc":"Real per capita personal income","long_desc":"Real per capita personal income (in 2007 dollars), deflated with Berry, Fording and Hanson cost of living index. ***Not in thousands, but in dollars.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"real_pc_inc_quar_exists","years":"1960-2010","short_desc":"Real per capita personal income (dummy variable)","long_desc":"1 = real_pc_inc_quar has a non- missing case. Blank = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"real_pc_inc_quar_exists2","years":"1960-2010","short_desc":"Real per capita personal ncome (2nd dummy variable)","long_desc":"2 = real_pc_inc_quar has a non- missing case and is the earliest time a case appears for that state (or the nation). If q=2.5, this is the first time a case appears for cases with q=2.5 for that state. If 'is_a_quarter'=1, this is the first time a case appears for cases with is_a_quarter=1 for that state. 1 = real_pc_inc_q has a non-missing case. Blank = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"real2_inc_quar","years":"1929-2011","short_desc":"Real personal income (in\r\n$1000s of current dollars), deflated by CPI","long_desc":"Real personal income, in 1,000s of current dollars, deflated with the national CPI (1982-1984$s, 1,000s).","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen real2_inc_quar= personal_income1000s_b / nat_cpi_bls_quar","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"real2_pc_inc_quar","years":"1929-2011","short_desc":"Real personal income deflated by CPI","long_desc":"Real per capita personal income, deflated with the national CPI (1982- 1984$s, 1,000s).","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen real2_pc_inc_quar= real2_inc_quar/pop_quar","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"real_leg_tot_exp","years":"1960-2010","short_desc":"Legislature total expenditures adjusted by first cost of living indicator","long_desc":"Total expenditures on the legislature deflated by the Berry, Fording and Hansen state and year specific cost of living indicator.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1. \r\nSTATA CODE: gen real_leg_tot_exp=legislative_total_exp / state_cpi_bfh_est_quar","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"real2_leg_tot_exp","years":"1950-2010","short_desc":"Legislature total expenditures adjusted by second cost of living indicator","long_desc":"Total expenditures on the legislature deflated by the national level cost of living indicator","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen real2_leg_tot_exp=legislative_total_exp / nat_cpi_bls_quar","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"state_cpi_bfh_est","years":"1960-2010","short_desc":"State consumer price index","long_desc":"Berry, Fording and Hanson (2000) state and year specific consumer price index, measured in July, with estimated values for 2008 through 2010 by Klarner\r\n2013.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource (1960-2007):\r\nSource: Berry, William D., Richard C. Fording and Russell L. Hanson. 2000. 'An Annual Cost of Living Index for the American States, 1960-95,' The Journal of Politics, 60(2): 550-67.\r\nLink: https://rcfording.wordpress.com/datasets/\r\nThe Berry, Fording, and Hanson (2000) dataset contains a yearly state cost of living index for the 48 continental states, for years 1960 - 2007, derived from state median housing values, per capita income, and population.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"state_cpi_bfh_est_quar","years":"1960-2010","short_desc":"Change in state consumer price index by quarter","long_desc":"Puts interpolated values into quarters. Multiplies the last period's state_cpi with bfh_cpi_multiplier.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"state_gov_finance_exists","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"State government finance variables (dummy variable)","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = all six of the state government finance variables listed above are observed. Blank = not observed. Note: if one of the state government finances variables is observed, the other five are also.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"taxes","years":"1941-2019","short_desc":"State tax revenue","long_desc":"State tax revenue. All state government finance data are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: Figures exactly as they appear in the Census database file State_Govt_Finances for 1942 - 2006. For 2007 - 2010: http://www.census.gov/govs/state/\r\nNote for data put into quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4: although these data were put into quarters, they were not divided by 4. There are always four cases that have the same exact numbers. These sets of four are within the same state fiscal year. Note for data put into quarter 2.5: data for the fiscal year that matches the year of the case is put into 2.5. For example, Indiana's FY1986 (which goes from July 1st 1985, to June 30th, 1986) is put into 1986q2.5.\r\nUnited States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"taxes_gsp","years":"1963-2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Tax revenue as pct. of GSP","long_desc":"Tax revenue as percent of gross state product","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE:\r\ngen taxes_gsp= (taxes/(gsp_q*1000))*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"taxes_inc","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Tax revenue as pct. of personal income","long_desc":"Tax revenue as percent of personal income","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen taxes_inc= (taxes/personal_income1000s_b)*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"total_debt_outstanding","years":"1941-2018","short_desc":"Total state debt outstanding","long_desc":"Total state debt outstanding. All state government finance data are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: Figures exactly as they appear in the Census database file State_Govt_Finances for 1942 - 2006. For 2007 - 2010: http://www.census.gov/govs/state/\r\nFor 2012-2016: United States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov\r\nNote for data put into quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4: although these data were put into quarters, they were not divided by 4. There are always four cases that have the same exact numbers. These sets of four are within the same state fiscal year. Note for data put into quarter 2.5: data for the fiscal year that matches the year of the case is put into 2.5. For example, Indiana's FY1986 (which goes from July 1st 1985, to June 30th, 1986) is put into 1986q2.5.\r\nUnited States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"total_debt_outstanding_gsp","years":"1963-2010","short_desc":"Total debt outstanding as pct. of GSP","long_desc":"Total debt outstanding as a percent of gross state product.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE:\r\ngen total_debt_outstanding_gsp= (total_debt_outstanding/(gsp_q*1000))*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"total_debt_outstanding_inc","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Total debt outstanding as pct. of personal income","long_desc":"Total debt outstanding as a percent of personal income.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen total_debt_outstanding_inc= (total_debt_outstanding/personal_income1000s_b)*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"total_expenditure","years":"1941-2018","short_desc":"Total state expenditures","long_desc":"Total state expenditures. All state government finance data are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: Figures exactly as they appear in the Census database file State_Govt_Finances for 1942 - 2006. For 2007 - 2010: http://www.census.gov/govs/state/\r\nNote for data put into quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4: although these data were put into quarters, they were not divided by 4. There are always four cases that have the same exact numbers. These sets of four are within the same state fiscal year. Note for data put into quarter 2.5: data for the fiscal year that matches the year of the case is put into 2.5. For example, Indiana's FY1986 (which goes from July 1st 1985, to June 30th, 1986) is put into 1986q2.5.\r\nUnited States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"total_expenditure_gsp","years":"1963-2010","short_desc":"Total expenditures as pct. of GSP","long_desc":"Total expenditures as percent of gross state product","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE:\r\ngen total_expenditure_gsp= (total_expenditure/(gsp_q*1000))*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"total_expenditure_inc","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Total expenditures as pct. of personal income","long_desc":"Total expenditures as percent of personal income","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1STATA CODE: gen total_expenditure_inc= (total_expenditure/personal_income1000s_b)*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"State economic data.\" Harvard Dataverse 1 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarner2013state,\r\r\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\r\r\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\ntitle = {{State Economic Data}},\r\r\nyear = {2013},\r\r\nversion = {DRAFT VERSION},\r\r\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N},\r\r\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"total_revenue","years":"1941-2018","short_desc":"Total state revenue","long_desc":"Total state revenue. All state government finance data are in 1,000s of current dollars.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource: Figures exactly as they appear in the Census database file State_Govt_Finances for 1942 - 2006. For 2007 - 2010: http://www.census.gov/govs/state/\r\nNote for data put into quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4: although these data were put into quarters, they were not divided by 4. There are always four cases that have the same exact numbers. These sets of four are within the same state fiscal year. Note for data put into quarter 2.5: data for the fiscal year that matches the year of the case is put into 2.5. For example, Indiana's FY1986 (which goes from July 1st 1985, to June 30th, 1986) is put into 1986q2.5.\r\nUnited States Census Bureau: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/programs.xhtml?program=as gov","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"total_revenue_gsp","years":"1963-2010","short_desc":"Total revenue as pct. of GSP","long_desc":"Total revenue as percent of gross state product","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE:\r\ngen total_revenue_gsp= (total_revenue/(gsp_q*1000))*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"total_revenue_inc","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Total revenue as pct. of personal income","long_desc":"Total revenue as percent of personal income.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Economic Data', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KMWN7N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSTATA CODE: gen total_revenue_inc= (total_revenue/personal_income1000s_b)*100","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State economic data. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State economic data},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"budgt_solv","years":"2014","short_desc":"Budget solvency","long_desc":"A state's standardized budget solvency index","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"c_ce_i","years":"2014","short_desc":"Cash + cash equivalents + investments (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's cash + cash equivalents + investments (in thousands $)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"c_ce_i_r","years":"2014","short_desc":"Cash + cash equivalents + investments + receivables (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's cash + cash equivalents + investments + receivables (in thousands\r\n$)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"cash_index","years":"2014","short_desc":"Cash solvency","long_desc":"A state's standardized cash solvency index","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"cash_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"Cash ratio","long_desc":"A state's cash ratio:\r\n(cash + cash equivalents + investments)/current liabilities\r\nHigher ratio indicates greater cash solvency","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_in_net_assets","years":"2014","short_desc":"Change in net assets","long_desc":"A state's change in net assets","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"current_liabilities","years":"2014","short_desc":"Current liabilities (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's current liabilities (in thousands $)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"current_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"Current ratio","long_desc":"A state's current ratio:\r\n(current assets / current liabilities)\r\nHigher ratio indicates greater solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exp_income_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"Expenses to income ratio","long_desc":"A state's expenses to income ratio:\r\nTotal expenses/state personal income\r\nHigher value indicates lower service-level solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fisc_cond_w_trust_fund","years":"2014","short_desc":"Fiscal condition with trust fund solvency","long_desc":"A state's standardized fiscal condition index, weighted by 35% cash index, 35% budget index, 10% long run index, 10% service level index, and 10% trust fund index.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"long_term_liab","years":"2014","short_desc":"Long-term liability ratio","long_desc":"A state's long-term liability ratio:\r\nlong-term (noncurrent) liabilities / total assets\r\nLower value indicates greater long-run solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lr_solvencyindex","years":"2014","short_desc":"Long run solvency","long_desc":"A state's standardized long run solvency index","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lt_percapita","years":"2014","short_desc":"Long-term liability per capita","long_desc":"A state's long-term liability per capita:\r\nLong-term (noncurrent) liabilities / population\r\nLower value indicates greater long-run solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"net_asst_rat","years":"2014","short_desc":"Net asset ratio","long_desc":"A state's net asset ratio:\r\nrestricted and unrestricted net assets / total assets\r\nHigher ratio indicates stronger long-run solvency","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"noncurrent_liabilities","years":"2014","short_desc":"Non-current liabilities (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's non-current liabilities (in thousands $)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"noncurrent_liabilities2","years":"2014","short_desc":"Non-current liabilities","long_desc":"A state's non-current liabilities","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"op_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"Operating ratio","long_desc":"A state's operating ratio:\r\ntotal revenues / total expenses\r\nOne or greater indicates budget solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"opeb_income_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"OPEB to income ratio","long_desc":"A state's other post-employment benefits to income ratio:\r\nOPEB / state personal income\r\nHigher value indicates lower trust fund solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pension_income_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"Unfunded pension to income ratio","long_desc":"A state's unfunded pension to income ratio:\r\nunfunded pension liability / state personal income\r\nHigher value indicates lower trust fund solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"primary_debt_income_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"Debt to income ratio","long_desc":"A state's debt to income ratio:\r\ntotal primary government debt / state personal income\r\nHigher value indicates lower trust fund solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"primary_gov_debt","years":"2014","short_desc":"Primary government debt","long_desc":"A state's primary government debt","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"quick_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"Quick ratio","long_desc":"A state's quick ratio: (cash + cash equivalents + investments\r\n+ receivables) / current liabilities\r\nHigher ratio indicates greater cash solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"restricted_net_assets","years":"2014","short_desc":"Restricted assets (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's restricted assets (in thousands\r\n$)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"rev_income_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"Revenue to income ratio","long_desc":"A state's revenue to income ratio:\r\ntotal revenues / state personal income\r\nHigher value indicates lower service- level solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ser_lvl_solv","years":"2014","short_desc":"Service level solvency","long_desc":"A state's standardized service level solvency index","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"surplus_percap","years":"2014","short_desc":"Surplus or deficit per capita","long_desc":"A state's surplus or deficit per capita:\r\nchange in net assets / population\r\nPositive ratio indicates budget solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.\r\nCoded years 2015-2016 using the following code: (General_revenue - general_expenditure)/ pop_annual","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, E. and Gonzalez, O., 2018. Ranking the states by fiscal condition. Mercatus Research Paper.","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"tax_income_ratio","years":"2014","short_desc":"Tax to income ratio","long_desc":"A state's tax to income ratio: total taxes / state personal income\r\nHigher value indicates lower service- level solvency.","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"total_assets","years":"2014","short_desc":"Total assets (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's total assets (in thousands $)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"total_current_assets","years":"2014","short_desc":"Total current assets (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's total current assets (in thousands $)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"total_expenses","years":"2014","short_desc":"Total expenses","long_desc":"A state's total expenses","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"total_liabilities","years":"2014","short_desc":"Total liabilities (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's total liabilities (in thousands\r\n$)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"total_net_assets","years":"2014","short_desc":"Total net assets (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's total net assets (in thousands\r\n$)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"total_revenue_mercatus","years":"2014","short_desc":"Total revenue","long_desc":"A state's total revenue","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"total_taxes","years":"2014","short_desc":"Total taxes","long_desc":"A state's total taxes","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"trust_fund_solv","years":"2014","short_desc":"Trust fund solvency","long_desc":"A state's standardized trust fund solvency index","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"uaal_opeb","years":"2014","short_desc":"Unfunded actuarial accrued liability for other post- employment benefits","long_desc":"A state's unfunded actuarial accrued liability for other post-employment benefits","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"uaal_pension","years":"2014","short_desc":"Unfunded actuarial accrued liability for pensions","long_desc":"A state's unfunded actuarial accrued liability for pensions","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"unrestricted_net_assets","years":"2014","short_desc":"Unrestricted assets (in thousands $)","long_desc":"A state's unrestricted assets (in thousands $)","sources":"Norcross, Eileen and Olivia Gonzalez. 2016. 'Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition.' 2016 edition. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University. http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Norcross-Fiscal-Rankings-2-v2_1.pdf.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Norcross, Eileen, and Olivia Gonzalez. \"Ranking the states by fiscal condition.\" Mercatus Research Paper (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{norcross2018ranking,\r\r\n title={Ranking the states by fiscal condition},\r\r\n author={Norcross, Eileen and Gonzalez, Olivia},\r\r\n journal={Mercatus Research Paper},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_amustax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in amusement tax revenues from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in amusement tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_bustax_other","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in other business taxes and fees revenue from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in revenue from other business taxes and fees (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_corplicrev","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in corporate licenses revenue from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in corporate license revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_corptax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in corporate income tax revenues from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in corporate income tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_docstocktax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in document and stock transfers tax revenues from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change document and stock transfer revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_fueltax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in fuel tax revenue from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in fuel tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_incometax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in personal income tax revenue from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in personal income tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_proptax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in property tax revenue from the previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in property tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_salestax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in sales tax revenue from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in sales tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_sevtax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in severance tax revenue from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in severance tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_stincometax","years":"2007-2015","short_desc":"Change in personal state income tax revenue from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in personal state income tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_tobtax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in tobacco tax revenue from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in tobacco tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_utiltax","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Change in public utility tax revenues from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in utility tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"change_vehtax","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Change in motor vehicles tax revenue from previous year","long_desc":"Year over year percentage change in motor vehicle tax revenue (note controlled for impact of tax policy)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"dayreserve_genfund","years":"2000-2015","short_desc":"Days' worth of general Fund expenditures in reserve","long_desc":"State reserves as a share of daily general expenditures","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: The Fiscal Survey of States: National Association of State Budget Offices","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Michel, Adam N. \"State Bailouts Create Poor Incentives, Do Not Fix Underlying Problems.\"","bibtex_cite":"@article{michelstate,\r\r\n title={State Bailouts Create Poor Incentives, Do Not Fix Underlying Problems},\r\r\n author={Michel, Adam N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"employ_pop","years":"2008-2015","short_desc":"Rolling employment to population ratio","long_desc":"Ratio of employed people among civilian, noninstitutionalized 25 to 54 year olds (annualized average of four quarters)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Current Population Survey: BLS/Census Bureau","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"endingbal_rainyday","years":"2000-2015","short_desc":"Ending balance plus rainy day funds","long_desc":"Sum of general fund ending balances plus rainy day fund ending balances (in millions)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: The Fiscal Survey of States: National Association of State Budget Offices","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Michel, Adam N. \"State Bailouts Create Poor Incentives, Do Not Fix Underlying Problems.\"","bibtex_cite":"@article{michelstate,\r\r\n title={State Bailouts Create Poor Incentives, Do Not Fix Underlying Problems},\r\r\n author={Michel, Adam N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fedshare_rev","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Federal share of state revenue","long_desc":"Federal revenue as a share of total state revenue","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Census: State Govt Tax Collections","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"med_spending_own","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Medicaid spending divided by own- source revenue","long_desc":"State funded Medicaid spending as a share of own-source revenue (general revenue-federal funds)","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Census: Annual Survey of State Govt Finances","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, Pew Charitable. \"Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.\" (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2018fiscal,\r\r\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\r\r\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\r\r\n year={2018},\r\r\n publisher={March}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"res_genfund","years":"2000-2015","short_desc":"Reserves as a percent of general fund expenditures","long_desc":"Reserves as a percent of general fund expenditures\r\nreserves / general fund expenditures","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: The Fiscal Survey of States: National Association of State Budget Offices","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Michel, Adam N. \"State Bailouts Create Poor Incentives, Do Not Fix Underlying Problems.\"","bibtex_cite":"@article{michelstate,\r\r\n title={State Bailouts Create Poor Incentives, Do Not Fix Underlying Problems},\r\r\n author={Michel, Adam N}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"spending_fedfunds_perincome","years":"1993-2012","short_desc":"Federal spending over total state personal income","long_desc":"Spending from federal funds as a share of state personal income","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: US Census Annual Survey of State Government Finances & US BEA Regional Economic Accounts","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, P.C., 2014. Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2014fiscal,\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\n year={2014}\n}"} {"variable":"spending_stfunds_perincome","years":"1993-2012","short_desc":"State spending over total state personal income","long_desc":"Spending from state funds as a share of state personal income","sources":"Pew Charitable Trusts, 2016. Fiscal 50: State Trends and Analysis.\r\nSource: US Census Annual Survey of State Government Finances & US BEA Regional Economic Accounts","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Trusts, P.C., 2014. Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{trusts2014fiscal,\n title={Fiscal 50: State trends and analysis},\n author={Trusts, Pew Charitable},\n year={2014}\n}"} {"variable":"taxcapacityindex","years":"1960-1991","short_desc":"State tax capacity index","long_desc":"Estimate of state values on the ACIR's (Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations) tax capacity index.","sources":"Berry, William D. and Richard C. Fording. 'Measuring State Tax Capacity and Effort.' Social Science Quarterly 78 (2007): 158-66.\r\nhttp://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/ICPSR/studies/1124?q=Richard+Fordi ng&permit%5B0%5D=AVAILABLE","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berry, W.D. and Fording, R.C., 1997. Measuring state tax capacity and effort. Social Science Quarterly, 78(1), pp.158-166.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berry1997measuring,\n title={Measuring state tax capacity and effort},\n author={Berry, William D and Fording, Richard C},\n journal={Social Science Quarterly},\n volume={78},\n number={1},\n pages={158--166},\n year={1997},\n publisher={JSTOR}\n}"} {"variable":"taxeffortindex","years":"1960-1991","short_desc":"State tax effort index","long_desc":"Estimate of state values on the ACIR's (Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations) tax effort index.","sources":"Berry, William D. and Richard C. Fording. 'Measuring State Tax Capacity and Effort.' Social Science Quarterly 78 (2007): 158-66. http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/ICPSR/studies/1124?q=Richard+Fordi ng&permit%5B0%5D=AVAILABLE","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berry, W.D. and Fording, R.C., 1997. Measuring state tax capacity and effort. Social Science Quarterly, 78(1), pp.158-166.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berry1997measuring,\n title={Measuring state tax capacity and effort},\n author={Berry, William D and Fording, Richard C},\n journal={Social Science Quarterly},\n volume={78},\n number={1},\n pages={158--166},\n year={1997},\n publisher={JSTOR}\n}"} {"variable":"bus_rank_cnbc","years":"2007-2012","short_desc":"CNBC best state to do business in ranking","long_desc":"Rank in CNBC's analysis of the best states to conduct business in.","sources":"CNBC. 'America's Top States for Business.'\r\nProvided by: Pallay, Geoff. 2012. Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Pallay, Geoff. “America’s Top States for Business. CNBC.” (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@misc{pallay2012america's,\r\r\n title={America’s Top States for Business, CNBC},\r\r\n author={Pallay, Geoff},\r\r\n year={2012}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"bus_rank_forbes","years":"2006-2012","short_desc":"Forbes best state to do business in ranking","long_desc":"Rank in Forbes' analysis of the best states to conduct business in.","sources":"Forbes. 'Best States for Business.'\r\nProvided by: Pallay, Geoff. 2012. Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Badenhausen, Kurt. \"The Best States of Business Methodology. Forbes.\" (2011).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{badenhausen2011best,\r\r\n title={The Best States of Business Methodology. Forbes},\r\r\n author={Badenhausen, Kurt},\r\r\n year={2011}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"sp_credit","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"S&P state credit rating rank","long_desc":"Ranking of states from best to worst bond rating, according to Standard and Poor's","sources":"Provided by: Pallay, Geoff. 2012. Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Badenhausen, Kurt. \"The Best States of Business Methodology. Forbes.\" (2011).","bibtex_cite":"@misc{badenhausen2011best,\r\r\n title={The Best States of Business Methodology. Forbes},\r\r\n author={Badenhausen, Kurt},\r\r\n year={2011}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"cash_assist_percap","years":"1975-2006","short_desc":"Cash assistance spending","long_desc":"Total state cash assistance spending per capita","sources":"Hayes, Thomas J., and D. Xavier Medina Vidal. 'Fiscal Policy and Economic Inequality in the U.S. States: Taxing and Spending from 1976 to 2006.' Political Research Quarterly 68.2 (2015): 392-407.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Hayes, T.J. and Medina Vidal, D.X., 2015. Fiscal policy and economic inequality in the US states: Taxing and spending from 1976 to 2006. Political Research Quarterly, 68(2), pp.392-407.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hayes2015fiscal,\n title={Fiscal policy and economic inequality in the US states: Taxing and spending from 1976 to 2006},\n author={Hayes, Thomas J and Medina Vidal, D Xavier},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={2},\n pages={392--407},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"unemploy_comp_percap","years":"1975-2006","short_desc":"Unemployment compensation spending","long_desc":"Total state unemployment compensation spending per capita","sources":"Hayes, Thomas J., and D. Xavier Medina Vidal. 'Fiscal Policy and Economic Inequality in the U.S. States: Taxing and Spending from 1976 to 2006.' Political Research Quarterly 68.2 (2015): 392-407.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Hayes, T.J. and Medina Vidal, D.X., 2015. Fiscal policy and economic inequality in the US states: Taxing and spending from 1976 to 2006. Political Research Quarterly, 68(2), pp.392-407.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hayes2015fiscal,\n title={Fiscal policy and economic inequality in the US states: Taxing and spending from 1976 to 2006},\n author={Hayes, Thomas J and Medina Vidal, D Xavier},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={2},\n pages={392--407},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_spending_percap","years":"1975-2006","short_desc":"Welfare spending","long_desc":"Total state welfare spending per capita","sources":"Hayes, Thomas J., and D. Xavier Medina Vidal. 'Fiscal Policy and Economic Inequality in the U.S. States: Taxing and Spending from 1976 to 2006.' Political Research Quarterly 68.2 (2015): 392-407.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Hayes, T.J. and Medina Vidal, D.X., 2015. Fiscal policy and economic inequality in the US states: Taxing and spending from 1976 to 2006. Political Research Quarterly, 68(2), pp.392-407.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hayes2015fiscal,\n title={Fiscal policy and economic inequality in the US states: Taxing and spending from 1976 to 2006},\n author={Hayes, Thomas J and Medina Vidal, D Xavier},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={2},\n pages={392--407},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"gsppcap","years":"1987-2010","short_desc":"Gross state product per capita","long_desc":"Per capita GDP by state is the state counterpart of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) divided by the residents of the state. Current dollars per state resident. Per capita GDP by state is derived as the sum of the GDP originating in all the industries in a state divided by the population of the state.","sources":"US Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis. 2012. 'NAICS Per Capita GDP by state/SIC Per Capita GDP by state.' Accessed at: http://www.bea.gov/regional/downloadzip.cfm.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNote: There is a discontinuity in the GDP-by-state time series at 1997, where the data change from SIC industry definitions to NAICS industry definitions. This discontinuity results from many sources, including differences in source data and different estimation methodologies. In addition, the NAICS-based GDP-by-state estimates are consistent with U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) while the SIC-based GDP-by-state estimates are consistent with U.S. gross domestic income (GDI). This data discontinuity may affect both the levels and the growth rates of the GDP-by-state estimates. NAICS industry defined data was used for 1997.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Cummins, J. David, and Mary A. Weiss. \"Analyzing firm performance in the insurance industry using frontier efficiency and productivity methods.\" Handbook of insurance. Springer, New York, NY, 2013. 795-861.","bibtex_cite":"@incollection{cummins2013analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing firm performance in the insurance industry using frontier efficiency and productivity methods},\r\r\n author={Cummins, J David and Weiss, Mary A},\r\r\n booktitle={Handbook of insurance},\r\r\n pages={795--861},\r\r\n year={2013},\r\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gsptotal","years":"1963-2016","short_desc":"Gross state product total","long_desc":"GDP by state is the state counterpart of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP). GDP by state is derived as the sum of the GDP originating in all the industries in a state (in millions of current dollars)","sources":"US Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis. 2012. 'NAICS Per Capita GDP by state/SIC Per Capita GDP by state.' Accessed at: http://www.bea.gov/regional/downloadzip.cfm.\r\nNote: There is a discontinuity in the GDP-by-state time series at 1997, where the data change from SIC industry definitions to NAICS industry definitions. This discontinuity results from many sources, including differences in source data and different estimation methodologies. In addition, the NAICS-based GDP-by-state estimates are consistent with U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) while the SIC-based GDP-by-state estimates are consistent with U.S. gross domestic income (GDI). This data discontinuity may affect both the levels and the growth rates of the GDP-by-state estimates. NAICS industry defined data was used for 1997.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Product, Gross Domestic. \"US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.\" URL: http://research. stlouisfed. org/fred2/categories/18 (2012).","bibtex_cite":"@article{product2012us,\r\r\n title={US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis},\r\r\n author={Product, Gross Domestic},\r\r\n journal={URL: http://research. stlouisfed. org/fred2/categories/18},\r\r\n year={2012}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"incomepcap","years":"1929-2019","short_desc":"Income per capita","long_desc":"Per capita personal income is the income that is received by persons from all sources. Total personal income divided by total midyear population.","sources":"U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. 'SA1-3 Personal income summary.' Accessed at: http://www.bea.gov/iTable/iTable.cfm?ReqID=70&step=1#reqid=70&step=1 &isuri=1.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNote: This measure of income is calculated as the personal income of the residents of a given area divided by the resident population of the area. In computing per capita personal income, BEA uses the Census Bureau's annual midyear population estimates.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. “SA1-3 Personal income summary.” URL: http://www.bea.gov/iTable/iTable.cfm?ReqID=70&step=1#reqid=70&step=1&isuri=1 (2019)","bibtex_cite":"@article{summaryus,\r\r\n title={SA1-3 Personal income summary},\r\r\n author={U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis}\r\r\n journal={URL: http://www.bea.gov/iTable/iTable.cfm?ReqID=70&step=1#reqid=70&step=1&isuri=1},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pctwomenearn","years":"2002-2011","short_desc":"Women's earnings as a percent of men's","long_desc":"Percent of women's median weekly earnings as a percent of men's (all races). Data calculated from median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers.","sources":"U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2016. 'Women's Earnings as a Percent of Men's Earnings.' Accessed at: http://www.bls.gov/cps/earnings.htm#demographics.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNote: In general, the sampling error for the state estimates is considerably larger than it is for the national estimates; thus, comparisons of state estimates should be made with caution. Data measure usual hourly and weekly earnings of wage and salary workers. All self-employed persons are excluded, regardless of whether their businesses are incorporated. Data represent earnings before taxes and other deductions and include any overtime pay, commissions, or tips usually received. The earnings data are collected from one-fourth of the CPS total sample of approximately 60,000 households.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Women’s Earnings as a Percent of Men’s Earnings.”http://www.bls.gov/cps/earnings.htm#demographics (2016)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2016womens\r\r\n title={Women’s Earnings as a Percent of Men’s Earnings},\r\r\n author={U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics},\r\r\n journal={URL: http://www.bea.gov/iTable/iTable.cfm?ReqID=70&step=1#reqid=70&step=1&isuri=1},\r\r\n year={2016}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"unemployment","years":"1975-1994, 1996-2017","short_desc":"Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population","long_desc":"Unemployment rate, measured as percentage of state's labor force that is out of work.","sources":"Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2012. 'Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey.'\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nFor 2005-2017: University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey.” https://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_aa2012.htm (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@article{bureau2012labor\r\n title={Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey},\r\r\n author={U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics},\r\r\n journal={URL: https://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_aa2012.htm},\r\r\n year={2012}\r\r\n}","plaintext_cite2":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research, 2019. UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980–2017.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{university2019ukcpr,\n title={UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980--2017},\n author={University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Gatto College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky Lexington, KY}\n}"} {"variable":"bankrupt","years":"1901, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1922, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1934, 1936, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Number of bankruptcy filings in state","long_desc":"This variable displays the total number of bankruptcy case filings in each state for calendar years 1999-2009. The value in each year is calculated by taking the sum of bankruptcy cases that were filed in each state.","sources":"The United States Department of Justice. 2012. 'Total Case Filings, Calendar Years 1999-2009.' Accessed at: https://www.justice.gov/ust/bankruptcy-data- statistics\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNote: Source of filing data is the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. The substantial decrease in 2006 across all states is mainly due to the introduction of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"The United States Department of Justice. “Total Case Filings, Calendar Years 1999-2009.” https://www.justice.gov/ust/bankruptcy-data-statistics (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@article{united2012total\r\n title={Total Case Filings, Calendar Years 1999-2009},\r\r\n author={The United States Department of Justice},\r\r\n journal={URL: https://www.justice.gov/ust/bankruptcy-data-statistics},\r\r\n year={2012}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"foodstampben","years":"2002-2011","short_desc":"Food stamp benefits","long_desc":"Average monthly food stamp benefits per person in a fiscal year. Food stamps are defined as a federal entitlement program providing credit to purchase food items for people earning less than 130% of the federal poverty line. The federal fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30. (Avg. dollars per participant.) The number of persons participating is reported monthly.\r\nAnnual averages are the sums divided by twelve.","sources":"Kaiser Family Organization. 2016. 'Average Monthly Food Stamp Benefits per Participant.' Accessed at: http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/avg- monthly-food-stamp-benefits/. Originally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNote: In 2008, the 'Food Stamp' program was re-named SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The name change reflects the program's focus on nutrition and putting healthy food within reach for low income households. 2011 data are preliminary. Generally SNAP households must have monthly gross income less than 130 percent of the Federal poverty guidelines ($2,422 for a family of four in fiscal year 2012), monthly net income less than 100 percent of the poverty guidelines, and assets of less than $2,000. SNAP clients can buy all foods carrying a nutrition facts label and intended to be eaten at home. Some items, such as alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, vitamins or medicines and pet foods are not allowed.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Organization. “Average Monthly Food Stamp Benefits per Participant.” http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/avg-monthly-food-stamp-benefits/ (2016)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2016average\r\n title={Average Monthly Food Stamp Benefits per Participant},\r\r\n author={Kaiser Family Organization},\r\r\n journal={URL: http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/avg-monthly-food-stamp-benefits/ },\r\r\n year={2016}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"statemin","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"State minimum wage","long_desc":"State minimum wage in dollars.","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"employed","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Employed population (total number)","long_desc":"Total number of people employed within the state.","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"unemployed","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Unemployed population (total number)","long_desc":"Total number of people unemployed within the state.","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"afdc_case","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"AFDC/TANF\r\ncaseloads","long_desc":"Average monthly number of total family caseloads for AFDC/TANF within a year.","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"afdc_rep","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"AFDC/TANF\r\nrecipients","long_desc":"Average monthly number of total recipients of AFDC/TANF within a year.","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"afdccases_childonly","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"AFDC/TANF\r\nchild-only caseloads","long_desc":"Average monthly number of total no- parent (child-only) caseloads for AFDC/TANF within a year.","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"marginallyfoodinsecure","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Marginally food insecure","long_desc":"Proportion of individuals deemed marginally food insecure (i.e., answer 'yes' to at least one question from the Core Food Security Model, Current Population Survey)","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"foodinsecure","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Food insecure","long_desc":"Proportion of individuals deemed food insecure (i.e., answer 'yes' to at least three questions from the Core Food Security Model, Current Population Survey)","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"verylowfoodsecure","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Very low food insecure","long_desc":"Proportion of individuals deemed very low food insecure (i.e., answer 'yes' to at least eight questions from the Core Food Security Model, Current Population Survey)","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"foodstamp_case","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Food stamp/SNAP caseloads","long_desc":"Average monthly number of total caseloads for food stamps/SNAP within a year.","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"foodstamp_rep","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Food stamp/SNAP recipients","long_desc":"Average monthly number of persons receiving food stamps/SNAP within a year.","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"nslp_free","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"NSLP free participation","long_desc":"Participation in the National School Lunch Program (free)","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"nslp_reduced","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"NSLP reduced participation","long_desc":"Participation in the National School Lunch Program (reduced)","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"nslp_total","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Total NSLP participation","long_desc":"Total participation in the National School Lunch Program","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"sbp_free","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"SBP free participation","long_desc":"Participation in the School Breakfast Program (free)","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"sbp_reduced","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"SBP reduced participation","long_desc":"Participation in the School Breakfast Program (reduced)","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"sbp_total","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Total SBP participation","long_desc":"Total participation in the School Breakfast Program","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"povrate","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"State poverty rate","long_desc":"Estimated percent of individuals living in poverty. Note: The official poverty definition uses money income before taxes and does not include capital gains or noncash benefits (such as public housing, Medicaid, and food stamps).","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ssirecipients_aged","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Number of aged SSI recipients","long_desc":"Number of persons receiving federally administered Social Security Income (SSI) payments under aged enrollment category","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ssirecipients_blind","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Number of blind SSI recipients","long_desc":"Number of persons receiving federally administered Social Security Income (SSI) payments under blind enrollment category","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ssirecipients_disabled","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Number of disabled SSI recipients","long_desc":"Number of persons receiving federally administered Social Security Income (SSI) payments under disabled enrollment category","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ssirecipients_total","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Total number of SSI recipients","long_desc":"Number of persons receiving federally administered Social Security Income (SSI) payments","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ssistate","years":"1980-2011","short_desc":"Maximum SSI state benefits","long_desc":"Maximum amount of SSI benefits from state","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data\r\nNote: This variable is no longer being updated by the source.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research, 2019. UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980–2017.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{university2019ukcpr,\n title={UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980--2017},\n author={University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Gatto College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky Lexington, KY}\n}"} {"variable":"ssitotal","years":"1980-2011","short_desc":"Total SSI benefits","long_desc":"Maximum total SSI benefits (state plus federal)","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data\r\nNote: This variable is no longer being updated by the source.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research, 2019. UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980–2017.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{university2019ukcpr,\n title={UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980--2017},\n author={University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Gatto College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky Lexington, KY}\n}"} {"variable":"stateeitcrate","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"State EITC rate","long_desc":"State Earned Income Tax Credit, as a percentage of federal credit","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"wicparticipation","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"WIC\r\nparticipation","long_desc":"Total participation in the Women, Infants, and Children Program","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"workerscompensation","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Workers' compensation","long_desc":"Total state workers' compensation spending in thousands of dollars","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"aapfdp","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2016","short_desc":"Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend actual payouts","long_desc":"Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend actual payouts (previous calendar year)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aairpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Air transportation spending, % of income","long_desc":"Air transportation spending, % of income (aairspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aairspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government air transportation direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government air transportation direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aalct","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local alcohol tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local alcohol tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aalct2","years":"1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, 1976-1999, 2001, 2003-2011","short_desc":"State and local alcohol tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local alcohol tax revenues, in millions of dollars (values for subsequent fiscal year)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aslcash","years":"1995-2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"State and local government cash and security holdings, other than trust funds, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government cash and security holdings, other than trust funds, in millions of dollars (NASBO used to apply changes to estimate most recent years, in italics)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apersinc","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"Personal income in millions of dollars, fiscal year","long_desc":"Personal income in millions of dollars, fiscal year","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apersinca","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"Personal income, fiscal year, concept two","long_desc":"Personal income, fiscal year, concept two: apersinc + acapgain + aben - asupp","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apersinccy","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Personal income in millions of dollars, calendar year","long_desc":"Personal income in millions of dollars, calendar year","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aasstpi","years":"1995-2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"Cash and security assets,\r\n% of income","long_desc":"Cash and security assets, % of income (aslcash / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aasstpia","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"Cash and security assets,\r\n% of income, concept two","long_desc":"Cash and security assets, % of income, concept two (aslcash / apersinca)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aben","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"Taxable pensions and annuity, millions of dollars, calendar year","long_desc":"Taxable pensions and annuity, millions of dollars, calendar year (carried forward as needed)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"acapgain","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"Net capital gain, less loss, millions of dollars, calendar year","long_desc":"Net capital gain, less loss, millions of dollars, calendar year (carried forward as needed)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"achgt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from current charges, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local revenues from current charges, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"acinct","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local corporate income tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local corporate income tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"acjarea","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Effective number of competing jurisdictions per 100 sq mi","long_desc":"Effective number of competing jurisdictions per 100 sq mi","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"acorrpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Corrections spending, % of income","long_desc":"Corrections spending, % of income (acorrspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"acorrspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government total corrections direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government total corrections direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"acredit","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"State government credit rating, Standard & Poor's","long_desc":"State government credit rating, Standard & Poor's (0 = AAA, 1 = AA+, 2 = AA, 3 = AA-, 4 = A+, 5 = A,\r\n6 = A-, 7 = BBB+, 8 = BBB)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"adebtpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Debt, % of income","long_desc":"Debt, % of income (asldebt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"adebtpia","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Debt, % of income, concept two","long_desc":"Debt, % of income, concept two (asldebt / apersinca)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"adjsppib","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2010","short_desc":"Unexpected total spending, concept B","long_desc":"Unexpected total spending, concept B (residuals: atotpib on agrantspi)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"adjsppic","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2010","short_desc":"Unexpected total spending, concept C","long_desc":"Unexpected total spending, concept C (residuals: atotpic on agrantspi)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aedpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Educational spending, % of income","long_desc":"Educational spending, % of income (aedspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aedpia","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unexpected education spending","long_desc":"Unexpected education spending (modified by agrantspi, aschlpr, equation derived from diff-in-diff estimates)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aedspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government total education, including education assistance, direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government total education, including education assistance, direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aencj","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Effective number of competing jurisdictions","long_desc":"Effective number of competing jurisdictions (weighted sum of general local jurisdictions, where own-source revenue share constitutes the weights)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aerpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Employee retirement spending, % of income","long_desc":"Employee retirement spending, % of income (aerspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aerspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government total employee retirement expenditure (benefit payments and withdrawals), in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government total employee retirement expenditure (benefit payments and withdrawals), in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aesapi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Employment security spending, % of income","long_desc":"Employment security spending, % of income (aesaspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aesaspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government employment security/social insurance administration direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government employment security/social insurance administration direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"afcgapi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Financial control and general administration spending, % of income","long_desc":"Financial control and general administration spending, % of income (afcgaspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"afcgaspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government financial control and general administration direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government financial control and general administration direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"afdec","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2010, 2012, 2013","short_desc":"Fiscal decentralization: local government own-source\r\ngeneral revenues","long_desc":"Fiscal decentralization: local government own-source general revenues (charges, liquor store and utilities revenues, taxes, and miscellaneous revenue) divided by total state and local general revenues (charges, liquor store and utilities revenues, taxes, miscellaneous revenues, and federal intergovernmental expenditure)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"afgrant","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from federal government transfers, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local revenues from federal government transfers, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agast","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local motor fuel tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local motor fuel tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agovemp","years":"1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Employees in government and government enterprises, in thousands","long_desc":"Employees in government and government enterprises, in thousands","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agovempa","years":"1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2010","short_desc":"Unexpected government employment","long_desc":"Unexpected government employment (residuals: agovempr on agrantspi)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agovempr","years":"1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"State and local government employment divided by private employment","long_desc":"State and local government employment divided by private employment","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agpbpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Public building spending, % of income","long_desc":"Public building spending, % of income (agpbspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agpbspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government general public buildings total expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government general public buildings total expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agrantspi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Federal grants,\r\n% of income","long_desc":"Federal grants, % of income (afgrant / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ahcdpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Housing and community development spending, % of income","long_desc":"Housing and community development spending, % of income (ahcdspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ahcdpia","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unexpected housing spending","long_desc":"Unexpected housing spending (modified by agrantspi, equation derived from diff-in-diff estimates)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ahcdspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government housing and community development direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government housing and community development direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ahealpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Health and hospitals spending, % of income","long_desc":"Health and hospitals spending, % of income (ahealspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ahealpia","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unexpected health and hospitals spending","long_desc":"Unexpected health and hospitals spending (modified by agrantspi, aeldpr, apovrate, equation derived from diff-in-diff estimates)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ahealspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government total health and hospitals direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government total health and hospitals direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ahwypi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Highway spending, % of income","long_desc":"Highway spending, % of income (ahwyspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ahwypia","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unexpected highway spending","long_desc":"Unexpected highway spending (modified by agrantspi, equation derived from diff-in-diff estimates)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ahwyspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government total highways direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government total highways direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aiinct","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local individual income tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local individual income tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincalc","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local alcohol tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local alcohol tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincchg","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from current charges, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local revenues from current charges, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ainccinc","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local corporate income tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local corporate income tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincgas","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local motor fuel tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local motor fuel tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincgasa","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unexpected gas taxes","long_desc":"Unexpected gas taxes (modified by apopdens, ln(apopdens), equation derived from diff-in-diff estimates)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ainciinc","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local individual income tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local individual income tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ainclic","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local motor vehicle license tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local motor vehicle license tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincloc3","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Tax concept 3,\r\n% of income, local government","long_desc":"Tax concept 3, % of income, local government","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincloc4","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Tax concept 3,\r\n% of income concept 2, local government","long_desc":"Tax concept 3, % of income concept 2, local government","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincoth","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from other taxes, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local revenues from other taxes, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincprop","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local property tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local property tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincsale","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local general sales tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local general sales tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincsel","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local other selective sales tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local other selective sales tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincsev","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State revenues from severance taxes, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State revenues from severance taxes, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincstat3","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"Tax concept 3,\r\n% of income, state government","long_desc":"Tax concept 3, % of income, state government","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincstat4","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"Tax concept 3,\r\n% of income concept 2, state government","long_desc":"Tax concept 3, % of income concept 2, state government","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ainctob","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local tobacco tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local tobacco tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ainctot","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from all taxes but not current charges, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local revenues from all taxes but not current charges, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ainctot2","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Tax concept 2,\r\n% of income","long_desc":"Tax concept 2, % of income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ainctot3","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Tax concept 3,\r\n% of income","long_desc":"Tax concept 3, % of income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ainctot4","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Tax concept 3,\r\n% of income concept 2","long_desc":"Tax concept 3, % of income concept 2","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aincutil","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local utility tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","long_desc":"State and local utility tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aintpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Interest on debt spending, % of income","long_desc":"Interest on debt spending, % of income (aintspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aintspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government interest on general debt, excluding utilities, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government interest on general debt, excluding utilities, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"algbc","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2009, 2012, 2013","short_desc":"Local government budget constraints: local government\r\nown-source general revenues divided by total local government general revenues","long_desc":"Local government budget constraints: local government own-source general revenues divided by total local government general revenues","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"alibpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Library spending, % of income","long_desc":"Library spending, % of income (alibspt\r\n/ apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"alibspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government libraries direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government libraries direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"alict","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local motor vehicle license tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local motor vehicle license tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aloctot3","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Local revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas, severance, alcohol, or tobacco taxes, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"Local revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas, severance, alcohol, or tobacco taxes, in millions of dollars (local severance taxes assumed to be 0 in 2005 and before)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"anecpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Miscellaneous spending, % of income","long_desc":"Miscellaneous spending, % of income (anecspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"anecspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government general not- elsewhere- classified (including miscellaneous commercial activities) direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government general not-elsewhere-classified (including miscellaneous commercial activities) direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"anrpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Natural resources spending, % of income","long_desc":"Natural resources spending, % of income (anrspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"anrpia","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unexpected natural resources spending","long_desc":"Unexpected natural resources spending (modified by ln(apopdens), equation derived from diff-in-diff estimate)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"anrspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government total natural resources direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government total natural resources direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aoilprice","years":"1977-2017","short_desc":"Annual average imported crude petroleum real price, dollars","long_desc":"Annual average imported crude petroleum real price, dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aoitpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Other in-trust spending, % of income","long_desc":"Other in-trust spending, % of income (aoitspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aoitspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government other insurance trust total expenditure, including workers compensation, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government other insurance trust total expenditure, including workers compensation, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aotht","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from other taxes, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local revenues from other taxes, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aparkpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Parks and recreation spending, % of income","long_desc":"Parks and recreation spending, % of income (aparkspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aparkspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government parks and recreation direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government parks and recreation direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apkgpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Parking spending, % of income","long_desc":"Parking spending, % of income (apkgspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apkgspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government parking direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government parking direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apolpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Police, fire, regulatory spending, % of income","long_desc":"Police, fire, regulatory spending, % of income","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apolpia","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unexpected police and fire spending","long_desc":"Unexpected police and fire spending (modified by agrantspi, equation derived from diff-in-diff estimate)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apolspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government police and fire protection and regulatory inspection direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government police and fire protection and regulatory inspection direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aprivate","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2015","short_desc":"Private land ownership in square miles","long_desc":"Private land ownership in square miles (aland - apublic)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apublic","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2015","short_desc":"Federal and state land ownership in square miles, early 1990s","long_desc":"Federal and state land ownership in square miles, early 1990s","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aprivemp","years":"1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Employees in private industry and farms, in thousands","long_desc":"Employees in private industry and farms, in thousands (atotemp - agovemp)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apropt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local property tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local property tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apwpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Public welfare spending, % of income","long_desc":"Public welfare spending, % of income (apwspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apwpia","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unexpected public welfare spending","long_desc":"Unexpected public welfare spending (modified by agrantspi, aeldpr, equation derived from diff-in-diff estimates)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"apwspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government public welfare and veterans' services direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government public welfare and veterans' services direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"arevshg1","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Own-source revenue share of tier-one general local governments","long_desc":"Own-source revenue share of tier-one general local governments (share of all local general government own-source revenue) (carry-forward imputation between censuses)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"arevshg2","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Own-source revenue share of tier-two general local governments","long_desc":"Own-source revenue share of tier-two general local governments (share of all local general government own-source revenue) (carry-forward imputation between censuses)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"arevshg3","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Own-source revenue share of tier-three general local governments","long_desc":"Own-source revenue share of tier-three general local governments (share of all local general government own-source revenue) (carry-forward imputation between censuses)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"asalet","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local general sales tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local general sales tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"asanpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Sanitation and sewerage spending, % of income","long_desc":"Sanitation and sewerage spending, % of income (asanspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"asanspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government sanitation (sewerage and solid waste management) direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government sanitation (sewerage and solid waste management) direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aselt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local other selective sales tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local other selective sales tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"asevt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from severance taxes, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local revenues from severance taxes, in millions of dollars (for 1957-1967, imputed assuming constant ratio to 'other taxes')","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"asldebt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government outstanding debt, long-term and short-term, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government outstanding debt, long-term and short-term, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aslgci","years":"1967, 1972, 1977-2015","short_desc":"State and local government consumption and investment, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government consumption and investment, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aslgpi","years":"1967, 1972, 1977-2015","short_desc":"Government consumption and investment divided by calendar-year personal income","long_desc":"Government consumption and investment divided by calendar-year personal income (aslgci / apersinccy)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"astatemp","years":"1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Employees in state and local government, in thousands","long_desc":"Employees in state and local government, in thousands","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"astatetot3","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2017","short_desc":"State revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas, severance, alcohol, or tobacco taxes, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas, severance, alcohol, or tobacco taxes, in millions of dollars (NASBO used to apply changes in sales, personal income, and corporate income taxes to most recent years, in italics)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"asupp","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2017","short_desc":"Supplements to wages and salaries, millions of dollars, fiscal year","long_desc":"Supplements to wages and salaries, millions of dollars, fiscal year","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atobt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local tobacco tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local tobacco tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atotemp","years":"1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Total employees, in thousands","long_desc":"Total employees, in thousands","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atotpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Total spending,\r\n% of income","long_desc":"Total spending, % of income (atotspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atotpib","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Total spending concept B, % of income","long_desc":"Total spending concept B, % of income (atotsptb / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atotpic","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Total spending, concept C, % of income","long_desc":"Total spending, concept C, % of income (atotsptc / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atotspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Total state and local government spending, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"Total state and local government spending, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atotsptb","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Total state and local government spending, minus unemployment compensation, interest on general debt, other insurance trust, Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend payouts, and liquor store and utility expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"Total state and local government spending, minus unemployment compensation, interest on general debt, other insurance trust, Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend payouts, and liquor store and utility expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atotsptc","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Total state and local government spending, minus current charges and unemployment compensation, interest on general debt, other insurance trust, Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend payouts, and liquor store and utility expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"Total state and local government spending, minus current charges and unemployment compensation, interest on general debt, other insurance trust, Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend payouts, and liquor store and utility expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atott","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas taxes, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas taxes, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atott2","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas taxes or severance taxes, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas taxes or severance taxes, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atott3","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas, severance, alcohol, or tobacco taxes, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local revenues from all taxes but not current charges or gas, severance, alcohol, or tobacco taxes, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aunempi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unemployment spending, % of income","long_desc":"Unemployment spending, % of income (aunemspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aunemspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government unemployment compensation total expenditure (benefit payments), in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government unemployment compensation total expenditure (benefit payments), in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"autilpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Utilities spending, % of income","long_desc":"Utilities spending, % of income (autilspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"autilspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government liquor store and utility expenditure, including interest on debt, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government liquor store and utility expenditure, including interest on debt, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"autilt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local utility tax revenues, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local utility tax revenues, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"awtpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Water transportation spending, % of income","long_desc":"Water transportation spending, % of income (awtspt / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"awtpia","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Unexpected water transportation spending","long_desc":"Unexpected water transportation spending (modified by acoast, equation derived from year-fixed-effects estimates)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"awtspt","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"State and local government water transportation and sea and inland port facilities direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"State and local government water transportation and sea and inland port facilities direct expenditure, in millions of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"calctc","years":"1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, 1976-1999, 2001, 2003-2011","short_desc":"State and local alcohol tax revenues, in millions of constant (2008) dollars","long_desc":"State and local alcohol tax revenues, in millions of constant (2008) dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ccpi","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Consumer price index, all items, annual","long_desc":"Consumer price index, all items, annual","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cliquor","years":"1952-2012","short_desc":"State liquor store revenue, in thousands of dollars, subsequent fiscal year","long_desc":"State liquor store revenue, in thousands of dollars, subsequent fiscal year","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cliquorc","years":"1952-2012","short_desc":"State liquor store revenue, in thousands of constant 2008 dollars, subsequent fiscal year","long_desc":"State liquor store revenue, in thousands of constant 2008 dollars, subsequent fiscal year","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dgamrev","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2015","short_desc":"Total state and local government revenues from taxes on receipts and licenses of amusements and pari-mutuels","long_desc":"Total state and local government revenues from taxes on receipts and licenses of amusements and pari- mutuels, in thousands of dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dgrpi","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Gaming revenues as a ratio of the economy","long_desc":"Gaming revenues as a ratio of the economy (times 1000): dgamrev / apersinc","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dgwin","years":"1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Commercial casino and racino win, revenue, or gross proceeds","long_desc":"Commercial casino and racino win, revenue, or gross proceeds (millions of dollars)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dgwinpi","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2016","short_desc":"Casino and racino win as a percentage of the economy","long_desc":"Casino and racino win as a percentage of the economy (dgwin / apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dlwinpi","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2016","short_desc":"Log casino and racino win as a percentage of log income","long_desc":"Log casino and racino win as a percentage of log income: ln(1 + dgwinpi) / ln(apersinc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"faccom","years":"2000-2013","short_desc":"Accommodation GDP divided by all GDP in\r\n*previous* year","long_desc":"Accommodation GDP divided by all GDP in *previous* year (for imputation of land-use regulation)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fcpi","years":"2000-2007","short_desc":"State cost of living, index year 2007","long_desc":"State cost of living, index year 2007","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fgastax","years":"2000-2013","short_desc":"Gasoline tax rate","long_desc":"(fgastax1 * 201.6) / ccpi\r\nNote: 201.6 = value of ccpi in 2006","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fgastax1","years":"2000-2013","short_desc":"Gasoline tax rate per gallon in dollars","long_desc":"Gasoline tax rate per gallon in dollars, including sales, excise, storage, and franchise taxes","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fipd","years":"2007-2013","short_desc":"State implicit price deflator, index year 2008","long_desc":"State implicit price deflator, index year 2008","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fpp","years":"2007-2013","short_desc":"State price parities","long_desc":"State price parities","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ogdp","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Real GDP, all industry total, millions of chained 2009 dollars","long_desc":"Real GDP, all industry total, millions of chained 2009 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ogdpfin","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Real GDP, finance and insurance, millions of chained 2009 dollars","long_desc":"Real GDP, finance and insurance, millions of chained 2009 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ogdphc","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Real GDP, healthcare and social assistance, millions of chained 2009 dollars","long_desc":"Real GDP, healthcare and social assistance, millions of chained 2009 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ogdpman","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Real GDP, manufacturing, millions of chained 2009 dollars","long_desc":"Real GDP, manufacturing, millions of chained 2009 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ogdppc","years":"2001-2015","short_desc":"Real GDP per capita, excluding legal services","long_desc":"Real GDP per capita, excluding legal services","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"olegal","years":"2001-2015","short_desc":"Legal services share of GDP","long_desc":"Legal services share of GDP (olegalgdp / ogdp)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"olegalgdp","years":"2001-2015","short_desc":"Real GDP, legal services, millions of chained 2009 dollars","long_desc":"Real GDP, legal services, millions of chained 2009 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"jobtaxcredit","years":"2016","short_desc":"Tax incentives for job creation","long_desc":"Does the state offer tax incentives or credits for job creation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Francis, Norton. 2016. 'State Tax Incentives for Economic Development.' The Urban Institute. https://www.urban.org/research/publication/state-tax- incentives-economic-development","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Conroy, Christian. Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates. Diss. Georgetown University, 2019.","bibtex_cite":"@phdthesis{conroy2019economic,\r\r\n title={Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates},\r\r\n author={Conroy, Christian},\r\r\n year={2019},\r\r\n school={Georgetown University}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"investtaxcredit","years":"2016","short_desc":"Tax incentives for investment","long_desc":"Does the state offer tax incentives or credits for investment? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Francis, Norton. 2016. 'State Tax Incentives for Economic Development.' The Urban Institute. https://www.urban.org/research/publication/state-tax- incentives-economic-development","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Conroy, Christian. Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates. Diss. Georgetown University, 2019.","bibtex_cite":"@phdthesis{conroy2019economic,\r\r\n title={Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates},\r\r\n author={Conroy, Christian},\r\r\n year={2019},\r\r\n school={Georgetown University}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ezonetaxcredit","years":"2016","short_desc":"Tax incentives for enterprise zones","long_desc":"Does the state offer tax incentives or credits for enterprise zones? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Francis, Norton. 2016. 'State Tax Incentives for Economic Development.' The Urban Institute. https://www.urban.org/research/publication/state-tax- incentives-economic-development","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Conroy, Christian. Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates. Diss. Georgetown University, 2019.","bibtex_cite":"@phdthesis{conroy2019economic,\r\r\n title={Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates},\r\r\n author={Conroy, Christian},\r\r\n year={2019},\r\r\n school={Georgetown University}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"agtaxcredit","years":"2016","short_desc":"Tax incentives for agricultural activities","long_desc":"Does the state offer tax incentives or credits for agriculture? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Francis, Norton. 2016. 'State Tax Incentives for Economic Development.' The Urban Institute. https://www.urban.org/research/publication/state-tax- incentives-economic-development","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Conroy, Christian. Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates. Diss. Georgetown University, 2019.","bibtex_cite":"@phdthesis{conroy2019economic,\r\r\n title={Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates},\r\r\n author={Conroy, Christian},\r\r\n year={2019},\r\r\n school={Georgetown University}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"techtaxcredit","years":"2016","short_desc":"Tax incentives for technology","long_desc":"Does the state offer tax incentives or credits for technology? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Francis, Norton. 2016. 'State Tax Incentives for Economic Development.' The Urban Institute. https://www.urban.org/research/publication/state-tax- incentives-economic-development","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Conroy, Christian. Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates. Diss. Georgetown University, 2019.","bibtex_cite":"@phdthesis{conroy2019economic,\r\r\n title={Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates},\r\r\n author={Conroy, Christian},\r\r\n year={2019},\r\r\n school={Georgetown University}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"manutaxcredit","years":"2016","short_desc":"Tax incentives for manufacturing","long_desc":"Does the state offer tax incentives or credits for manufacturing? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Francis, Norton. 2016. 'State Tax Incentives for Economic Development.' The Urban Institute. https://www.urban.org/research/publication/state-tax- incentives-economic-development","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Conroy, Christian. Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates. Diss. Georgetown University, 2019.","bibtex_cite":"@phdthesis{conroy2019economic,\r\r\n title={Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates},\r\r\n author={Conroy, Christian},\r\r\n year={2019},\r\r\n school={Georgetown University}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"filmtaxcredit","years":"1992-2009, 2016","short_desc":"Tax incentives for the film industry","long_desc":"Does the state offer tax incentives or credits for the film industry? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Francis, Norton. 2016. 'State Tax Incentives for Economic Development.' The Urban Institute. https://www.urban.org/research/publication/state-tax- incentives-economic-development\r\nMallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Francis, N., 2016. State tax incentives for economic development. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. http://www. urban. org/research/publication/state-tax-incentives-economic-development.","bibtex_cite":"@article{francis2016state,\n title={State tax incentives for economic development},\n author={Francis, Norton},\n journal={Washington, DC: Urban Institute. http://www. urban. org/research/publication/state-tax-incentives-economic-development},\n year={2016}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite3":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"eireport","years":"2016","short_desc":"State has a tax expenditure report or a more comprehensive incentives report","long_desc":"Does the state release a tax expenditure report, or a more comprehensive tax incentives report with performance metrics (or neither)? (0 = neither, 1 = expenditure report, 2 = incentives report)","sources":"Francis, Norton. 2016. 'State Tax Incentives for Economic Development.' The Urban Institute. https://www.urban.org/research/publication/state-tax- incentives-economic-development","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Conroy, Christian. Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates. Diss. Georgetown University, 2019.","bibtex_cite":"@phdthesis{conroy2019economic,\r\r\n title={Do Economic Incentives Work? Evaluating the Effect of Incentives Designed to Attract Investment on State-Industry Growth Rates},\r\r\n author={Conroy, Christian},\r\r\n year={2019},\r\r\n school={Georgetown University}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"corporate_incometax","years":"1935-1940","short_desc":"Corporate income tax","long_desc":"Is there a corporate income tax? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"earned_income_taxcredit","years":"1988-2014","short_desc":"Earned income tax credit","long_desc":"Does the state have an earned income tax credit? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"estate_tax","years":"2009-2014","short_desc":"Estate tax","long_desc":"Is there a state estate tax? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"income_taxes","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"Income tax","long_desc":"Does the state have an income tax? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sales_taxes_binary_pre1946","years":"1935-1945","short_desc":"Sales tax","long_desc":"Does the state have a sales tax? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"x_sales_taxes","years":"1946-2014, 2019","short_desc":"Sales tax rate","long_desc":"What is the sales tax rate?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB\r\nFor 2019: 'State Sales Tax Rates' (provided by the Sales Tax Institute) https://www.salestaxinstitute.com/resources/rates","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"x_tax_burden","years":"1977-2010","short_desc":"Tax burden","long_desc":"What is the state's tax burden (per capita taxes/per capita income)?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"x_tax_rate_rich","years":"1977-2012","short_desc":"Income tax rate-wealthy","long_desc":"What is the state individual income tax rate for an individual who makes more than 1.5 million real dollars?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"x_top_corporateincometaxrate","years":"1941-2014, 2019","short_desc":"Top corporate tax rate","long_desc":"What is the top corporate tax rate?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB\r\nFor 2019: 'Facts and Figures 2019: How Does Your State Compare?' (provided by The Tax Foundation)\r\nhttps://files.taxfoundation.org/20190715165329/Facts-Figures-2019-How- Does-Your-State-Compare.pdf","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Henchman, J. and Lucci, M., 2019. Facts & Figures 2019: How Does Your State Compare?. Tax Foundation, Washington, DC.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{henchman2019facts,\n title={Facts \\& Figures 2019: How Does Your State Compare?},\n author={Henchman, Joe and Lucci, Michael},\n journal={Tax Foundation, Washington, DC},\n year={2019}\n}"} {"variable":"federal_lien_registration_act","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Allows federal tax liens to be filed in an office designated by the law of the state in which the property subject to the lien is situated","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gastax","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State gas tax","long_desc":"Did state adopt a state gas tax? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"inctax","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State income tax","long_desc":"Did state adopt a state income tax? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lien","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Lien statutes","long_desc":"Did state adopt lien statutes? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"tels","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Tax and expenditure limits","long_desc":"Did state adopt tax and expenditure limits (TELs)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"regulations_homerule","years":"1935-1961","short_desc":"Municipal home rule","long_desc":"Enables cities to adopt a home rule charter that acts as the city's basic governing document over local issues (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"legpre","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Legislative pre- planning agency","long_desc":"Did state adopt a legislative pre- planning agency? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"missplan","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Missouri Plan","long_desc":"Did state adopt the Missouri Plan (judges chosen by nonpartisan committee)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"norealid","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State policy to refuse to comply with 2005 Federal Real ID Act","long_desc":"Did state adopt state policy to refuse to comply with 2005 Federal Real ID Act? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"recipsup","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Reciprocal support law","long_desc":"Did state adopt a reciprocal support law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"stplnb","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State planning board","long_desc":"Did state adopt a state planning board? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"termlim","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Legislative term limits","long_desc":"Did state adopt legislative term limits? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"appointment_of_commissioners","years":"1921-2017","short_desc":"Creates commission on uniform state laws, and procedure to appoint commissioners","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"facsimile_signatures_of_public_o","years":"1958-2017","short_desc":"Permits the use of facsimile signatures by public officials whose signature to a public security or instrument of payment is required or permitted","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"faithful_presidential_electors_a","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Require delegates in Electoral College to vote in accordance with voters","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"management_of_public_employee_re","years":"2005-2017","short_desc":"Provide legal rules that permit public employee retirement systems to invest their funds in the most productive and secure manner","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"military_and_overseas_voters_act","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Simplifies absentee voting for military and civilians abroad","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"model_state_administrative_proce","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Provides procedures for promulgating administrative regulations","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"prudent_management_of_institutio","years":"2007-2017","short_desc":"Requires prudent and diverse investments of state funds","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"real_property_electronic_recordi","years":"2005-2017","short_desc":"Give county clerks and recorders the legal authority to prepare for electronic recording of real property instruments","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"registered_agents_act_model_20","years":"2007-2017","short_desc":"Provides states with one registration procedure for registered agents","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"drecord","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Two-party consent laws for recording public officials","long_desc":"Two-party consent laws for recording public officials? (0 = no, 0.5 = statute contains exception when conversation happens in a public place/where there is little expectation of privacy/in person, 1 = yes, illegal to record public officials without their consent)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"yrstatehd","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Year gained statehood","long_desc":"The year that the state gained statehood","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"acounty","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Number of county governments","long_desc":"Number of county governments (carry- forward imputation between censuses)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"amuni","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Number of municipal governments","long_desc":"Total number of municipal level governments in state (carry-forward imputation between censuses)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"atown","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Number of township governments","long_desc":"Total number of township level governments in state (carry-forward imputation between censuses)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agen1","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Number of general county or county-like governments, such as independent cities","long_desc":"Number of general county or county- like governments, such as independent cities (carry-forward imputation between censuses)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agen2","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Number of general second- tier local governments, non-overlapping","long_desc":"Number of general second-tier local governments, non-overlapping (carry- forward imputation between censuses)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agen3","years":"1977-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Number of general third-tier local governments","long_desc":"Number of general third-tier local governments (carry-forward imputation between censuses)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gov_employ","years":"1992-2012","short_desc":"Ranking of number of government employees","long_desc":"Ranking of states in order of fewest government employees as a share of population, to most.","sources":"Pallay, Geoff. 2012. Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Nee, Logan. \"Partisan Gridlock in the Contiguous States: Credit Ratings, Economic Stability, and the Ramifications of Political Competitiveness, Polarization, and Party Control in US State Legislatures, 1992-2010.\" (2014).","bibtex_cite":"@article{nee2014partisan,\r\r\n title={Partisan Gridlock in the Contiguous States: Credit Ratings, Economic Stability, and the Ramifications of Political Competitiveness, Polarization, and Party Control in US State Legislatures, 1992-2010},\r\r\n author={Nee, Logan},\r\r\n year={2014}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"constitution_adopted","years":"1900-2015","short_desc":"Constitution adopted","long_desc":"Was a new state constitution adopted this year?","sources":"The Council of State Governments. 2017. 'General Information on State Constitutions.' The Book of the States.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, Graeme T., and Robert J. McGrath. \"Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states.\" Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27.1 (2017): 85-103.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2017experts,\r\r\n title={Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states},\r\r\n author={Boushey, Graeme T and McGrath, Robert J},\r\r\n journal={Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory},\r\r\n volume={27},\r\r\n number={1},\r\r\n pages={85--103},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Oxford University Press US}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"current_constitution_length","years":"2016","short_desc":"Constitution length","long_desc":"The estimated length of the current state constitution","sources":"The Council of State Governments. 2017. 'General Information on State Constitutions.' The Book of the States.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, Graeme T., and Robert J. McGrath. \"Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states.\" Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27.1 (2017): 85-103.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2017experts,\r\r\n title={Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states},\r\r\n author={Boushey, Graeme T and McGrath, Robert J},\r\r\n journal={Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory},\r\r\n volume={27},\r\r\n number={1},\r\r\n pages={85--103},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Oxford University Press US}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"amendments_submitted","years":"2016","short_desc":"Amendments submitted","long_desc":"Number of amendments to the constitution submitted to voters. Note: Amendments are not submitted to voters in Delaware.","sources":"The Council of State Governments. 2017. 'General Information on State Constitutions.' The Book of the States.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, Graeme T., and Robert J. McGrath. \"Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states.\" Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27.1 (2017): 85-103.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2017experts,\r\r\n title={Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states},\r\r\n author={Boushey, Graeme T and McGrath, Robert J},\r\r\n journal={Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory},\r\r\n volume={27},\r\r\n number={1},\r\r\n pages={85--103},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Oxford University Press US}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"amendments_adopted","years":"2016","short_desc":"Amendments adopted","long_desc":"Number of amendments to the constitution adopted","sources":"The Council of State Governments. 2017. 'General Information on State Constitutions.' The Book of the States.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, Graeme T., and Robert J. McGrath. \"Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states.\" Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27.1 (2017): 85-103.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2017experts,\r\r\n title={Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states},\r\r\n author={Boushey, Graeme T and McGrath, Robert J},\r\r\n journal={Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory},\r\r\n volume={27},\r\r\n number={1},\r\r\n pages={85--103},\r\r\n year={2017},\r\r\n publisher={Oxford University Press US}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"prez_election_year","years":"1925-2016","short_desc":"Presidential election year dummy","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = presidential election year. 0 = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"weird5","years":"1925-2016","short_desc":"Even-numbered year biennium dummy","long_desc":"Dummy variable: one of the five states that had their bienniums start in even numbered years for some part of the period. This includes KY after it switched to even-year elections for the state legislature.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"weird5_b","years":"1925-2016","short_desc":"Even-numbered year biennium dummy (no KY)","long_desc":"Dummy variable: one of the five states that had their bienniums start in even numbered years for some part of the period. This doesn't include KY after it switched to even-year elections for the state legislature.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"biennium","years":"1925-2016","short_desc":"First year of the biennium","long_desc":"First year of the biennium a year belongs to. Bienniums are thought to start in the year after an election in (often) even-numbered years. For example, 1971-1972 is the biennium in OR after the 1970 election. Then '1971' would appear in both 1971 and 1972 for OR. This includes KY after it switched to even-year elections for the state legislature.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"biennium_b","years":"1925-2016","short_desc":"First year of the biennium (no KY)","long_desc":"First year of the biennium a year belongs to. Bienniums are thought to start in the year after an election in (often) even numbered years. For example, 1971-1972 is the biennium in OR after the 1970 election. Then '1971' would appear in both 1971 and 1972 for OR. This considers KY a 'normal state' after it switched to even-year elections for the state legislature.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"biennium_first_year","years":"1925-2016","short_desc":"Biennium first year dummy","long_desc":"Dummy variable: first year of a biennium. Note: these bienniums are set up in a way that defines the year after the election as the first year of the biennium. This is based off of biennium, not biennium_b.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"biennium_second_year","years":"1925-2016","short_desc":"Biennium second year dummy","long_desc":"Dummy variable: second year of a biennium. Note: these bienniums are set up in a way that defines the year after the election as the first year of the biennium. This is based off of biennium, not biennium_b.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govname1","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Governor name 1","long_desc":"Governor's name from first source","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govname1_sour","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Governor name source 1","long_desc":"Source of information in govname1, and other notes about when governors assumed office.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govname1_date","years":"2005-2008, 2010","short_desc":"Governor name source 1 date","long_desc":"Date of source for govname1.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govname2","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Governor name 2","long_desc":"Governor's name from first source","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govname2_sour","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Governor name source 2","long_desc":"Source of information in govname2, and other notes about when governors assumed office.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govname2_date","years":"2005","short_desc":"Governor name source 2 date","long_desc":"Date of source for govname2.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govname2_notes","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Governor name source notes","long_desc":"Notes about govname from source2.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gub_election","years":"1936-2015","short_desc":"Gubernatorial election year dummy","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = gubernatorial election in that year. Blank = none. This puts the election year into the calendar year it was held in.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gub_election_regime","years":"1936-2015","short_desc":"Calendar year for next gubernatorial election","long_desc":"Calendar year in which the next gubernatorial election will be held. In an election year, this variable will be equal to 'year.'","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_midyear_change_date","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Date of gubernatorial change for 'non- standard' departures","long_desc":"Date of mid-year change in governors, if the governor left office at a 'non- standard' time, except for LA. 'Non- standard' means because of death, resignation, or impeachment.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_midyear_change_month","years":"1936, 1939-1943, 1945-1954, 1956, 1959-1965, 1968, 1969, 1972-1980, 1982, 1984, 1987-1989, 1991-1993, 1996-1998, 2000, 2001, 2003-2005, 2008, 2009","short_desc":"Month of gubernatorial change","long_desc":"Number of month in the year from gov_midyear_change_date.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_midyear_change_day","years":"1936, 1939-1943, 1945-1954, 1956, 1959-1965, 1968, 1969, 1972-1980, 1982, 1984, 1987-1989, 1991-1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003-2005, 2008, 2009","short_desc":"Day of gubernatorial change","long_desc":"Day of the month from gov_midyear_change_date.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_midyear_change_ordinal_day","years":"1936, 1939-1943, 1945-1954, 1956, 1959-1965, 1968, 1969, 1972-1980, 1982, 1984, 1987-1989, 1991-1993, 1996-1998, 2000, 2001, 2003-2005, 2008, 2009","short_desc":"Day of year of gubernatorial change","long_desc":"Day of the year from gov_midyear_change_date.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_midyear_change_a","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Dummy for gubernatorial change for 'non- standard' departures","long_desc":"1 = gov_midyear_change_date has a date in it, blank = doesn't.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"budget_pass2011_04_20","years":"1956-2010","short_desc":"Budget passed dummy","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = budget passed in this year.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"when_leg_met2011_04_13","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Dates legislature met","long_desc":"Dates legislature met. Only input if mid-year change in governor.\r\nIncomplete.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_midyear_change_b","years":"1961-2010","short_desc":"Gubernatorial mid-year change before election dummy","long_desc":"1 = governor changes mid-year. Mid- year for this variable means that the governor came in before the November election, or when a November election could have been in the case of a non- election year. Note non-standard election dates for Louisiana, and how these influence decisions specified in gov_midyear_change_b_note. 0 = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_midyear_change_b_note","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Gubernatorial mid-year change before election notes","long_desc":"Note about gov_midyear_change_b","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"new_gov_b","years":"1961-2011","short_desc":"New governor (non-incumbent) dummy","long_desc":"A new governor has come into office starting in the year marked with a one. This is marked '1' in the year after a November election (i.e., if a new governor was elected in 1984, 1985 is coded '1'). If there was a mid-year switch, the year of the switch is coded with a '1,' except if the switch comes after election time (early November), in which case this variable is coded '1' in the next calendar year. If a new governor comes into office that year, they are still coded as new even if they were a past governor.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"past_gov","years":"1956, 1960-2010","short_desc":"Past governor variable","long_desc":"Governor has served in the past, with someone serving in between. 1= served once in the past with someone else in between. Only coded for the first year of a gubernatorial administration (i.e., new_gov_b = 1). 2 = served twice in the past with two periods in between. Only coded for the first year of a gubernatorial administration (i.e., new_gov_b = 1). 3 = judgment call, see note in past_gov_note. Blank = either missing, or didn't serve in the past.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"past_gov_note","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Past governor notes","long_desc":"Note about past_gov.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_midyear_change_c","years":"1961-2010","short_desc":"Gubernatorial change before budget passed","long_desc":"1 = governor changes mid-year, from the perspective of the budget. If the new governor comes in before the budget is passed, then this gets a '1,' '0' if after the budget is passed. If the governor comes in very early in the year, before the session starts, or if only a few days were held, this gets a score of '0.' 0 = else. 2 = missing data. Note: this variable is identical to gov_midyear_change_b, but altered from 1 to 0 when appropriate because of when the budget passes.\r\nExplanations for these changes can be found in the variable gov_midyear_change_c_note.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_midyear_change_c_note","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Gubernatorial change before budget passed notes","long_desc":"Note about gov_midyear_change_c","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"new_gov_c","years":"1955-2010","short_desc":"New governor before budget passed dummy","long_desc":"Note: this variable is identical to new_gov_b, but altered from 1 to 0 when appropriate because of mid-year changes in the governor in light of when the budget passes. If a budget didn't pass in the first year that a governor came in, the case in the next year is coded '1' instead. 2 = missing data","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"new_gov_d","years":"1961-2010","short_desc":"New governor (non-incumbent) before budget dummy (modified for past serving governors)","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = new governor this year. Cases where an incoming governor served in the past aren't included in scores of '1.' 0 = else. Note: this variable is identical to new_gov_c, but altered from 1 to 0 when appropriate because the new governor has served in the past. 2 = missing data","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fracleg_old_variable","years":"1956, 1960, 1963-1965, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1997, 2001","short_desc":"Fraction of days legislature met","long_desc":"Fraction of days when the legislature was in session that the governor serving in the earlier part of the year was in office. Incomplete variable","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fracleg_old_variable_note","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Note for fraction of days legislature met","long_desc":"Note about why fracleg got the value that it did. Incomplete variable","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"years_served","years":"1955-2010","short_desc":"Number of years served by governor","long_desc":"Number of years that the governor has served. The variable indicates their experience at the beginning of the year. If a governor came back to office, their counter began where it left off before. If someone came in mid-year (not in Jan or Dec) the governor that was in office when the budget passed was used for the figure. If someone came in at some fraction of the year (i.e., July 1st) they were given the credit of a fraction of their experience (i.e., .5) in the next year they served.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"budgets_overseen","years":"1955-2010","short_desc":"Number of budgets overseen by governor","long_desc":"Number of budgets that the governor has overseen. If a governor leaves and comes back, the budgets they oversaw in the past are also counted. In the first year they oversee a budget, they get a code of '0.'","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"years_served_budgets_overseen_note","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Notes about number of budgets overseen by governor","long_desc":"Notes about the number of years served and budgets_overseen.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"term_length","years":"1956-2004","short_desc":"Term length","long_desc":"Number of years in governor's term (means that in that year the governor is having that type of term, in length).","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"years_left_in_term","years":"1956-2004","short_desc":"Years left in governor's term","long_desc":"Number of years left in the governor's term.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"limit_exists","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Dummy for gubernatorial term limit","long_desc":"A gubernatorial term limit exists by law at this time, no matter how many terms the present governor has served. 1 = yes, 0 = no","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"limit_type","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Type of term limit","long_desc":"Type of term limit. 0 = there is no term limit. 1 = there is a one-term limit. 2 = there is a two-term limit. 3 = there is a three-term limit. This is from the data file 'GovTermLimits.'","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSources for 1997 to 2002; Book of the States, used further research (noted in source file file) in the case of ID and MA because they had changes to their laws.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. Governors dataset. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\n title={Governors dataset},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"term_limit_length_uncertainty","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Term limit uncertainty dummy","long_desc":"0 = term limit is known because it was looked up from documents, etc. 1 = assumption was made that term limit in an earlier year was the same as the earliest year term limit law was known. Note: I did check to see if there were inconsistencies between the coding of 'term_length' and which governors were in office (for example, if there was a two-term governor in a state I coded as having a one-term term limit).","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"years_left_before_limit","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Years left before governor's term limit","long_desc":"Number of years left before the governor's term limit. This takes into account how states individually deal with partial terms, governors that come back after taking time off, and transition rules. The numerous sources for this information are in the codebook 'GovTermLimits-Notes' under variable trli0005.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNote: Could not always find out if a state had transition rules that applied to the sitting governor. In these cases, author merely assumed that a governor who was sitting in a state with a one term term limit when a constitutional amendment passed creating a two term term limit would be eligible for a second term. If a governor was sitting in a state with no term limits, when a constitutional amendment passed that created a two term term limit author assumed that the counter would start when the constitutional amendment passed. Some of the state specific notes for this variable may not appear below, but in the document 'GovTermLimits-PrimaryDocuments.' If the term limit in NC in 1997 was an absolute limit, then James B. Hunt could have never served a second time. Therefore, the limit is on consecutive terms, and his clock starts from the beginning.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. Governors dataset. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\n title={Governors dataset},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"years_left_before_limit_note","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Years left before governor's term limit notes","long_desc":"Notes about term limits. Grandfather clauses and other information.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"years_left_before_limit_uncertain","years":"1960-2010","short_desc":"Uncertainty around years left before governor's term limit","long_desc":"1 = some uncertainty about the number of years left before a term limit because I'm unsure of how partial terms count toward the limit.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lame_duck_last_term","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Last term for governor","long_desc":"Governor is in the last term before his term limit, i.e., he or she is a lame duck. 1 = governor is a lame duck. 0 = governor is not a lame duck.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lame_duck_last_year","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Last year of term for governor","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = governor is in their last year before a term limit. 0 = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lame_duck_last_2nd_to_last_year","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Second to last year of term for governor","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = governor is in their second to last year before a term limit. 0 = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lame_duck_notes","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Notes about lame duck","long_desc":"Notes about why the lame_duck variables were coded the way they were.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"femgov","years":"1956-2007","short_desc":"Female governor","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = female, 0 = male. This was coded based on the first name of the governor. If there was doubt, an internet search was done to ascertain their gender. One source: http://www.guide2womenleaders.com/ Governors1920.htm","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"femgov_notes","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Notes about coding of female governor","long_desc":"Note about the coding of 'femgov.'","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"stateleg","years":"1959-2007","short_desc":"Governor served in legislature dummy","long_desc":"Dummy: Member served in the state legislature. 1 = yes, 0 = no. A search was done through supplement #1 to the Book of States 12 years before their arrival to the governor's office. They may have been in the state legislature before that time, but they would receive a score of '0' if so. For consistency, when governors were found in state legislatures before the twelve-year cutoff, and not after, they did not receive a code of '1.'","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"stateleg_source","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Source of legislative info about governor","long_desc":"Source for stateleg","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"congmem","years":"1959-2007","short_desc":"Governor served in U.S. House or Senate","long_desc":"Dummy: Members served in the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate. 1 = yes, 0 = no. No time cutoff for this variable.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nSource was often http://bioguide.congress.gov/biosearch/biosearch.asp.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. Governors dataset. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\n title={Governors dataset},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"congmem_sour","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Source of congressional info about governor","long_desc":"Source for 'congmem.'","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"stateleg_congmem_notes","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Notes about legislative or congressional info on governor","long_desc":"Notes about stateleg or congmem","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"legexper","years":"1959-2007","short_desc":"Governor served in state legislature or\r\nU.S. Congress","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = members served in either the state legislature or U.S. Congress. 0\r\n= else. Computed from stateleg and congmem. Gives fractions sometimes when there was a mid-year switch in governor.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"party_midyear_change","years":"1960-2010","short_desc":"State year with governors from different parties","long_desc":"Year had governors of two different parties in it. A year doesn't include normal transitions (that obviously are rarely on January 1st), or abnormal transition that occur early in the year. If it happened late enough in the year (after a November election would have been), that's not considered a mid-year change. Dummy variable: 1 = yes, blank = no. This variable appears to be incomplete.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"party_midyear_change_direction","years":"1960, 1963, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1996","short_desc":"Direction of governor party change","long_desc":"-1 = change was from Democrat to Republican. 1 = change was from Republican to Democrat. Blank = no change.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govparty_a","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Party of governor","long_desc":"Party of the governor; 0 = Republican, 1 = Democrat, .5 = non-major party governor. When the party of the governor changes mid-year (eight cases), the fraction of the year with a Democratic governor is put in as a value.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: This is govparty from StateElections_PartisanBalance1937to2011_2011_03_22.xls. However, years are put in 'government style.' For example, if a Democrat replaces a Republican in the 1988 election, 'R' goes into 1988, and 'D' goes into 1989.\r\nSource 1937 to 1958; Congressional Quarterly. 1998. Gubernatorial Elections, 1787-1997. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Source 1959 to 2009: Klarner, state partisan balance, for_use file. Source 2010: Directory I, 2009. Source 2011: http://www.ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/2010_gubernatorial_electoral_res ults","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. Governors dataset. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\n title={Governors dataset},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"party_midbiennium_change","years":"1936-2012","short_desc":"Biennium with two different parties dummy","long_desc":"Biennium had governors of two different parties in it. Dummy variable: 1 = yes, blank = no.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"party_midbiennium_change_direction","years":"1959, 1960, 1963, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2003, 2004, 2010, 2011","short_desc":"Direction of change of party in biennium","long_desc":"-1 = change was from Democrat to Republican. 1 = change was from Republican to Democrat. Blank = no change. This is put into the year of the biennium that saw the change if this is a mid-year change also. This is put into both years of the biennium if the change took place from the first year of the biennium to the second.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govparty_b","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Party of governor for governor if mid- year switch","long_desc":"This is the same as govparty_a, except that when there is a mid-year switch in the party of the governor, the party of the governor during the November election is used.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govparty_b_2","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Party of governor for governor if mid- year switch recoded","long_desc":"Same as govparty_b, except recoded. Democrat = 1, Republican = -1, non- major party governor = 0.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"state_midterm_penalty","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Midterm penalty","long_desc":"0 = gubernatorial election in that year, or no gubernatorial election, and a non-major party governor in office during the election. 1 = no gubernatorial election, and a Democratic governor in office. -1 = no gubernatorial election, and a Republican governor in office. Same as govparty_b_2, except recoded '0' when gub_election=1.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"govparty_c","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Party of governor when budget passed","long_desc":"Party of the governor; 0 = Republican, 1 = Democrat, .5 = non-major party governor. When the party of the governor changes mid-year, the party of the governor when the budget passed was used. When there was no budget passed, the party of the governor\r\nduring the November election (or when the election would have been held) was used.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_non_maj_pty","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Governor isn't from major party","long_desc":"1 = governor isn't a Democrat or a Republican. 0 = governor is a Democrat or is a Republican.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gub_party_change","years":"1938-2011","short_desc":"Party change of governor","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = party of the governor has changed since the beginning of last year. 0 = hasn't.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_pty_change_since_last_budget","years":"1957-2010","short_desc":"Party change of governor since budget passed","long_desc":"1 = governor changed from R to D since last time a budget was passed. -1\r\n= governor changed from D to R since last time a budget was passed. 0 = no change. -.5 and .5 = some change to or from a non-major party governor.\r\nBlank = no budget was passed in that year. Computed by: sorted by Budget_Pass2011_04_13, then stateno, then year. Then differenced gov_party_c.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"years_since_other_party","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Years since other party in governorship","long_desc":"Years since other party variable. A count variable saying 1) how many years the Democrats have been in power (expressed by a positive number) or 2) how many years the Republicans have been in power (multiplied by -1). For years between 1936 and the first time after that year there was a switch in the party of the governor, the count is from the year 1936. When there has been an independent, zeros are entered. Based off of gov_party_c","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"open_bcs_term_limit","years":"1937-2010","short_desc":"Open seat due to term limit","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = seat is open because of a term limit, and a Democrat was in office immediately beforehand. -1 = seat is open because of a term limit, and a Republican was in office immediately beforehand. 0 = else.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Governors Dataset', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PQ0Y1N, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl. \"Governors dataset.\" Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408 (2013).","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013governors,\r\r\n title={Governors dataset},\r\r\n author={Klarner, Carl},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse. URL: http://hdl. handle. net/1902.1/20408},\r\r\n year={2013}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_motive_achievement","years":"1993","short_desc":"Governor achievement motive score","long_desc":"Frequency of motive imagery relating to achievement ('the desire for excellence') used in inaugural address, expressed in terms of frequency per 1000 words.","sources":"Ferguson, Margaret R., and Jay Barth. 'Governors in the Legislative Arena: The Importance of Personality in Shaping Success.' Political Psychology 23.4 (2002): 787-808.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Ferguson, M.R. and Barth, J., 2002. Governors in the legislative arena: The importance of personality in shaping success. Political Psychology, 23(4), pp.787-808.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ferguson2002governors,\n title={Governors in the legislative arena: The importance of personality in shaping success},\n author={Ferguson, Margaret R and Barth, Jay},\n journal={Political Psychology},\n volume={23},\n number={4},\n pages={787--808},\n year={2002},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"gov_motive_power","years":"1993","short_desc":"Governor power motive score","long_desc":"Frequency of motive imagery relating to power ('desire for prestige and influence on others') used in inaugural address, expressed in terms of frequency per 1000 words.","sources":"Ferguson, Margaret R., and Jay Barth. 'Governors in the Legislative Arena: The Importance of Personality in Shaping Success.' Political Psychology 23.4 (2002): 787-808.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Ferguson, M.R. and Barth, J., 2002. Governors in the legislative arena: The importance of personality in shaping success. Political Psychology, 23(4), pp.787-808.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ferguson2002governors,\n title={Governors in the legislative arena: The importance of personality in shaping success},\n author={Ferguson, Margaret R and Barth, Jay},\n journal={Political Psychology},\n volume={23},\n number={4},\n pages={787--808},\n year={2002},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"gov_motive_affiliation_intimacy","years":"1993","short_desc":"Governor affiliation- intimacy motive score","long_desc":"Frequency of motive imagery relating to affiliation-intimacy ('desire for close relations with other humans') used in inaugural address, expressed in terms of frequency per 1000 words.","sources":"Ferguson, Margaret R., and Jay Barth. 'Governors in the Legislative Arena: The Importance of Personality in Shaping Success.' Political Psychology 23.4 (2002): 787-808.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Ferguson, M.R. and Barth, J., 2002. Governors in the legislative arena: The importance of personality in shaping success. Political Psychology, 23(4), pp.787-808.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ferguson2002governors,\n title={Governors in the legislative arena: The importance of personality in shaping success},\n author={Ferguson, Margaret R and Barth, Jay},\n journal={Political Psychology},\n volume={23},\n number={4},\n pages={787--808},\n year={2002},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_elections_this_year","years":"1935-2011","short_desc":"State senate elections this year","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = 19% or more of seats up, 0 = Fewer than 19% up","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_dem_in_sess","years":"1936-2015","short_desc":"Number of Democratic state senators","long_desc":"Total number of Democrats in the state senate this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1. Book of the States (https://knowledgecenter.csg.org/kc/category/content- type/content-type/book-states) See chapter 3, Table 3.3 for information about legislators; 2011 to 2015","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State partisan balance data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse, 1, p.2013.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State partisan balance data, 1937--2011},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n pages={2013},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_rep_in_sess","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Number of Republican state senators","long_desc":"Total number of Republicans in the state senate this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_ind_in_sess","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Number of non- major-party state senators","long_desc":"Total number of non-Democrats or Republicans in the state senate this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_vac_in_sess","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Number of vacant senate seats","long_desc":"Number of vacant seats in the state senate this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_tot_in_sess","years":"1936-2015","short_desc":"Total number of state senators","long_desc":"Total number of state senators this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nBook of the States (https://knowledgecenter.csg.org/kc/category/content- type/content-type/book-states) See chapter 3, Table 3.3 for information about legislators; 2011 to 2015","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State partisan balance data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse, 1, p.2013.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State partisan balance data, 1937--2011},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n pages={2013},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_cont_alt","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Party in control of state senate","long_desc":"1 = Democrats, 0 = Republicans, .5 = split","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_elections_this_year","years":"1935-2011","short_desc":"State house elections this year","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = 19% or more of seats up, 0 = fewer than 19% up","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_dem_in_sess","years":"1936-2015","short_desc":"Number of Democratic state representatives","long_desc":"Total number of Democrats in the state house this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nBook of the States (https://knowledgecenter.csg.org/kc/category/content- type/content-type/book-states) See chapter 3, Table 3.3 for information about legislators; 2011 to 2015","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State partisan balance data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse, 1, p.2013.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State partisan balance data, 1937--2011},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n pages={2013},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_rep_in_sess","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Number of Republican state representatives","long_desc":"Total number of Republicans in the state house this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_ind_in_sess","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Number of non- major-party state representatives","long_desc":"Total number of non-Democrats or Republicans in the state house this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_vac_in_sess","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Number of vacant house seats","long_desc":"Number of vacant seats in the state house this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_tot_in_sess","years":"1936-2015","short_desc":"Total number of state representatives","long_desc":"Total number of state house members this session","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nBook of the States (https://knowledgecenter.csg.org/kc/category/content- type/content-type/book-states) See chapter 3, Table 3.3 for information about legislators; 2011 to 2015","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. State partisan balance data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse, 1, p.2013.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013state,\n title={State partisan balance data, 1937--2011},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n pages={2013},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_cont_alt","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Party in control of state senate","long_desc":"1 = Democrats, 0 = Republicans, .5 = tie","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"veto_override_prop","years":"1934-2015","short_desc":"Threshold for a veto override","long_desc":"Proportion of legislators needed to override governor veto","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"veto_override_prop_elected","years":"1934-2015","short_desc":"Who does override proportion pertain to?","long_desc":"Who does override proportion pertain to? Dummy: 1 = elected senators, 0 = present senators","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"leg_cont","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Democrats' power of the legislature","long_desc":"1 = Democrats control both chambers; 0 = Democrats control neither chamber; .5 = Democrats control one chamber, .25 = Democrats split control of one chamber, .75 = Democrats control one chamber and split control of the other","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"split_leg","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Is there a split legislature?","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = chambers are not controlled by same party, 0 = else","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"divided_gov","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Is there divided government?","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = two chambers of legislature and governorship are not all controlled by same party, 0 = same party controls all three institutions","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_dem_prop_all","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Proportion of Democrats in the senate","long_desc":"Proportion of state senate seats held by Democrats","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_rep_prop_all","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Proportion of Republicans in the senate","long_desc":"Proportion of state senate seats held by Republicans","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_dem_prop_all","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Proportion of Democrats in the house","long_desc":"Proportion of state house seats held by Democrats","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_rep_prop_all","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Proportion of Republicans in the house","long_desc":"Proportion of state house seats held by Republicans","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"per_leg_of_govs_pty","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Percent of legislature from governor's party","long_desc":"Percent of legislature across the two chambers that are of the same party as the governor","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"dem_veto_proof","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Do Democrats have enough members in both chambers to override a governor's veto?","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = yes, 0 = no","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"rep_veto_proof","years":"1936-2011","short_desc":"Do Republicans have enough members in both chambers to override a governor's veto?","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = yes, 0 = no","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"dem_unified","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Is there a unified Democratic government?","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = Democrats control both legislative chambers and governorship, 0 = else","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"rep_unified","years":"1937-2011","short_desc":"Is there a unified Republican government?","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = Republicans control both legislative chambers and governorship, 0 = else","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'State Partisan Balance Data, 1937-2011', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LZHMG3, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Carl, K., 2013. State Partisan Balance Data, 1937–2011. Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor], 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{carl2013state,\n title={State Partisan Balance Data, 1937--2011},\n author={Carl, Klarner},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse Network [Distributor]},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hou_chamber","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State house ideological median","long_desc":"State house ideological median. Scale is -1 (liberal) to +1 (conservative).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sen_chamber","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State senate ideological median","long_desc":"State senate ideological median. Scale is -1 (liberal) to +1 (conservative).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hou_dem","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State house Democratic party ideological median","long_desc":"State house Democratic party ideological median. Scale is -1 (liberal) to +1 (conservative).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hou_rep","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State house Republican party ideological median","long_desc":"State house Republican party ideological median. Scale is -1 (liberal) to +1 (conservative).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hou_majority","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State house majority party ideological median","long_desc":"State house majority party ideological median. Scale is -1 (liberal) to +1 (conservative).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sen_dem","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State senate Democratic party ideological median","long_desc":"State senate Democratic party ideological median. Scale is -1 (liberal) to +1 (conservative).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sen_rep","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State senate Republican party ideological median","long_desc":"State senate Republican party ideological median. Scale is -1 (liberal) to +1 (conservative).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sen_majority","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State senate majority party ideological median","long_desc":"State senate majority party ideological median. Scale is -1 (liberal) to +1 (conservative).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"h_diffs","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Distance between party medians in state house","long_desc":"Distance between party medians in state house (the authors' preferred measure of polarization).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"s_diffs","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Distance between party medians in state senate","long_desc":"Distance between party medians in state senate (the authors' preferred measure of polarization).","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"h_distance","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Average ideological distance between any two members in state house","long_desc":"Average ideological distance between any two members in state house. This is an alternative, party-free, measure of polarization.","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"s_distance","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Average ideological distance between any two members in state senate","long_desc":"Average ideological distance between any two members in state senate. This is an alternative, party-free, measure of polarization.","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"h_dem_sd","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Democratic party heterogeneity in state house","long_desc":"Democratic party heterogeneity in state house","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"s_dem_sd","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Democratic party heterogeneity in state senate","long_desc":"Democratic party heterogeneity in state senate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"h_rep_sd","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Republican party heterogeneity in state house","long_desc":"Republican party heterogeneity in state house","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"s_rep_sd","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Republican party heterogeneity in state senate","long_desc":"Republican party heterogeneity in state senate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"h_chamber_sd","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State house ideological heterogeneity","long_desc":"State house ideological heterogeneity","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"s_chamber_sd","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State senate ideological heterogeneity","long_desc":"State senate ideological heterogeneity","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hou_dem_error","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Democratic party state house ideological median error estimate","long_desc":"Democratic party state house ideological median error estimate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hou_chamber_error","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State house chamber ideological median error estimate","long_desc":"State house chamber ideological median error estimate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hou_rep_error","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Republican party state house ideological median error estimate","long_desc":"Republican party state house ideological median error estimate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hou_majority_error","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State house majority party ideological median error estimate","long_desc":"State house majority party ideological median error estimate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sen_dem_error","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Democratic party state senate ideological median error estimate","long_desc":"Democratic party state senate ideological median error estimate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sen_chamber_error","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State senate chamber ideological median error estimate","long_desc":"State senate chamber ideological median error estimate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sen_rep_error","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"Republican party state senate ideological median error estimate","long_desc":"Republican party state senate ideological median error estimate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sen_majority_error","years":"1993-2016","short_desc":"State senate majority party ideological median error estimate","long_desc":"State senate majority party ideological median error estimate","sources":"Shor, Boris and Nolan McCarty. 'The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures.' The American Political Science Review 105.3 (2011): 530-\r\n551. http://americanlegislatures.com/data/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Shor, B. and McCarty, N., 2011. The ideological mapping of American legislatures. American Political Science Review, 105(3), pp.530-551.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shor2011ideological,\n title={The ideological mapping of American legislatures},\n author={Shor, Boris and McCarty, Nolan},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={105},\n number={3},\n pages={530--551},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"inst6013_adacope","years":"1960-2013","short_desc":"ADA/COPE government ideology\r\nmeasure of state","long_desc":"This was the authors' original measure of state government ideology. The construction of this indicator was described in their 1998 AJPS article (Berry, Ringquist, Fording and Hanson 1998).","sources":"Berry, William D., Evan J. Ringquist, Richard C. Fording, and Russell L. Hanson. 'Measuring Citizen and Government Ideology in the American States, 1960-93.' American Journal of Political Science 42.1 (1998): 327-\r\n348.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Berry, W.D., Ringquist, E.J., Fording, R.C. and Hanson, R.L., 1998. Measuring citizen and government ideology in the American states, 1960-93. American Journal of Political Science, pp.327-348.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berry1998measuring,\n title={Measuring citizen and government ideology in the American states, 1960-93},\n author={Berry, William D and Ringquist, Evan J and Fording, Richard C and Hanson, Russell L},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n pages={327--348},\n year={1998},\n publisher={JSTOR}\n}"} {"variable":"inst6014_nom","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"NOMINATE\r\nmeasure of state government ideology","long_desc":"This was the authors' second measure of state government ideology. Instead of relying on ADA and COPE scores to construct a measure, the authors rely on 'Common-Space' congressional ideology scores to construct their measure of state party ideology (available at: http://voteview.com/basic.htm).","sources":"Berry, William D., Evan J. Ringquist, Richard C. Fording, and Russell L. Hanson. 'Measuring Citizen and Government Ideology in the American States, 1960-93.' American Journal of Political Science 42.1 (1998): 327-\r\n348.\r\nBerry, William D., Richard C. Fording, Evan J. Ringquist, Russell L. Hanson, and Carl Klarner. 'Measuring Citizen and Government Ideology in the American States: A Re-appraisal.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 10.2 (2010): 117-135.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Berry, W.D., Ringquist, E.J., Fording, R.C. and Hanson, R.L., 1998. Measuring citizen and government ideology in the American states, 1960-93. American Journal of Political Science, pp.327-348.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berry1998measuring,\n title={Measuring citizen and government ideology in the American states, 1960-93},\n author={Berry, William D and Ringquist, Evan J and Fording, Richard C and Hanson, Russell L},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n pages={327--348},\n year={1998},\n publisher={JSTOR}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Berry, W.D., Fording, R.C., Ringquist, E.J., Hanson, R.L. and Klarner, C.E., 2010. Measuring citizen and government ideology in the US states: A re-appraisal. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 10(2), pp.117-135.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{berry2010measuring,\n title={Measuring citizen and government ideology in the US states: A re-appraisal},\n author={Berry, William D and Fording, Richard C and Ringquist, Evan J and Hanson, Russell L and Klarner, Carl E},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={10},\n number={2},\n pages={117--135},\n year={2010},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"legprofscore","years":"1979, 1996, 2003","short_desc":"State legislative professionalism","long_desc":"State legislative professionalization score (member pay, days in session, and staff per legislator compared to Congress)","sources":"Squire, Peverill. 'Legislative Professionalization and Membership Diversity in State Legislatures.' Legislative Studies Quarterly 17.1 (1992): 69-79.\r\nSquire, Peverill. 'Measuring Legislative Professionalism: The Squire Index Revisited.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 7.2 (2007): 211-227.\r\nNotes: The measure for 1996 (with a slight revision for Nevada) is from Squire (2000). The member pay and days in session data for the 1979 and 2003 measures are calculated from the appropriate volumes of the Book of the States. The staff data for state legislators is from the National Conference of State Legislatures, 'Size of State Legislative Staff: 1979, 1988, 1996, and 2003,' May 6, 2004. Congressional data are taken from Dwyer (2004), Congressional Quarterly (1993), and Ornstein, Mann, and Malbin (2000).","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Squire, P., 1992. Legislative professionalization and membership diversity in state legislatures. Legislative Studies Quarterly, pp.69-79.","bibtex_cite":"@article{squire1992legislative,\n title={Legislative professionalization and membership diversity in state legislatures},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={Legislative Studies Quarterly},\n pages={69--79},\n year={1992},\n publisher={JSTOR}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Squire, P., 2007. Measuring state legislative professionalism: The squire index revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 7(2), pp.211-227.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{squire2007measuring,\n title={Measuring state legislative professionalism: The squire index revisited},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={7},\n number={2},\n pages={211--227},\n year={2007},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"sess_length","years":"1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Session length","long_desc":"Length of regular session of Congress.\r\nNote: Year coded as the first year of the biennium session.","sources":"Bowen, Daniel C. and Zachary Greene. 'Should We Measure Professionalism with an Index? A Note on Theory and Practice in State Legislative Professionalism Research.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14.3 (2014): 277-296.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Bowen, D.C. and Greene, Z., 2014. Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 14(3), pp.277-296.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bowen2014should,\n title={Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research},\n author={Bowen, Daniel C and Greene, Zachary},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={14},\n number={3},\n pages={277--296},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"leg_realsalary","years":"1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Legislator salary","long_desc":"Real legislator salary in 2010 dollars.\r\nNote: Year coded as the first year of the biennium session.","sources":"Bowen, Daniel C. and Zachary Greene. 'Should We Measure Professionalism with an Index? A Note on Theory and Practice in State Legislative Professionalism Research.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14.3 (2014): 277-296.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Bowen, D.C. and Greene, Z., 2014. Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 14(3), pp.277-296.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bowen2014should,\n title={Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research},\n author={Bowen, Daniel C and Greene, Zachary},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={14},\n number={3},\n pages={277--296},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"leg_expend","years":"1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Legislator expenditures","long_desc":"Real expenditures per legislator in thousands of 2010 dollars.\r\nNote: Year coded as the first year of the biennium session.","sources":"Bowen, Daniel C. and Zachary Greene. 'Should We Measure Professionalism with an Index? A Note on Theory and Practice in State Legislative Professionalism Research.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14.3 (2014): 277-296.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Bowen, D.C. and Greene, Z., 2014. Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 14(3), pp.277-296.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bowen2014should,\n title={Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research},\n author={Bowen, Daniel C and Greene, Zachary},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={14},\n number={3},\n pages={277--296},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"bowen_legprof_firstdim","years":"1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"First dimension professionalism score","long_desc":"Predicted value of the first dimension multidimensional scaling legislative professionalism score.\r\nNote: Year coded as the first year of the biennium session.","sources":"Bowen, Daniel C. and Zachary Greene. 'Should We Measure Professionalism with an Index? A Note on Theory and Practice in State Legislative Professionalism Research.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14.3 (2014): 277-296.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Bowen, D.C. and Greene, Z., 2014. Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 14(3), pp.277-296.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bowen2014should,\n title={Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research},\n author={Bowen, Daniel C and Greene, Zachary},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={14},\n number={3},\n pages={277--296},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"bowen_legprof_seconddim","years":"1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Second dimension professionalism score","long_desc":"Predicted value of the second dimension multidimensional scaling legislative professionalism score.\r\nNote: Year coded as the first year of the biennium session.","sources":"Bowen, Daniel C. and Zachary Greene. 'Should We Measure Professionalism with an Index? A Note on Theory and Practice in State Legislative Professionalism Research.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14.3 (2014): 277-296.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Bowen, D.C. and Greene, Z., 2014. Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 14(3), pp.277-296.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bowen2014should,\n title={Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research},\n author={Bowen, Daniel C and Greene, Zachary},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={14},\n number={3},\n pages={277--296},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"speaker_power","years":"1981-2009","short_desc":"State Speaker of the House power","long_desc":"Index of state Speaker of the House power. Year is coded for the beginning of the legislative term.\r\nNote: All sessions begin in odd-years except for Mississippi, Louisiana, New Jersey, Virginia, and Kentucky (until 1982), who have even-year start dates.","sources":"Mooney, Christopher Z. 'Measuring State House Speakers' Formal Powers, 1981-2010.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13.2 (2013): 262-273.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mooney, C.Z., 2013. Measuring State House Speakers' Formal Powers, 1981–2010. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 13(2), pp.262-273.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mooney2013measuring,\n title={Measuring State House Speakers' Formal Powers, 1981--2010},\n author={Mooney, Christopher Z},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={13},\n number={2},\n pages={262--273},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"pctlatinoleg","years":"2005-2012, 2014, 2015","short_desc":"Percentage of Latino legislators","long_desc":"Percentage of state legislators (in both chambers) who are Latino","sources":"National Council of State Legislatures:\r\nhttp://www.ncsl.org/research/about-state-legislatures/latino-legislators.aspx\r\nProvided by: Reich, Gary. 'Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States.' Research & Politics 4.4 (2017): 1-11.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Reich, G., 2017. Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States. Research & Politics, 4(4), p.2053168017742005.","bibtex_cite":"@article{reich2017immigrant,\n title={Immigrant legislation, across and within the United States},\n author={Reich, Gary},\n journal={Research \\& Politics},\n volume={4},\n number={4},\n pages={2053168017742005},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}\n}"} {"variable":"pctfemaleleg","years":"1975, 1977, 1979, 1981-2019","short_desc":"Percent of state legislators that are female","long_desc":"Percentage of state legislators who are women","sources":"Center for American Women and Politics. Women in State Legislatures: 2019. https://cawp.rutgers.edu/facts/levels_of_office/state_legislature\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Center for American Women and Politics, 2019. Women in State Legislatures, 2019.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{center2019women,\n title={Women in State Legislatures, 2019},\n author={Center for American Women and Politics},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Rutgers University Rutgers, New Jersey}\n}"} {"variable":"fem_gov","years":"1964-2014","short_desc":"Female governor","long_desc":"Is governor a female? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Center for American Women and Politics. Women in State Legislatures: 2016. http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Center for American Women and Politics. “Women in State Legislature: 2016” http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/ (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{center2021women,\n title={Women in State Legislature: 2016},\n author={Center for American Women and Politics},\n publisher={http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"fem_ltgov","years":"1964-2014","short_desc":"Female lieutenant governor","long_desc":"Is lieutenant governor a female? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Center for American Women and Politics. Women in State Legislatures: 2016. http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Center for American Women and Politics. “Women in State Legislature: 2016” http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/ (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{center2021women,\n title={Women in State Legislature: 2016},\n author={Center for American Women and Politics},\n publisher={http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"fem_secstate","years":"1964-2014","short_desc":"Female secretary of state","long_desc":"Is secretary of state a female? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Center for American Women and Politics. Women in State Legislatures: 2016. http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Center for American Women and Politics. “Women in State Legislature: 2016” http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/ (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{center2021women,\n title={Women in State Legislature: 2016},\n author={Center for American Women and Politics},\n publisher={http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"fem_ag","years":"1964-2014","short_desc":"Female attorney general","long_desc":"Is attorney general a female? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Center for American Women and Politics. Women in State Legislatures: 2016. http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Center for American Women and Politics. “Women in State Legislature: 2016” http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/ (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{center2021women,\n title={Women in State Legislature: 2016},\n author={Center for American Women and Politics},\n publisher={http://www.cawp.rutgers.edu/},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"stctprof_rank","years":"2004","short_desc":"State court professionalism rank","long_desc":"State court professionalism rank from salary, docket score, and staff","sources":"Squire, Peverill. 'Measuring the Professionalization of U.S. State Courts of Last Resort.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 223-238.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Squire, P., 2008. Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.223-238.","bibtex_cite":"@article{squire2008measuring,\n title={Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={223--238},\n year={2008},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"stctprof_score","years":"2004","short_desc":"State court professionalism score","long_desc":"State court professionalism score from salary, docket score, and staff","sources":"Squire, Peverill. 'Measuring the Professionalization of U.S. State Courts of Last Resort.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 223-238.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Squire, P., 2008. Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.223-238.","bibtex_cite":"@article{squire2008measuring,\n title={Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={223--238},\n year={2008},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"stctprofprem_rank","years":"2004","short_desc":"State court professionalism rank using salary premium","long_desc":"State court professionalism rank from premium salary, docket score, and staff","sources":"Squire, Peverill. 'Measuring the Professionalization of U.S. State Courts of Last Resort.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 223-238.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Squire, P., 2008. Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.223-238.","bibtex_cite":"@article{squire2008measuring,\n title={Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={223--238},\n year={2008},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"stctprofprem_score","years":"2004","short_desc":"State court professionalism score using salary premium","long_desc":"State court professionalism score from premium salary, docket score, and staff","sources":"Squire, Peverill. 'Measuring the Professionalization of U.S. State Courts of Last Resort.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 223-238.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Squire, P., 2008. Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.223-238.","bibtex_cite":"@article{squire2008measuring,\n title={Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={223--238},\n year={2008},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"stctprofdisc_rank","years":"2004","short_desc":"State court professionalism using discretionary rank","long_desc":"State court professionalism rank from salary, discretionary score, and staff","sources":"Squire, Peverill. 'Measuring the Professionalization of U.S. State Courts of Last Resort.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 223-238.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Squire, P., 2008. Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.223-238.","bibtex_cite":"@article{squire2008measuring,\n title={Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={223--238},\n year={2008},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"stctprofdisc_score","years":"2004","short_desc":"State Court professionalism using discretionary score","long_desc":"State court professionalism score from salary, discretionary score, and staff","sources":"Squire, Peverill. 'Measuring the Professionalization of U.S. State Courts of Last Resort.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 223-238.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Squire, P., 2008. Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.223-238.","bibtex_cite":"@article{squire2008measuring,\n title={Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={223--238},\n year={2008},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"stctprofpremdisc_rank","years":"2004","short_desc":"State court professionalism using salary premium and discretionary score rank","long_desc":"State court professionalism rank from premium salary, discretionary score, and staff","sources":"Squire, Peverill. 'Measuring the Professionalization of U.S. State Courts of Last Resort.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 223-238.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Squire, P., 2008. Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.223-238.","bibtex_cite":"@article{squire2008measuring,\n title={Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={223--238},\n year={2008},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"stctprofpremdisc_score","years":"2004","short_desc":"State court professionalism using salary premium and discretionary score","long_desc":"State court professionalism score from premium salary, discretionary score, and staff","sources":"Squire, Peverill. 'Measuring the Professionalization of U.S. State Courts of Last Resort.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 223-238.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Squire, P., 2008. Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.223-238.","bibtex_cite":"@article{squire2008measuring,\n title={Measuring the professionalization of US state courts of last resort},\n author={Squire, Peverill},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={223--238},\n year={2008},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"corrupt_convict","years":"1976-2011","short_desc":"Corruption convictions","long_desc":"Convictions relating to corruption ('criminal abuses of public trust by government officials')","sources":"Melki, Mickael, and Andrew Pickering. 2016. 'Polarization and Corruption in America.' University of York Discussion Papers","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Melki, M. and Pickering, A.C., 2016. Polarization and Corruption in America. Department of Economics and Related Studies, University of York.","bibtex_cite":"@book{melki2016polarization,\r\r\n title={Polarization and Corruption in America},\r\r\n author={Melki, Mickael and Pickering, Andrew C and others},\r\r\n year={2016},\r\r\n publisher={Department of Economics and Related Studies, University of York}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"alcfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Alcohol freedom","long_desc":"The category contains the following variables to capture Alcohol Freedom: Alcohol distribution, beer taxes, blue laws, happy hour laws, keg regulations, spirit taxes, mandatory server training, and wine taxes. Alcohol distribution system makes up 1.2 percent of the whole index on its own.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"autofree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Travel freedom","long_desc":"Seat belt laws and mandatory uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage are the two most important variables in the travel category, based on estimated costs in terms of tickets and uncompensated premiums to drivers who do not prefer to perform such activities. After that come motorcycle helmet laws, bicycle helmet laws, bans on driving while using a cell phone, open container laws, and sobriety checkpoints, in that order.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"econfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Economic freedom","long_desc":"Economic freedom is calculated as the sum of the fiscal and regulatory policy indices.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"econrank","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Economic freedom state ranking","long_desc":"State rankings of economic freedom scores","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"edufree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Education freedom","long_desc":"Within education policy, mandatory licensure of private school teachers appears to be the most destructive regulation, and it alone constitutes slightly more than half of the overall educational freedom weight. Other variables are years of mandatory schooling, extent of private school curriculum control, tax credits and deductions for private or home schools (for parents or as contributions to scholarship funds), mandatory government approval of new private schools, home school curriculum control, standardized testing or other evaluation requirements for home schools, extent of home school recordkeeping requirements, teacher qualifications for home schools, an index of home school notification requirements, mandatory kindergarten attendance, the existence of a statute explicitly permitting homeschooling, and mandatory registration of private schools.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"elecfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Campaign finance freedom","long_desc":"The campaign finance policy category covers public financing of campaigns and contribution limits (individuals to candidates, individuals to parties, an index of individuals to PACs and PACs to candidates, and an index of individuals to PACs and PACs to parties). While these policies receive 'constitutional weights' boosting them by a factor of 10 because of their First Amendment implications, they receive low weights even so because there is not much evidence that contribution limits reduce private actors' involvement in politics, unless the limits are extremely low (and Vermont's extremely low limits were struck down by the US Supreme Court in 2006).","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"fiscfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Fiscal freedom","long_desc":"The fiscal policy dimension consists of the following categories: Tax burden (28.6%), government employment\r\n(2.8%), government spending (1.9%), government debt (1.2%), and fiscal decentralization (0.9%).","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"fiscrank","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Fiscal freedom state ranking","long_desc":"State rankings of fiscal freedom scores","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"forfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Asset forfeiture freedom","long_desc":"The calculation for the ease of civil asset forfeiture is based on results reported in the Institute for Justice study Policing for Profit. This index basically reflects the extent to which a state's tight asset forfeiture rules encourage revenue-sharing with the Department of Justice. Tight rules are indeed better, since the government should not take private property simply because it was allegedly used in a crime or allegedly constitutes proceeds of a crime, unless the owner of the property is found culpable in a court of law and the seizure is used to compensate victims. But as the Institute for Justice study found, tight rules simply encourage forfeiture by the federal government.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"freedom","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Overall freedom (aggregate measure)","long_desc":"The overall freedom ranking is determined by combining scores for fiscal, regulatory, and personal freedom.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"gamfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Gambling freedom","long_desc":"This category is dominated by an estimate of the loss to consumers because of gambling restrictions. The category also includes measures for whether social gaming is legal, whether 'aggravated gambling' is a felony or misdemeanor, and whether there is an express ban on online gaming. The category contains the following variables: Gambling felony, gaming revenues, internet gaming prohibition, social gaming exception","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"gunfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Gun control freedom","long_desc":"Gun control measures the direct costs of gun laws to gun owners and dealers as evidenced in sales, price, and ownership figures, as well as original analysis about how concealed-carry restrictions and costs are associated with the number of people who seek permits in each state.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"healthfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Health insurance freedom","long_desc":"Health insurance includes state-level health insurance mandates, small group rate review, guaranteed issue regulations, individual market community rating, mandated direct access to providers, individual market rate review, and a host of lower-impact regulations on managed care organizations (HMOs). State-level health insurance mandates, the second most significant variable in this category at 1.7 percent of the freedom index, impose direct costs of nearly $9 billion a year.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"labfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Labor market freedom","long_desc":"Right-to-work laws make up more than half of the labor regulation category and nearly 2 percent of the entire freedom index. They are valued at over\r\n$10 billion a year. Other policy variables in this category, in descending order of importance, are short-term disability insurance requirements (costs being lower labor productivity and administrative expenses for businesses), policies dealing with workers' compensation (funding mechanisms and mandated coverages), state minimum wage laws (figures adjusted for median private wages), requirements for employer verification of legal resident status, mandated paid family leave, and regulations prohibiting discrimination in employment (or employer-provided insurance) between smokers and non- smokers.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"landfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Land-use freedom","long_desc":"The property rights category includes eminent domain reform and land-use regulations. Almost all its weight comes from two variables: local rent control laws and an index of residential land-use regulations. The remainder takes into account whether compensation or an economic assessment is required before a regulatory taking, an index of eminent domain reform, and whether free speech is mandated on private property. The category contains the following variables: Local rent control, regulatory taking restrictions, mandated free speech on private property, Wharton residential land use, and eminent domain index.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"malafree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Mala prohibita and civil liberties freedom","long_desc":"The civil liberties category is a grab bag of mostly unrelated policies, including raw milk laws, fireworks laws, prostitution laws, physician- assisted suicide laws, religious freedom restoration acts, rules on taking DNA samples from criminal suspects, trans- fat bans, and laws that can be used to prosecute people who audiorecord public officials in the performance of their duties. The category contains the following variables: DNA taken from arrestees, fireworks laws, physician- assisted suicide legal, prostitution legal, raw milk sales legal, two-party consent for recording, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and trans-fat bans.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"marrfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Marriage freedom","long_desc":"Almost all the weight of the marriage freedom category is tied to the availability of same-sex partnerships, both civil unions and marriage. The remainder is tied to waiting periods and blood test requirements. States that prohibit same-sex couples from entering private contracts that provide the benefits of marriage (whether termed 'marriages' or 'civil unions') take away an important contract right from these couples. The category contains the following variables: Blood test requirement, same-sex partnerships, and total waiting period.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"miscregfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Miscellaneous regulation freedom","long_desc":"Miscellaneous regulations include certificate of need (CON) requirements for hospitals, state auto insurance rate filing requirements, state homeowners' insurance rate filing requirements, membership in the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact, and state rate classification prohibitions for some classes of insurance. CON regulations land their first-place slot based on the over $3 billion in extra costs they impose on hospitals, customers, and potential market entrants. The category contains the following variables: Certificate of need for hospitals, rate filing requirements: homeowners' insurance, interstate insurance product regulations compact, rate filing requirements: personal auto insurance, and rate classification prohibitions.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"mjfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Marijuana and salvia freedom","long_desc":"These scores combine multiple marijuana policy variables- decriminalization and legalization of the first offense of 'low-level' marijuana possession, misdemeanor status for 'high-level' possession or 'low-level' cultivation or sale, mandatory minimum sentences for 'low-level' cultivation or sale, the logarithm of the maximum possible prison term for a single marijuana offense. Using principal component analysis yields a sensible index of marijuana policies.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"occfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Occupational licensing freedom","long_desc":"Almost two-thirds of the occupational freedom category's weight is made up of two variables: a measure of occupational licensing extent and the sum total of education and experience requirements for all included occupations. Rounding out the category are regulations that limit the practice of nurses and nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and dental hygienists. The category contains the following variables: Dental hygienist independent practice, education and experience requirements, employment- weighted licensure, exam requirements, fees for licensed occupations, nurse licensure compact membership, nurse practitioner independent practice, and physician assistant prescribing authority.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"persfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Personal freedom","long_desc":"Personal freedom dimension consists of the following categories: victimless crime freedom (9.8%), gun control freedom (6.6%), tobacco freedom (4.1%), alcohol freedom (2.8%), marriage freedom (2.1%), marijuana and salvia freedom (2.1%), gambling freedom (2.0%), education policy (1.9%), civil liberties (0.6%), travel freedom (0.5%), asset forfeiture freedom (0.1%), and campaign finance freedom (0.02%).","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"persrank","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Personal freedom state ranking","long_desc":"State rankings of personal freedom scores","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"ranking","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Overall freedom state ranking (aggregate ranking)","long_desc":"State rankings of overall freedom scores","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"regfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Regulatory freedom","long_desc":"The regulatory policy dimension consists of the following categories: freedom from tort abuse (11.5%), property right protection (7.6%), health insurance freedom (5.4%), labor market freedom (3.8%), occupational licensing freedom (1.7%), miscellaneous regulatory freedom (1.3%), and cable and telecom freedom (0.8%).","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"regrank","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Regulatory freedom state ranking","long_desc":"State rankings of regulatory freedom scores","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"tobfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Tobacco freedom","long_desc":"Tobacco freedom includes taxes on tobacco, smoking bans, internet sales bans, and vending machine regulations. The freedom index also takes into account taxes paid by smokers, which are excluded from the taxation category used in the fiscal policy dimension, as well as the deadweight costs of the taxes.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"tortfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Tort freedom","long_desc":"The liability system is a ranking of state tort systems based on a survey of business owners and managers. This is what the US Chamber of Commerce calls a state's 'lawsuit climate.' It captures risks and costs that businesses must pass on to consumers as higher prices.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"utilfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Cable and telecom freedom","long_desc":"Telecommunications deregulation accounts for roughly two-thirds of the weight for this category, and the remainder is accounted for by statewide cable franchising, which eases the entry of telecom firms into the video cable market.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"vcfree","years":"2001, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Victimless crime freedom","long_desc":"The most heavily weighted category in the personal freedom dimension-after direct victim costs have been calculated and constitutional factors taken into account-is the law enforcement statistics category, which consists of data on incarceration rates adjusted for violent and property crime rates, non- drug victimless crimes arrests, and the drug enforcement rate. This category is worth over one-quarter of the personal freedom index.","sources":"Mercatus Center. 2016. 'Freedom in the 50 States.' Arlington, VA: George Mason University. http://freedominthe50states.org/about.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University. “Freedom in the 50 States.” http://freedominthe50states.org/about (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={Freedom in the 50 States}\n author={Mercatus Center. Arlington, VA: George Mason University.},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n publisher={http://freedominthe50states.org/about},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"efna_index","years":"1981-2013","short_desc":"Economic freedom index","long_desc":"This economic freedom index measures overall level of economic freedom based on government spending, taxes, and labor market freedom","sources":"Stansel, Dean, Jose Torra, and Fred McMahon. 2015. 'Economic Freedom of North America.' Vancouver, BC: Fraiser Institute.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Stansel, Dean, Jose Torres, and Fred McMahon. “Economic Freedom of North America” Vancouver, BC: Fraiser Institute (2015)","bibtex_cite":"@article{stansel2015economic\n title={Economic Freedom of North America),\n author={Stansel, Dean, Jose Torres, and Fred McMahon},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Vancouver, BC: Fraiser Institute}\n}"} {"variable":"integrity","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"State government integrity","long_desc":"Letter grade for state government integrity, an overall index of thirteen measures of accountability and transparency.","sources":"The Center for Public Integrity, 2015. 'State Integrity 2015.' https://publicintegrity.org/politics/state-politics/state-integrity- investigation/how-does-your-state-rank-for-integrity/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"The Center for Public Integrity. “State Integrity 2015” https://publicintegrity.org/politics/state-politics/state-integrity- investigation/how-does-your-state-rank-for-integrity/","bibtex_cite":"@article{center2015state}\n title={State Integrity 2015),\n author={The Center For Public Integrity},\n year={2015},\n publisher={https://publicintegrity.org/politics/state-politics/state-integrity- investigation/how-does-your-state-rank-for-integrity/}\n}"} {"variable":"wallstreet_best_run","years":"2010-2012","short_desc":"Ranking of the best and worst run states","long_desc":"Wallstreet 24/7 ranking of the best run states (based on: S&P credit rankings, unemployment, GDP per capita, high school completion for population over 25, violent crime rate, poverty rate, median household income, debt per capita, percent of population without health insurance, change in home values)","sources":"24/7 Wallstreet. 'The Best and Worst Run States in America: A Survey of All 50.'\r\nProvided by: Pallay, Geoff. 2012. Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Anon, (n.d.). Best and Worst Run States in America: A Survey of All 50 – 24/7 Wall St. [online] Available at: https://247wallst.com/special-report/2020/12/08/best-and-worst-run-stateamerica-a-survey-of-all-s-in-50-3/ [Accessed 16 Sep. 2021].","bibtex_cite":"@misc{stebbins_suneson_sauter_2020, \n title={Best and worst run states in America: A survey of all 50}, \n url={https://247wallst.com/special-report/2020/12/08/best-and-worst-run-stateamerica-a-survey-of-all-s-in-50-3/}, \n journal={247 Wall St}, \n publisher={24/7 Wall St.}, \n author={Stebbins, Samuel and Suneson, Grant and Sauter, Michael B.}, \n year={2020}, \n month={Dec}}"} {"variable":"civil_defense_and_disaster_compa","years":"1951-2017","short_desc":"Bilateral/mutual aid for disasters","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"compact_for_a_balanced_budget","years":"2014-2017","short_desc":"Seek passage of balanced budget amendment to the U.S. constitution","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bus_taxation_proration_and_recip","years":"1965-2017","short_desc":"System for bus fleet owners to prorate mileage in multiple states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"compact_on_taxation_of_motor_fuels","years":"1963-2017","short_desc":"Establish criteria to avoid double taxation of motor fuels consumed by interstate buses","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"driver_license_compact","years":"1961-2017","short_desc":"System for states to exchange license suspension/viola tion between states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_high_speed_rail_netwo","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Compact for administering high speed rail commuter network","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_rail_passenger_networ","years":"1979-2017","short_desc":"Agreement to coordinate a rail passenger network","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"multistate_highway_transportation","years":"1975-2017","short_desc":"Agreement for establishing vehicle size and loads across states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"emergency_management_assistance","years":"1995-2017","short_desc":"Mutual assistance between states in emergency or disaster situations","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interpleader_compact","years":"1954-2017","short_desc":"Allows states to acquire jurisdiction over claimants to property located within compact states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_for_adult_off","years":"1951-2017","short_desc":"Regulates movement and supervision of offenders under community supervision","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_for_juveniles","years":"1955-2017","short_desc":"Establishes procedure for out of state supervision of juveniles and procedures for their return","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_for_mutual_mi","years":"1951-2017","short_desc":"Provides mutual military aid between states in an emergency","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_on_adoption_a","years":"1984-2017","short_desc":"Assures continued provision of all benefits of an adoption subsidy agreement, regardless of state of residence of the child","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_on_agricultur","years":"1979-2017","short_desc":"Creates commission to promote exporting American grain","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_on_educationa","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Helps military children transfer academic credits between institutions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_on_industrial","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Creates commission to create uniform rules and regulations governing the design and construction of industrialized/m odular buildings","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_on_licensure","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Establishes uniform requirements for licensing of participants in live racing with pari-mutuel wagering","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_on_mentally_d","years":"1967-2017","short_desc":"Commitment for better treatment and care for mentally disordered offenders","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_on_the_placem","years":"1976-2017","short_desc":"Assists with placement of children across state lines","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"compact_on_placement_of_children","years":"1960-2017","short_desc":"Ensures protection and services to children placed across states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"compact_for_pension_portability","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"System for transferring professional education employees' pension","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"compact_on_adoption_and_medical","years":"1984-2017","short_desc":"Provides all the benefit of adoption subsidy agreement, regardless of state","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"agreement_on_qualifications_of_e","years":"1962-2017","short_desc":"Facilitates movement of education professionals across states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"compact_for_education","years":"1965-2017","short_desc":"Information center on education matters","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_library_compact","years":"1957-2017","short_desc":"Agreement for using libraries on an interstate basis","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_compact_to_conserve_o","years":"1935-2017","short_desc":"Compact on reducing waste of oil and gas","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_forest_fire_suppressi","years":"1991-2017","short_desc":"Compact for coordinating forest fire resources in event of a fire","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_mining_compact","years":"1966-2017","short_desc":"Agreement for cross-state regulation of mining and conservation","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"wildlife_violator_compact","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Provides a means through which states can participate in a reciprocal program to enforce wildlife citations","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"multistate_lottery_agreement","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Establishes multi-state lottery","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_corrections_compact","years":"1959-2017","short_desc":"Compact on improving management and treatment in corrections system","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"health_care_compact","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Restores authority for health care regulation to the states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_medical_licensure_com","years":"2015-2017","short_desc":"Agreement for licensing of physicians across state lines","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nurse_licensure_compact","years":"1998-2017","short_desc":"Interstate coordination on nurse licensing","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"emergency_medical_services_perso","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Establishes system for licensing emergency personnel","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"multistate_reciprocity_agreement","years":"1962-2017","short_desc":"System so that interstate buses can avoid being required to register in multiple states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"multistate_tax_compact","years":"1967-2017","short_desc":"Creates system for taxing multistate taxpayers","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_earthquake_emergency","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Compact for assistance in event of earthquake","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_insurance_product_reg","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Compact regulating insurance policies","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_insurance_receivership","years":"1995-2017","short_desc":"Managing insolvent interstate insurance companies","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_mutual_aid_compact","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Agreement for aid across states in event of disaster/emergen cy","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Karch, Andrew, Sean C. Nicholson-Crotty, Neal D. Woods, and Ann O'M. Bowman. 'Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias.' Political Research Quarterly 69.1 (2016): 83-95.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Karch, A., Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Woods, N.D. and Bowman, A.O.M., 2016. Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias. Political Research Quarterly, 69(1), pp.83-95.","bibtex_cite":"@article{karch2016policy,\n title={Policy diffusion and the pro-innovation bias},\n author={Karch, Andrew and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean C and Woods, Neal D and Bowman, Ann O’M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={69},\n number={1},\n pages={83--95},\n year={2016},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}\n"} {"variable":"anyid2","years":"1972-2017","short_desc":"Request any ID for voting","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Biggers, Daniel R., and Michael J. Hanmer. 'Understanding the adoption of voter identification laws in the American states.' American Politics Research 45.4 (2017): 560-588.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Biggers, D.R. and Hanmer, M.J., 2017. Understanding the adoption of voter identification laws in the American states. American Politics Research, 45(4), pp.560-588.","bibtex_cite":"@article{biggers2017understanding,\n title={Understanding the adoption of voter identification laws in the American states},\n author={Biggers, Daniel R and Hanmer, Michael J},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={45},\n number={4},\n pages={560--588},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"anyphotoid2","years":"1972-2017","short_desc":"Photo ID voting requirement","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Biggers, Daniel R., and Michael J. Hanmer. 'Understanding the adoption of voter identification laws in the American states.' American Politics Research 45.4 (2017): 560-588.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Biggers, D.R. and Hanmer, M.J., 2017. Understanding the adoption of voter identification laws in the American states. American Politics Research, 45(4), pp.560-588.","bibtex_cite":"@article{biggers2017understanding,\n title={Understanding the adoption of voter identification laws in the American states},\n author={Biggers, Daniel R and Hanmer, Michael J},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={45},\n number={4},\n pages={560--588},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"absvot","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Unrestricted absentee voting","long_desc":"Did state adopt unrestricted absentee voting? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"earlvot","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"In-person early voting","long_desc":"Did state adopt in-person early voting? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"elecdayreg","years":"1974-2017","short_desc":"Election Day registration","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"mailreg","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Voter registration by mail","long_desc":"Did state adopt voter registration by mail? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"motorvoter","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Voter registration with driver's license renewal","long_desc":"Did state adopt voter registration with driver's license renewal? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pubcamfun","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Public campaign funding","long_desc":"Did state adopt public campaign funding? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"nofelons","years":"1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018","short_desc":"Number of felons ineligible to vote","long_desc":"The total number of felons who are ineligible to vote.","sources":"McDonald, Michael P. United States Election Project. Turnout 1980-2012. http://www.electproject.org/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: The number of ineligible felons depends on state law. Some states permanently disfranchise felons and a few let even prisoners vote. Statistics drawn from various Department of Justice reports which detail the prison, probation, and parole population of the United States are matched with these state laws to estimate the number of ineligible felons. The Department of Justice Bureau, Office of Justice Statistics releases numbers from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 for a given year. Author uses the most approximate Jan. 1 values, where available, since these include revised Dec. 31 data from the previous year. Author assumes all Prisoners and Parolees are felons, and half of Probationers are felons (this estimate is drawn from DOJ reports; starting in 2011, DOJ reports the number of persons on probation who are felons). A blank or zero indicates the category of felons is allowed to vote in that state. For the United States totals, author includes persons in the federal corrections system.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"McDonald, Michael P. “Turnout 1980-2012” United States Election Project. http://www.electproject.org/ Accessed 9-17-2021","bibtex_cite":"@article{mcdonald2021turnout,\n title={Turnout 1980-2012),\n author={Michael P. McDonald},\n journal={United States Election Project},\n year={2021},\n publisher={http://www.electproject.org/}\n}"} {"variable":"noofvotes","years":"1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018","short_desc":"Number of votes in general election","long_desc":"Traditional reported number of people who voted in a given general election. Note: No data available for votes cast in Louisiana for highest office in 1982.","sources":"McDonald, Michael P. United States Election Project. Turnout 1980-2012. http://www.electproject.org/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes:iv","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"McDonald, Michael P. “Turnout 1980-2012” United States Election Project. http://www.electproject.org/ Accessed 9-17-2021","bibtex_cite":"@article{mcdonald2021turnout,\n title={Turnout 1980-2012),\n author={Michael P. McDonald},\n journal={United States Election Project},\n year={2021},\n publisher={http://www.electproject.org/}\n}"} {"variable":"vep","years":"1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018","short_desc":"Voting-eligible population","long_desc":"Total population that is eligible to vote.","sources":"McDonald, Michael P. United States Election Project. Turnout 1980-2012. http://www.electproject.org/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"McDonald, Michael P. “Turnout 1980-2012” United States Election Project. http://www.electproject.org/ Accessed 9-17-2021","bibtex_cite":"@article{mcdonald2021turnout,\n title={Turnout 1980-2012),\n author={Michael P. McDonald},\n journal={United States Election Project},\n year={2021},\n publisher={http://www.electproject.org/}\n}"} {"variable":"vepvotingrate","years":"1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018","short_desc":"VEP highest office voting turnout rate","long_desc":"Voting-eligible population turnout rate for highest office elections; or proportion of the votes cast for the highest office on the ballot (of the total voting-eligible population).","sources":"McDonald, Michael P. United States Election Project. Turnout 1980-2012. http://www.electproject.org/. Originally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: VEP Highest Office Turnout Rate = (Voted for Highest Office) / (Voting-Eligible Population Total) (recommended statistic).\r\nThe Vote for Highest Office is the traditional reported number of people who voted in a given election. In presidential election years, the vote for highest office is simply the presidential vote. In a non-presidential election year, the vote for highest office is the largest vote total for a statewide office such as governor or US Senator. When no statewide office is on the ballot, the sum of the congressional races is used instead. In 2006, the methodology was changed slightly to use the sum of the congressional races if they exceeded a statewide office, as occurred with Indiana's uncompetitive US Senate race.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"McDonald, Michael P. “Turnout 1980-2012” United States Election Project. http://www.electproject.org/ Accessed 9-17-2021","bibtex_cite":"@article{mcdonald2021turnout,\n title={Turnout 1980-2012),\n author={Michael P. McDonald},\n journal={United States Election Project},\n year={2021},\n publisher={http://www.electproject.org/}\n}"} {"variable":"elect_year","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Election year","long_desc":"Calendar year that the election was in, or years after the election year but before the calendar year of the next election.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sen_prop_up","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of state senate seats up for election","long_desc":"Proportion of state senate seats up in this year.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hs_prop_up","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of state house seats up for election","long_desc":"Proportion of state house seats up in this year.","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"ranney1_sen_dem_prop","years":"1936-2016","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state senators","long_desc":"Proportion of state senators who are Democrats. Note: this is the annual measure the moving averages were computed from.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney2_hs_dem_prop","years":"1936-2016","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state house members","long_desc":"Proportion of state house members who are Democrats. Note: this is the annual measure the moving averages were computed from.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney3_gub_prop","years":"1936-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of two-party vote for democratic gubernatorial candidate","long_desc":"Proportion of the two-party vote that the Democratic gubernatorial candidate got in the last election. Note: this is the annual measure the moving averages were computed from.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney4_control","years":"1936-2016","short_desc":"Party control of state government","long_desc":"0 = unified Republican control, 1 = unified Democratic control, .5 = neither. Note: this is the annual measure the moving averages were computed from.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney4_control_alt","years":"1936-2016","short_desc":"Democratic control of state government","long_desc":"Dummy variable: 1 = unified Democratic control, 0 = else. Note: this is the annual measure the moving averages were computed from. Also, this is the way dimension #4 of the Ranney index has been measured in the past. This method could be very problematic. The underlying assumption of this method is that unified Democratic control is important, but that the difference between unified Republican control and split control isn't.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney1_sen_dem_prop_4yr","years":"1939-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state senators: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of state senators who are Democrats (4-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney2_hs_dem_prop_4yr","years":"1939-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state house members: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of state house members who are Democrats (4-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney3_gub_prop_4yr","years":"1939-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of two-party vote for Democratic gubernatorial candidate: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of the two-party vote that the Democratic gubernatorial candidate got in the last election (f4-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney4_control_4yr","years":"1939-2010","short_desc":"Party control of state government: 4- yr. moving average","long_desc":"0 = unified Republican control, 1 = unified Democratic control, .5 = neither. Four-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney4_control_alt_4yr","years":"1939-2010","short_desc":"Democratic control of state government: 4- yr. moving average","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = unified Democratic control, 0 = else. Four-year moving average. Note: this is the way dimension #4 of the Ranney index has been measured in the past. This method could be very problematic. The underlying assumption of this method is that unified Democratic control is important, but that the difference between unified Republican control and split control isn't.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney1_sen_dem_prop_6yr","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state senators: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of state senators who are Democrats (6-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney2_hs_dem_prop_6yr","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state house members: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of state house members who are Democrats (6-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney3_gub_prop_6yr","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of two-party vote for Democratic gubernatorial candidate: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of the two-party vote that the Democratic gubernatorial candidate got in the last election (6-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co. \r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. “Parties in State Politics.” In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Jacob, Herbert and Vines, Kenneth. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in State Politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American States},\n year={1976},\n publisher={Little, Brown & Co.}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"ranney4_control_6yr","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Party control of state government: 6- yr. moving average","long_desc":"0 = unified Republican control, 1 = unified Democratic control, .5 = neither. Six-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney4_control_alt_6yr","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Democratic control of state government: 6- yr. moving average","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = unified Democratic control, 0 = else. Six-year moving average. Note: this is the way dimension #4 of the Ranney index has been measured in the past. This method could be very problematic. The underlying assumption of this method is that unified Democratic control is important, but that the difference between unified Republican control and split control isn't.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney1_sen_dem_prop_8yr","years":"1943-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state senators: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of state senators who are Democrats (8-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney2_hs_dem_prop_8yr","years":"1943-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state house members: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of state house members who are Democrats (8-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney3_gub_prop_8yr","years":"1943-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of two-party vote for Democratic gubernatorial candidate: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of the two-party vote that the Democratic gubernatorial candidate got in the last election (8-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney4_control_8yr","years":"1943-2010","short_desc":"Party control of state government: 8- yr. moving average","long_desc":"0 = unified Republican control, 1 = unified Democratic control, .5 = neither. Eight-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney4_control_alt_8yr","years":"1943-2010","short_desc":"Democratic control of state government: 8- yr. moving average","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = unified Democratic control, 0 = else. Eight-year moving average. Note: this is the way dimension #4 of the Ranney index has been measured in the past. This method could be very problematic. The underlying assumption of this method is that unified Democratic control is important, but that the difference between unified Republican control and split control isn't.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney1_sen_dem_prop_10yr","years":"1945-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state senators: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of state senators who are Democrats (10-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney2_hs_dem_prop_10yr","years":"1945-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of Democratic state house members: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of state house members who are Democrats (10-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney3_gub_prop_10yr","years":"1945-2010","short_desc":"Proportion of two-party vote for Democratic gubernatorial candidate: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Proportion of the two-party vote that the Democratic gubernatorial candidate got in the last election (10-year moving average).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney4_control_10yr","years":"1945-2010","short_desc":"Party control of state government: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"0 = unified Republican control, 1 = unified Democratic control, .5 = neither. Ten-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney4_control_alt_10yr","years":"1945-2010","short_desc":"Democratic control of state government: 10- yr. moving average","long_desc":"Dummy: 1 = unified Democratic control, 0 = else. Ten-year moving average. Note: this is the way dimension #4 of the Ranney index has been measured in the past. This method could be very problematic. The underlying assumption of this method is that unified Democratic control is important, but that the difference between unified Republican control and split control isn't.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney_4yrs","years":"1939-2010","short_desc":"Four-year moving average of proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor, and government","long_desc":"Four-year moving average of variables for proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor's office, and overall government (not the alternative measure).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney_6yrs","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Six-year moving average of proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor, and government","long_desc":"Six-year moving average of variables for proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor's office, and overall government (not the alternative measure).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney_8yrs","years":"1943-2010","short_desc":"Eight-year moving average of proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor, and government","long_desc":"Eight-year moving average of variables for proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor's office, and overall government (not the alternative measure).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney_10yrs","years":"1945-2010","short_desc":"Ten-year moving average of proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor, and government","long_desc":"Ten-year moving average of variables for proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor's office, and overall government (not the alternative measure).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney_4yrs_alt","years":"1939-2010","short_desc":"Four-year moving average of proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor, and government (alt.)","long_desc":"Four-year moving average of variables for proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor's office, and overall government (using the alternative measure).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney_6yrs_alt","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Six-year moving average of proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor, and government (alt.)","long_desc":"Six-year moving average of variables for proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor's office, and overall government (using the alternative measure).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney_8yrs_alt","years":"1943-2010","short_desc":"Eight-year moving average of proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor, and government (alt.)","long_desc":"Eight-year moving average of variables for proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor's office, and overall government (using the alternative measure).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ranney_10yrs_alt","years":"1945-2010","short_desc":"Ten-year moving average of proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor, and government (alt.)","long_desc":"Ten-year moving average of variables for proportion of Democratic control in state senate, house, governor's office, and overall government (not the alternative measure).","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co. \r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910?DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. “Parties in State Politics.” In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Jacob, Herbert and Vines, Kenneth. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in State Politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American States},\n year={1976},\n publisher={Little, Brown & Co.}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"folded_ranney_4yrs","years":"1939-2010","short_desc":"Ranney measure of electoral competitiveness: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Ranney measures of competitiveness. Four-year moving average. Varies between .5 and 1, with higher values representing higher levels of competitiveness.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"folded_ranney_6yrs","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Ranney measure of electoral competitiveness: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Ranney measures of competitiveness. Six-year moving average. Varies between .5 and 1, with higher values representing higher levels of competitiveness.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"folded_ranney_8yrs","years":"1943-2010","short_desc":"Ranney measure of electoral competitiveness: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Ranney measures of competitiveness. Eight-year moving average. Varies between .5 and 1, with higher values representing higher levels of competitiveness.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}\n"} {"variable":"folded_ranney_10yrs","years":"1945-2010","short_desc":"Ranney measure of electoral competitiveness: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Ranney measures of competitiveness. Ten-year moving average. Varies between .5 and 1, with higher values representing higher levels of competitiveness.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nStata Code: gen folded_ranney_10yrs=1-(abs(ranney_10yrs-.5))","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. “Parties in State Politics.” In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Jacob, Herbert and Vines, Kenneth. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in State Politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American States},\n year={1976},\n publisher={Little, Brown & Co.}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"folded_ranney_alt_4yrs","years":"1939-2010","short_desc":"Ranney measure of electoral competitiveness: 4-yr. moving average using alt. state gov't. measure","long_desc":"Ranney measures of competitiveness. Four-year moving average using the alternative state government measure. Varies between .5 and 1, with higher values representing higher levels of competitiveness.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nStata Code: gen folded_ranney_alt_4yrs=1-(abs(ranney_4yrs_alt-.5))","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. “Parties in State Politics.” In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Jacob, Herbert and Vines, Kenneth. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in State Politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American States},\n year={1976},\n publisher={Little, Brown & Co.}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"folded_ranney_alt_6yrs","years":"1941-2010","short_desc":"Ranney measure of electoral competitiveness: 6-yr. moving average using alt. state gov't. measure","long_desc":"Ranney measures of competitiveness. Six-year moving average using the alternative state government measure. Varies between .5 and 1, with higher values representing higher levels of competitiveness.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nStata Code: gen folded_ranney_alt_6yrs=1-(abs(ranney_6yrs_alt-.5))","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. “Parties in State Politics.” In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Jacob, Herbert and Vines, Kenneth. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in State Politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American States},\n year={1976},\n publisher={Little, Brown & Co.}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"folded_ranney_alt_8yrs","years":"1943-2010","short_desc":"Ranney measure of electoral competitiveness: 8-yr. moving average using alt. state gov't. measure","long_desc":"Ranney measures of competitiveness. Eight-year moving average using the alternative state government measure. Varies between .5 and 1, with higher values representing higher levels of competitiveness.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nStata Code: gen folded_ranney_alt_8yrs=1-(abs(ranney_8yrs_alt-.5))","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. “Parties in State Politics.” In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Jacob, Herbert and Vines, Kenneth. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in State Politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American States},\n year={1976},\n publisher={Little, Brown & Co.}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"folded_ranney_alt_10yrs","years":"1945-2010","short_desc":"Ranney measure of electoral competitiveness: 10-yr. moving average using alt. state gov't. measure","long_desc":"Ranney measures of competitiveness. Ten-year moving average using the alternative state government measure. Varies between .5 and 1, with higher values representing higher levels of competitiveness.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nStata Code: gen folded_ranney_alt_10yrs=1-(abs(ranney_10yrs_alt-.5))","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. “Parties in State Politics.” In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Jacob, Herbert and Vines, Kenneth. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in State Politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American States},\n year={1976},\n publisher={Little, Brown & Co.}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd1_winper_4yr","years":"1971-2011","short_desc":"Average pct. winning candidates received in election: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Average percent that winning candidates got in this year's election (of the total vote), and in the elections whose values were put in the three calendar years prior to that. Average weighted by the number of seats up in each election in the chamber-year.\r\nFour-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: for an even-year, in an even-year election state with all of a chamber's seats up, this would give one-fourth weight to the current election, one-half weight to the last election, and one-fourth weight to the second to last election. For an odd year in such a state, half weight would be given to the election held last year, and half weight would be given to the election before that. WARNING: users can drop the even years in even year states if they don't like the one-fourth/one-half/one-fourth weighting referred to above. For states with four-year election cycles, like Alabama, users might consider only keeping the values from three years after the calendar year of the election.\r\nCandidates in FFA-MMDs have their % multiplied by the number of seats in the FFA-MMD. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd2_winmargin_4yr","years":"1971-2011","short_desc":"Average winning margin by which candidates won election: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Average percent margin (of the total vote) by which winning candidates win (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). Average weighted by the number of seats up in each election in the chamber-year. Four-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For FFA-MMDs, this is compared to the loser with the largest % of the vote. In FFA-MMDs, this margin is multiplied by the number of seats in the FFA-MMD. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd3_uncont_4yr","years":"1971-2011","short_desc":"Percent uncontested seats in an election: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats that are uncontested (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). Four-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: This takes under-contested seats in FFA-MMDs into account. For example, a three seat FFA-MMD with two Democrats and three Republicans would contribute '3' to the denominator, and '1' to the numerator of this variable. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd4_safeseat_4yr","years":"1971-2011","short_desc":"Pct. of 'safe' seats: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats that are 'safe' (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). 'Safe' is considered a winning margin of 10% or more. Four-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For FFA-MMDs, a winner is considered 'safe' when their margin times the number of seats is greater than 10%. For FFA-MMDs, margin is computed as above. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"unusable_seats_4yr_per","years":"1971-2011","short_desc":"Pct. of seats unusable for other measures: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats in this year and the three years prior to that are 'unuseable' for the Holbrook and Van Dunk measure. Four-year moving average. 'Not useable' includes such things as missing vote returns (but not in uncontested elections in states that don't put such elections on the ballot), missing party codes, or elections that only report the winner and information about the existence of other candidates is unknown.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: Descriptive statistics for variable: 89.0% of state-years have 0% unusable seats, 98.7% have 5% or less unusable seats, 99.2% of state-years have 10% or less unusable seats, eight state-years have between 10 and 20% unusable seats, and eight more state-years have more than 20% unusable seats. The worst state-year has 49.8% of its seats with missing information.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd1_winper_6yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Average pct. winning candidates received in election: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Average percent that winning candidates got in this year's election (of the total vote), and in the elections whose values were put in the three calendar years prior to that. Average weighted by the number of seats up in each election in the chamber-year. Six- year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: for an even-year, in an even-year election state with all of a chamber's seats up, this would give one-fourth weight to the current election, one-half weight to the last election, and one-fourth weight to the second to last election. For an odd year in such a state, half weight would be given to the election held last year, and half weight would be given to the election before that. WARNING: users can drop the even years in even year states if they don't like the one-fourth/one-half/one-fourth weighting referred to above. For states with four-year election cycles, like Alabama, users might consider only keeping the values from three years after the calendar year of the election.\r\nCandidates in FFA-MMDs have their % multiplied by the number of seats in the FFA-MMD. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd2_winmargin_6yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Average winning margin by which candidates won election: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Average percent margin (of the total vote) by which winning candidates win (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). Average weighted by the number of seats up in each election in the chamber-year. Six-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For FFA-MMDs, this is compared to the loser with the largest % of the vote. In FFA-MMDs, this margin is multiplied by the number of seats in the FFA-MMD. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd3_uncont_6yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Percent uncontested seats in an election: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats that are uncontested (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). Six-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: This takes under-contested seats in FFA-MMDs into account. For example, a three seat FFA-MMD with two Democrats and three Republicans would contribute '3' to the denominator, and '1' to the numerator of this variable. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd4_safeseat_6yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Pct. of 'safe' seats: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats that are 'safe' (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). 'Safe' is considered a winning margin of 10% or more. Six-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For FFA-MMDs, a winner is considered 'safe' when their margin times the number of seats is greater than 10%. For FFA-MMDs, margin is computed as above. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"unusable_seats_6yr_per","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Pct. of seats unusable for other measures: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats in this year and the three years prior to that are 'unuseable' for the Holbrook and Van Dunk measure. Six-year moving average. 'Not useable' includes such things as missing vote returns (but not in uncontested elections in states that don't put such elections on the ballot), missing party codes, or elections that only report the winner and information about the existence of other candidates is unknown.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: Descriptive statistics for variable: 89.0% of state-years have 0% unusable seats, 98.7% have 5% or less unusable seats, 99.2% of state-years have 10% or less unusable seats, eight state-years have between 10 and 20% unusable seats, and eight more state-years have more than 20% unusable seats. The worst state-year has 49.8% of its seats with missing information.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd1_winper_8yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Average pct. winning candidates received in election: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Average percent that winning candidates got in this year's election (of the total vote), and in the elections whose values were put in the three calendar years prior to that. Average weighted by the number of seats up in each election in the chamber-year.\r\nEight-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: for an even-year, in an even-year election state with all of a chamber's seats up, this would give one-fourth weight to the current election, one-half weight to the last election, and one-fourth weight to the second to last election. For an odd year in such a state, half weight would be given to the election held last year, and half weight would be given to the election before that. WARNING: users can drop the even years in even year states if they don't like the one-fourth/one-half/one-fourth weighting referred to above. For states with four-year election cycles, like Alabama, users might consider only keeping the values from three years after the calendar year of the election.\r\nCandidates in FFA-MMDs have their % multiplied by the number of seats in the FFA-MMD. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd2_winmargin_8yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Average winning margin by which candidates won election: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Average percent margin (of the total vote) by which winning candidates win (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). Average weighted by the number of seats up in each election in the chamber-year. Eight-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For FFA-MMDs, this is compared to the loser with the largest % of the vote. In FFA-MMDs, this margin is multiplied by the number of seats in the FFA-MMD. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd3_uncont_8yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Percent uncontested seats in an election: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats that are uncontested (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). Eight-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: This takes under-contested seats in FFA-MMDs into account. For example, a three seat FFA-MMD with two Democrats and three Republicans would contribute '3' to the denominator, and '1' to the numerator of this variable. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd4_safeseat_8yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Pct. of 'safe' seats: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats that are 'safe' (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). 'Safe' is considered a winning margin of 10% or more. Eight-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For FFA-MMDs, a winner is considered 'safe' when their margin times the number of seats is greater than 10%. For FFA-MMDs, margin is computed as above. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"unusable_seats_8yr_per","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Pct. of seats unusable for other measures: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats in this year and the three years prior to that are 'unuseable' for the Holbrook and Van Dunk measure. Eight-year moving average. 'Not useable' includes such things as missing vote returns (but not in uncontested elections in states that don't put such elections on the ballot), missing party codes, or elections that only report the winner and information about the existence of other candidates is unknown.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: Descriptive statistics for variable: 89.0% of state-years have 0% unusable seats, 98.7% have 5% or less unusable seats, 99.2% of state-years have 10% or less unusable seats, eight state-years have between 10 and 20% unusable seats, and eight more state-years have more than 20% unusable seats. The worst state-year has 49.8% of its seats with missing information.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd1_winper_10yr","years":"1977-2011","short_desc":"Average pct. winning candidates received in election: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Average percent that winning candidates got in this year's election (of the total vote), and in the elections whose values were put in the three calendar years prior to that. Average weighted by the number of seats up in each election in the chamber-year. Ten- year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: for an even-year, in an even-year election state with all of a chamber's seats up, this would give one-fourth weight to the current election, one-half weight to the last election, and one-fourth weight to the second to last election. For an odd year in such a state, half weight would be given to the election held last year, and half weight would be given to the election before that. WARNING: users can drop the even years in even year states if they don't like the one-fourth/one-half/one-fourth weighting referred to above. For states with four-year election cycles, like Alabama, users might consider only keeping the values from three years after the calendar year of the election. Candidates in FFA-MMDs have their % multiplied by the number of seats in the FFA-MMD. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. “Parties in State Politics.” In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Jacob, Herbert and Vines, Kenneth. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in State Politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American States},\n year={1976},\n publisher={Little, Brown & Co.}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd2_winmargin_10yr","years":"1977-2011","short_desc":"Average winning margin by which candidates won election: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Average percent margin (of the total vote) by which winning candidates win (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). Average weighted by the number of seats up in each election in the chamber-year. Ten-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For FFA-MMDs, this is compared to the loser with the largest % of the vote. In FFA-MMDs, this margin is multiplied by the number of seats in the FFA-MMD. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd3_uncont_10yr","years":"1977-2011","short_desc":"Percent uncontested seats in an election: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats that are uncontested (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). Ten-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: This takes under-contested seats in FFA-MMDs into account. For example, a three seat FFA-MMD with two Democrats and three Republicans would contribute '3' to the denominator, and '1' to the numerator of this variable. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd4_safeseat_10yr","years":"1977-2011","short_desc":"Pct. of 'safe' seats: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats that are 'safe' (in this election or the elections that were put into the last three calendar years). 'Safe' is considered a winning margin of 10% or more. Ten-year moving average.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For FFA-MMDs, a winner is considered 'safe' when their margin times the number of seats is greater than 10%. For FFA-MMDs, margin is computed as above. After computing this quantity for both chambers, those two quantities are averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"unusable_seats_10yr_per","years":"1977-2011","short_desc":"Pct. of seats unusable for other measures: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Percent of seats in this year and the three years prior to that are 'unuseable' for the Holbrook and Van Dunk measure. Ten-year moving average. 'Not useable' includes such things as missing vote returns (but not in uncontested elections in states that don't put such elections on the ballot), missing party codes, or elections that only report the winner and information about the existence of other candidates is unknown.","sources":"Ranney, Austin. 1976. 'Parties in State Politics.' In Politics in the American States, 3rd ed., edited by Herbert Jacob and Kenneth Vines. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: Descriptive statistics for variable: 89.0% of state-years have 0% unusable seats, 98.7% have 5% or less unusable seats, 99.2% of state-years have 10% or less unusable seats, eight state-years have between 10 and 20% unusable seats, and eight more state-years have more than 20% unusable seats. The worst state-year has 49.8% of its seats with missing information.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Ranney, A., 1976. Parties in state politics. Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis, 3, pp.51-92.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ranney1976parties,\n title={Parties in state politics},\n author={Ranney, Austin},\n journal={Politics in the American states: A comparative analysis},\n volume={3},\n pages={51--92},\n year={1976}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd_4yr","years":"1971-2011","short_desc":"Holbrook and Van Dunk competitiveness measure: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Measure of electoral competitiveness by Holbrook and Van Dunk that is 100 minus average pct. of votes winning candidate received, average winning margin, average pct. uncontested seats, and average pct. safe seats over 4-year moving average.","sources":"Holbrook, Thomas M., and Emily Van Dunk. 'Electoral Competition in the American States.' The American Political Science Review 87.4 (1993): 955- 62.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For the Holbrook and Van Dunk data, the data were first worked on with the state-chamber-year as the unit of analysis. Running averages of the four dimensions were created that were weighted by the number of seats up in each chamber (running averages of four, six, eight and ten years). The four dimensions were then averaged (and subtracted from '100') to make the Holbrook and Van Dunk indicator for a chamber-year. The values from the two chambers were then averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holbrook, T.M. and Van Dunk, E., 1993. Electoral competition in the American states. American Political Science Review, 87(4), pp.955-962.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holbrook1993electoral,\n title={Electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Holbrook, Thomas M and Van Dunk, Emily},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={87},\n number={4},\n pages={955--962},\n year={1993},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd_6yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Holbrook and Van Dunk competitiveness measure: 6-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Measure of electoral competitiveness by Holbrook and Van Dunk that is 100 minus average pct. of votes winning candidate received, average winning margin, average pct. uncontested seats, and average pct. safe seats over 6-year moving average.","sources":"Holbrook, Thomas M., and Emily Van Dunk. 'Electoral Competition in the American States.' The American Political Science Review 87.4 (1993): 955- 62.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For the Holbrook and Van Dunk data, the data were first worked on with the state-chamber-year as the unit of analysis. Running averages of the four dimensions were created that were weighted by the number of seats up in each chamber (running averages of four, six, eight and ten years). The four dimensions were then averaged (and subtracted from '100') to make the Holbrook and Van Dunk indicator for a chamber-year. The values from the two chambers were then averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holbrook, T.M. and Van Dunk, E., 1993. Electoral competition in the American states. American Political Science Review, 87(4), pp.955-962.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holbrook1993electoral,\n title={Electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Holbrook, Thomas M and Van Dunk, Emily},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={87},\n number={4},\n pages={955--962},\n year={1993},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd_8yr","years":"1973-2011","short_desc":"Holbrook and Van Dunk competitiveness measure: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Measure of electoral competitiveness by Holbrook and Van Dunk that is 100 minus average pct. of votes winning candidate received, average winning margin, average pct. uncontested seats, and average pct. safe seats over 8-year moving average.","sources":"Holbrook, Thomas M., and Emily Van Dunk. 'Electoral Competition in the American States.' The American Political Science Review 87.4 (1993): 955- 62.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For the Holbrook and Van Dunk data, the data were first worked on with the state-chamber-year as the unit of analysis. Running averages of the four dimensions were created that were weighted by the number of seats up in each chamber (running averages of four, six, eight and ten years). The four dimensions were then averaged (and subtracted from '100') to make the Holbrook and Van Dunk indicator for a chamber-year. The values from the two chambers were then averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holbrook, T.M. and Van Dunk, E., 1993. Electoral competition in the American states. American Political Science Review, 87(4), pp.955-962.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holbrook1993electoral,\n title={Electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Holbrook, Thomas M and Van Dunk, Emily},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={87},\n number={4},\n pages={955--962},\n year={1993},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"hvd_10yr","years":"1977-2011","short_desc":"Holbrook and Van Dunk competitiveness measure: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Measure of electoral competitiveness by Holbrook and Van Dunk that is 100 minus average pct. of votes winning candidate received, average winning margin, average pct. uncontested seats, and average pct. safe seats over 10-year moving average.","sources":"Holbrook, Thomas M., and Emily Van Dunk. 'Electoral Competition in the American States.' The American Political Science Review 87.4 (1993): 955- 62.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1\r\nNotes: For the Holbrook and Van Dunk data, the data were first worked on with the state-chamber-year as the unit of analysis. Running averages of the four dimensions were created that were weighted by the number of seats up in each chamber (running averages of four, six, eight and ten years). The four dimensions were then averaged (and subtracted from '100') to make the Holbrook and Van Dunk indicator for a chamber-year. The values from the two chambers were then averaged.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holbrook, T.M. and Van Dunk, E., 1993. Electoral competition in the American states. American Political Science Review, 87(4), pp.955-962.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holbrook1993electoral,\n title={Electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Holbrook, Thomas M and Van Dunk, Emily},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={87},\n number={4},\n pages={955--962},\n year={1993},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sf_hvd_4yr","years":"1973, 1977, 1981, 1985, 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001","short_desc":"Shufeldt and Flavin's H&VD electoral competitiveness measure: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Shufeldt and Flavin's four-year Holbrook and Van Dunk measure. Observed for 391 cases.","sources":"Shufeldt, Gregory, and Patrick Flavin. 'Two Distinct Concepts: Party Competition in Government and Electoral Competition in the American States.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 12.3. (2012):330-342.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Shufeldt, G. and Flavin, P., 2012. Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.330-342.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shufeldt2012two,\n title={Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Shufeldt, Gregory and Flavin, Patrick},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={330--342},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sf_ranney_4yr","years":"1973, 1977, 1981, 1985, 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001","short_desc":"Shufeldt and Flavin's Ranney electoral competitiveness measure: 4-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Shufeld and Flavin's four-year folded Ranney Index. Observed for 400 cases.","sources":"Shufeldt, Gregory, and Patrick Flavin. 'Two Distinct Concepts: Party Competition in Government and Electoral Competition in the American States.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 12.3. (2012):330-342.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Shufeldt, G. and Flavin, P., 2012. Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.330-342.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shufeldt2012two,\n title={Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Shufeldt, Gregory and Flavin, Patrick},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={330--342},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sf_hvd_8yr","years":"1979, 1987, 1988, 1995, 2003","short_desc":"Shufeldt and Flavin's H&VD electoral competitiveness measure: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Shufeldt and Flavin's eight-year Holbrook and Van Dunk measure. Observed for 247 cases.","sources":"Shufeldt, Gregory, and Patrick Flavin. 'Two Distinct Concepts: Party Competition in Government and Electoral Competition in the American States.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 12.3. (2012):330-342.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Shufeldt, G. and Flavin, P., 2012. Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.330-342.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shufeldt2012two,\n title={Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Shufeldt, Gregory and Flavin, Patrick},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={330--342},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sf_ranney_8yr","years":"1979, 1987, 1995, 2003","short_desc":"Shufeldt and Flavin's Ranney electoral competitiveness measure: 8-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Shufeld and Flavin's eight-year folded Ranney Index. Observed for 200 cases.","sources":"Shufeldt, Gregory, and Patrick Flavin. 'Two Distinct Concepts: Party Competition in Government and Electoral Competition in the American States.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 12.3. (2012):330-342.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Shufeldt, G. and Flavin, P., 2012. Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.330-342.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shufeldt2012two,\n title={Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Shufeldt, Gregory and Flavin, Patrick},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={330--342},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sf_hvd_10yr","years":"1979, 1989, 1999","short_desc":"Shufeldt and Flavin's H&VD electoral competitiveness measure: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Shufeldt and Flavin's ten-year Holbrook and Van Dunk measure. Observed for 148 cases.","sources":"Shufeldt, Gregory, and Patrick Flavin. 'Two Distinct Concepts: Party Competition in Government and Electoral Competition in the American States.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 12.3. (2012):330-342.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Shufeldt, G. and Flavin, P., 2012. Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.330-342.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shufeldt2012two,\n title={Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Shufeldt, Gregory and Flavin, Patrick},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={330--342},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"sf_ranney_10yr","years":"1979, 1989, 1999","short_desc":"Shufeldt and Flavin's Ranney electoral competitiveness measure: 10-yr. moving average","long_desc":"Shufeld and Flavin's ten-year folded Ranney Index. Observed for 150 cases.","sources":"Shufeldt, Gregory, and Patrick Flavin. 'Two Distinct Concepts: Party Competition in Government and Electoral Competition in the American States.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 12.3. (2012):330-342.\r\nKlarner, Carl, 2013, 'Other Scholars' Competitiveness Measures', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QSDYLH, Harvard Dataverse, V1","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Shufeldt, G. and Flavin, P., 2012. Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.330-342.","bibtex_cite":"@article{shufeldt2012two,\n title={Two distinct concepts: Party competition in government and electoral competition in the American states},\n author={Shufeldt, Gregory and Flavin, Patrick},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={330--342},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Klarner, C., 2013. Other scholars’ competitiveness measures. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{klarner2013other,\n title={Other scholars’ competitiveness measures},\n author={Klarner, Carl},\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={1},\n year={2013}\n}"} {"variable":"overall_fin_reg","years":"1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012","short_desc":"Overall campaign finance stringency","long_desc":"An overall index measuring level of stringency in campaign finance regulations","sources":"Kulesza, Christopher; Witko, Christopher; Waltenburg, Eric, 2015, 'State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NLDUOY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kulesza, C., Witko, C. and Waltenburg, E., 2015. State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kulesza2015state,\r\r\n title={State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012},\r\r\n author={Kulesza, Christopher and Witko, Christopher and Waltenburg, Eric},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"disclosure_fin_reg","years":"1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012","short_desc":"Campaign finance disclosure stringency","long_desc":"An index measuring level of stringency in campaign finance disclosure regulation. Coded as the total number of the following provisions enacted: 1) Aggregate expenditure reporting; 2) Aggregate contributions reporting; 3) Itemization of some categories of expenditures; 4) Itemization of some categories of contributions; 5) Itemization of expenditures over $50;\r\n6) Itemization of contributions over\r\n$50; 7) Requirement of final report within one month of an election; and 8) Requirement of reports on at least a quarterly basis.","sources":"Kulesza, Christopher; Witko, Christopher; Waltenburg, Eric, 2015, 'State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NLDUOY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kulesza, C., Witko, C. and Waltenburg, E., 2015. State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kulesza2015state,\r\r\n title={State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012},\r\r\n author={Kulesza, Christopher and Witko, Christopher and Waltenburg, Eric},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"public_fin_reg","years":"1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012","short_desc":"Public campaign finance stringency","long_desc":"An index measuring level of public campaign financing and stringency of expenditure limit regulations. Coded as the total number of the following provisions enacted: 1) Total expenditure limit; 2) Check-off on tax return form for contribution to public financing; 3) Independent revenue source for public financing; 4) Public financing of statewide campaigns; 5) Public financing of state legislative campaigns; 6) Public financing of political parties; and 7) Equal distribution of public funds between candidates and parties.","sources":"Kulesza, Christopher; Witko, Christopher; Waltenburg, Eric, 2015, 'State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NLDUOY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kulesza, C., Witko, C. and Waltenburg, E., 2015. State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kulesza2015state,\r\r\n title={State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012},\r\r\n author={Kulesza, Christopher and Witko, Christopher and Waltenburg, Eric},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_fin_reg","years":"1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012","short_desc":"Campaign contribution stringency","long_desc":"An index measuring stringency of campaign contribution regulations. Coded as the total number of the following provisions enacted: 1) Contribution limits on individuals; 2) Prohibition of direct corporate contributions; 3) Prohibition of direct labor union contributions; 4) Limits on corporate contributions (direct or PACs); 5) Limits on labor union contributions (direct or PACs); 6) Limits on candidate self-financing; and\r\n7) Limits on candidate family contributions.","sources":"Kulesza, Christopher; Witko, Christopher; Waltenburg, Eric, 2015, 'State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NLDUOY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kulesza, C., Witko, C. and Waltenburg, E., 2015. State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kulesza2015state,\r\r\n title={State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012},\r\r\n author={Kulesza, Christopher and Witko, Christopher and Waltenburg, Eric},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"indlimit","years":"1992-2013","short_desc":"Limit on individual campaign contributions","long_desc":"Does a limit on individual campaign contributions exist? 0 = no, 1 = yes","sources":"Kulesza, Christopher; Witko, Christopher; Waltenburg, Eric, 2015, 'State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NLDUOY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kulesza, C., Witko, C. and Waltenburg, E., 2015. State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kulesza2015state,\r\r\n title={State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012},\r\r\n author={Kulesza, Christopher and Witko, Christopher and Waltenburg, Eric},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"famlim","years":"1992-2013","short_desc":"Limit on family campaign contributions","long_desc":"Does a limit on family campaign contributions exist? 0 = no, 1 = yes","sources":"Kulesza, Christopher; Witko, Christopher; Waltenburg, Eric, 2015, 'State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NLDUOY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kulesza, C., Witko, C. and Waltenburg, E., 2015. State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kulesza2015state,\r\r\n title={State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012},\r\r\n author={Kulesza, Christopher and Witko, Christopher and Waltenburg, Eric},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"candlim","years":"1992-2013","short_desc":"Limit on candidate self- contributions","long_desc":"Does a limit on self-campaign contributions exist? 0 = no, 1 = yes","sources":"Kulesza, Christopher; Witko, Christopher; Waltenburg, Eric, 2015, 'State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NLDUOY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kulesza, C., Witko, C. and Waltenburg, E., 2015. State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kulesza2015state,\r\r\n title={State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012},\r\r\n author={Kulesza, Christopher and Witko, Christopher and Waltenburg, Eric},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"corporlimits","years":"1992-2013","short_desc":"Limit on corporate campaign contributions","long_desc":"Does a limit on corporate campaign contributions exist? 0 = no, 1 = yes","sources":"Kulesza, Christopher; Witko, Christopher; Waltenburg, Eric, 2015, 'State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NLDUOY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kulesza, C., Witko, C. and Waltenburg, E., 2015. State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kulesza2015state,\r\r\n title={State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012},\r\r\n author={Kulesza, Christopher and Witko, Christopher and Waltenburg, Eric},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"unionlimits","years":"1992-2013","short_desc":"Limit on union campaign contributions","long_desc":"Does a limit on union campaign contributions exist? 0 = no, 1 = yes","sources":"Kulesza, Christopher; Witko, Christopher; Waltenburg, Eric, 2015, 'State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NLDUOY, Harvard Dataverse, V1.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kulesza, C., Witko, C. and Waltenburg, E., 2015. State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012. Harvard Dataverse, 1.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kulesza2015state,\r\r\n title={State Campaign Finance Regulatory Stringency Index, 1992-2012},\r\r\n author={Kulesza, Christopher and Witko, Christopher and Waltenburg, Eric},\r\r\n journal={Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={1},\r\r\n year={2015}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"oelecsc","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"State has nonpartisan elections for supreme court","long_desc":"State has nonpartisan elections for supreme court? (0 = no, 0.1 = retention only, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"oelectrial","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"State has nonpartisan elections for trial courts","long_desc":"State has nonpartisan elections for trial courts?\r\n0 = none, 0.1 = retention only (at minimum), 0.5 = some (some appointed), 1 = all)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"opartrial","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"State has partisan elections for trial courts","long_desc":"State has partisan elections for trial courts? (0 = none, 0.5 = some, 1 = all)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"opartsc","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"State has partisan elections for supreme court, including partisan nominating process if no party label on ballot","long_desc":"State has partisan elections for supreme court, including partisan nominating process if no party label on ballot? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tcorconcraw","years":"2002-2016","short_desc":"Limits on corporate contributions to house candidates, per election cycle","long_desc":"Limits on corporate contributions to house candidates, per election cycle (0\r\n= prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tcorconpraw","years":"2002-2016","short_desc":"Limits on corporate contributions to political parties, per election cycle","long_desc":"Limits on corporate contributions to political parties, per election cycle (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tcorpacraw","years":"2002, 2005, 2007-2016","short_desc":"Limits on corporate contributions to PACs, per election cycle","long_desc":"Limits on corporate contributions to PACs, per election cycle (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tfullpub","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Full public financing for state election campaigns available","long_desc":"Full public financing for state election campaigns available? (0 = none, 0.1 = trial basis or a few state offices, 1 = all or most state elections)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tindconcraw","years":"2002, 2005, 2007-2016","short_desc":"Limits on individual contributions to house candidates, per election cycle","long_desc":"Limits on individual contributions to house candidates, per election cycle (0\r\n= prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tindconpraw","years":"2002, 2005-2016","short_desc":"Limits on individual contributions to political parties, per election cycle","long_desc":"Limits on individual contributions to political parties, per election cycle (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tindpacraw","years":"2002, 2005, 2007-2016","short_desc":"Limits on individual contributions to PACs, per election cycle","long_desc":"Limits on individual contributions to PACs, per election cycle (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tpacconcraw","years":"2002-2016","short_desc":"Maximum available limits on PAC (including super PAC)\r\ncontributions to house candidates, per election cycle","long_desc":"Maximum available limits on PAC (including super PAC) contributions to house candidates, per election cycle (ignoring expenditure limits) (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tpacconpraw","years":"2002, 2005-2016","short_desc":"Maximum available limits on PAC contributions to political parties, per election cycle","long_desc":"Maximum available limits on PAC contributions to political parties, per election cycle (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tpartpub","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Some public financing for state election campaigns available","long_desc":"Some public financing for state election campaigns available? (0 = none, 0.1 = trial basis or a few state offices, 1 = all or most state elections)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tpfpps","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Some public financing for political parties available","long_desc":"Some public financing for political parties available? (no tax credits) (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ttaxadd","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Source of public funds a voluntary tax add-on only","long_desc":"Is the source of public funds a voluntary tax add-on only? (does not count check-off states) (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tlegses","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Bans on contributions during legislative session","long_desc":"Bans on contributions during legislative session (0 = none, 0.5 = all donors for certain fundraisers only, 1 = lobbyists only, 1.5 = lobbyists and all donors for certain fundraisers, 2 = all donors)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tcprc","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of corporate PAC regulation, candidate contributions","long_desc":"Index of corporate PAC regulation, candidate contributions\r\ntcorpac * tpacconc","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tcprp","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of corporate PAC regulation, party contributions","long_desc":"Index of corporate PAC regulation, party contributions\r\ntcorpac * tpacconp / 20","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tgprc","years":"2002, 2005, 2007-2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of grassroots PAC regulation, candidate contributions","long_desc":"Index of grassroots PAC regulation, candidate contributions\r\ntindpac * tpacconc","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tgprp","years":"2002, 2005, 2007-2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of grassroots PAC regulation, party contributions","long_desc":"Index of grassroots PAC regulation, party contributions\r\ntindpac * tpacconp / 20","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tindconc","years":"2002, 2005, 2007-2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of individual contributions to candidates","long_desc":"Index of individual contributions to candidates\r\ntindconcraw / tpphd * 2005 price level\r\n/ current price level (2 = no limit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tindconp","years":"2002, 2005, 2007-2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of individual contributions to parties","long_desc":"Index of individual contributions to parties\r\ntindconpraw / apop * 1000 * 2005 price level / current price level (40 = no limit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tindpac","years":"2002, 2005, 2007-2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of individual contributions to PACs","long_desc":"Index of individual contributions to PACs\r\ntindpacraw / apop * 1000 * 2005 price level / current price level (40 = no limit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tpacconc","years":"2002-2005, 2007-2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of maximum available limits on PAC contributions to house candidates","long_desc":"Maximum available limits on PAC (including Super PACS) contributions to house candidates, per election cycle (ignoring expenditure limits) (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)\r\ntpacconcraw / tpphd * 2005 price level\r\n/ current price level (2 = no limit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tpacconp","years":"2002, 2005, 2007-2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of maximum available limits on PAC contributions to political parties","long_desc":"Maximum available limits on PAC contributions to political parties, per election cycle (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)\r\ntpacconpraw / apop * 1000 * 2005 price level / current price level (40 = no limit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tcorconc","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of limits on corporate contributions to house candidates","long_desc":"Limits on corporate contributions to house candidates, per election cycle (0\r\n= prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)\r\ntcorconcraw / tpphd * 2005 price level\r\n/ current price level (2 = no limit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tcorconp","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of limits on corporate contributions to political parties","long_desc":"Limits on corporate contributions to political parties, per election cycle (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)\r\ntcorconpraw / apop * 1000 * 2005 price level / current price level (40 = no limit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tcorpac","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Index of limits on corporate contributions to PACs","long_desc":"Limits on corporate contributions to PACs, per election cycle (0 = prohibited, 'none' = unlimited)\r\ntcorpacraw / apop * 1000 * 2005 price level / current price level (40 = no limit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"thd","years":"2000-2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Number of state house districts","long_desc":"Number of state house districts","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tpphd","years":"2000, 2002, 2004-2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Population divided by number of state house districts","long_desc":"Estimated population divided by number of state house districts apop / thd","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"tpubfin","years":"2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Public financing index","long_desc":"Public financing index\r\n(tfullpub + (0.5 * tpartpub) + (0.5 * tpfpps)) / (1 + ttaxadd)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gov_contrib","years":"1990, 1992, 1994-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to governor's race","long_desc":"Total contributions for candidates in the state gubernatorial election","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"house_contrib","years":"1990, 1992, 1994, 1996-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to state house/assembly races","long_desc":"Total contributions for candidates in the state House or Assembly elections","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"senate_contrib","years":"1990, 1992, 1994, 1996-2004, 2006-2008, 2010-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to state senate races","long_desc":"Total contributions for candidates in the state Senate elections","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"court_contrib","years":"1988-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to state supreme court races","long_desc":"Total contributions for candidates in the state Supreme Court elections","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"ballot_contrib","years":"2002-2016","short_desc":"Contribution to ballot measure committees","long_desc":"Total contributions for all ballot measure committees in the state","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"dem_contrib","years":"1996-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to the state Democratic Party","long_desc":"Total contributions for the state Democratic party","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"rep_contrib","years":"1996-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to the state Republican Party","long_desc":"Total contributions for the state Republican party","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"nonindiv_contrib","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from non- individuals","long_desc":"Total contributions to state candidates from non-individuals (e.g., labor unions, parties and candidates, business, PACs, etc.)","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_to_incumbs","years":"1986, 1988-1994, 1996-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to state incumbents","long_desc":"Total contributions to all incumbent candidates running for state offices","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_to_dems","years":"1988-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to state Democratic candidates","long_desc":"Total contributions to all Democratic candidates running for state offices","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_to_reps","years":"1988-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to state Republican candidates","long_desc":"Total contributions to all Republican candidates running for state offices","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_to_thirdparty","years":"1990, 1992-1994, 1996-2016","short_desc":"Contributions to state third-party candidates","long_desc":"Total contributions to all third-party candidates running for state offices","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_agri","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the agricultural sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the agricultural sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_candidates","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from other political candidates","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from other candidates","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_comm_elect","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the communications and electronics sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the communications and electronics sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_construction","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the construction sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the construction sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_defense","years":"1990, 1992, 1994, 1996-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the defense sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the defense sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_energy_natres","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the energy and natural resources sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the energy and natural resources sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_gov_ed_other","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from government agencies, education, and other sectors","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in government agencies, education, and other sectors","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_health","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the health sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the health sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"cotrib_ideo_singiss","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the ideology/single- issue sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the ideological and single-issue sectors","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_labor","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the labor sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the labor sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_lawyer_lobby","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the lawyer and lobbyist sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the lawyer and lobbyist sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_transp","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the transportation sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the transportation sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_unitemized","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from un- itemized contributors","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from un-itemized contributors","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_fin_ins_realestate","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the finance, insurance, and real estate sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the finance, insurance, real estate sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_public_subsidy","years":"1989, 1990, 1992, 1994-2000, 2002-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from public subsidies","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from public subsidies","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_business","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the general business sector","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from contributors in the general business sector","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"contrib_party","years":"1989, 1990, 1992-2016","short_desc":"Contributions from the party","long_desc":"Total contributions to state office candidates from political parties","sources":"National Institute on Money in Politics. 2016. Helena, Montana. www.followthemoney.org","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"National Institute on Money in Politics. “Helena, Montana” https://www.followthemoney.org 2016","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2016helena,\n title={Helena, Montana}\n author={National Institute on Money In Politics},\n publisher= {https://www.followthemoney.org},\n year={2016}\n}"} {"variable":"igdensity","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"State interest group density","long_desc":"Measure for the number of interest groups registered within a state.","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_ed","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Education state interest groups","long_desc":"Number of education interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: school districts, principals associations, unions, libraries, museums","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_ag","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Agriculture and fisheries state interest groups","long_desc":"Number of agriculture and fisheries interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: farm organizations, food processors, corp farms, seafood/fishing industry","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_bk","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Banking, finance, and real estate state interest groups","long_desc":"Number of banking, finance, and real estate interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: banks, credit unions, investment companies, securities, stocks","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_in","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Insurance state interest groups","long_desc":"Number of insurance interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: insurance companies (car, life, and home), brokers, associations, underwriters","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_mf","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Manufacturing interest groups","long_desc":"Number of manufacturing interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: producers, manufacturing associations, paper mills, chemical companies, technology","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_cons","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Construction and housing interest groups","long_desc":"Number of construction and housing interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: construction associations, construction firms, landlord associations, tenant unions","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_legal","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Legal practices and courts interest groups","long_desc":"Number of legal practices and courts interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: bar associations, court employees, court services, law firms","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_sb","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Small business concerns and retailing interest groups","long_desc":"Number of small business and retail interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: retail stores and chains, chamber of commerce, retail associations, distributors","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_health","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Health care practice, delivery, and disease interest groups","long_desc":"Number of health care interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: health professionals associations, hospitals and health systems, health insurers and HMOs, mental health, veterinary, pharmacists","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_cir","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Civil rights, minority-issue interest groups","long_desc":"Number of civil rights and minority- issues interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: minority groups, gay and lesbian issues, American Indian tribes.","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_hotel","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Hotel, restaurant, and liquor interest groups","long_desc":"Number of hotel, restaurant, and liquor interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: hotel associations, restaurant, tourism, liquor distribution","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_env","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Environmental preservation and conservation interest groups","long_desc":"Number of environmental and conservation interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: environmental groups, air and water pollution, solid and water districts","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_rel","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Churches and religious organizations interest groups","long_desc":"Number of religious interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: churches, Catholic conference, denominations, religious-based organizations","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_welf","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Human resource issues, welfare services interest groups","long_desc":"Number of social welfare interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: social workers, non- health charities, welfare services, legal aid societies, consumer groups, animal rights, children's services","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_resou","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Commercial resource development interest groups","long_desc":"Number of commercial resource development interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups dedicated to: oil, timber, mining, gold, drilling","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_gg","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Good government and policy advocacy interest groups","long_desc":"Number of good governance interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: good government citizen groups, political parties, government reform.","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_women","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Women's issues interest groups","long_desc":"Number of women's issues interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups focusing on issues such as: abortion, equal rights, domestic abuse","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_util","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Utilities and energy interest groups","long_desc":"Number of utility and energy interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: electric companies, sewer districts, utility regulation.","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_tax","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Tax issues and government regulations interest groups","long_desc":"Number of tax and government regulation interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: taxpayer groups, homeowners, right to work, tax reform, workers' compensation","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_comm","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Media and communication industry interest groups","long_desc":"Number of media and communication interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: stations, newspapers, associations of media outlets, broadcasters, internet, publishing","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_tran","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Transportation companies, transit issues interest groups","long_desc":"Number of transportation and transit interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: trucking companies, transit authorities, airlines, railroads","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_igr","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Governments and intergovernment al relations interest groups","long_desc":"Number of governmental and intergovernmental relations interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: local government, public employees, government officials, municipal associations, port authorities","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_polf","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Police, fire, EMS, and corrections interest groups","long_desc":"Number of police, fire, EMS, and corrections interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: fire departments, volunteer fire, EMS, correction workers, private security, bail agents","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_sport","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Sports, amusement parks, and clubs interest groups","long_desc":"Number of sports and amusement park interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: attractions, auto clubs, gun groups, sports teams, stadiums, hunting","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_sofb","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Service and other firms interest groups","long_desc":"Number of business service interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: payroll, public relations, consulting, advertising, architects, temp agencies","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_mil","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Military and veterans interest groups","long_desc":"Number of military and veterans interest groups registered in the state. Includes groups such as: national guard, veterans' groups, legions, VFW, reservists","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ig_unk","years":"1980, 1990, 1997-1999, 2007","short_desc":"Unknown category for state interest groups","long_desc":"Number of state interest groups registered in 'unknown' category","sources":"Gray, Virginia, and David Lowery. 'Interest Group Politics and Economic Growth in the U.S. States.' The American Political Science Review 82.1 (1988): 109-131.\r\nLowery, David, Virginia Gray, and John Cluverius. 'Temporal Change in the Density of State Interest Communities 1980 to 2007.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.2 (2015): 263-286.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V. and Lowery, D., 1988. Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states. american political Science Review, 82(1), pp.109-131.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray1988interest,\n title={Interest group politics and economic growth in the US states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David},\n journal={american political Science Review},\n volume={82},\n number={1},\n pages={109--131},\n year={1988},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Lowery, D., Gray, V. and Cluverius, J., 2015. Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(2), pp.263-286.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lowery2015temporal,\n title={Temporal change in the density of state interest communities: 1980 to 2007},\n author={Lowery, David and Gray, Virginia and Cluverius, John},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={2},\n pages={263--286},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"christright_inf","years":"2000, 2004","short_desc":"Christian Right influence","long_desc":"Index measuring the influence of Christian Right interest groups","sources":"Conger, Kimberly H. 'A Matter of Context: Christian Right Influence in U.S. State Republican Politics.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 10.3 (2010): 248-269.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Conger, K.H., 2010. A matter of context: Christian right influence in US state republican politics. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 10(3), pp.248-269.","bibtex_cite":"@article{conger2010matter,\n title={A matter of context: Christian right influence in US state republican politics},\n author={Conger, Kimberly H},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={248--269},\n year={2010},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"union_density","years":"1974-2011","short_desc":"Union density","long_desc":"Proportion of (non-agricultural) workforce represented by a union","sources":"Kelly, Nathan J., and Christopher Witko. 'Government Ideology and Unemployment in the U.S. States.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14.4 (2014): 389-413.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kelly, N.J. and Witko, C., 2014. Government ideology and unemployment in the US states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 14(4), pp.389-413.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kelly2014government,\n title={Government ideology and unemployment in the US states},\n author={Kelly, Nathan J and Witko, Christopher},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={14},\n number={4},\n pages={389--413},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"avgec_low","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean economic liberalism-low income respondents","long_desc":"Mean economic liberalism score for low income citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"avgec_mid","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean economic liberalism-mid income respondents","long_desc":"Mean economic liberalism score for middle income citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"avgec_high","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean economic liberalism-high income respondents","long_desc":"Mean economic liberalism score for high income citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"avgsoc_low","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean social liberalism-low income respondents","long_desc":"Mean social liberalism score for low income citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"avgsoc_mid","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean social liberalism-mid income respondents","long_desc":"Mean social liberalism score for middle income citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"vavgec_low","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean economic liberalism-low income voters","long_desc":"Mean economic liberalism score for low income voting citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"vavgec_mid","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean economic liberalism-mid income voters","long_desc":"Mean economic liberalism score for middle income voting citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"vavgec_high","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean economic liberalism-high income voters","long_desc":"Mean economic liberalism score for high income voting citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"vavgsoc_low","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean social liberalism-low income voters","long_desc":"Mean social liberalism score for low income voting citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"vavgsoc_mid","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean social liberalism-mid income voters","long_desc":"Mean social liberalism score for middle income voting citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"vavgsoc_high","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean social liberalism-high income voters","long_desc":"Mean social liberalism score for high income voting citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"st_ec","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean economic liberalism-all survey respondents","long_desc":"Mean mass economic liberalism score","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"st_soc","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean social liberalism-all survey respondents","long_desc":"Mean mass social liberalism score","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"vst_ec","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean economic liberalism-all voters","long_desc":"Mean economic liberalism score for voting citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"vst_soc","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean social liberalism-all voters","long_desc":"Mean social liberalism score for voting citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"pollib_lower","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"State policy liberalism score-lower bounds","long_desc":"A yearly measure of the policy liberalism of states, based on a dynamic latent-variable model of 148 policies collected over time (lower bounds)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pollib_upper","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"State policy liberalism score-upper bounds","long_desc":"A yearly measure of the policy liberalism of states, based on a dynamic latent-variable model of 148 policies collected over time (upper bounds)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pollib_median","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"State policy liberalism score-median","long_desc":"A yearly measure of the policy liberalism of states, based on a dynamic latent-variable model of 148 policies collected over time (median)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pollib_sd","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"State policy liberalism score-standard deviation","long_desc":"A yearly measure of the policy liberalism of states, based on a dynamic latent-variable model of 148 policies collected over time (standard deviation)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"innovatescore_boehmkeskinner","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Policy innovativeness score","long_desc":"Policy Innovativeness Score (i.e., the adoption of new policies sooner than other states) for each state for each year, based on 180 policies passed at the state level from 1913-2010. A higher score indicates a state is more innovative. Coverage for Alaska and Hawaii begin after 1959.","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"policypriorityscore","years":"1982-2005","short_desc":"State policy priority score","long_desc":"A yearly score for each state which summarizes the degree to which that state's governmental spending is devoted to policies that provide collective goods (e.g., education and highways) rather than particularized benefits (e.g., health care and welfare)\r\nNotes: Values are set to a mean of zero; units are proportions; the difference between any two values shows the difference in spending allocated to collective goods","sources":"Jacoby, William G., and Saundra K. Schneider. 'A New Measure of Policy Spending Priorities in the American States.' Political Analysis 17.1 (2008): 1-24.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Jacoby, W.G. and Schneider, S.K., 2009. A new measure of policy spending priorities in the American states. Political Analysis, 17(1), pp.1-24.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jacoby2009new,\n title={A new measure of policy spending priorities in the American states},\n author={Jacoby, William G and Schneider, Saundra K},\n journal={Political Analysis},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={1--24},\n year={2009},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"know_gov","years":"2007","short_desc":"Knowledge of governor","long_desc":"Percent of population who can correctly name their governor.","sources":"Jaeger, William P., Jeffrey Lyons, and Jennifer Wolak. 'Political Knowledge and Policy Representation in the States.' American Politics Research 45.6 (2017): 907-938.\r\nSource: Pew Research Center. 2007. 'Public Knowledge of Current Affairs Little Changed by News and Information Revolutions.'","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Jaeger, W.P., Lyons, J. and Wolak, J., 2017. Political knowledge and policy representation in the states. American Politics Research, 45(6), pp.907-938.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jaeger2017political,\n title={Political knowledge and policy representation in the states},\n author={Jaeger, William P and Lyons, Jeffrey and Wolak, Jennifer},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={45},\n number={6},\n pages={907--938},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"know_govparty","years":"2006, 2007","short_desc":"Knowledge of governor's party","long_desc":"Percent of population who can correctly name the party of their governor.","sources":"Jaeger, William P., Jeffrey Lyons, and Jennifer Wolak. 'Political Knowledge and Policy Representation in the States.' American Politics Research 45.6 (2017): 907-938.\r\nSource: Cooperative Congressional Election Study.\r\nhttps://cces.gov.harvard.edu","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Jaeger, W.P., Lyons, J. and Wolak, J., 2017. Political knowledge and policy representation in the states. American Politics Research, 45(6), pp.907-938.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jaeger2017political,\n title={Political knowledge and policy representation in the states},\n author={Jaeger, William P and Lyons, Jeffrey and Wolak, Jennifer},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={45},\n number={6},\n pages={907--938},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"partisan_knowledge_scale","years":"2007","short_desc":"Partisan knowledge scale","long_desc":"Number of items correct on the Cooperative Congressional Election Study's partisan knowledge scale","sources":"Jaeger, William P., Jeffrey Lyons, and Jennifer Wolak. 'Political Knowledge and Policy Representation in the States.' American Politics Research 45.6 (2017): 907-938.\r\nSource: Cooperative Congressional Election Study.\r\nhttps://cces.gov.harvard.edu","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Jaeger, W.P., Lyons, J. and Wolak, J., 2017. Political knowledge and policy representation in the states. American Politics Research, 45(6), pp.907-938.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jaeger2017political,\n title={Political knowledge and policy representation in the states},\n author={Jaeger, William P and Lyons, Jeffrey and Wolak, Jennifer},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={45},\n number={6},\n pages={907--938},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"soc_capital","years":"1986-1990, 1992-2009","short_desc":"Social capital","long_desc":"Hawes et al.'s measure of social capital","sources":"Hawes, Daniel P., Rene Rocha, and Kenneth Meier. 'Social Capital in the 50 States: Measuring State-Level Social Capital, 1986-2004.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13.1 (2013): 121-138.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Hawes, D., Rocha, R. and Meier, K., 2013. Social capital in the 50 states: Measuring state-level social capital, 1986–2004. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 13(1), pp.121-138.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hawes2013social,\n title={Social capital in the 50 states: Measuring state-level social capital, 1986--2004},\n author={Hawes, Daniel and Rocha, Rene and Meier, Kenneth},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={13},\n number={1},\n pages={121--138},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"soc_capital_ma","years":"1984-2011","short_desc":"Weighted social capital (moving average)","long_desc":"Hawes et al.'s weighted moving average measure of social capital","sources":"Hawes, Daniel P., Rene Rocha, and Kenneth Meier. 'Social Capital in the 50 States: Measuring State-Level Social Capital, 1986-2004.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13.1 (2013): 121-138.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Hawes, D., Rocha, R. and Meier, K., 2013. Social capital in the 50 states: Measuring state-level social capital, 1986–2004. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 13(1), pp.121-138.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hawes2013social,\n title={Social capital in the 50 states: Measuring state-level social capital, 1986--2004},\n author={Hawes, Daniel and Rocha, Rene and Meier, Kenneth},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={13},\n number={1},\n pages={121--138},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"state_culture","years":"1966","short_desc":"State culture type","long_desc":"Elazar's state political culture classification\r\n(1 = moralistic; 2 = individualistic; 3 = traditionalistic)","sources":"Elazar, Daniel J. 1966. American Federalism: A View from the States. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Daniel, E., 1966. American Federalism: A View from the States. New York: ThomasY. Crowell Company, pp.130-40.","bibtex_cite":"@article{daniel1966american,\r\r\n title={American Federalism: A View from the States},\r\r\n author={Daniel, Elazar},\r\r\n journal={New York: ThomasY. Crowell Company},\r\r\n pages={130--40},\r\r\n year={1966}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fpvi","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Cook Partisan Voter Index","long_desc":"Cook Partisan Voter Index, state-level measure (+D, used for imputing land- use regulation, linearly interpolated between elections)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"citi6013","years":"1960-2013","short_desc":"Citizen ideology measure","long_desc":"Measure of citizen ideology, from liberal to conservative. Higher values indicate more liberal.","sources":"Berry, William D., Evan J. Ringquist, Richard C. Fording, and Russell L. Hanson. 'Measuring Citizen and Government Ideology in the American States, 1960-93.' American Journal of Political Science 42.1 (1998): 327-\r\n348.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Berry, W.D., Ringquist, E.J., Fording, R.C. and Hanson, R.L., 1998. Measuring citizen and government ideology in the American states, 1960-93. American Journal of Political Science, pp.327-348.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berry1998measuring,\n title={Measuring citizen and government ideology in the American states, 1960-93},\n author={Berry, William D and Ringquist, Evan J and Fording, Richard C and Hanson, Russell L},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n pages={327--348},\n year={1998},\n publisher={JSTOR}\n}"} {"variable":"pid","years":"1976-2011","short_desc":"State party identification score","long_desc":"Yearly measure giving the proportion of Democratic identifiers minus the proportion of Republican identifiers in each state. A positive score indicates a more Democratic state citizenry","sources":"Erikson, Robert S., Gerald C. Wright, and John P. McIver. 1993. Statehouse Democracy: Public Opinion, and Policy in the American States. New York: Cambridge University Press. Data link: http://php.indiana.edu/~wright1/","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Erikson, R.S., Wright, G.C., Wright, G.C. and McIver, J.P., 1993. Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states. Cambridge University Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{erikson1993statehouse,\r\r\n title={Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states},\r\r\n author={Erikson, Robert S and Wright, Gerald C and Wright, Gerald C and McIver, John P},\r\r\n year={1993},\r\r\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"wpid","years":"1976-2011","short_desc":"Weighted state party identification score","long_desc":"Weighted yearly measure giving the proportion of Democratic identifiers minus the proportion of Republican identifiers in each state. A positive score indicates a more Democratic state citizenry","sources":"Erikson, Robert S., Gerald C. Wright, and John P. McIver. 1993. Statehouse Democracy: Public Opinion, and Policy in the American States. New York: Cambridge University Press. Data link: http://php.indiana.edu/~wright1/","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Erikson, R.S., Wright, G.C., Wright, G.C. and McIver, J.P., 1993. Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states. Cambridge University Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{erikson1993statehouse,\r\r\n title={Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states},\r\r\n author={Erikson, Robert S and Wright, Gerald C and Wright, Gerald C and McIver, John P},\r\r\n year={1993},\r\r\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"npid","years":"1976-2011","short_desc":"Number used to construct state party identification score","long_desc":"Number of respondents within a state- year used to create the proportion of partisan identifiers.","sources":"Erikson, Robert S., Gerald C. Wright, and John P. McIver. 1993. Statehouse Democracy: Public Opinion, and Policy in the American States. New York: Cambridge University Press. Data link: http://php.indiana.edu/~wright1/","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Erikson, R.S., Wright, G.C., Wright, G.C. and McIver, J.P., 1993. Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states. Cambridge University Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{erikson1993statehouse,\r\r\n title={Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states},\r\r\n author={Erikson, Robert S and Wright, Gerald C and Wright, Gerald C and McIver, John P},\r\r\n year={1993},\r\r\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ideo","years":"1976-2011","short_desc":"State ideology score","long_desc":"Yearly measure giving the proportion of liberal identifiers minus the proportion of conservative identifiers in each state. A positive score indicates a more liberal state citizenry","sources":"Erikson, Robert S., Gerald C. Wright, and John P. McIver. 1993. Statehouse Democracy: Public Opinion, and Policy in the American States. New York: Cambridge University Press. Data link: http://php.indiana.edu/~wright1/","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Erikson, R.S., Wright, G.C., Wright, G.C. and McIver, J.P., 1993. Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states. Cambridge University Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{erikson1993statehouse,\r\r\n title={Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states},\r\r\n author={Erikson, Robert S and Wright, Gerald C and Wright, Gerald C and McIver, John P},\r\r\n year={1993},\r\r\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"wideo","years":"1976-2011","short_desc":"Weighted state ideology score","long_desc":"Weighted yearly measure giving the proportion of liberal identifiers minus the proportion of conservative identifiers in each state. A positive score indicates a more liberal state citizenry","sources":"Erikson, Robert S., Gerald C. Wright, and John P. McIver. 1993. Statehouse Democracy: Public Opinion, and Policy in the American States. New York: Cambridge University Press. Data link: http://php.indiana.edu/~wright1/","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Erikson, R.S., Wright, G.C., Wright, G.C. and McIver, J.P., 1993. Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states. Cambridge University Press.","bibtex_cite":"@book{erikson1993statehouse,\r\r\n title={Statehouse democracy: Public opinion and policy in the American states},\r\r\n author={Erikson, Robert S and Wright, Gerald C and Wright, Gerald C and McIver, John P},\r\r\n year={1993},\r\r\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"mood","years":"1956-2010","short_desc":"Stimson's policy mood measure","long_desc":"An over-time, state-level measure of Stimson's (1999) policy mood","sources":"Enns, Peter K., and Julianna Koch. 'Public Opinion in the U.S. States: 1956 to 2010.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13.3 (2013): 349-372.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Enns, P.K. and Koch, J., 2013. Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 13(3), pp.349-372.","bibtex_cite":"@article{enns2013public,\n title={Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010},\n author={Enns, Peter K and Koch, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={13},\n number={3},\n pages={349--372},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"democrat","years":"1956-2010","short_desc":"Democratic identifiers","long_desc":"An over-time measure of the percent of Democratic identifiers in each state","sources":"Enns, Peter K., and Julianna Koch. 'Public Opinion in the U.S. States: 1956 to 2010.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13.3 (2013): 349-372.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Enns, P.K. and Koch, J., 2013. Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 13(3), pp.349-372.","bibtex_cite":"@article{enns2013public,\n title={Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010},\n author={Enns, Peter K and Koch, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={13},\n number={3},\n pages={349--372},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"republican","years":"1956-2010","short_desc":"Republican identifiers","long_desc":"An over-time measure of the percent of Republican identifiers in each state","sources":"Enns, Peter K., and Julianna Koch. 'Public Opinion in the U.S. States: 1956 to 2010.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13.3 (2013): 349-372.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Enns, P.K. and Koch, J., 2013. Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 13(3), pp.349-372.","bibtex_cite":"@article{enns2013public,\n title={Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010},\n author={Enns, Peter K and Koch, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={13},\n number={3},\n pages={349--372},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"liberal","years":"1976-2010","short_desc":"Liberal identifiers","long_desc":"An over-time measure of the percent who identify as political liberals in each state","sources":"Enns, Peter K., and Julianna Koch. 'Public Opinion in the U.S. States: 1956 to 2010.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13.3 (2013): 349-372.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Enns, P.K. and Koch, J., 2013. Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 13(3), pp.349-372.","bibtex_cite":"@article{enns2013public,\n title={Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010},\n author={Enns, Peter K and Koch, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={13},\n number={3},\n pages={349--372},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"conservative","years":"1976-2010","short_desc":"Conservative identifiers","long_desc":"An over-time measure of the percent who identify as political conservatives in each state","sources":"Enns, Peter K., and Julianna Koch. 'Public Opinion in the U.S. States: 1956 to 2010.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 13.3 (2013): 349-372.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Enns, P.K. and Koch, J., 2013. Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 13(3), pp.349-372.","bibtex_cite":"@article{enns2013public,\n title={Public Opinion in the US States: 1956 to 2010},\n author={Enns, Peter K and Koch, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={13},\n number={3},\n pages={349--372},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"extraversion","years":"2008","short_desc":"State extraversion","long_desc":"Mean score of state personality trait: extraversion (1-5 scale)","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"agreeableness","years":"2008","short_desc":"State agreeableness","long_desc":"Mean score of state personality trait: agreeableness (1-5 scale)","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"conscientiousness","years":"2008","short_desc":"State conscientiousnes s","long_desc":"Mean score of state personality trait: conscientiousness (1-5 scale)","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"neuroticism","years":"2008","short_desc":"State neuroticism","long_desc":"Mean score of state personality trait: neuroticism (1-5 scale)","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"openness","years":"2008","short_desc":"State openness","long_desc":"Mean score of state personality trait: openness (1-5 scale)","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"extraversion_sd","years":"2008","short_desc":"Standard deviation of state extraversion","long_desc":"Standard deviation of scores of state extraversion","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"agreeableness_sd","years":"2008","short_desc":"Standard deviation of state agreeableness","long_desc":"Standard deviation of scores of state agreeableness","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"conscientiousness_sd","years":"2008","short_desc":"Standard deviation of state conscientiousnes s","long_desc":"Standard deviation of scores of state conscientiousness","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"neuroticism_sd","years":"2008","short_desc":"Standard deviation of state neuroticism","long_desc":"Standard deviation of scores of state neuroticism","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"openness_sd","years":"2008","short_desc":"Standard deviation of state openness","long_desc":"Standard deviation of scores of state openness","sources":"Rentfrow, P.J., S.D. Gosling, and J. Potter. 'A Theory of the Emergence, Persistence, and Expression of Geographic Variation in Psychological Characteristics.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 3.5 (2008): 339-369.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rentfrow, P.J., Gosling, S.D. and Potter, J., 2008. A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(5), pp.339-369.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rentfrow2008theory,\n title={A theory of the emergence, persistence, and expression of geographic variation in psychological characteristics},\n author={Rentfrow, Peter J and Gosling, Samuel D and Potter, Jeff},\n journal={Perspectives on Psychological Science},\n volume={3},\n number={5},\n pages={339--369},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"pro_environment","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-environment opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too little' on the environment\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"anti_environment","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti- environment opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too much' on the environment\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"neutral_environment","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral environment opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'about the right amount' on the environment\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"pro_aid","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-foreign aid opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too little' on foreign aid\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"anti_aid","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-foreign aid opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too much' on foreign aid\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"neutral_aid","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral foreign aid opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'about the right amount' on foreign aid\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"pro_defense","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-defense opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too little' on defense\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"anti_defense","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-defense opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too much' on defense\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"neutral_defense","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral defense opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'about the right amount' on defense (note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"pro_education","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-education opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too little' on education\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"anti_education","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-education opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too much' on education\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"neutral_education","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral education opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'about the right amount' on education\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"pro_welfare","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-welfare opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too little' on welfare for the poor\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"anti_welfare","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-welfare opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too much' on welfare for the poor (note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"neutral_welfare","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral welfare opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'about the right amount' on welfare for the poor\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"pro_health","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-health opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too little' on health\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"anti_health","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-health opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too much' on health\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"neutral_health","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral health opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'about the right amount' on health\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"pro_race","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-race opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too little' on assistance to blacks\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"anti_race","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-race opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'too much' on assistance to blacks\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"neutral_race","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral race opinion","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of citizenry who believe we are spending 'about the right amount' on assistance to blacks\r\n(note: proportion for state-year is estimated by national sample from the General Social Survey and multilevel regression and post-stratification)","sources":"Kim, Sung Eun, and Johannes Urpelainen. 'Environmental Public Opinion in\r\nU.S. States, 1973-2012.' Environmental Politics 27.1 (2017): 89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{eun2018environmental,\n title={Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973--2012},\n author={Eun Kim, Sung and Urpelainen, Johannes},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={89--114},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"amber","years":"1999-2017","short_desc":"Alerts abduction of a minor","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"antishack","years":"1999-2017","short_desc":"Prohibits shackling inmates in labor or recovery","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"antistalk","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Prohibition of harassment and intimidation","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"bootcamp","years":"1982-2017","short_desc":"Short-term programs for incarcerated youth (similar to military school)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"cpban","years":"1974-2017","short_desc":"Bans child pornography","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"crimeviccomp","years":"1965-2017","short_desc":"State programs to compensate victims of crimes","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"deathpen","years":"1972-2017","short_desc":"Post-Supreme Court reenactment of death penalty","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dnafelon","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"DNA collection of all convicted felons","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dnaforexon","years":"1997-2017","short_desc":"Post-conviction exoneration using DNA evidence","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214. \r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"furlough","years":"1967-2017","short_desc":"Releasing inmates daily for purposes of employment","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"hazing","years":"1969-2017","short_desc":"Laws banning hazing","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"meganslaw","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Requires information be made public regarding registered sex offenders","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"cctheft","years":"1961-2017","short_desc":"Laws regulating punishment and protection of credit card theft","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"childabuse","years":"1963-2017","short_desc":"Requirement of professionals to report cases of suspected abuse","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"compcrime","years":"1978-2017","short_desc":"Law punishing hacking","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"humantraffic","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Human trafficking law","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"insanity","years":"1975-2017","short_desc":"Making insanity plea more difficult","long_desc":"This variable was originally in long format, and it indicated the year of adoption by each state. It was reshaped to wide format and now indicates with 0 the years that the policy has not been adopted and with 1 the years that the policy has been adopted in each state.","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"comsrv12","years":"1982-2017","short_desc":"Mandated community service after 1st or 2nd offense","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"damagereduce","years":"1984-2017","short_desc":"Presence of a law that decreases monetary awards for injuries in lawsuits for seatbelt non-use","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"discovery_of_electronically_stor","years":"2009-2017","short_desc":"Rules for the discovery of electronic documents in civil cases","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"arbitration_act_1956","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Provides judicial facilitation of private dispute resolution (1956)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"arbitration_act_2000","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Provides judicial facilitation of private dispute resolution (2000)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"attendance_of_out_of_state_witne","years":"1931-2017","short_desc":"Provides states with statutory authority to secure the attendance of a witness from outside the state in which the criminal proceeding or grand jury proceeding is pending","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"audio_visual_deposition","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Permit audio- visual means for taking depositions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"certification_of_questions_of_la","years":"1970-2017","short_desc":"Empowers court to answer questions certified to it by a federal court, appellate, another state, or Canada and Mexico","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"child_abduction_prevention","years":"2007-2017","short_desc":"Provides states with tools to prevent child abduction","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"child_custody_jurisdiction_and_e","years":"1970-2017","short_desc":"Regulating child custody laws","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"child_witness_testimony_by_alter","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Allows children witnesses to provide testimony by alternate methods","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"class_actions","years":"1977-2017","short_desc":"Provides complete procedures to govern the conduct of a class action lawsuit","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"collaborative_law_act","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Regulates the use of collaborative law, a form of alternative dispute resolution","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"collateral_consequences_of_convi","years":"2014-2017","short_desc":"Addresses the penalties and disqualifications that individuals face incidental to criminal sentencing","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"conflicts_of_laws_limitations","years":"1983-2017","short_desc":"Applying limitations periods chosen by conflict of laws","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"correction_or_clarification_of_d","years":"1995-2017","short_desc":"Timely request for a correction or clarification from the publisher of a defamation in order to maintain an action for defamation","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"declaratory_judgments_act","years":"1922-2017","short_desc":"Authorizes courts to adjudicate actual controversies concerning legal rights and duties even though traditional remedies for damages or equitable relief are not available","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"electronic_legal_material_act","years":"2012-2017","short_desc":"Establishes an outcomes-based, technology- neutral framework for providing online legal material with the same level of trustworthiness traditionally provided by publication in a law book","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"electronic_recordation_of_custod","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Improve the fairness and professionalism associated with electronic recordings","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"electronic_transactions_act","years":"1999-2017","short_desc":"Establishes the legal equivalence of electronic records and signatures with paper writings and manually signed signatures","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"enforcement_of_foreign_judgments","years":"1953-2017","short_desc":"Provides a simplified way of enforcing judgments entered in another state","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"extradition_and_rendition_act_m","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Provides two separate procedures to be used for the retrieval of wanted persons found in another state","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"insanity_defense_and_post_trial_","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Provides cognitive test for determining insanity","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_depositions_and_disco","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Provides simple procedures for courts in one state to issue subpoenas for out-of-state depositions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"interstate_enforcement_of_domest","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Gives law enforcement and the courts a means of either warning off victimizers by weight of the law or by getting them into custody before actual harm occurs","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"law_on_notarial_acts_revised","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Provide a consistent framework for notarial acts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"mandatory_disposition_of_detaine","years":"1959-2017","short_desc":"Establishing rules for the prompt disposition of detainers","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"mediation_act","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Establishes a privilege of confidentiality for mediators and participants","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"model_mandatory_disposition_of_d","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Establishing rules for the prompt disposition of detainers","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"money_services_act","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Provides a framework for dealing with money laundering issues unique to no depository providers of financial services","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"notarial_acts_1982","years":"1983-2017","short_desc":"Simplifies rules for notarization","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"periodic_payment_of_judgments_ac","years":"1986-2017","short_desc":"Pays damage awards over periods of time","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"post_conviction_procedure_act_m","years":"1970-2017","short_desc":"Allows for convicted to petition for relief if rights violated","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"power_of_attorney","years":"2007-2017","short_desc":"Provides for power of attorney","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"prevention_of_and_remedies_for_h","years":"2014-2017","short_desc":"Laws aiming to prevent human trafficking","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"recognition_and_enforcement_of_c","years":"2016, 2017","short_desc":"Enforces Canadian domestic violence orders","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"recognition_of_substitute_decisi","years":"2015-2017","short_desc":"Allows substituting documents created in other jurisdictions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rules_of_evidence_1974","years":"1975-2017","short_desc":"Simplify and codify the rules pertaining to what may be introduced in evidence in any civil or criminal trial in a court of law","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"status_of_convicted_persons_act_","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Defines rights of convicted people","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"statutory_form_power_of_attorney","years":"1991-2017","short_desc":"Regulates power of attorney","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"unsworn_declarations_act","years":"2017","short_desc":"Permit the use of unsworn declarations made under penalty of perjury in state courts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"unsworn_foreign_declarations_act","years":"2002-2017","short_desc":"Permit, in state court proceedings, unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury to be executed by witnesses physically located outside the United States in lieu of affidavits, verifications, or other sworn court filings","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"victims_of_crime_act_model","years":"1995-2017","short_desc":"Regulating satisfaction of losses suffered from victims of crime","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"aboldeapen","years":"1900-2017","short_desc":"Death penalty reform","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F.J. and Skinner, P., 2012. State policy innovativeness revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={303--329},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"animcruel","years":"1900-2017","short_desc":"Animal cruelty felony laws","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F.J. and Skinner, P., 2012. State policy innovativeness revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={303--329},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"broadcom","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State law requiring broad community notification of sex offenders","long_desc":"Did state adopt state law requiring broad community notification of sex offenders? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"cappun","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Capital punishment","long_desc":"Did state adopt capital punishment? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"childabu","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Child abuse reporting legislation","long_desc":"Did state adopt child abuse reporting legislation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"civinjaut","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Civil injunction authority","long_desc":"Did state adopt civil injunction authority? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"correct","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Strategic planning for corrections","long_desc":"Did state adopt strategic planning for corrections? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"crtadm","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Court administrators","long_desc":"Did state adopt court administrators? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"cyberstalk","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Cyberstalking definition and penalty","long_desc":"Did state adopt cyberstalking definition and penalty? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"harass","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Harassment crime","long_desc":"Did state adopt harassment crime? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"hatecrime","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State hate crime laws; laws establishing hate crimes against minorities","long_desc":"Did state adopt state hate crime laws? (0 = no, 1 = yes)\r\n0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.\r\nBoushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F.J. and Skinner, P., 2012. State policy innovativeness revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={303--329},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite3":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"idtheft","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"ID theft protection; identity theft regulation","long_desc":"Did state adopt ID theft protection? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)\r\n0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.\r\nBoushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F.J. and Skinner, P., 2012. State policy innovativeness revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={303--329},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite3":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"indorgris","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State law requiring notification to individuals/orga nizations at risk (sex offender policy)","long_desc":"Did state adopt state law requiring notification to individuals/organizations at risk (sex offender policy)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"juvct","years":"1900-2017","short_desc":"Juvenile court law","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F.J. and Skinner, P., 2012. State policy innovativeness revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={303--329},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"juvisup","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Juveniles supervision compact","long_desc":"Did state adopt juveniles supervision compact? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"parolesup","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Parolees/probati oners supervision","long_desc":"Did state adopt parolees/probationers supervision? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"postdna","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Post-conviction DNA motions","long_desc":"Did state adopt post-conviction DNA motions? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"sexreginfo","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Access to sex offender registries","long_desc":"Did state adopt access to sex offender registries? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"shield","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Protections against compelling reporters to disclose sources in court","long_desc":"Did state adopt protections against compelling reporters to disclose sources in court? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"stalkdef","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Stalking definition and penalty","long_desc":"Did state adopt stalking definition and penalty? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"statrapage","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Age span provisions for statutory rape","long_desc":"Did state adopt age span provisions for statutory rape? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"strikes","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Felony sentencing guidelines for three strikes","long_desc":"Did state adopt felony sentencing guidelines for three strikes? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"viccomp","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Victims' compensation","long_desc":"Did state adopt victims' compensation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"vicrtsamd","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Victims' rights constitutional amendment","long_desc":"Did state adopt a victims' rights constitutional amendment? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"death_penalty","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"Death penalty","long_desc":"Has the state abolished the death penalty? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_animal_cruelty_felony","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"Animal cruelty","long_desc":"Has the state made aggravated animal cruelty a first- or second-offense felony? (0 = no; 1 = there is a felony charge after repeated incidents; 2 = there is a felony charge on the first incident of animal abuse/cruelty/torture)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_hate_crimes","years":"1981-2014","short_desc":"Hate crimes ban","long_desc":"Are hate crimes explicitly illegal in the state? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_boehmke_shield","years":"1935-2013","short_desc":"Protections against compelling reporters to disclose sources","long_desc":"Does the state have a Shield Law protecting reporters from revealing their sources? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_pain_suffering_limits","years":"1975-2012","short_desc":"Pain and suffering limits in lawsuits","long_desc":"Are there limits on damages for pain and suffering in lawsuits? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"guncontrol_stand_your_ground","years":"1993-2014","short_desc":"Stand your ground law","long_desc":"Does the state have a 'stand your ground' law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"antibully","years":"1999-2017","short_desc":"Anti-bullying program","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"standground","years":"1994-2017","short_desc":"Post-2005 expansion of Stand Your Ground laws","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"child_pornography","years":"1974-2017","short_desc":"State ban of child pornography","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Makse, Todd, and Craig Volden. 'The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations.' The Journal of Politics 73.1 (2011): 108-124.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Makse, T. and Volden, C., 2011. The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations. The Journal of Politics, 73(1), pp.108-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{makse2011role,\n title={The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations},\n author={Makse, Todd and Volden, Craig},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={73},\n number={1},\n pages={108--124},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"hate_crimes","years":"1978-2017","short_desc":"Does the state explicitly have hate crime legislation?","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Makse, Todd, and Craig Volden. 'The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations.' The Journal of Politics 73.1 (2011): 108-124.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Makse, T. and Volden, C., 2011. The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations. The Journal of Politics, 73(1), pp.108-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{makse2011role,\n title={The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations},\n author={Makse, Todd and Volden, Craig},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={73},\n number={1},\n pages={108--124},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"retail_theft","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"Retail theft law","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Makse, Todd, and Craig Volden. 'The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations.' The Journal of Politics 73.1 (2011): 108-124.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Makse, T. and Volden, C., 2011. The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations. The Journal of Politics, 73(1), pp.108-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{makse2011role,\n title={The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations},\n author={Makse, Todd and Volden, Craig},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={73},\n number={1},\n pages={108--124},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"stalking","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Does the state have anti- stalking legislation?","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Makse, Todd, and Craig Volden. 'The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations.' The Journal of Politics 73.1 (2011): 108-124.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Makse, T. and Volden, C., 2011. The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations. The Journal of Politics, 73(1), pp.108-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{makse2011role,\n title={The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations},\n author={Makse, Todd and Volden, Craig},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={73},\n number={1},\n pages={108--124},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"victim_notification","years":"1979-2017","short_desc":"State system for notifying victims of crime","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Makse, Todd, and Craig Volden. 'The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations.' The Journal of Politics 73.1 (2011): 108-124.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Makse, T. and Volden, C., 2011. The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations. The Journal of Politics, 73(1), pp.108-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{makse2011role,\n title={The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations},\n author={Makse, Todd and Volden, Craig},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={73},\n number={1},\n pages={108--124},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"ddna","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Police may take DNA samples from arrestees","long_desc":"Police may take DNA samples from arrestees? (2 = all felony arrestees, 1.5\r\n= all felony arrestees plus probable cause hearing before analysis/sample taking, 1 = certain felony arrestees, 0.5\r\n= certain felony arrestees analysis/sampling after probable cause hearing/indictment, 0 = no; +0.25 if can take from some misdemeanants)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dprost","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Prostitution legalization local option","long_desc":"Prostitution legalization local option? (0 = no, 0.5 = independent practice only, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ohell","years":"2003-2015, 2017","short_desc":"State contains a judicial hellhole","long_desc":"State contains a judicial hellhole? (0 = no, 0.5 = watch list, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ojsl","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Joint and several liability abolished","long_desc":"Joint and several liability abolished? (0\r\n= no, 0.5 = for personal injury/wrongful death only or exceptions for hazardous waste, drunk driving, medical/pharmaceutical, willful/wanton conduct of one defendant, or acting as employee, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"oliabrk","years":"2001-2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017","short_desc":"Ranking of state liability systems: 'SCORE'","long_desc":"Ranking of state liability systems: 'SCORE' (see source: U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, 2006 State Liability Systems Ranking Study; higher scores indicate less tortious systems)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"oliabimp","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Mean imputed values for state tort system score","long_desc":"Mean imputed values for state tort system score (oliabrk) (imputation conducted using Amelia II package in R 3.4)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"oliabma","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Smoothed, three-year moving average of imputed state\r\ntort system score","long_desc":"Smoothed, three-year moving average of imputed state tort system score","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ocases","years":"2012-2015","short_desc":"Statewide civil incoming caseloads per 100,000\r\npopulation","long_desc":"Statewide civil incoming caseloads per 100,000 population","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"olawyers","years":"2001-2015","short_desc":"Lawyer concentration","long_desc":"Lawyer concentration (residuals of OLS autocorrelation-adjusted regression of oraacpc on ogdp, ogdppc, ogdpfin, ogdphc, ogdpman, and year fixed effects)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"oraacpc","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Resident active attorney count per 100 residents","long_desc":"Resident active attorney count per 100 residents (oraacraw / apop * 100)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"oraacraw","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Resident active attorney count","long_desc":"Resident active attorney count (as of 12/31 of the prior year)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"otorts","years":"2008","short_desc":"Tort suits per 100,000\r\nresidents","long_desc":"Tort suits per 100,000 residents","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"opunburd","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Evidence standard of reckless/outrage ous/malicious conduct for punitive damages","long_desc":"Evidence standard of reckless/outrageous/malicious conduct for punitive damages? (0 = preponderance, 1 = clear and convincing, 2 = beyond reasonable doubt, 3 = no punitive damages)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"opuncap","years":"2001-2016","short_desc":"Blanket punitive or noneconomic damages cap","long_desc":"Blanket punitive or noneconomic damages cap? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = all punitive damages prohibited)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rdeath","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"State death penalty","long_desc":"Does the state have the death penalty? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cartheftrate","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Motor vehicle theft rate","long_desc":"Estimated motor vehicle theft rate by state: the theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. A motor vehicle is self- propelled and runs on land surface and not on rails. Motorboats, construction equipment, airplanes, and farming equipment are specifically excluded from this category.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. 'Estimated motor vehicle theft rate by state.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. Originally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online). Notes: v","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated motor vehicle theft rate by state” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated motor vehicle theft rate by state},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"carthefttotal","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Motor vehicle theft total","long_desc":"Estimated motor vehicle theft total by state: the theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. A motor vehicle is self- propelled and runs on land surface and not on rails. Motorboats, construction equipment, airplanes, and farming equipment are specifically excluded from this category.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. 'Estimated motor vehicle theft total by state.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: vi","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated motor vehicle theft total by state.” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated motor vehicle theft total by state},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"murderrate","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Murder and non- negligent manslaughter rate","long_desc":"Estimated murder rate by state. Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: the willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another. Deaths caused by negligence, attempts to kill, assaults to kill, suicides, and accidental deaths are excluded.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics. 'Estimated Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter Rate.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: The Program classifies justifiable homicides separately and limits the definition to: (1) the killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty; or (2) the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen. b.) Manslaughter by negligence: the killing of another person through gross negligence. Deaths of persons due to their own negligence, accidental deaths not resulting from gross negligence, and traffic fatalities are not included in the category Manslaughter by negligence. vii","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter Rate.” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter Rate},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"murdertotal","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Murder and non- negligent manslaughter total","long_desc":"Estimated murder total by state. Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: the willful (non- negligent) killing of one human being by another. Deaths caused by negligence, attempts to kill, assaults to kill, suicides, and accidental deaths are excluded.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics. 'Estimated Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter Totals.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: The Program classifies justifiable homicides separately and limits the definition to: (1) the killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty; or (2) the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen. b.) Manslaughter by negligence: the killing of another person through gross negligence. Deaths of persons due to their own negligence, accidental deaths not resulting from gross negligence, and traffic fatalities are not included in the category Manslaughter by negligence. viii","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter Totals.” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter Totals},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"propcrimerate","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Property crime rate","long_desc":"Estimated property crime rate by state. Larceny-theft (except motor vehicle theft): the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another. Examples are thefts of bicycles, motor vehicle parts and accessories, shoplifting, pocket- picking, or the stealing of any property or article that is not taken by force and violence or by fraud. Attempted larcenies are included. Embezzlement, confidence games, forgery, check fraud, etc., are excluded.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. 'Estimated property crime rate by state.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes:ix","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated property crime rate by state.” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated property crime rate by state},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"propcrimetotal","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Property crime total","long_desc":"Estimated property crime total by state. Larceny-theft (except motor vehicle theft): the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another. Examples are thefts of bicycles, motor vehicle parts and accessories, shoplifting, pocket- picking, or the stealing of any property or article that is not taken by force and violence or by fraud. Attempted larcenies are included. Embezzlement, confidence games, forgery, check fraud, etc., are excluded.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. 'Estimated property crime total by state.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes:x","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated property crime total by state.” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated property crime total by state},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"raperate","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Rape rate","long_desc":"Estimated rape rate by state. Data for this time period are based on the UCR's old/legacy definition of rape ('forcible rape': the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will). Rapes by force and attempts or assaults to rape, regardless of the age of the victim, are included. Statutory offenses (no force used-victim under age of consent) are excluded.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. 'Estimated Forcible Rape Rate.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes:xi","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated Forcible Rape Rate.” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated Forcible Rape Rate},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"rapetotal","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Rape total","long_desc":"Estimated rape total by state. Data for this time period are based on the UCR's old/legacy definition of rape ('forcible rape': the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will). Rapes by force and attempts or assaults to rape, regardless of the age of the victim, are included. Statutory offenses (no force used-victim under age of consent) are excluded.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. 'Estimated Forcible Rape Total.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes:xii","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated Forcible Rape Total.” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated Forcible Rape Total},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"robrate","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Robbery rate","long_desc":"Estimated robbery rate by state. Definition: the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear. Number of robbery offenses per 100,000 people.","sources":"Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reports. 'Estimated robberies per 100,000 people.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reports. “Estimated robberies per 100,000 people” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{federal2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated robberies per 100,000 people},\r\r\n author={Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reports},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm,\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"vcrimerate","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Violent crime rate","long_desc":"Estimated violent crime rate by state. Violent crimes include murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. 'Estimated Violent Crime Rate.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: National or state offense totals are based on data from all reporting agencies and estimates for unreported areas. See source organization for state-specific notes.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated Violent Crime Rate.” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated Violent Crime Rate},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"vcrimetotal","years":"1960-2014","short_desc":"Violent crime total","long_desc":"Estimated violent crime total by state. Violent crimes include murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.","sources":"U.S. Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. 'Estimated Violent Crime Total.' https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: National or state offense totals are based on data from all reporting agencies and estimates for unreported areas. See source organization for state-specific notes.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online. “Estimated Violent Crime Total.” https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm. (Accessed 9/17/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021estimated,\r\r\n title={Estimated Violent Crime Total},\r\r\n author={U.S Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics - UCR Data Online},\r\r\n journal={https://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/Crime/State/TrendsInOneVar.cfm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ocourts","years":"2003-2015","short_desc":"Index of plaintiff-friendly civil liability systems","long_desc":"Index of plaintiff-friendly civil liability systems (first principal component of oliabma, olawyers, ohell, olegal, opartsc, opartrial, opuncap, opunburd, ojsl), calculated with Stata 13.1","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ocourts2","years":"2001-2015","short_desc":"Alternative index of plaintiff-friendly civil liability systems","long_desc":"Alternative index of plaintiff-friendly civil liability systems (first principal component of oliabma, olawyers, olegal, opartsc, opartrial, opuncap, opunburd, ojsl), calculated with Stata 13.1","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rarrests","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Over-18 victimless crimes arrests as percentage of all arrests","long_desc":"Over-18 victimless crimes arrests as percentage of all arrests (sum of rweapa, rprosta, rgamba, rliquora, rloita)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rarrestsi","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Linearly interpolated and carried back values of 'rarrests'","long_desc":"Linearly interpolated and carried back values of 'rarrests' (over-18 victimless crimes arrests as a share of all over-18 arrests)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rdrenrat","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Drug enforcement rate","long_desc":"Drug enforcement rate = rdrugs / ruse (3-year moving average for 2004- 2012), multiplied by 100","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rdrenrati","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Linearly interpolated and imputed based on 'rdrugs' values of 'rdrenrat'","long_desc":"Linearly interpolated and imputed based on 'rdrugs' values of 'rdrenrat' (drug enforcement rate)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rdrugs","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for drug abuse violations, divided by population","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for drug abuse violations, divided by population","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rdrugsa","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for drug abuse violations, divided by all arrests, 18 and over","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for drug abuse violations, divided by all arrests, 18 and over","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rescsrc","years":"2004-2016","short_desc":"Relative prevalence of 'escort' search term on Google, 2004-2015","long_desc":"Relative prevalence of 'escort' search term on Google, 2004-2015","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rgamb","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for gambling, divided by population","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for gambling, divided by population","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rgamba","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for gambling, divided by arrests, 18 and over","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for gambling, divided by arrests, 18 and over","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rincarc","years":"2000-2015","short_desc":"Imprisonment rates of sentenced prisoners under jurisdiction of state and federal correctional authorities, year- end","long_desc":"Imprisonment rates of sentenced prisoners under jurisdiction of state and federal correctional authorities, year- end (over 1-year sentence, per 100,000 residents)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rincarcr","years":"2000-2015","short_desc":"Residuals of OLS regression of ln(rincarc) on ln(rviol), ln(rprop) with unit and year fixed effects","long_desc":"Residuals of OLS regression of ln(rincarc) on ln(rviol), ln(rprop) with unit and year fixed effects, calculated with Stata 15-fixed effects not included in predicted values","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rliquor","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for liquor law violations, divided by population","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for liquor law violations, divided by population","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rliquora","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for liquor law violations, divided by arrests, 18 and over","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for liquor law violations, divided by arrests, 18 and over","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rloit","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, all ages, for curfew and loitering law violations, divided by population","long_desc":"Arrests, all ages, for curfew and loitering law violations, divided by population","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rloita","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, all ages, for curfew and loitering law violations, divided by arrests, 18 and over","long_desc":"Arrests, all ages, for curfew and loitering law violations, divided by arrests, 18 and over","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rphone","years":"2014-2017","short_desc":"Prison collect phone call rate for 15 min. (in- state)","long_desc":"Prison collect phone call rate for 15 min. (in-state)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rprenrat","years":"2004-2016","short_desc":"Prostitution enforcement rate","long_desc":"Prostitution enforcement rate (rprost * 100 / rescsrc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rprop","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Property crime rate per 100,000 residents","long_desc":"Property crime rate per 100,000 residents","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rprost","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for prostitution and commercialized vice violations, divided by population","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for prostitution and commercialized vice violations, divided by population","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rprosta","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for prostitution and commercialized vice violations, divided by all arrests, 18 and over","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for prostitution and commercialized vice violations, divided by all arrests, 18 and over","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ruse","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Past month use of any illicit drug (percentages)","long_desc":"Past month use of any illicit drug (percentages)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rvcarrst","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Over-18 victimless crimes arrests as percentage of population","long_desc":"Over-18 victimless crimes arrests as percentage of population (sum of rweap, rprost, rgamb, rliquor, rloit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rvcarrsti","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Linearly interpolated and carried-back values of 'rvcarrst'","long_desc":"Linearly interpolated and carried-back values of 'rvcarrst' (over-18 victimless crimes arrests as a share of population)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rviol","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Violent crime rate per 100,000 residents","long_desc":"Violent crime rate per 100,000 residents","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rweap","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for carrying or possession of weapons, divided by population","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for carrying or possession of weapons, divided by population","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rweapa","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for carrying or possession of weapons divided by all arrests, 18 and over","long_desc":"Arrests, 18 and over, for carrying or possession of weapons divided by all arrests, 18 and over","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ddna2","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"DNA database index, some arrestees without probable cause hearing","long_desc":"DNA database index, some arrestees without probable cause hearing (= ddna if ddna > 0.75, otherwise = 0)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gunbckcheck","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Firearm background checks (total number)","long_desc":"Number of firearm background checks conducted by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System per year by state. Data for 2012 are only January-September.","sources":"U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. 2012. 'NICS Firearm Background Checks.' https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/nics_firearm_checks_-\r\n_year_by_state_type.pdf/view\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. “NICS Firearm Background Checks” https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/nics_firearm_checks_-_year_by_state_type.pdf/view (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2012nics,\r\r\n title={NICS Firearm Background Checks},\r\r\n author={U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation},\r\r\n journal= {https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/nics_firearm_checks_-_year_by_state_type.pdf/view},\r\r\n year={2012}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"scovmar","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Covenant marriage option","long_desc":"Covenant marriage option (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sbldtest","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Blood test required","long_desc":"Blood test required (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"scuzmar","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Cousin marriage legal","long_desc":"Cousin marriage legal (0 = first cousin marriage prohibited, 0.5 = legal under certain circumstances, 1 = first cousin marriage legal)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"slwp","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Waiting period between applying for and receiving license, in days","long_desc":"Waiting period between applying for and receiving license, in days","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"slwp2","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Waiting period between receipt of license and ability to marry","long_desc":"Waiting period between receipt of license and ability to marry","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"swait","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Total waiting period","long_desc":"Total waiting period (slwp + slwp2)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"adoption_act_1953_1969","years":"1971-2017","short_desc":"Act regulating adoption requirements and standards","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"adoption_act_1994","years":"1996-2017","short_desc":"Act regulating adoption requirements and standards (1994 version)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"adult_guardianship_and_protectiv","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Mechanism for multi-state guardianship disputes","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"deployed_parents_custody_and_vis","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Addresses issues of child custody and visitation that arise when parents are deployed in military or other national service","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"disposition_of_community_propert","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"Preserves the rights of each spouse in property that was community property before the spouses moved to the non-community property state","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"guardianship_and_protective_proc","years":"1987-2017","short_desc":"Procedures on the appointment and guardians of conservators of minors","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"interstate_family_support_act_1","years":"1993-2017","short_desc":"Regulates interstate child support","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"interstate_family_support_act_2","years":"2002-2017","short_desc":"Regulates interstate child support (2001 version)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"interstate_family_support_act_am","years":"2009-2017","short_desc":"Regulates interstate child support (2008 version)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"marital_property_act","years":"1984-2017","short_desc":"Allows the family to be viewed as single economic unit","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"marriage_and_divorce_act_model","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"Minimizes the number of prohibited marriages and includes the concept of no- fault divorce","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"parentage_act","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Law of determination of parentage, paternity actions and child support","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"parentage_act_1973","years":"1975-2017","short_desc":"Law of determination of parentage, paternity actions and child support (1973 version)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"premarital_agreement_act","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Allows for agreement between spouses made before marriage to be effective upon marriage","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"premarital_and_marital_agreement","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Standardizes marital and pre- marital agreements","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"reciprocal_enforcement_of_suppor","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Facilitates interstate cooperation on collecting child support","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"veterans_guardianship_act_1942","years":"1942-2017","short_desc":"Regulates guardianship of incompetent veterans and orphans of deceased veterans","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"grandvist","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Grandparents' visitation rights","long_desc":"Did state adopt grandparents' visitation rights? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"genderrights_nofault_divorce","years":"1966-2014","short_desc":"No-fault divorce","long_desc":"Does the state have a no-fault divorce policy? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_boehmke_grandvist","years":"1964-1987","short_desc":"Grandparents' visitation rights","long_desc":"Does the state have a law guaranteeing grandparents' visitation rights? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"divorcerate","years":"1975-1995, 1997-2004","short_desc":"Divorce rate","long_desc":"Provisional counts of divorces by state of occurrence per 1,000 total population. Data for 1996 are unavailable.","sources":"National Center for Health Statistics. 'Divorce Rates by State.' http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/nvsr.htm.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Health Statistics. “Divorce Rates by State.” http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/nvsr.htm. (Accessed 9-17-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021divorce,\r\r\n title={Divorce Rates by State},\r\r\n author={National Center for Health Statistics},\r\r\n journal={ http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/nvsr.htm},\r\r\n year={2021}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ccb","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Community college bachelor's degree","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"cent","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Centralization of tuition control","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s1","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Comprehensive remediation reform","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s10","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Delivery of remediation","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s2","years":"1996-2017","short_desc":"Accountability (such as reporting rates of enrollment and outcomes, performance- based funding)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s3","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"Financial support or reduction of the support for remediation (cost)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s4","years":"1978-2017","short_desc":"Access to college placement exams and remediation before college","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s5","years":"1997-2017","short_desc":"Placement policies (placement examination, changes to placement criteria)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s6","years":"2004-2017","short_desc":"Remedial credits counting toward financial aid","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s7","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Remedial credits counting or non- counting toward graduation and full-time status","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s8","years":"1996-2017","short_desc":"Remediation expanded or limited to certain sectors of higher education","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dev_s9","years":"1996-2017","short_desc":"Limits for remediation (time, credit hours, etc.) and punishment of unsuccessful students in the developmental education","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dual_enroll","years":"1976-2017","short_desc":"Allowed to enroll in college while in high school","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"inst_tu_und","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"In-state tuition for undocumented immigrants","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"inst_tu_vet","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"In-state tuition for veterans","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"collegesavings","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"College savings plan","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"eminentscholar","years":"1983-2017","short_desc":"State eminent scholar program","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"governance_reform","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Restructuring of state higher education governance structures","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"meritaid","years":"1993-2017","short_desc":"Merit-based aid program","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Lacy, T. Austin, and David A. Tandberg. 'Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of 'finance innovations'.' Research in Higher\r\nEducation 55.7 (2014): 627-649.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lacy, T.A. and Tandberg, D.A., 2014. Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”. Research in Higher Education, 55(7), pp.627-649.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lacy2014rethinking,\n title={Rethinking policy diffusion: The interstate spread of “finance innovations”},\n author={Lacy, T Austin and Tandberg, David A},\n journal={Research in Higher Education},\n volume={55},\n number={7},\n pages={627--649},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Springer}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"arts","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Council on the arts","long_desc":"Did state adopt a council on the arts? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"chartersch","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Charter schools","long_desc":"Did state adopt charter schools? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"education","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Strategic planning for education","long_desc":"Did state adopt strategic planning for education? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"edutv","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Educational television","long_desc":"Did state adopt educational television? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"hsexit","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"High school exit exams","long_desc":"Did state adopt high school exit exams? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"schoolchoi","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"School choice","long_desc":"Did state adopt school choice? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"teacelm","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Teacher certification- elementary","long_desc":"Did state adopt teacher certification (elementary)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"athlete_agents_act","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Governs relations among student athletes, athlete agents, and educational institutions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"athlete_agents_act_2015","years":"2016, 2017","short_desc":"Revision of previous law- expands definition of student and athlete","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"minor_student_capacity_to_borrow","years":"1970-2017","short_desc":"Provides that a student loan is enforceable against debtor","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"echart","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Charter schools law","long_desc":"Charter schools law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ecsalb","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Compulsory school age, lower bound","long_desc":"Compulsory school age, lower bound (minimum standard if set by local school district; age at which parental waivers not permitted)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ecsaub","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Compulsory school age, upper bound","long_desc":"Compulsory school age, upper bound (minimum standard if set by local school district; age at which parental waivers not permitted)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ecsyrs","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Compulsory school years","long_desc":"Compulsory school years (ecsaub - ecsalb)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"eevol","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Law permitting public school teachers to teach 'weaknesses of evolution'","long_desc":"Law permitting public school teachers to teach 'weaknesses of evolution' (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"effg","years":"2006","short_desc":"Friedman Foundation grade of state regulations of private schools","long_desc":"Friedman Foundation grade of state regulations of private schools","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ehscurr","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Required subjects/curricul um for homeschoolers","long_desc":"Required subjects/curriculum for homeschoolers? (0 = none, 1 = subjects required, 2 = curriculum subject to approval/review)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ehslaw","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Homeschooling explicitly permitted by statute","long_desc":"Homeschooling explicitly permitted by statute? (0 = no, must use alternative options, 1= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ehsnote","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Extent of homeschooling notice required","long_desc":"Extent of homeschooling notice required\r\n0 = none; 1 = only basic identifying or attendance info must be submitted; 1.5\r\n= curriculum and similar info must be submitted only once; 2 = curriculum, qualifications, or other info must be submitted)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ehsnotf","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Frequency of homeschooling notice required","long_desc":"Frequency of homeschooling notice required (0 = never, 1 = once, 2 = annually, 3 = more than annually)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ehsnoti","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Homeschooling notification index","long_desc":"Homeschooling notification index (ehsnotf * ehsnote)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ehsrkr","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Extent of homeschool recordkeeping requirements","long_desc":"Extent of homeschool recordkeeping requirements (0 = none, 1 = attendance, 2 = teaching materials/record of instruction/progress reports)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ehsst","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Standardized testing or other official evaluation required","long_desc":"Standardized testing or other official evaluation required? (0 = none, 1 = periodic, 2 = annual or annual in high school and periodic in other grades)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ehstq","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Teacher qualifications required","long_desc":"Teacher qualifications required? (0 = some homeschooling options do not require teaching qualifications, 1 = some qualifications required under all homeschooling options)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ekind","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Kindergarten attendance required","long_desc":"Kindergarten attendance required? (0 = no, 1 = half-day, 2 = full day)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"emaps","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Mandatory state approval, where state has discretion, licensing, or accreditation of private schools","long_desc":"Mandatory state approval, where state has discretion, licensing, or accreditation of private schools? (0 = no, 0.5 = yes, with broad exemptions, 1= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"emlpst","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Mandatory state licensure of private school teachers","long_desc":"Mandatory state licensure of private school teachers? (0 = no, 0.5 = yes, with broad exemptions, 1= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"emrps","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Mandatory registration or licensing of private schools","long_desc":"Mandatory registration or licensing of private schools? (0 = no, 0.5 = yes, with broad exemptions, 1= yes)\r\n(note: if approval is required, registration is also coded as being required)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"epsc","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Public school choice","long_desc":"Public school choice (0 = no mandatory open enrollment laws; .1 = inter or intra only under special circumstances; .5 = inter or intra for low-performing schools or other substantial qualifications; 1 = intradistrict mandatory; 1.5 = intradistrict mandatory or interdistrict for substantial populations; 2 = interdistrict mandatory)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"epscurr","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Extent of private school curriculum control","long_desc":"Extent of private school curriculum control\r\n0 = none, 1 = general (subjects), 2 = detailed (content specified or approved by state)\r\n(note: If examinations are required prior to graduation, this is considered a form of detailed curriculum control)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"etcd","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Tax credit/deduction law for scholarship contributions or educational expenses of parents","long_desc":"Tax credit/deduction law for scholarship contributions or educational expenses of parents?\r\n(0 = none, 1 = for special needs only or otherwise very limited eligibility, OR credit 50% or less of donation, or low cap on credit; 2= broad eligibility for receipt OR contribution)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"evouch","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Publicly funded voucher law?","long_desc":"Publicly funded voucher law?\r\n0 = no; 0.5 = yes, but limited to students with disabilities; 1 = yes, but limited to low-income families in poor school districts or to towns/counties that choose to tuition out or ESA limited to students with disabilities; 2 = yes, statewide, & includes families up to 185% of federal poverty guidelines or limited eligibility ESA; 3 = ESA with wide eligibility","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"education_corporal_punishment_ba","years":"1970-2014","short_desc":"Ban on corporal punishment in schools","long_desc":"Does the state ban corporal punishment in schools? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"education_librarysystem","years":"1935-1955","short_desc":"State library system","long_desc":"State library system (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"education_schoolfordeaf","years":"1935-1950","short_desc":"School for deaf","long_desc":"School for deaf (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"education_teacher_cert_elementar","years":"1935-1969","short_desc":"Teacher degree required- elementary school","long_desc":"In what year does the state require elementary school teachers to hold a degree?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"education_teacher_cert_hs","years":"1935-1963","short_desc":"Teacher degree required-high school","long_desc":"In what year does the state require high school teachers to hold a degree?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_education_biblereading","years":"1935-2013","short_desc":"Allow Ten Commandments in schools","long_desc":"Does the state allow the Ten Commandments to be posted in educational institutions? (0 = no; 1 = the state has a policy permitting the Ten Commandments to be displayed on state/public property; 2 = the law mandates it is posted in a public institution/school)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_education_moment_of_silence","years":"1957-2014","short_desc":"Moment of silence required","long_desc":"Does the state have a mandatory moment of silence period at the beginning of each school day? (0 = no; 1 = a period for reflection or prayer at the beginning of each day is permissible; 2 = state has a mandatory period for reflection or prayer at the beginning of each day)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_education_expenditures_per_pup","years":"1936, 1938, 1940, 1942, 1944-1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1962-1964, 1966-1974, 1976-1993, 1995-2009","short_desc":"Education spending per pupil","long_desc":"What is the per capita spending on public education per pupil based on daily average attendance?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_education_higher_edu_spending","years":"1988-2013","short_desc":"Per student spending on higher education","long_desc":"What is the per student subsidy for higher education?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"meritstateadmin","years":"1993-2017","short_desc":"Merit system for states (post- 1993)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Doyle, William R. 'Adoption of merit-based student grant programs: An event history analysis.' Educational evaluation and policy analysis 28.3 (2006): 259-285.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Doyle, W.R., 2006. Adoption of merit-based student grant programs: An event history analysis. Educational evaluation and policy analysis, 28(3), pp.259-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{doyle2006adoption,\n title={Adoption of merit-based student grant programs: An event history analysis},\n author={Doyle, William R},\n journal={Educational evaluation and policy analysis},\n volume={28},\n number={3},\n pages={259--285},\n year={2006},\n publisher={SAGE Publications}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"universalprek","years":"1995-2017","short_desc":"Universal pre-K education","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Curran, F. Chris. 'Expanding downward: Innovation, diffusion, and state policy adoptions of universal preschool.' Education Policy Analysis Archives/Archivos Analiticos de Politicas Educativas 23 (2015).\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Curran, F.C., 2015. Expanding downward: Innovation, diffusion, and state policy adoptions of universal preschool. UMBC Faculty Collection.","bibtex_cite":"@article{curran2015expanding,\n title={Expanding downward: Innovation, diffusion, and state policy adoptions of universal preschool},\n author={Curran, F Chris},\n journal={UMBC Faculty Collection},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Arizona State University}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"educspend","years":"1975-2001","short_desc":"State education spending","long_desc":"Total spending on elementary and secondary education in thousands of current dollars","sources":"Digest of Education Statistics. 'Current expenditures for public elementary and secondary education, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1969-70 through 2007-08.' http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d10/tables/dt10_185.asp\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Digest of Education Studies.”Current expenditures for public elementary and secondary education, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1969-70 through 2007-08” http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d10/tables/dt10_185.asp (accessed 9-17-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{digest2021current,\n title={Current expenditures for public elementary and secondary education, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1969-70 through 2007-08},\n author={Digest of Education Studies},\n year={2021},\n publisher={http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d10/tables/dt10_185.asp}\n}"} {"variable":"edtotalexpend","years":"1989-2009","short_desc":"Total education expenditures","long_desc":"Total dollars spent on educational expenditures, including state support expenditures for private school students and interest on long-term debt","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Total Expenditures (State-Fin.)' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Total Expenditures (State-Fin.)” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021total,\n title={Total Expenditures (State-Fin.},\n author={National Center for Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"enrollstudents","years":"1987-2010","short_desc":"Total enrolled students","long_desc":"The total number of students in a state who are enrolled in public school","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Total Students (State).' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Total Students (State)” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021total,\n title={Total Students (State},\n author={National Center for Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"edinstruct_pct_expend","years":"1987-2009","short_desc":"Instruction as percentage of educational expenditures","long_desc":"The percentage of current educational expenditures that is spent on instruction. Instruction expenditures are for services and materials directly related to classroom instruction and the interaction between teachers and students. Year recorded is the start of the school year, so 1987 is for the school year 1987-1988.","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Instruction as Percentage of Current Expenditures (State-Fin.).' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “TInstruction as Percentage of Current Expenditures (State-Fin.)” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021total,\n title={TInstruction as Percentage of Current Expenditures (State-Fin)},\n author={National Center for Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"edinstruct_expend_pstud","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"Educational instruction expenditure per student","long_desc":"Dollars spent on instruction per student enrolled (as of fall semester).\r\nInstruction expenditures are for services and materials directly related to classroom instruction and the interaction between teachers and students. Year recorded is the start of the school year, so 1986 is for the school year 1986-1987.","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Instruction Expenditures Per Student (State-Fin.).' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Instruction Expenditures Per Student (State-Fin.)” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021total,\n title={Instruction Expenditures Per Student (State-Fin.)},\n author={National Center for Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"edattendrate","years":"1986-2009","short_desc":"Average school attendance rate","long_desc":"Average daily attendance as defined by state law or as defined by NCES divided by the total number of students in a state who are enrolled in public school. Year recorded is the start of the school year, so 1986 is for the school year 1986-1987.","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Average Daily Attendance (State- Fin.); Total Students (State).' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Average Daily Attendance (State- Fin.); Total Students (State)” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021average,\n title={Average Daily Attendance (State- Fin.); Total Students (State)},\n author={National Center For Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/}\n}"} {"variable":"eddayattendrate","years":"1986-2009","short_desc":"Average daily school attendance total","long_desc":"Average daily attendance as defined by state law or as defined by NCES Raw Score. Year recorded is the start of the school year, so 1986 is for the school year 1986-1987.","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Average Daily Attendance (State- Fin.); Total Students (State).' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Average Daily Attendance (State- Fin.); Total Students (State)” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021average,\n title={Average Daily Attendance (State- Fin.); Total Students (State)},\n author={National Center For Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/}\n}"} {"variable":"eddropoutrate","years":"2001-2009","short_desc":"Percent school dropout rate 9th- 12th grade","long_desc":"The count of grade dropouts divided by the enrollment base for the grade, 9th- 12th grade.","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Total Dropout Rate - 9 - 12th grade (State).' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Total Dropout Rate - 9 - 12th grade (State)” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021total,\n title={Total Dropout Rate - 9 - 12th grade (State)},\n author={National Center for Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"grad_rate","years":"2001-2007","short_desc":"High school graduation rate","long_desc":"Averaged freshman graduation rate of public high school students","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Averaged freshman graduation rates of public high school students and change in rates, by state: School years 2001-02 through 2007-08.'","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Averaged freshman graduation rates of public high school students and change in rates, by state: School years 2001-02 through 2007-08.” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021total,\n title={Averaged freshman graduation rates of public high school students and change in rates, by state: School years 2001-02 through 2007-08},\n author={National Center for Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"hsdiploma","years":"1975-2006","short_desc":"High school diploma","long_desc":"Raw percent; measures percent of population that has a high school diploma or higher (National Center for Education Statistics, State Comparisons of Education Statistics). This is a cross sectional variable reflecting the 1990 decennial census.","sources":"Originally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","bibtex_cite":"@misc{stateminderNA,\n title={Stateminder.org},\n author={Georgetown University}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pupilteachratio","years":"1987-2010","short_desc":"Pupil-to-teacher ratio","long_desc":"Pupils enrolled per teacher","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Pupil/Teacher Ratio (State).' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Pupil/Teacher Ratio (State)” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021total,\n title={Pupil/Teacher Ratio (State)},\n author={National Center for Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"mathscore4th","years":"1992, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Fourth grade math scores","long_desc":"Composite scale score on mathematics portion of National Assessment of Educational Progress exam. Not all years between 1992-2011 have scores.","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Mathematics - 4th Grade - Composite Scale.' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Mathematics - 4th Grade - Composite Scale” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021total,\n title={Mathematics - 4th Grade - Composite Scale},\n author={National Center for Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"readscore4th","years":"1992, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011","short_desc":"Fourth grade reading scores","long_desc":"Composite scale score on reading portion of National Assessment of Educational Progress exam. Not all years between 1992-2011 have scores.","sources":"National Center for Education Statistics. 'Reading - 4th Grade - Composite Scale.' https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"National Center for Education Statistics. “Reading - 4th Grade - Composite Scale.” https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{national2021total,\n title={Reading - 4th Grade - Composite Scale},\n author={National Center for Education Statistics},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"twoyear_tuition","years":"2004-2016","short_desc":"2-year college tuition","long_desc":"Average in-district tuition and fees for a 2-year institution","sources":"College Board. 'Trends in Higher Education.' Annual Survey of Colleges https://nces.ed.gov/","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"College Board, Annual Survey of Colleges. 'Trends in Higher Education.’ https://nces.ed.gov/ (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{college2021trends,\n title={Trends In Higher Education},\n author={College Board, Annual Survey of Colleges},\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://nces.ed.gov/}\n}"} {"variable":"fouryear_tuition","years":"2004-2016","short_desc":"4-year university tuition","long_desc":"Average in-state tuition and fees for a 4-year institution","sources":"College Board. 'Trends in Higher Education.' Annual Survey of Colleges https://nces.ed.gov/","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"College Board, Annual Survey of Colleges. 'Trends in Higher Education.’ https://nces.ed.gov/ (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{college2021trends,\n title={Trends In Higher Education},\n author={College Board, Annual Survey of Colleges},\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://nces.ed.gov/}\n}"} {"variable":"apology","years":"1986-2017","short_desc":"Physician apology protection laws","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"autism","years":"1999-2017","short_desc":"Requirement that insurance provide or offer some autism coverage","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"breastdensity","years":"2009-2017","short_desc":"Breast density notification acts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"newbornheartscreen","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Coverage for newborn screening for critical congenital heart disease","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"aging","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Strategic planning for aging","long_desc":"Did state adopt strategic planning for aging? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"banfaninc","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Ban on financial incentives for doctors to perform less costly procedures / prescribe less costly drugs","long_desc":"Did state adopt a ban on financial incentives for doctors to perform less costly procedures/prescribe less costly drugs? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"bangag","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Prohibits agreements that limit a doctor's ability to inform patients of all treatment options","long_desc":"Did state adopt a prohibition on agreements that limit a doctor's ability to inform patients of all treatment options? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"colcanscr","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Colorectal cancer screening","long_desc":"Did state adopt colorectal cancer screening? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"comage","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Committee on the aged","long_desc":"Did state adopt a committee on the aged? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"famcap","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Family cap exemptions","long_desc":"Did state adopt family cap exemptions? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"health","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Strategic planning for health services","long_desc":"Did state adopt strategic planning for health services? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"higissue","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Guaranteed issue of health insurance","long_desc":"Did state adopt guaranteed issue of health insurance? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"higrenew","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Guaranteed renewal of health insurance","long_desc":"Did state adopt guaranteed renewal of health insurance? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"hiport","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Health insurance portability","long_desc":"Did state adopt health insurance portability? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"hiprecon","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Health insurance preexisting conditions limits","long_desc":"Did state adopt health insurance preexisting conditions limits? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"hmomod1","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Health maintenance organization model act (first)","long_desc":"Did state adopt health maintenance organization model act (first)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"hmomod2","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Health maintenance organization model act (second)","long_desc":"Did state adopt health maintenance organization model act (second)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"infanthear","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Newborn hearing screening","long_desc":"Did state adopt newborn hearing screening? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"kinship","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Kinship care program","long_desc":"Did state adopt a kinship care program? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"manclin","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Mandated coverage of clinical trials","long_desc":"Did state adopt mandated coverage of clinical trials? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"mntlhlth","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Mental health standards committee","long_desc":"Did state adopt a mental health standards committee? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"mothpen","years":"1911-2017","short_desc":"Mothers' pensions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"msas","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Medical savings accounts","long_desc":"Did state adopt medical savings accounts? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pdrugmon","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Prescription drug monitoring","long_desc":"Did state adopt prescription drug monitoring? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"rightdie","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Right to die","long_desc":"Did state adopt right to die legislation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"sdce","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Dependent coverage expansion insurance for young adults","long_desc":"Did state adopt dependent coverage expansion insurance for young adults? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"snrpresc","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Senior prescription drugs","long_desc":"Did state adopt senior prescription drugs? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"anatomical_gift_1968","years":"1970-2017","short_desc":"Sets framework for the donation of organs and other body parts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"anatomical_gift_act_1987","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Framework for donation of organs and other body parts (1987 version)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"anatomical_gift_act_2006","years":"2007-2017","short_desc":"Framework for donation of organs and other body parts (2006 version)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"rights_of_the_terminally_ill_act","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Rights for terminally ill act","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"determination_of_death_act","years":"1981-2017","short_desc":"Sets medical standards for determining death","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"durable_power_of_attorney","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Establishes power of attorney for medical care and finances","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"duties_to_persons_with_medical_i","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"Provide for a minimum level of duty toward persons in an unconscious state","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"health_care_decisions_act","years":"1995-2017","short_desc":"Provides right to refuse treatment","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"health_care_information_act","years":"1987-2017","short_desc":"Provides for confidentiality of a patient's health care records","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"status_of_children_of_assisted_c","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Protects children born through assisted conception","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"dpas","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Physician- assisted suicide legalized","long_desc":"Physician-assisted suicide legalized? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dtrans","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Statewide trans- fat ban in restaurants","long_desc":"Statewide trans-fat ban in restaurants? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hbfip","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Bans on financial incentives to providers to withhold covered care","long_desc":"Bans on financial incentives to providers to withhold covered care? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hhrhip","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"High-risk health insurance pool","long_desc":"High-risk health insurance pool? (0 = no; 0.1 = yes, but not open to new enrollees and numbers less than 1000;\r\n0.5 = only for portability; 1 = yes or state high risk reinsurance plan)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hirr","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Individual rate review","long_desc":"Individual rate review (0 = file and use or no review, 0.5 = prior approval for only some products/companies, 1 = prior approval or strict MLR requirement)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hlhpmd","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Licensing of health plan medical directors","long_desc":"Licensing of health plan medical directors (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbalc","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: alcoholism/subst ance abuse","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: alcoholism/substance abuse? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbalz","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: Alzheimer's","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: Alzheimer's? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbas","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: ambulatory surgery","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: Ambulatory surgery? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmspec","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Mandates direct access to providers","long_desc":"Mandates direct access to providers? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hsgrr","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Small-group rate review","long_desc":"Small-group rate review (0 = file and use or no review, 0.5 = prior approval for only some products/companies, 1 = prior approval)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hsrp","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Standing referrals to specialists mandated","long_desc":"Standing referrals to specialists mandated? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hcsf","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"COBRA\r\ncontinuation coverage expanded to firms with less than twenty employees","long_desc":"COBRA continuation coverage expanded to firms with less than twenty employees? (0 = no, 0.5 = employers have option of continuation or conversion, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hgccrl","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Mandatory group conversion coverage rating limits for small firm employees","long_desc":"Mandatory group conversion coverage rating limits for small firm employees (0 = no, 0.1 = only in very limited cases, 0.5 = only for some policies, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hgccsf","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Mandatory group conversion coverage for small firm employees","long_desc":"Mandatory group conversion coverage for small firm employees?\r\n0 = no; 0.1 = conversion mandated only in case of divorce or dependents aging off plan; 0.5 = a broad class of insurers is exempted (e.g., HMOs or non-HMOs); 0.9 = choice between continuation and conversion coverage is allowed but one is mandated; 1 = yes","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hgii","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Individual market guaranteed issue","long_desc":"Individual market guaranteed issue?\r\n0 = no; 1 = some products/individuals/companies (insurer of last resort); 2 = all products","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hgiself","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Guaranteed issue of health plans for self- employed or groups of one","long_desc":"Guaranteed issue of health plans for self-employed or groups of one? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (after PPACA, which\r\n*prohibits* group-of-one plans: 1)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hindgii","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Nongroup guaranteed issue","long_desc":"Nongroup guaranteed issue: hgiself + hgii","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hierb","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Individual health insurance: elimination riders banned","long_desc":"Individual health insurance: elimination riders banned? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"himand","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Individual health insurance mandate","long_desc":"Individual health insurance mandate? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hirate","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Individual market rate restrictions","long_desc":"Individual market rate restrictions\r\n(0 = none; 0.5 = other rating bands; 1 = age or health rating bands; 1.5 = rate bands plus premium caps for high risk pool policies; 2 = adjusted community rating; 2.5 = community rating with exceptions for some plans; 3 = pure community rating)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmer","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Mandated external review for certain types of grievances","long_desc":"Mandated external review for certain types of grievances? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmfree","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Mandate-free' or 'mandate- light' health insurance policies permitted","long_desc":"Mandate-free' or 'mandate-light' health insurance policies permitted? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hsgrate","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Small group health insurance market rate restrictions","long_desc":"Small group health insurance market rate restrictions (0 = no rating restrictions, 1 = rate bands, 2 =adjusted community rating, 3 = pure community rating)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nlabel","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Mandatory labeling law","long_desc":"Mandatory labeling law? (0 = none, 0.1\r\n= GMOs, 0.05 = GMOs, but only takes effect with other states, 1 = all potential carcinogens)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"boehmke_snrpresc","years":"1975-2001","short_desc":"Senior prescription drugs","long_desc":"Does the state provide pharmaceutical coverage or assistance for seniors who do not qualify for Medicaid? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_forced_sterilizations","years":"1945-1974","short_desc":"Forced sterilizations","long_desc":"Does the state have a forced sterilization program? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_physician_suicide","years":"1998-2014","short_desc":"Physician- assisted suicide","long_desc":"Does the state allow physician-assisted suicide? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"imitcontsub","years":"1962-2017","short_desc":"Regulating imitation prescription drugs","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"nurse_reg","years":"2013","short_desc":"Nursing practice regulations","long_desc":"Scope of practice regulations by state (American Association of Nurse Practitioners classification)\r\n1 = restricted practice; 2 = reduced practice; 3 = full practice","sources":"Perloff, Jennifer, Sean Clarke, Catherine M. DesRoches, Monica O'Reilly- Jacob, and Peter Buerhaus. 2017. 'Association of State-Level Restrictions in Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice With the Quality of Primary Care Provided to Medicare Beneficiaries.' Medical Care Research and Review https://doi.org/10.1177/1077558717732402.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Perloff, J., Clarke, S., DesRoches, C.M., O’Reilly-Jacob, M. and Buerhaus, P., 2019. Association of state-level restrictions in nurse practitioner scope of practice with the quality of primary care provided to Medicare beneficiaries. Medical Care Research and Review, 76(5), pp.597-626.","bibtex_cite":"@article{perloff2019association,\n title={Association of state-level restrictions in nurse practitioner scope of practice with the quality of primary care provided to Medicare beneficiaries},\n author={Perloff, Jennifer and Clarke, Sean and DesRoches, Catherine M and O’Reilly-Jacob, Monica and Buerhaus, Peter},\n journal={Medical Care Research and Review},\n volume={76},\n number={5},\n pages={597--626},\n year={2019},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"universal_health_care","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Universal health care bill","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Gray, Virginia, David Lowery, James Monogan, and Erik K. Godwin. 'Incrementing toward nowhere: Universal health care coverage in the states.' Publius: The Journal of Federalism 40.1 (2009): 82-113.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Gray, V., Lowery, D., Monogan, J. and Godwin, E.K., 2010. Incrementing toward nowhere: Universal health care coverage in the states. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 40(1), pp.82-113.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gray2010incrementing,\n title={Incrementing toward nowhere: Universal health care coverage in the states},\n author={Gray, Virginia and Lowery, David and Monogan, James and Godwin, Erik K},\n journal={Publius: The Journal of Federalism},\n volume={40},\n number={1},\n pages={82--113},\n year={2010},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"popgovhealthins","years":"1999-2011","short_desc":"Total population (in thousands) with government health insurance","long_desc":"Number of people, in thousands, that have government health insurance. Government health insurance includes plans funded by governments at the federal, state, or local level. People as of March of the following year. The major categories of government health insurance are Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), military health care, state- specific plans, and Indian Health Service (IHS).","sources":"United States Census Bureau. 'Table HIB-4. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by State All People: 1999 to 2011.'\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: The monthly CPS collects primarily labor force data about the civilian noninstitutionalized population living in the United States. Interviewers ask questions concerning labor force participation about each member 15 years old and over in sample households. People as of March of the following year. This survey's estimation procedure adjusts weighted sample results to agree with independently derived population estimates of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States and each state (including the District of Columbia).","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"U.S Census Bureau. “Table HIB-4. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by State All People: 1999 to 2011” https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/health-insurance/historical-series/hib.html (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021table,\n title={Table HIB-4. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by State All People: 1999 to 2011},\n author={U.S Census Bureau},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/ }\n}"} {"variable":"popnohealthins","years":"1999-2011","short_desc":"Total population (in thousands) with no health insurance","long_desc":"Numbers of people, in thousands, with no health insurance. They report not having either private insurance provided through an employer, union, or purchased from a private insurance company, or government insurance funded at the state, federal, or local level. People as of March of the following year.","sources":"United States Census Bureau. 'Table HIB-4. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by State All People: 1999 to 2011.'\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: The monthly CPS collects primarily labor force data about the civilian noninstitutionalized population living in the United States. Interviewers ask questions concerning labor force participation about each member 15 years old and over in sample households. This survey's estimation procedure adjusts weighted sample results to agree with independently derived population estimates of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States and each state (including the District of Columbia).","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"United States Census Bureau. 'Table HIB-4. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by State All People: 1999 to 2011.” https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/health-insurance/historical-series/hib.html (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021table,\n title={Table HIB-4. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by State All People: 1999 to 2011},\n author={United States Census Bureau},\n year={2021},\n publisher= { https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/health-insurance/historical-series/hib.html}\n}"} {"variable":"popprivhealthins","years":"1999-2011","short_desc":"Total population (in thousands) with private health insurance","long_desc":"Numbers of people, in thousands, with private health insurance. Private health insurance is coverage by a health plan provided through an employer or union or purchased by an individual from a private health insurance company.\r\nPeople as of March of the following year.","sources":"United States Census Bureau. 'Table HIB-4. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by State All People: 1999 to 2011.'\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: The monthly CPS collects primarily labor force data about the civilian noninstitutionalized population living in the United States. Interviewers ask questions concerning labor force participation about each member 15 years old and over in sample households. This survey's estimation procedure adjusts weighted sample results to agree with independently derived population estimates of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States and each state (including the District of Columbia).","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"United States Census Bureau. 'Table HIB-4. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by State All People: 1999 to 2011.” https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/health-insurance/historical-series/hib.html (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021table,\n title={Table HIB-4. Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type of Coverage by State All People: 1999 to 2011},\n author={United States Census Bureau},\n year={2021},\n publisher= { https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/health-insurance/historical-series/hib.html}\n}"} {"variable":"employer_tot_pct","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Percentage with employer- sponsored coverage","long_desc":"State's total percentage of adults with employer-sponsored health insurance coverage","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts: https://www.kff.org/private- insurance/state-indicator/rate-by-gender- 2/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,\r\n%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “State Health Facts: Employer-Sponsored Coverage Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex” https://www.kff.org/private-insurance/state-indicator/nonelderly-employer-coverage-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021state,\n title={State Health Facts: Employer-Sponsored Coverage Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/private-insurance/state-indicator/nonelderly-employer-coverage-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D}\n}"} {"variable":"employer_female_pct","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Percentage of women with employer- sponsored coverage","long_desc":"State's total percentage of women with employer-sponsored health insurance coverage","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts: https://www.kff.org/private- insurance/state-indicator/rate-by-gender- 2/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,\r\n%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “State Health Facts: Employer-Sponsored Coverage Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex” https://www.kff.org/private-insurance/state-indicator/nonelderly-employer-coverage-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021state,\n title={State Health Facts: Employer-Sponsored Coverage Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/private-insurance/state-indicator/nonelderly-employer-coverage-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D}\n}"} {"variable":"uninsured_tot_pct","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Percentage with no coverage","long_desc":"State's total percentage of adults with no health insurance coverage","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts: https://www.kff.org/uninsured/state-indicator/rate-by- gender/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location\r\n%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “State Health Facts: Uninsured Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex” https://www.kff.org/uninsured/state-indicator/nonelderly-uninsured-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021state,\n title={State Health Facts: Uninsured Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/uninsured/state-indicator/nonelderly-uninsured-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D}\n}"} {"variable":"uninsured_female_pct","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Percentage of women with no coverage","long_desc":"State's total percentage of women with no health insurance coverage","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts: https://www.kff.org/uninsured/state-indicator/rate-by- gender/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location\r\n%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “State Health Facts: Uninsured Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex” https://www.kff.org/uninsured/state-indicator/nonelderly-uninsured-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021state,\n title={State Health Facts: Uninsured Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/uninsured/state-indicator/nonelderly-uninsured-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D}\n}"} {"variable":"medicaid_tot_pct","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Percentage covered by Medicaid","long_desc":"State's total percentage of adults with health insurance coverage from Medicaid","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts: https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/rate-by-gender- 3/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,\r\n%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “State Health Facts: Medicaid Coverage Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/nonelderly-medicaid-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D (accessed 9-16-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021state,\n title={State Health Facts: Medicaid Coverage Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/nonelderly-medicaid-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D}\n}"} {"variable":"medicaid_female_pct","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Percentage of women covered by Medicaid","long_desc":"State's total percentage of women with health insurance coverage from Medicaid","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts: https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/rate-by-gender- 3/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,\r\n%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “State Health Facts: Medicaid Coverage Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/nonelderly-medicaid-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D (accessed 9-16-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021state,\n title={State Health Facts: Medicaid Coverage Rates for Nonelderly Adults by Sex},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/nonelderly-medicaid-rate-by-sex/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D}\n}"} {"variable":"med_enroll_adult","years":"2011","short_desc":"Adult Medicaid enrollees","long_desc":"Number of Medicaid enrollees in the adult enrollment group","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021distribution,\n title={“Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"med_enroll_aged","years":"2011","short_desc":"Aged Medicaid enrollees","long_desc":"Number of Medicaid enrollees in the aged enrollment group","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021distribution,\n title={“Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"med_enroll_child","years":"2011","short_desc":"Child Medicaid enrollees","long_desc":"Number of Medicaid enrollees in the children enrollment group","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021distribution,\n title={“Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"med_enroll_disab","years":"2011","short_desc":"Disability Medicaid enrollees","long_desc":"Number of Medicaid enrollees in the disability enrollment group","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021distribution,\n title={“Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"med_enroll_total","years":"2011","short_desc":"Total Medicaid enrollees","long_desc":"Total number of Medicaid enrollees","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021distribution,\n title={“Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher= {https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/distribution-of-medicaid-enrollees-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"med_spend_adult","years":"2011","short_desc":"Spending on adult Medicaid enrollees","long_desc":"Total Medicaid spending on enrollees in the adult enrollment group","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Medicaid Spending by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021medicaid,\n title={Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher={https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"med_spend_aged","years":"2011","short_desc":"Spending on aged Medicaid enrollees","long_desc":"Total Medicaid spending on enrollees in the aged enrollment group","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Medicaid Spending by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021medicaid,\n title={Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher={https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"med_spend_child","years":"2011","short_desc":"Spending on child Medicaid enrollees","long_desc":"Total Medicaid spending on enrollees in the children enrollment group","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Medicaid Spending by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021medicaid,\n title={Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher={https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"med_spend_disab","years":"2011","short_desc":"Spending on disability Medicaid enrollees","long_desc":"Total Medicaid spending on enrollees in the disability enrollment group","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Medicaid Spending by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021medicaid,\n title={Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher={https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"med_spend_total","years":"2011","short_desc":"Total Medicaid spending","long_desc":"Total Medicaid spending","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Medicaid Spending by Enrollment Group.'","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group.” https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0 (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021medicaid,\n title={Medicaid Spending By Enrollment Group},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n publisher={https://www.kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/medicaid-spending-by-enrollment-group/?currentTimeframe=0},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"healthspendpc","years":"1991-2009","short_desc":"Health spending per capita","long_desc":"Health care expenditures per capita (in dollars), measuring spending for all privately and publicly funded personal health care services and products (hospital care, physician services, nursing home care, prescription drugs, etc.) by state of residence","sources":"Kaiser Family Foundation. 'Health Care Expenditures per Capita by State of Residence.' http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/health-spending-per-capita/.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: Original Data Sources: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2011), Health Expenditures by State of Residence. Retrieved (December 2011) at\r\nhttp://www.cms.gov/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/resident-state-estimates.zip. Hospital spending is included and reflects the total net revenue (gross charges less contractual adjustments, bad debts, and charity care).\r\nCosts such as insurance program administration, research, and construction expenses are not included in this total.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Kaiser Family Foundation. “Health Care Expenditures per Capita by State of Residence.” http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/health-spending-per-capita/. (9-19-2021","bibtex_cite":"@article{kaiser2021health,\n title={Health Care Expenditures per Capita by State of Residence},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n year={2021},\n publisher={ http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/health-spending-per-capita/}\n}"} {"variable":"infantmortality","years":"1995-2005, 2014-2017","short_desc":"Infant mortality rate","long_desc":"Number of infant deaths per thousand live births","sources":"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vital Stats. Fetal Death Files.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)\r\nFor 2014-2017: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/infant_mortality_rates/infant_m ortality.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center For Disease Control and Prevention Vital Stats. “Fetal Death Files” https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/fetal_death.htm (accessed 9-20-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{center2021fetall,\n title={Fetal Death Files},\n author={Center For Disease Control and Prevention},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/fetal_death.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"lowincchildren_number","years":"1999-2017","short_desc":"Number of low- income uninsured children","long_desc":"Number of uninsured children below 200% of the poverty line","sources":"University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research. 2019. 'UKCPR National Welfare Data, 1980-2017.' Lexington, KY. http://ukcpr.org/resources/national-welfare-data","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Froberg, Ruthann. \"Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees.\" (2019).","bibtex_cite":"@article{froberg2019analyzing,\r\r\n title={Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees},\r\r\n author={Froberg, Ruthann},\r\r\n year={2019}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"sqli","years":"1992-2012","short_desc":"Quality of life index ranking","long_desc":"State Quality of Life Index ranking","sources":"Pallay, Geoff. 2012. Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Nee, Logan. \"Partisan Gridlock in the Contiguous States: Credit Ratings, Economic Stability, and the Ramifications of Political Competitiveness, Polarization, and Party Control in US State Legislatures, 1992-2010.\" (2014).","bibtex_cite":"@article{nee2014partisan,\r\r\n title={Partisan Gridlock in the Contiguous States: Credit Ratings, Economic Stability, and the Ramifications of Political Competitiveness, Polarization, and Party Control in US State Legislatures, 1992-2010},\r\r\n author={Nee, Logan},\r\r\n year={2014}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"wellbeing","years":"2008-2012","short_desc":"Overall well- being index ranking","long_desc":"Gallup-Healthway Ranking of Well- being Index. (Based on: life evaluation, physical health, emotional health, healthy behavior, work environment, and basic access)","sources":"Gallup and Healthways. 'Well-Being Index.'\r\nProvided by: Pallay, Geoff. 2012. Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Gallup, Heathways. “Well Being Index” Pallay, Geoff, Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute. (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@article{gallup2012well,\n title={Well-Being Index},\n author={Gallup and Heathways},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Pallay, Geoff, Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute}\n}"} {"variable":"health_rank","years":"1992-2012","short_desc":"Overall health ranking","long_desc":"United Health Foundation's Ranking of Overall Health. (Based on: smoking, binge drinking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, high school graduation, violent crime, occupational fatalities, children in poverty, infectious disease, air pollution, lack of health insurance, public health funding, immunization coverage, low birthweight, primary care physicians, and preventable hospitalizations)","sources":"United Health Foundation. 'America's Health Rankings.'\r\nProvided by: Pallay, Geoff. 2012. Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"United Health Foundation. “America’s Health Ratings” Pallay, Geoff, Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute. (2012)","bibtex_cite":"@article{united2012americas,\n title={America’s Health Ratings},\n author={United Health Foundation},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Pallay, Geoff, Ballotpedia and The Lucy Burns Institute}\n}"} {"variable":"hmdadop","years":"2006, 2008, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: adopted children","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: adopted children (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdcond","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Continuation/de pendents","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: continuation/dependents (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdcone","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Continuation/em ployees","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: continuation/employees (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdconv","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Conversion to non-group","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: conversion to non-group (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmddp","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Domestic partners","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: domestic partners (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdds","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Dependent students","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: dependent students (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdep","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Elderly parent","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: elderly parent (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdfc","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Foster children","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: foster children (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdhd","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Handicapped dependents","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: handicapped dependents (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdlnr","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Legal non- residents","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: legal non-residents (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdncc","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Non-custodial children","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: non-custodial children (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdgc","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Grandchildren","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: grandchildren (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdnew","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Newborns","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage: newborns (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmdindex","years":"2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage index","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated dependent coverage index (each mandate weighted by percentage added cost to average health insurance policy, according to Coalition for Affordable Health Insurance)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpacu","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: acupuncturists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: acupuncturists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpbc","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Birthing centers","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: birthing centers (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpcouns","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Professional counselors","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: professional counselors (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpfna","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"First nurse assistant","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: first nurse assistant (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmplhp","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Licensed health professional","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: licensed health professional (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmplm","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Lay midwives","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: lay midwives (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpmt","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Marriage therapists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: marriage therapists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpna","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Nurse anesthetists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: nurse anesthetists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpnm","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Nurse midwives","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: nurse midwives (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpnp","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Nurse practitioners","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: nurse practitioners (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpos","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Oral surgeons","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: oral surgeons (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpot","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Occupational therapists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: occupational therapists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmppa","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Physician assistants","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: physician assistants (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmppc","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Pastoral counselors","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: pastoral counselors (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmppm","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Pain management specialist","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: pain management specialist (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmppsyn","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Psychiatric nurse","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: psychiatric nurse (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmppt","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Physical therapists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: physical therapists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmppub","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Public or other facilities","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: public or other facilities (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpsht","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Speech or hearing therapists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: speech or hearing therapists (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpsw","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Social workers","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: social workers (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpchp","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Chiropodist","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: chiropodist (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpchx","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Chiropractors","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: chiropractors (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpdenti","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Dentists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: dentists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpdentu","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Denturists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: denturists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpdiet","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Dieticians","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: dieticians (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpmass","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Massage therapists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: massage therapists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpnat","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Naturopaths","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: naturopaths (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpnur","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Nurses","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: nurses (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpopti","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Opticians","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: opticians (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpopto","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Optometrists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: optometrists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpost","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Osteopaths","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: osteopaths (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpphar","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Pharmacists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: pharmacists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmppod","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Podiatrists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: podiatrists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmppsych","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Psychologists","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers: psychologists (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmpindex","years":"2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers index","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated providers index (each mandate weighted by percentage added cost to average health insurance policy, according to Coalition for Affordable Health Insurance)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbocs","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: Ovarian cancer screening","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: ovarian cancer screening (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbois","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Other infertility services","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: other infertility services (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmboldu","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Off-label drug use","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: off- label drug use (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbop","years":"2006, 2008, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Orthotics/prosth etics","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: orthotics/prosthetics (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmborm","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Oriental medicine","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: oriental medicine (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbors","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Ostomy-related Supplies","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: ostomy-related supplies (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbpas","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Pediatric asthma education/self- management","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: pediatric asthma education/self- management (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbpcs","years":"2006, 2008-2016","short_desc":"Prostate cancer screening","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: prostate cancer screening (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbpd","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Prescription drugs","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: prescription drugs (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbpi","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Prescription inhalant","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: prescription inhalant (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbpku","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"PKU/formula","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: PKU/formula (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbps","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Protein screening","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: protein screening (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbpse","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Port-wine stain elimination","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: port-wine stain elimination (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbrcs","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Residential crisis services","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: residential crisis services (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbshv","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Shingles vaccine","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: shingles vaccine (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbspf","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Special footwear","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: special footwear (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbsso","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Second surgical opinion","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: second surgical opinion (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbtcs","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Minimum testicular cancer stays","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: minimum testicular cancer stays (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbhh","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Home health care","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: home health care (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbhp","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Hair prostheses","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: hair protheses (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbhpv","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"HPV vaccine","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: HPV vaccine (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbhrt","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Heart transplant","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: heart transplant (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbhs","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Habilitative services","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: habilitative services (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbhyst","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Minimum hysterectomy stay","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: minimum hysterectomy stay (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbivf","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"In vitro fertilization","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: in vitro fertilization (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbkd","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Kidney disease","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: kidney disease (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbltc","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Long-term care","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: long-term care (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmblyed","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Lymph edema","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: lymph edema (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmblyme","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Lyme disease","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: Lyme disease (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbmast","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Mastectomy","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: mastectomy (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbmats","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Maternity stay","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: maternity stay (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbmhp","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Mental health parity","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: mental health parity (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbmot","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Morbid obesity treatment","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: morbid obesity treatment (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbndt","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Neurodevelopm ent therapy","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: neurodevelopment therapy (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbnhs","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Newborn hearing screening","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: newborn hearing screening (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbnsct","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Newborn sickle- cell testing","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: newborn sickle-cell testing (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbbm","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Bone marrow transplants","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: bone marrow transplants (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbbmass","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Bone mass measurement","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: bone mass measurement (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbbp","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Blood products","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: blood products (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbbr","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Breast reconstruction","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: breast reconstruction (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbbri","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Brain injury","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: brain injury (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbcc","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Cervical cancer/HPV screening","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: cervical cancer/HPV screening (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbcm","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Cancer pain medications","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: cancer pain medications (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbcong","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Congenital bleeding disorders","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: congenital bleeding disorders (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbcp","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Cleft palate","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: cleft palate (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbcrc","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Colorectal cancer screening","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: colorectal cancer screening (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbct","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Clinical trials","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: clinical trials (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbda","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Dental anesthesia","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: dental anesthesia (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbdat","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Drug abuse treatment","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: drug abuse treatment (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbdd","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Developmental disabilities","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: developmental disabilities (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbds","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Diabetic supplies","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: diabetic supplies (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbdsm","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Diabetes self- management","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: diabetes self-management (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbem","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Emergency services","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: emergency services (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbha","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Hearing aid","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: hearing aid (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbhc","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Hospice care","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: hospice care (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbac","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Ambulatory cancer treatment","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: ambulatory cancer treatment (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbamb","years":"2006, 2008-2016","short_desc":"Ambulance services","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: ambulance services (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbap","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Anti-psychotic drugs","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: anti-psychotic drugs (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbast","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Asthma education","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: asthma education (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbbci","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Bilateral cochlear implant","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: bilateral cochlear implant (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbbl","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Blood lead poisoning","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: blood lead poisoning (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbtmj","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"TMJ disorders","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: TMJ disorders (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbwcc","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Well-child care","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: well-child care (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbwt","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Wilm's tumor","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: Wilm's tumor (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbaut","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Autism","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: autism (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbche","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Chemotherapy","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: chemotherapy (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbchl","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Chlamydia","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: chlamydia (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbcirc","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Circumcision","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: circumcision (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbcont","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Contraceptives","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: contraceptives (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbmamm","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Mammogram","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: mammogram (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbmat","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Maternity","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: maternity (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbmstay","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Mastectomy stay","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: mastectomy stay (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbtele","years":"2006, 2008","short_desc":"Telemedicine","long_desc":"Health insurance benefit mandates: telemedicine (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmbindex","years":"2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Health insurance mandated benefits index","long_desc":"Health insurance mandated benefits index (each mandate weighted by percentage added cost to average health insurance policy, according to Coalition for Affordable Health Insurance)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmindex","years":"2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Health insurance mandates index","long_desc":"Health insurance mandates index: hmdindex + hmpindex + hmbindex","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmindex2","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Health insurance mandates index including only 'major' mandates that are available over time","long_desc":"Health insurance mandates index including only 'major' mandates that are available over time (hmpopti, hmpot, hmpchx, hmpacu, hmbwcc, hmbrs, hmbpd, hmbmot, hmbmhp, hmbmat, hmbivf, hmbcont, hmbas, hmbalc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hmindex3","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Health insurance mandates index including only 'major' mandates that are available over time and not subject to the federal essential benefits requirements","long_desc":"Health insurance mandates index including only 'major' mandates that are available over time and not subject to the federal essential benefits requirements (hmpopti, hmpchx, hmpacu, hmbivf)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"mothersaid","years":"1911-2017","short_desc":"Mothers' aid cash assistance program","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"adc","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Aid to Dependent Children (Social Security)","long_desc":"Did state adopt Aid to Dependent Children (Social Security)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"aidperm","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Aid to permanently / totally disabled","long_desc":"Did state adopt aid to the permanently/totally disabled? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"blind","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Aid to the blind (Social Security)","long_desc":"Did state adopt aid to the blind (Social Security)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"oldagea","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Old age assistance (Social Security)","long_desc":"Did state adopt old age assistance (Social Security)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"timelim","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Time limits on welfare benefits","long_desc":"Did state adopt time limits on welfare benefits? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"afdc_up","years":"1961-1990","short_desc":"AFDC-UP\r\npolicy","long_desc":"Does the state participate in the AFDC- UP (AFDC-Unemployed Parent) program? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"medicaid_stateadoption","years":"1966-1983","short_desc":"State adoption of Medicaid","long_desc":"Does the state have a Medicaid program? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"x_chip_children","years":"1998-2012","short_desc":"CHIP-\r\neligibility level for children","long_desc":"What is the CHIP eligibility level for children?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"x_chip_infants","years":"1998-2012","short_desc":"CHIP-\r\neligibility level for infants","long_desc":"What is the CHIP eligibility level for infants?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"x_chip_pregnantwomen","years":"1998-2012","short_desc":"CHIP-\r\neligibility level for pregnant women","long_desc":"What is the CHIP eligibility level for pregnant women?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"x_chip_pregntwomen_prebba","years":"1990-1997","short_desc":"Medicaid- eligibility for pregnant women","long_desc":"What is the Medicaid eligibility level for pregnant women?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_ssi_afdc_families_payments","years":"1936-1992","short_desc":"AFDC-benefits for average family","long_desc":"What is the average level of benefits per family under the Aid for Families with Dependent Children program?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_ssi_blind_payments","years":"1936-1965","short_desc":"Aid to blind- payments per recipient","long_desc":"What is the average monthly payment per recipient for the permanently blind or disabled?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_ssi_blind_payments_post1965","years":"1966-1972","short_desc":"Aid to blind- payments per recipient (post- 1965)","long_desc":"What is the average monthly payment per recipient for the permanently blind or disabled? (post-1965)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_ssi_disabled_payments","years":"1951-1965","short_desc":"Aid to disabled- payments per recipient","long_desc":"What is the average monthly payment per recipient for the permanently blind or disabled?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_ssi_disabled_payments_post1965","years":"1966-1972","short_desc":"Aid to disabled- payments per recipient (post- 1965)","long_desc":"What is the average monthly payment per recipient for the permanently blind or disabled? (post-1965)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_ssi_ga_payments_per_case","years":"1937-1963","short_desc":"General assistance payments per case","long_desc":"What is the average monthly payment per case for general assistance (an early form of welfare)?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_ssi_ga_payments_per_recipient","years":"1964-1980","short_desc":"General assistance payments per recipient","long_desc":"What is the average monthly payment per recipient for general assistance (an early form of welfare)?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_ssi_old_age_payments","years":"1936-1965","short_desc":"Old age assistance- payments per recipient","long_desc":"What is the average monthly payment per recipient per recipient for old age assistance?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_ssi_old_age_payments_post1965","years":"1966-1972","short_desc":"Old age assistance- payments per recipient (post- 1965)","long_desc":"What is the average monthly payment per recipient per recipient for old age assistance? (post-1965)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_tanf_initialelig","years":"1996-2013","short_desc":"TANF-initial eligibility level","long_desc":"What is the initial eligibility level for benefits for a family of three under the Temporary Aid for Needy Families Program?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_tanf_maxpayment","years":"1990-2013","short_desc":"TANF-max payment","long_desc":"What is the maximum level of benefits under the Temporary Aid for Needy Families program for a family of three with no income?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_tanf_paymentsperfamily","years":"2006-2010","short_desc":"TANF-average payments per family","long_desc":"What is the average monthly level of benefits per family under the Temporary Aid for Needy Families program?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dera","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"State constitution prohibits government discrimination on basis of sex","long_desc":"State constitution prohibits government discrimination on basis of sex? (0 = no,\r\n0.5 = yes, in some decisions, 1 = yes, broadly)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"breastfeed","years":"1993-2017","short_desc":"Allows public breastfeeding","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"equalpay","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Equal pay for females","long_desc":"Did state adopt equal pay for females? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"offwmh","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Special agent/office for women's health","long_desc":"Did state adopt a special agent/office for women's health? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pubbrefeed","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Allowance of breastfeeding in public","long_desc":"Did state adopt a law allowing breastfeeding in public? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"genderrights_gender_equal_pay","years":"1935-1972","short_desc":"Equal pay for females","long_desc":"Does the state have a law providing for equal pay for women working in the same job? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"genderrights_era_ratification","years":"1972-2014","short_desc":"Equal Rights Amendment ratified","long_desc":"Has the state ratified the Equal Rights Amendment? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"genderrights_jury_service","years":"1935-1967","short_desc":"Jury service for women","long_desc":"Can women serve on juries? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"genderrights_state_eras","years":"1971-2014","short_desc":"State equal rights law","long_desc":"Has the state passed a state-level equivalent to the Equal Rights Amendment? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"genderrights_gender_discrimination","years":"1961-1964","short_desc":"Gender discrimination laws","long_desc":"Does the state ban hiring discrimination on the basis of gender? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"genderrights_gender_discrimination_laws_post1964","years":"1965-2014","short_desc":"Gender discrimination laws (post-1964)","long_desc":"Does the state ban hiring discrimination on the basis of gender? (post-1964) (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gender_gap","years":"2005, 2010, 2019","short_desc":"Gender pay gap","long_desc":"Size of the gender wage gap in the state, expressed as a percentage","sources":"Zippia's Annual Gender Pay Gap Report for 2019.' https://www.zippia.com/research/gender-pay-gap/#by-state","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Zippia. “Zippia’s Annual Gender Pay Gap Report for 2019” https://www.zippia.com/research/gender-pay-gap/#by-state (accessed 9/20/21)","bibtex_cite":"@article{zippia2021zippia,\n title={Zippia’s Annual Gender Pay Gap Report for 2019},\n author={Zippia},\n year={2021},\n publisher= (https://www.zippia.com/research/gender-pay-gap/#by-state}\n}"} {"variable":"admittpriv","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Requirement that abortion clinics must have admitting privileges","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"const_protect","years":"1981-2017","short_desc":"The state constitution protects access to abortion","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"contr_eq","years":"1998-2017","short_desc":"Contraceptive equality","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"emcont_avail","years":"1997-2017","short_desc":"Requires availability of emergency contraception","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"foca","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"Codifies Roe v. Wade in state","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"funds_avail","years":"1982-2017","short_desc":"Requires contraceptive equality","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"fundslife","years":"1977-2017","short_desc":"Bans public funding to be used for abortion","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"fundslifehea","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Bans public funding for abortion, but with more exceptions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"gagrule","years":"1991-2017","short_desc":"Public employees can't provide information on abortion","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"gap","years":"2005-2017","short_desc":"Pharmacists are not allowed to deny prescriptions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"ide","years":"1995-2017","short_desc":"Ban on intact dilation and extraction","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"infconsent","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"Requires informed consent procedure for abortions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"ins_stateexch","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Bans abortion coverage in state exchanges","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"insprivate","years":"1978-2017","short_desc":"Ban on insurance coverage by private insurance for abortions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"inspublic","years":"1978-2017","short_desc":"Ban on insurance coverage by public insurance for abortions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"inswaiver","years":"1978-2017","short_desc":"Requires waivers for abortion coverage","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"medicalrest","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Restrictions on medical abortions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"license_plates","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Allow pro- choice license plates","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"licenseplate","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Allow pro-life license plates","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"clinic_access","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"No-protest zone around abortion clinic","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"fetaldispos","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Disposal of fetal remains regulation","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"fetalheart","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Bans abortion after fetal heartbeat","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"fetalhomic","years":"1970-2017","short_desc":"Establishing fetal personhood","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"fetalpain","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Requires anesthetic for fetus for abortions","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Kreitzer, Rebecca J. 'Politics and morality in state abortion policy.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15.1 (2015): 41-66.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Kreitzer, R.J., 2015. Politics and morality in state abortion policy. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 15(1), pp.41-66.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kreitzer2015politics,\n title={Politics and morality in state abortion policy},\n author={Kreitzer, Rebecca J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={15},\n number={1},\n pages={41--66},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"continsurance","years":"1996-2017","short_desc":"Mandates contraception coverage by insurance","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"infertility","years":"1987-2017","short_desc":"Requirement that insurance provide fertility services","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"trap","years":"1978-2017","short_desc":"Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) Laws","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"abor_optout_inst","years":"2017","short_desc":"Institutional abortion opt-out","long_desc":"Institutional providers may opt-out of providing abortion procedures Note: 0 = no; 1 = yes; 8 = private only; 9 = religious only","sources":"Guttmacher Institute. 2017. 'An Overview of Abortion Laws.' Retrieved from: http://www.guttmacher.org/statecenter/spibs/spib_OAL.pdf.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Guttmacher Institute. “An Overview of Abortion Laws.” http://www.guttmacher.org/statecenter/spibs/spib_OAL.pdf. 2017"} {"variable":"abor_pubfund","years":"2017","short_desc":"Public funding of abortions","long_desc":"Public funding of all or most medically necessary abortions\r\nNote: 0 = no; 1 = yes","sources":"Guttmacher Institute. 2017. 'An Overview of Abortion Laws.' Retrieved from: http://www.guttmacher.org/statecenter/spibs/spib_OAL.pdf.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Guttmacher Institute. “An Overview of Abortion Laws.” http://www.guttmacher.org/statecenter/spibs/spib_OAL.pdf. 2017"} {"variable":"abor_secphys","years":"1900-2019","short_desc":"Abortion second physician requirement","long_desc":"Number of weeks after which a second physician must participate\r\nNote: 'second trimester' was recoded to 13 weeks; 'third trimester' was recoded to 28 weeks; 'point of viability' is coded as V; missing value indicates no such requirement","sources":"Guttmacher Institute. 2017. 'An Overview of Abortion Laws.' Retrieved from: http://www.guttmacher.org/statecenter/spibs/spib_OAL.pdf.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Guttmacher Institute. “An Overview of Abortion Laws.” http://www.guttmacher.org/statecenter/spibs/spib_OAL.pdf. 2017"} {"variable":"aborparc","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"One-parent consent for abortion by a minor","long_desc":"Did state adopt one-parent consent for abortion by a minor? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State Policy Innovativeness Revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-29.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F.J. and Skinner, P., 2012. State policy innovativeness revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={303--329},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"aborparn","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"One-parent notification for abortion by a minor","long_desc":"Did state adopt one-parent notification for abortion by a minor? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State Policy Innovativeness Revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-29.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F.J. and Skinner, P., 2012. State policy innovativeness revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={303--329},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"aborpreroe","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Abortion pre- Roe","long_desc":"Did state adopt abortion pre-Roe? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State Policy Innovativeness Revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-29.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F.J. and Skinner, P., 2012. State policy innovativeness revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={303--329},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"contrains","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Insurers that cover prescription drugs cannot exclude FDA- approved contraceptives","long_desc":"Did state adopt a policy that insurers covering prescription drugs cannot exclude FDA-approved contraceptives? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State Policy Innovativeness Revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-29.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F.J. and Skinner, P., 2012. State policy innovativeness revisited. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 12(3), pp.303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={3},\n pages={303--329},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"abortion_consent_1973_1991","years":"1973-1991","short_desc":"Forced counseling before abortions","long_desc":"Does the state mandate counseling before an abortion (pre-Casey)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"abortion_consent_1992_2014","years":"1992-2014","short_desc":"Forced counseling before abortions","long_desc":"Does the state mandate counseling before an abortion (post-Casey)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"abortion_medicaid","years":"1981-2014","short_desc":"Medicaid for abortion","long_desc":"Does the state's Medicaid system pay for abortions? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"abortion_partial_birth","years":"1996-2000","short_desc":"Partial birth abortion ban","long_desc":"Does the state ban late-term or partial birth abortions? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"abortion_reform_preroe","years":"1967-1973","short_desc":"Legal abortion pre-Roe","long_desc":"Did the state allow abortion before Roe\r\nv. Wade? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_abortion_parental_notice_1983_2014","years":"1983-2014","short_desc":"Parental notification/cons ent required","long_desc":"Does the state require parental notification or consent prior to a minor obtaining an abortion? (0 = neither, 1 = notification, 2 = consent)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_ec_access","years":"1974-2014","short_desc":"Access for contraceptives","long_desc":"Can pharmacies dispense emergency contraception without a prescription? (0 = the state has restricted access to EC by allowing pharmacists to refuse to dispense it; 1 = there is no law either restricting or expanding access; 2 = the state has expanded access by allowing pharmacists to dispense EC without a prescription)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pcons","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"State requires parental consent for minor's decision to have an abortion","long_desc":"State requires parental consent for minor's decision to have an abortion? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (note: does not count if attending physician may waive)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pgestlim","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Gestational limit on abortions","long_desc":"Gestational limit on abortions? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"phosp","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Some abortions required to be performed in a hospital","long_desc":"Some abortions required to be performed in a hospital? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"plicphys","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Abortion must be performed by licensed physician","long_desc":"Abortion must be performed by licensed physician? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pnotif","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"State requires parental notification and/or consent for minor's decision to have an abortion?","long_desc":"State requires parental notification and/or consent for minor's decision to have an abortion? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (note: does not count if attending physician may waive)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pparbth","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"State has law prohibiting partial birth abortion in effect","long_desc":"State has law prohibiting partial birth abortion in effect? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pprivins","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"State restricts coverage of abortion in private insurance plans to cases in which woman's life would be endangered","long_desc":"State restricts coverage of abortion in private insurance plans to cases in which woman's life would be endangered (and other limited cases)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ppubfund","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"State uses own funds to pay for abortions beyond required federal minimum","long_desc":"State uses own funds to pay for abortions beyond required federal minimum? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"psecphys","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Some abortions require involvement of second physician","long_desc":"Some abortions require involvement of second physician? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pwait","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"State mandated waiting period before abortion","long_desc":"State mandated waiting period before abortion? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pabor","years":"2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"First principal component: abortion access variables","long_desc":"First principal component: constructed from plicphys, phosp, psecphys, pgestlim, pparbth, ppubfund, pprivins, pcouns, pwait, pminors","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"pminors","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Parental notification and consent index","long_desc":"Parental notification and consent index: pnotif + pcons","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"abortionrate","years":"1975-1992, 1996","short_desc":"Abortion rate","long_desc":"Abortion rate per 1,000 women aged 15-44. For an explanation of why data are problematic after 2000/2001, see source (the Guttmacher Institute). Data for 1993, 1994, 1995 are unavailable.","sources":"Originally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)","bibtex_cite":"@misc{stateminderNA,\n title={Stateminder.org},\n author={Georgetown University}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gayhate","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Laws establishing anti-LGBT hate crimes","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"gaymarban","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage","long_desc":"Did state adopt a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ssame","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Same-sex civil union, marriage, or extensive domestic partnership","long_desc":"-1 = 'super-DOMA', 0 = no same-sex unions, 0.5 = limited domestic partnership, 1 = same-sex civil union, marriage, or extensive domestic partnership","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"sstmrrge","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"State marriage laws","long_desc":"State marriage laws (0 = no domestic partnerships, civil unions, or same sex marriage; 1 = limited domestic partnerships only; 2 = civil unions or equivalent, conferring all or most of the benefits of marriage; 3 = same-sex marriage)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"superdoma","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"State prohibits all legal relationships approximating benefits of marriage","long_desc":"State prohibits all legal relationships approximating benefits of marriage? ('super-DOMA') (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"smconres","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Marriage constitutional restrictions","long_desc":"Marriage constitutional restrictions (0 = no restrictions on marriage definition; 1\r\n= state has laws that ban same-sex marriage but the laws are not in the constitution, or the constitution merely permits but does not require laws banning same-sex marriage; 2 = constitutional restrictions banning same-sex marriage)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ssodomy","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Sodomy law","long_desc":"Sodomy law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gayrights_ban_sodomy","years":"1962-2003","short_desc":"Sodomy ban","long_desc":"Does the state forbid sodomy? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gayrights_hatecrimes","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Hate crimes ban","long_desc":"Are hate crimes explicitly illegal in the state? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_gayrights_civilunions_marriage","years":"2000-2012","short_desc":"Civil unions and gay marriage","long_desc":"Does the state allow civil unions or gay marriage? (0 = no; 1 = civil unions; 2 = gay marriage)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_gayrights_employment_discrimit","years":"1982-2014","short_desc":"Employment discrimination protections for gays","long_desc":"Does the state forbid employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and/or sexual identity? (0 = no; 1 = indicates a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation; 2 = indicates a ban based on sexual orientation and gender identity)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_gayrights_public_accomodations","years":"1989-2014","short_desc":"Ban on discrimination against gays in public accommodations","long_desc":"Does the state ban discrimination against gays by public accommodations? (0 = no; 1 = indicates a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation; 2 = indicates a ban based on sexual orientation and gender identity)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"giexorder","years":"1960-2013","short_desc":"Gender identity executive order","long_desc":"Does state have an executive order prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sellers, Mitchell D. 'Gubernatorial Use of Executive Orders: Unilateral Action and Policy Adoption.' Journal of Public Policy 37.3 (2017): 315-339.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sellers, M.D., 2017. Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption. Journal of Public Policy, 37(3), pp.315-339.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sellers2017gubernatorial,\n title={Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption},\n author={Sellers, Mitchell Dylan},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={37},\n number={3},\n pages={315--339},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gilaw","years":"1960-2013","short_desc":"Gender identity law","long_desc":"Does state have a law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sellers, Mitchell D. 'Gubernatorial Use of Executive Orders: Unilateral Action and Policy Adoption.' Journal of Public Policy 37.3 (2017): 315-339.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sellers, M.D., 2017. Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption. Journal of Public Policy, 37(3), pp.315-339.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sellers2017gubernatorial,\n title={Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption},\n author={Sellers, Mitchell Dylan},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={37},\n number={3},\n pages={315--339},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"soexorder","years":"1960-2013","short_desc":"Sexual orientation executive order","long_desc":"Does state have an executive order prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sellers, Mitchell D. 'Gubernatorial Use of Executive Orders: Unilateral Action and Policy Adoption.' Journal of Public Policy 37.3 (2017): 315-339.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sellers, M.D., 2017. Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption. Journal of Public Policy, 37(3), pp.315-339.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sellers2017gubernatorial,\n title={Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption},\n author={Sellers, Mitchell Dylan},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={37},\n number={3},\n pages={315--339},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"solaw","years":"1960-2013","short_desc":"Sexual orientation law","long_desc":"Does state have a law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sellers, Mitchell D. 'Gubernatorial Use of Executive Orders: Unilateral Action and Policy Adoption.' Journal of Public Policy 37.3 (2017): 315-339.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sellers, M.D., 2017. Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption. Journal of Public Policy, 37(3), pp.315-339.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sellers2017gubernatorial,\n title={Gubernatorial use of executive orders: unilateral action and policy adoption},\n author={Sellers, Mitchell Dylan},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={37},\n number={3},\n pages={315--339},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"hate_crime_law","years":"2019","short_desc":"State has passed a law establishing illegality of hate crimes","long_desc":"0 = the state does not have hate-crime laws pertaining to members of the LGBT community, OR does not have any hate-crime laws at all\r\n1 = the state has a hate-crime law that applies to sexual orientation only (LGB)\r\n2 = the state has a hate-crime law that applies to sexual orientation AND gender identity (LGBT)","sources":"Movement Advancement Project (MAP), 'Hate Crime Laws.' http://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/hate_crime_laws","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Movement Advancement Project (MAP). “Hate Crime Laws.” http://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/hate_crime_laws (accessed 9/20/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{movement2021hate,\n title={Hate Crime Laws},\n author={Movement Advancement Project (MAP)},\n year={2021},\n publisher= (http://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/hate_crime_laws}\n}"} {"variable":"exec_order","years":"2019","short_desc":"Governor issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination","long_desc":"0 = no executive orders have been issued\r\n1 = executive order was issued, but it applied to discrimination based on sexual orientation only (LGB)\r\n2 = executive order applied to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (LGBT)\r\nNote: This variable indicates only whether an exec. order was issued at one time; it does not account for any orders that were later rescinded.","sources":"LGBTQ Americans Aren't Fully Protected from Discrimination in 30 States.' https://www.freedomforallamericans.org/states/","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Freedom For All Americans. “LGBTQ Americans Aren’t Fully Protected from Discrimination in 30 States” https://www.freedomforallamericans.org/states/ (accessed 9/20/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{freedom2021lgbtq,\n title={LGBTQ Americans Aren’t Fully Protected from Discrimination in 30 States},\n author={Kaiser Family Foundation},\n year={2021},\n publisher={https://www.freedomforallamericans.org/states/}\n}"} {"variable":"ndl_employment","years":"2019","short_desc":"State has passed a law prohibiting discrimination in employment","long_desc":"0 = state does not have any employment non-discrimination laws 1 = the state has an employment non- discrimination law that applies to sexual orientation only (LGB)\r\n2 = the state has an employment non- discrimination law that applies to sexual orientation AND gender identity (LGBT)","sources":"Movement Advancement Project (MAP), 'Non-Discrimination Laws.' http://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Movement Advancement Project. \"Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws.\" https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws (accessed 9/16/2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{movement2021equality,\n title={Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws},\n author={Movement Advancement Project},\n publisher= {https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"ndl_housing","years":"2019","short_desc":"State has passed a law prohibiting discrimination in housing","long_desc":"0 = state does not have any housing non-discrimination laws 1 = the state has a housing non- discrimination law that applies to sexual orientation only (LGB)\r\n2 = the state has a housing non- discrimination law that applies to sexual orientation AND gender identity (LGBT)","sources":"Movement Advancement Project (MAP), 'Non-Discrimination Laws.' http://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Movement Advancement Project. \"Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws.\" https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws (accessed 9/16/2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{movement2021equality,\n title={Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws},\n author={Movement Advancement Project},\n publisher= {https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"ndl_public_accomm","years":"2019","short_desc":"State has passed a law prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations","long_desc":"0 = state does not have any public- accommodations non-discrimination laws\r\n1 = the state has a public- accommodations non-discrimination law that applies to sexual orientation only (LGB)\r\n2 = the state has a public- accommodations non-discrimination law that applies to sexual orientation AND gender identity (LGBT)","sources":"Movement Advancement Project (MAP), 'Non-Discrimination Laws.' http://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Movement Advancement Project. \"Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws.\" https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws (accessed 9/16/2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{movement2021equality,\n title={Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws},\n author={Movement Advancement Project},\n publisher= {https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"ndl_credit","years":"2019","short_desc":"State has passed a law prohibiting discrimination in credit and lending practices","long_desc":"0 = state does not have any credit non- discrimination laws\r\n1 = the state has a credit non- discrimination law that applies to sexual orientation only (LGB)\r\n2 = the state has a credit non- discrimination law that applies to sexual orientation AND gender identity (LGBT)","sources":"Movement Advancement Project (MAP), 'Non-Discrimination Laws.' http://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Movement Advancement Project. \"Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws.\" https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws (accessed 9/16/2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{movement2021equality,\n title={Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws},\n author={Movement Advancement Project},\n publisher= {https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"ndl_state_employees","years":"2019","short_desc":"State has passed a law prohibiting discrimination against state employees","long_desc":"0 = state does not have any non- discrimination laws protecting state employees\r\n1 = the state has a non-discrimination law protecting state employees that applies to sexual orientation only (LGB)\r\n2 = the state has a non-discrimination law protecting state employees that applies to sexual orientation AND gender identity (LGBT)","sources":"Movement Advancement Project (MAP), 'Non-Discrimination Laws.' http://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Movement Advancement Project. \"Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws.\" https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws (accessed 9/16/2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{movement2021equality,\n title={Equality Maps: State Nondiscrimination Laws},\n author={Movement Advancement Project},\n publisher= {https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/non_discrimination_laws},\n year={2021}\n}"} {"variable":"anti_discrimination","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Anti- discrimination law (later updated in 1995 law)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"antimis","years":"1900-1913","short_desc":"Anti- miscegenation laws","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fhpriv","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Fair housing (private housing)","long_desc":"Did state adopt fair housing laws for private housing? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fhpub","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Fair housing (public housing)","long_desc":"Did state adopt fair housing laws for public housing? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fhurb","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Fair housing (urban renewal areas)","long_desc":"Did state adopt fair housing laws for urban renewal areas? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"segoss","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Provisions by the states maintaining segregated educational systems for out- of-state study by African- Americans","long_desc":"Did state adopt provisions maintaining segregated educational systems for out- of-state study by African-Americans? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"vaaban","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Affirmative action ban","long_desc":"Affirmative action ban: Are all racial preferences in public services banned in the state? (0 = no, 0.5 = in education only, 1 = yes, by statute or executive order, 2 = yes, in constitution)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"race_boehmke_fhpub","years":"1937-1964","short_desc":"Fair housing (public housing)","long_desc":"Does the state ban discrimination in public housing? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"race_boehmke_fhurb","years":"1945-1964","short_desc":"Fair housing (urban renewal areas)","long_desc":"Does the state have urban renewal areas? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_race_fair_housing_private","years":"1959-1968","short_desc":"Fair housing (private housing)","long_desc":"Does the state ban discrimination in private housing? (0 = no; 1 = any fair housing law; 2 = includes owner- occupied housing, OR excludes owner- occupied housing, but includes all real estate broker activities)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"race_fair_employment_commissions","years":"1945-1964","short_desc":"Fair employment laws","long_desc":"Does the state have a fair employment law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"race_fair_employ_comm_post1964","years":"1965-2014","short_desc":"Fair employment laws (post-1964)","long_desc":"Does the state have a fair employment law (post-1964)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"race_interracial_marriage_banned","years":"1935-1967","short_desc":"Ban on interracial marriage","long_desc":"Does the state have a law banning interracial marriages? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"race_school_segregation","years":"1935-1953","short_desc":"Requires segregation in schools","long_desc":"Does the state require segregation in public schools? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_race_disc_public_accommodation","years":"1935-1963","short_desc":"Banning discrimination in public accommodations (pre-CRA)","long_desc":"Did the state pass a law (with administrative enforcement) banning discrimination in public accommodations (pre-CRA)? (0 = no; 1 = indicates that individuals had to bring lawsuits to enforce the ban on discrimination; 2 = indicates that there was a state agency that enforced the ban on discrimination)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_race_disc_public_accom2","years":"1964-2010","short_desc":"Banning discrimination in public accommodations (post-CRA)","long_desc":"Did the state pass a law (with administrative enforcement) banning discrimination in public accommodations (post-CRA)? (0 = no; 1 = indicates that individuals had to bring lawsuits to enforce the ban on discrimination; 2 = indicates that there was a state agency that enforced the ban on discrimination)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bldstds_yearadopted","years":"1991-2017","short_desc":"Environmental building standards","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Matisoff, Daniel C., and Jason Edwards. 'Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990-2008).' Environmental Politics 23.5 (2014): 795-817.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Matisoff, D.C. and Edwards, J., 2014. Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990–2008). Environmental Politics, 23(5), pp.795-817.","bibtex_cite":"@article{matisoff2014kindred,\n title={Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990--2008)},\n author={Matisoff, Daniel C and Edwards, Jason},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={23},\n number={5},\n pages={795--817},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"corporateeff_yearadopted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Corporate tax credits for efficiency; financial incentives for certain energy- efficient equipment installed and placed into service","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Matisoff, Daniel C., and Jason Edwards. 'Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990-2008).' Environmental Politics 23.5 (2014): 795-817.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Matisoff, D.C. and Edwards, J., 2014. Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990–2008). Environmental Politics, 23(5), pp.795-817.","bibtex_cite":"@article{matisoff2014kindred,\n title={Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990--2008)},\n author={Matisoff, Daniel C and Edwards, Jason},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={23},\n number={5},\n pages={795--817},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"corporaterenew_yearadopted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Tax credits for renewable technologies","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Matisoff, Daniel C., and Jason Edwards. 'Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990-2008).' Environmental Politics 23.5 (2014): 795-817.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Matisoff, D.C. and Edwards, J., 2014. Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990–2008). Environmental Politics, 23(5), pp.795-817.","bibtex_cite":"@article{matisoff2014kindred,\n title={Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990--2008)},\n author={Matisoff, Daniel C and Edwards, Jason},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={23},\n number={5},\n pages={795--817},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"netmeter_yearadopted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Implement on- site renewable energy generation","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Matisoff, Daniel C., and Jason Edwards. 'Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990-2008).' Environmental Politics 23.5 (2014): 795-817.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Matisoff, D.C. and Edwards, J., 2014. Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990–2008). Environmental Politics, 23(5), pp.795-817.","bibtex_cite":"@article{matisoff2014kindred,\n title={Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990--2008)},\n author={Matisoff, Daniel C and Edwards, Jason},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={23},\n number={5},\n pages={795--817},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"personaltax_yearadopted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Residential tax credits for renewable energy systems","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Matisoff, Daniel C., and Jason Edwards. 'Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990-2008).' Environmental Politics 23.5 (2014): 795-817.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Matisoff, D.C. and Edwards, J., 2014. Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990–2008). Environmental Politics, 23(5), pp.795-817.","bibtex_cite":"@article{matisoff2014kindred,\n title={Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990--2008)},\n author={Matisoff, Daniel C and Edwards, Jason},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={23},\n number={5},\n pages={795--817},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"personaltaxeff_yearadopted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Residential tax credits for efficiency","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Matisoff, Daniel C., and Jason Edwards. 'Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990-2008).' Environmental Politics 23.5 (2014): 795-817.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Matisoff, D.C. and Edwards, J., 2014. Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990–2008). Environmental Politics, 23(5), pp.795-817.","bibtex_cite":"@article{matisoff2014kindred,\n title={Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990--2008)},\n author={Matisoff, Daniel C and Edwards, Jason},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={23},\n number={5},\n pages={795--817},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"pubbenefits_yearadopted","years":"1996-2017","short_desc":"Collect public benefit fund","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Matisoff, Daniel C., and Jason Edwards. 'Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990-2008).' Environmental Politics 23.5 (2014): 795-817.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Matisoff, D.C. and Edwards, J., 2014. Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990–2008). Environmental Politics, 23(5), pp.795-817.","bibtex_cite":"@article{matisoff2014kindred,\n title={Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990--2008)},\n author={Matisoff, Daniel C and Edwards, Jason},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={23},\n number={5},\n pages={795--817},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"rps_yearadopted","years":"1997-2017","short_desc":"Renewable portfolio standard","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Matisoff, Daniel C., and Jason Edwards. 'Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990-2008).' Environmental Politics 23.5 (2014): 795-817.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Matisoff, D.C. and Edwards, J., 2014. Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990–2008). Environmental Politics, 23(5), pp.795-817.","bibtex_cite":"@article{matisoff2014kindred,\n title={Kindred spirits or intergovernmental competition? The innovation and diffusion of energy policies in the American states (1990--2008)},\n author={Matisoff, Daniel C and Edwards, Jason},\n journal={Environmental Politics},\n volume={23},\n number={5},\n pages={795--817},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"bottle","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Bottle deposit law","long_desc":"Did state adopt a bottle deposit law? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"elecdereg","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Electricity deregulation","long_desc":"Did state adopt electricity deregulation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"environ","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Strategic planning for environmental protection","long_desc":"Did state adopt strategic planning for environmental protection? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"natreso","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Strategic planning for natural resources","long_desc":"Did state adopt strategic planning for natural resources? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"renewport","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State renewable portfolio standards","long_desc":"Did state adopt state renewable portfolio standards? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"soil","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Soil conservation districts","long_desc":"Did state adopt soil conservation districts? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"environmental_covenants_act","years":"2004-2017","short_desc":"Provides clear rules for a perpetual real estate interest- an environmental covenant-to regulate the use of brownfields when real estate is transferred from one owner to another","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"transboundary_pollution_reciproc","years":"1983-2017","short_desc":"Overcomes procedural obstacles that prevent a pollution victim in one state or province from seeking enforceable remedies in the state or province where the pollution originated","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ewaste","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"State e-waste disposal programs","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"environment_air_pollution_contro","years":"1947-1967","short_desc":"Air pollution control acts (pre- CAA)","long_desc":"Does the state have an air pollution control act (pre-Clean Air Act)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"environment_bottlebill","years":"1970-2014","short_desc":"Bottle bill","long_desc":"Does the state require a deposit on bottles paid by the consumer and refunded when the consumer recycles? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"environment_ca_car_emissions_sta","years":"2003-2012","short_desc":"CA car emissions standard","long_desc":"Does the state adopt California's car emissions standards (which are more stringent than the federal level)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"environment_electronic_waste","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Electronic waste recycling program","long_desc":"Does the state have a recycling program for electronic waste? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"environment_ghg_cap","years":"2006-2014","short_desc":"Greenhouse gas cap","long_desc":"Does the state have a binding cap on greenhouse gas emissions in the utility sector? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"environment_publicbenefit_funds","years":"1996-2014","short_desc":"Public benefit fund","long_desc":"Does the state have a public benefit fund for renewable energy and energy efficiency? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"environment_state_nepas","years":"1969-2014","short_desc":"Environmental Protection Act","long_desc":"Does the state have its own version of the federal National Environmental Policy Act? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_utility_jurisdiction","years":"1935-1960","short_desc":"Utility regulation","long_desc":"Does the state have a state commission with rate-setting authority over electricity utilities? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_environment_endangered_species","years":"1969-2014","short_desc":"Endangered Species Act","long_desc":"Does the state have an endangered species act? (0 = state allows federal endangered species act to hold instead of state provisions/there are no state provisions; 1 = state has a less stringent protection program in place; 2 = state's program meets or exceeds federal guidelines under section 6 of the US ESA)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_environment_solar_taxcredit","years":"1975-2014","short_desc":"Solar tax credit","long_desc":"Does the state have a tax credit for residential solar installations? (0 = no legislation; 1 = state approved local option; 2 = state mandated credit or exemption system)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fcap","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Active cap on greenhouse gas emissions from electric power producers","long_desc":"Active cap on greenhouse gas emissions from electric power producers? (0 = no, 1 = yes)\r\n(note: setting a goal or initiating a process doesn't count-only actual regulations in force)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"flandu","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Court land use decisions index","long_desc":"Court land-use decisions index: number of state appellate decisions containing the phrase 'land use,' cumulative from 1/1/1920, divided by state population (then multiplied by 1,000,000)\r\n(flandum / apop) * 1000000","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fsmlp","years":"2002, 2006, 2008, 2009","short_desc":"State mandated local plans","long_desc":"State mandated local plans (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fswp","years":"2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"State wetland restoration program","long_desc":"State wetland restoration program (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fwtldrps","years":"2000, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Wetland regulatory protection statutes, stricter than federal","long_desc":"Wetland regulatory protection statutes, stricter than federal statutes (0 = none,\r\n0.5 = local/coastal, 1 = statewide)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fblight","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Blight","long_desc":"Blight (1 = implemented stricter definition either explicitly or implicitly,\r\n0.5 = retained vague definition but required higher standard of proof, 0 = otherwise)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fesasap","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Endangered species regulations","long_desc":"Endangered species regulations (0 = no act or statute, 1= act or statute, but only in regard to animals, 2 = act or statute in regard to both animals and plants)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fgfsp","years":"2002, 2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Guidelines for a state development plan","long_desc":"Guidelines for a state development plan (0 = none, 1 = yes but no land-use element, 2 = yes and include land-use element)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"frenew","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Mandatory renewable portfolio standard for electric utilities","long_desc":"Mandatory renewable portfolio standard for electric utilities\r\nIf yes, minimum percentage of retail sales for which required\r\nIf no, zero (halved if applies only to investor-owned utilities, or averaged among standards for all types of utilities; scored '1' and then adjusted in year of enactment)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"frpsexc","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Renewable portfolio standard exceptions","long_desc":"Renewable portfolio standard exceptions (1.5 = large or existing hydropower excluded, 0.5 = natural gas, coal gasification, or nuclear included, 1 = otherwise, phase-ins linearly interpolated)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fsspr","years":"2002, 2006, 2008, 2009","short_desc":"Strength of state planning role","long_desc":"Strength of state planning role (1 = weak, 2 = significant, 3 = substantial)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"jdrse","years":"1990, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2010-2016","short_desc":"Deregulation of retail sales of electricity","long_desc":"Deregulation of retail sales of electricity (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"jdrsng","years":"1990, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Deregulation of retail sales of natural gas","long_desc":"Deregulation of retail sales of natural gas (0 = no unbundling, 1 = partial unbundling, 2 = unbundling)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bus_energy_consum","years":"1960-2017","short_desc":"Commercial sector energy consumption","long_desc":"Total energy consumption for the commercial end-use sector is the sum of all energy sources consumed by the sector (in billion BTU)","sources":"Provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration: https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php?sid=US\r\nNotes: Total net energy consumption is calculated by adding coal, natural gas, all petroleum products, fuel ethanol, geothermal energy and heat pumps, hydroelectricity, wood, waste, electricity and supplemental gaseous fuels consumed by the commercial sector.xiii","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis. Homepage - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (n.d.). From https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{eiaNA,\n title={The State Energy Data System},\n author={U.S. Energy Information Administration}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bus_energy_consum_pc","years":"1960-2017","short_desc":"Commercial sector energy consumption per capita","long_desc":"Total energy consumption for the commercial end-use sector per capita is the sum of all energy sources consumed by the sector divided by the total population (in billion BTU)","sources":"Provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration: https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php?sid=US\r\nNotes: Total net energy consumption is calculated by adding coal, natural gas, all petroleum products, fuel ethanol, geothermal energy and heat pumps, hydroelectricity, wood, waste, electricity and supplemental gaseous fuels consumed by the commercial sector.xiv","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis. Homepage - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (n.d.). From https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{eiaNA,\n title={The State Energy Data System},\n author={U.S. Energy Information Administration}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cons_fossil","years":"1960-2017","short_desc":"Fossil fuels, total consumption","long_desc":"State's total yearly fossil-fuel consumption\r\nFor 1960-2009: units are billion BTU For 2010-2017: units are trillion BTU\r\nIn the fossil fuel subtotal, the double- counting of supplemental gaseous fuels is removed, and fuel ethanol is excluded from petroleum consumption. Fuel ethanol and energy losses and co- products from fuel ethanol production are covered in the renewable energy subtotal.","sources":"Provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration: https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php?sid=US","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Energy Information Administration. “State Energy Data System (SEDS): 1960-2019.” https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php?sid=US (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021state,\n title={State Energy Data System (SEDS): 1960-2019},\n author={U.S. Energy Information Administration}\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php?sid=US}\n}"} {"variable":"cons_renewable","years":"1960-2017","short_desc":"Renewable energy consumption","long_desc":"State's total yearly renewable-energy consumption\r\nFor 1960-2009: units are billion BTU For 2010-2017: units are trillion BTU\r\nFuel ethanol and energy losses and co- products from fuel ethanol production are covered in the renewable energy subtotal.","sources":"Provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration: https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php?sid=US","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Energy Information Administration. “State Energy Data System (SEDS): 1960-2019.” https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php?sid=US (accessed 9/16/2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021state,\n title={State Energy Data System (SEDS): 1960-2019},\n author={U.S. Energy Information Administration}\n year={2021},\n publisher= {https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php?sid=US}\n}"} {"variable":"res_energy_price","years":"1970-2017","short_desc":"Residential sector energy price","long_desc":"The variable is the state-level total energy average price estimator that considers the ratio of the money directly spent by consumers to purchase energy and the use of energy as a source of heat or power. See calculation method and notes for additional information. (In dollars per million BTU)","sources":"Provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration: https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php?sid=US\r\nSome data originally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)\r\nNotes: Total energy average price is derived by dividing the total energy total expenditures in the residential sector by the total energy consumed by the residential sector, across each state, and multiplying the result by a thousand. Data is adjusted for process fuel, intermediate products, and fuels with no direct cost. Residential sector is defined as an energy-consuming sector that consists of living quarters for private households. Energy is defined as the capacity for doing work as measured by the capability of doing work (potential energy) or the conversion of this capability to motion (kinetic energy).","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis. Homepage - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (n.d.). From https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{eiaNA,\n title={The State Energy Data System},\n author={U.S. Energy Information Administration}\n}\n"} {"variable":"co2emissions","years":"1960-2001, 2005-2016","short_desc":"Total CO2 emissions from fossil fuels (in metric tons)","long_desc":"For 1960-2001: Original data was only the amount of carbon (C) and calculation has been done to convert carbon into carbon dioxide (CO2): To convert to carbon dioxide, multiply by 44/12 (= 3.67).\r\nFor 2005-2016: values are a state's total yearly carbon dioxide emissions, unadjusted, in million metric tons","sources":"Blasing, T.J., C.T. Broniak, and G. Marland. 2004. Estimates of Annual Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emitted for Each State in the U.S.A. and the District of Columbia for Each Year from 1960 through 2001. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, U.S.A. doi 10.3334/CDIAC/00003.\r\nhttp://cdiac.ornl.gov/ftp/trends/emis_mon/stateemis/percapbystate.csv\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. www.stateminder.org (no longer accessible online)\r\nU.S. Energy Information Administration. 'Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by State, 2005-2016.' https://www.eia.gov/environment/emissions/state/analysis/","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Blasing, T.J., Marland, G. and Broniak, C., 2004. Estimates of annual fossil-fuel CO2 emitted for each state in the USA and the District of Columbia for each year from 1960 through 2001. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem; Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA).","bibtex_cite":"@article{blasing2004estimates,\n title={Estimates of annual fossil-fuel CO2 emitted for each state in the USA and the District of Columbia for each year from 1960 through 2001},\n author={Blasing, TJ and Marland, Gregg and Broniak, Christine},\n year={2004},\n institution={Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem~…}\n}"} {"variable":"energy_efficiency_rank","years":"2017","short_desc":"State ranking by energy efficiency","long_desc":"Ranking of the state based on energy efficiency scorecard","sources":"American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. 2017. 'The 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.' http://aceee.org/research-report/u1710","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. “The 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.” http://aceee.org/research-report/u1710 (2017)","bibtex_cite":"@article{american2017state,\n title={The 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard},\n author={American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy}\n year={2017},\n publisher= {http://aceee.org/research-report/u1710}\n}"} {"variable":"energy_efficiency_score","years":"2017","short_desc":"State energy efficiency score","long_desc":"Score from the state energy efficiency scorecard","sources":"American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. 2017. 'The 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.' http://aceee.org/research-report/u1710","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. “The 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.” http://aceee.org/research-report/u1710 (2017)","bibtex_cite":"@article{american2017state,\n title={The 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard},\n author={American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy}\n year={2017},\n publisher= {http://aceee.org/research-report/u1710}\n}"} {"variable":"frps","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Renewable portfolio standard index","long_desc":"Renewable portfolio standard index (frenew * frpsexc)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"findex","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Eminent domain reform index","long_desc":"Eminent domain reform index ((mreform + mprivate + mblight) * (1 + (0.5 * mconst)))","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"flandum","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"State appellate decisions containing phrase 'land use,' cumulative from 1/1/1920","long_desc":"State appellate decisions containing phrase 'land use,' cumulative from 1/1/1920","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fwrluri","years":"2005","short_desc":"Wharton residential land use regulatory index","long_desc":"Wharton residential land use regulatory index","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fwrlurim","years":"2000-2013","short_desc":"Model-derived extension of Wharton index","long_desc":"Model-derived extension of fwrluri (based on regression results of fwrluri on various predictors)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"comsrvdy","years":"1987-2017","short_desc":"Mandated community service after 1st DUI","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"hostliability","years":"1998-2017","short_desc":"Laws impose liability against hosts of underage drinking events","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"mprisdm","years":"1982-2017","short_desc":"Mandates prison time for first DUI","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"preconvictdays","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Length license suspension for first DUI, pre- conviction","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"prisondayswag","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Mandatory days spent in prison for first DUI","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"keg_reg","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Required registration of beer keg purchases","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"minfine","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Minimum fine for first DUI","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"sundayban","years":"1998-2017","short_desc":"Banning alcohol sales on Sundays","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"advertban","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Banning of cigarette advertising","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"barbanstate","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Full smoking ban in bars","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"restaurantbanstate","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Smoking ban in all restaurants in state","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"worksitebanstate","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Smoking ban in all indoor workplaces","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"alcoholism_and_intoxication_trea","years":"1972-2017","short_desc":"Legal framework for public intoxication law","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"controlled_substances_act","years":"1971-2017","short_desc":"Drug policy under which the manufacture, importation, possession, use and distribution of certain substances is regulated","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"alcbevcon","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Alcoholic beverage control","long_desc":"Did state adopt alcoholic beverage control? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"alctreat","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Alcoholic treatment agency","long_desc":"Did state adopt alcoholic treatment agencies? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"cigtax","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Cigarette tax","long_desc":"Did state adopt a cigarette tax? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"dui08","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":".08 per se penalty for DUI","long_desc":"Did state adopt .08 per se penalty for DUI? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"kegreg","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Beer keg registration requirement","long_desc":"Did state adopt beer keg registration requirement? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"medmar","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Symbolic medical marijuana policy","long_desc":"Did state adopt symbolic medical marijuana policy? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"methpre","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Restrictions on OTC medications with methamphetami ne precursors","long_desc":"Did state adopt restrictions on OTC medications with methamphetamine precursors? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"mlda21","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Minimum legal drinking age 21","long_desc":"Did state adopt minimum legal drinking age 21? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"smokeban","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Statewide smoking ban","long_desc":"Did state adopt statewide smoking ban? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"zerotol","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Zero tolerance (<.02 BAC) for\r\nunderage drinking","long_desc":"Did state adopt zero tolerance (<.02 BAC) for underage drinking? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"beer_tax","years":"2009-2013","short_desc":"Beer tax rate","long_desc":"State tax on beer in dollars per gallon\r\nNote: 2012 data coded on 9/1/2011","sources":"Tax Foundation. 'How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?' Center for State Tax Policy.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Loughhead, K., 2018. How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?. Tax Foundation.","bibtex_cite":"@article{loughhead2018high,\r\r\n title={How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?},\r\r\n author={Loughhead, Katherine},\r\r\n journal={Tax Foundation},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"beer_tax_rank","years":"2009-2013","short_desc":"Ranking of beer tax rate","long_desc":"Ranking of beer tax rate amongst the states\r\nNote: 2012 data coded on 9/1/2011","sources":"Tax Foundation. 'How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?' Center for State Tax Policy.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Loughhead, K., 2018. How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?. Tax Foundation.","bibtex_cite":"@article{loughhead2018high,\r\r\n title={How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?},\r\r\n author={Loughhead, Katherine},\r\r\n journal={Tax Foundation},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"spirit_tax","years":"2007, 2009-2013","short_desc":"Spirit tax rate","long_desc":"State tax on spirits in dollars per gallon\r\nNote: 2012 data coded on 9/1/2011; 2010 data coded on 9/1/2010","sources":"Tax Foundation. 'How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?' Center for State Tax Policy.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Loughhead, K., 2018. How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?. Tax Foundation.","bibtex_cite":"@article{loughhead2018high,\r\r\n title={How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?},\r\r\n author={Loughhead, Katherine},\r\r\n journal={Tax Foundation},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"spirit_tax_rank","years":"2007, 2009-2013","short_desc":"Ranking of spirit tax rate","long_desc":"Ranking of spirit tax rate amongst the states\r\nNote: 2012 data coded on 9/1/2011; 2010 data coded on 9/1/2010","sources":"Tax Foundation. 'How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?' Center for State Tax Policy.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Loughhead, K., 2018. How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?. Tax Foundation.","bibtex_cite":"@article{loughhead2018high,\r\r\n title={How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?},\r\r\n author={Loughhead, Katherine},\r\r\n journal={Tax Foundation},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"wine_tax","years":"2009-2013","short_desc":"Wine tax rate","long_desc":"State tax on wine in dollars per gallon\r\nNote: 2012 data coded on 9/1/2011","sources":"Tax Foundation. 'How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?' Center for State Tax Policy.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Loughhead, K., 2018. How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?. Tax Foundation.","bibtex_cite":"@article{loughhead2018high,\r\r\n title={How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?},\r\r\n author={Loughhead, Katherine},\r\r\n journal={Tax Foundation},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"wine_tax_rank","years":"2009-2013","short_desc":"Ranking of wine tax rate","long_desc":"Ranking of wine tax rate amongst the states\r\nNote: 2012 data coded on 9/1/2011","sources":"Tax Foundation. 'How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?' Center for State Tax Policy.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Loughhead, K., 2018. How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?. Tax Foundation.","bibtex_cite":"@article{loughhead2018high,\r\r\n title={How High Are Beer Taxes in Your State?},\r\r\n author={Loughhead, Katherine},\r\r\n journal={Tax Foundation},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"cdship","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"State ban on direct wine shipments from wineries","long_desc":"State ban on direct wine shipments from wineries? (0 = none, 0.1 = ban only on in-state winery shipments, 0.5 = free shipping limited to small wineries/labels under contract with distributor prohibited, 0.9 = out-of-state/off-site/distributor prohibited, 1 = all)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"chappy","years":"2000-2015","short_desc":"Happy hour ban","long_desc":"Happy hour ban? (0 = no, 1 = yes, ban on free or reduced-price drinks)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cbeertex","years":"1937-2016","short_desc":"Beer excise tax rates","long_desc":"Beer excise tax rates (dollars per gallon, off-premises sales)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cbeerdry","years":"1969-1998","short_desc":"Percentage of state population living in counties that are dry for beer","long_desc":"Percentage of state population living in counties that are dry for beer","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cbret","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Exclusive state control of retail sales of some types of beer","long_desc":"Exclusive state control of retail sales of some types of beer 0 = no, 0.5 = only some very high- alcohol beers (>12% ABV), 1 = yes, 5 = total prohibition; +1.5 = near- absolute on-premises prohibition, +0.5 = on-premises limitation (restaurants, bars, private clubs) Exclusive state control of wholesale sales of some types of beer","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cbwhol","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Exclusive state control of wholesale sales of some types of beer","long_desc":"0 = no, 0.5 = only some very high- alcohol beers (>12% ABV/W), 1 = yes;\r\n+1.5 = near-absolute on-premises prohibition, +0.5 = on-premises limitation (restaurants, bars, private clubs)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cbeerp","years":"1937-2016","short_desc":"Net-of-tax beer price per gallon, off-premises, 2008, in 2008\r\ndollars","long_desc":"Net-of-tax beer price per gallon, off- premises, 2008, in 2008 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cbeert","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Beer taxes per gallon, off- premises, in 2008 dollars","long_desc":"Beer taxes per gallon, off-premises, in 2008 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cbeertav","years":"1937-2016","short_desc":"Beer ad valorem tax rates","long_desc":"Beer ad valorem tax rates (%, off- premises; if sales tax is not charged, that amount is deducted)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cblue","years":"1997-2015","short_desc":"Bans on off- premises Sunday sales of alcohol","long_desc":"Bans on off-premises Sunday sales of alcohol","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cblue2","years":"1997-2015","short_desc":"Bans on off- premises Sunday sales of alcohol, with local option","long_desc":"Bans on off-premises Sunday sales of alcohol, with local option","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cbluelaw","years":"1997-2015","short_desc":"Blue law index","long_desc":"Blue law index\r\n= cblue - (0.5 * cblue2)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"calcdist","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Sum of 6 alcohol distribution variables","long_desc":"Sum of 6 alcohol distribution variables\r\n= cbret + cbwhol + cwret + csret + cwwhol + cswhol","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cgroc","years":"1937-2016","short_desc":"Off-premises alcohol sales in grocery stores","long_desc":"Off-premises alcohol sales in grocery stores\r\n0 = neither wine nor spirits (beer only), 1 = wine only, 2 = wine and spirits, -1\r\n= no beer, 0.5 = Maryland/New Jersey systems; *0.4 if limitation (>1) on # of licenses for chains *or* separate enclosure requirement; then take max score possible","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ckeg","years":"1970-2015","short_desc":"Statewide beer keg registration requirement, or kegs banned","long_desc":"Statewide beer keg registration requirement, or kegs banned (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes, 5 = all kegs banned)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"clnmaxpen","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Log maximum marijuana penalty","long_desc":"Log of maximum marijuana penalty","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmcmisd","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Low-level' cultivation a misdemeanor (criminal non- felony)","long_desc":"Low-level' cultivation (more than 1 oz./30 g. useable/2 plants possession/cultivation but less than some higher statutory threshold, first offense) a misdemeanor (criminal non- felony)?\r\n0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = decriminalized, 5 = legal","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmmisd","years":"2000-2014, 2016","short_desc":"Marijuana misdemeanor index","long_desc":"Marijuana misdemeanor index (cmpmisd + cmcmisd)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmedmj","years":"1937-2014, 2016","short_desc":"Medical marijuana exception","long_desc":"Medical marijuana exception? (0 = no,\r\n0.2 = only right to assert in court, 0.5 = lawful possession but not dispensation, 1 = full exception with registry)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmjindex","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Marijuana law index","long_desc":"Marijuana law index (1st unrotated principal component: clnmaxpen, cmmindex, cmmms, cmmisd, cmpdecr)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmmamt","years":"1937-2014, 2016","short_desc":"Maximum amount of marijuana permitted for medical purposes","long_desc":"Maximum amount of marijuana permitted for medical purposes? (0 = no maximum/Maryland, where still technically illegal, 1 = law defines maximum)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmmaxpen","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Maximum possible prison term for any single marijuana offense (not including sale to minors), in years","long_desc":"Maximum possible prison term for any single marijuana offense (not including sale to minors), in years","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmmdisp","years":"1937-2014, 2016","short_desc":"Medical marijuana dispensaries: effective hard cap or ban","long_desc":"Medical marijuana dispensaries: effective hard cap or ban? (0 = ban/no legal protection, 0.5 = hard statewide cap, 1 = no ban/some legal protection for dispensaries)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmmhc","years":"1937-2014, 2016","short_desc":"Medical marijuana home cultivation permitted","long_desc":"Medical marijuana home cultivation permitted? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmmindex","years":"1937-2014, 2016","short_desc":"Medical marijuana index","long_desc":"Medical marijuana index: cmedmj * cmmscope - 0.1 * cmmamt + 0.1 * cmmhc - 0.1 * cmmdisp","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmmms","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Mandatory minimums for 'low-level' marijuana cultivation or sale","long_desc":"Mandatory minimums for 'low-level' (less than 1 oz./30 g.) marijuana cultivation or sale (not including special penalties for minor sales)?\r\n0 = no; if yes, number of years","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmmreg","years":"1937-2014, 2016","short_desc":"Medical marijuana patient registry required","long_desc":"Medical marijuana patient registry required? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmmscope","years":"1937-2016","short_desc":"Scope of medical marijuana exception","long_desc":"Scope of medical marijuana exception (0 = no exception, 0.5 = limited, specific set of disorders, 0.75 = broad set of disorders including pain and/or nausea, 1 = full physician discretion)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmpdecr","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"First offense of 'low-level' marijuana possession decriminalized","long_desc":"First offense of 'low-level' marijuana possession decriminalized? (0 = misdemeanor, 1 = yes, 5 = fully legal)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmpleg","years":"2000-2014, 2016","short_desc":"Low-level' marijuana possession legal","long_desc":"Low-level' marijuana possession legal? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmpmisd","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"First offense of 'high-level' marijuana possession a misdemeanor","long_desc":"First offense of 'high-level' marijuana possession a misdemeanor (criminal non-felony)? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = decriminalized)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cmsale","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Some marijuana sales legal","long_desc":"Some marijuana sales legal? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"csalvia","years":"1937-2016","short_desc":"Salvia divinorum ban for adult consumption","long_desc":"Salvia divinorum ban for adult consumption? (0 = no, 0.5 = partial, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cspirwet","years":"1967-1969, 1971-1984","short_desc":"Percentage of state population living in counties that are wet (distilled spirits)","long_desc":"Percentage of state population living in counties that are wet (distilled spirits)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"csret","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Exclusive state control of retail sale of some types of spirits","long_desc":"Exclusive state control of retail sale of some types of spirits\r\n0 = no, 1 = yes; +1.5 = near-absolute on-premises prohibition, +0.5 = on- premises limitation (restaurants, bars, private clubs)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cswhol","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Exclusive state control of wholesale sale of some types of spirits","long_desc":"Exclusive state control of wholesale sale of some types of spirits\r\n0 = no, 1 = yes; +1.5 = near-absolute on-premises prohibition, +0.5 = on- premises limitation (restaurants, bars, private clubs)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ctrain","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Mandatory alcoholic beverage server training law","long_desc":"Mandatory alcoholic beverage server training law (0 = none, 0.5 = manager/licensee only, 1 = server)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cwret","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Exclusive state control of retail sales of some types of wine","long_desc":"Exclusive state control of retail sales of some types of wine\r\n0 = no, 1 = yes; +1.5 = near-absolute on-premises prohibition, +0.5 = on- premises limitation (restaurants, bars, private clubs)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cwwhol","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Exclusive state control of wholesale sale of some types of wine","long_desc":"Exclusive state control of wholesale sale of some types of wine\r\n0 = no, 1 = yes; +1.5 = near-absolute on-premises prohibition, +0.5 = on- premises limitation (restaurants, bars, private clubs)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cpbeer","years":"1982-2003","short_desc":"ACCRA beer prices, adjusted annual state average","long_desc":"ACCRA (American Chamber of Commerce Research Association) beer prices, adjusted annual state average","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cpbeerc","years":"1982-2003","short_desc":"State average beer prices, in constant 2008 dollars","long_desc":"State average beer prices, in constant 2008 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cpspirits","years":"1973, 1976-2003","short_desc":"ACCRA spirits prices, adjusted annual state average","long_desc":"ACCRA spirits prices, adjusted annual state average","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cpspiritsc","years":"1973, 1976-2003","short_desc":"State average spirits prices, in constant 2008 dollars","long_desc":"State average spirits prices, in constant 2008 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cpwine","years":"1982-2003","short_desc":"ACCRA wine prices, adjusted annual state average","long_desc":"ACCRA wine prices, adjusted annual state average","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cpwinec","years":"1982-2003","short_desc":"State average wine prices, in constant 2008 dollars","long_desc":"State average wine prices, in constant 2008 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cwinep","years":"1937-2016","short_desc":"Net-of-tax wine price per gallon, off-premises, 2008, in 2008\r\ndollars","long_desc":"Net-of-tax wine price per gallon, off- premises, 2008, in 2008 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cwinet","years":"1969-1972, 1974-2015","short_desc":"Wine taxes per gallon, off- premises, in 2008 dollars","long_desc":"Wine taxes per gallon, off-premises, in 2008 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cwinetav","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Wine ad valorem tax rates/markup","long_desc":"Wine ad valorem tax rates/markup (%, off-premises; markup over 15% only included; if sales tax is not charged, that amount is deducted)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cwinetex","years":"1969-2015","short_desc":"Wine excise tax","long_desc":"Wine excise tax (dollars per gallon of wine, less than 14% alcohol by volume, off-premise sales; if sales tax is not applied, that amount is deducted)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cspirp","years":"1937-2016","short_desc":"Net-of-tax spirits price per gallon, off- premises, 2008,\r\nin 2008 dollars","long_desc":"Net-of-tax spirits price per gallon, off- premises, 2008, in 2008 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cspirt","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Spirits taxes per gallon, off- premises, in 2008 dollars","long_desc":"Spirits taxes per gallon, off-premises, in 2008 dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cspirtav","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Spirits ad valorem tax rates/markup","long_desc":"Spirits ad valorem tax rates/markup (%, off-premises; markup over 15% over delivery cost/45% over shipping point, FOB only considered; if sales tax is not charged, that amount is deducted)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cspirtex","years":"1937-2015","short_desc":"Spirits excise tax","long_desc":"Spirits excise tax (dollars per gallon of spirits, off-premise sales; if sales tax is not applied, that amount is deducted)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rdrivls","years":"2008-2016","short_desc":"Driver's license suspensions for drug offenses not related to driving","long_desc":"Driver's license suspensions for drug offenses not related to driving (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ibanbar","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Smoking ban- bars","long_desc":"Smoking ban-bars (0 = no or few regulations, 0.5 = some nonsmoking areas required/some bars exempted/more than scattered local bans, 0.75 = smoking only in ventilated areas, 1 = total or near-total ban)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ibangov","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Smoking ban- government buildings","long_desc":"Smoking ban-government buildings (0 = none, 0.5 = some exceptions/more than scattered local bans, 0.75 = ventilated areas only, 1 = total/near- total ban)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ibanrest","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Smoking ban- restaurants","long_desc":"Smoking ban-restaurants (0 = no or few regulations, 0.5 = some nonsmoking areas required or more than scattered local bans, 0.75 = smoking only in ventilated areas, 1 = total or near-total ban)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ibanwork","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Smoking ban- private workplaces","long_desc":"Smoking ban-private workplaces (0 = no regulation, 0.25 = minimal regulation, 0.5 = numerous exceptions/designated areas/more than scattered local bans, 0.75 = few exceptions (such as ventilated areas), 1\r\n= total/near total ban)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ismplaw","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Regulations for 'smoker protection' in employment","long_desc":"Regulations for 'smoker protection' in employment? 0 = no; 0.5 = yes, but (implicitly or explicitly) insurance discrimination or incentives to stop smoking allowed; 1\r\n= yes, and insurance discrimination banned","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"iminage","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Minimum legal sale age of 21 for tobacco products","long_desc":"Minimum legal sale age of 21 for tobacco products (0 = no, 0.5 = significant local minimums that represent more than 20% of state pop., 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"inetpurc","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Regulations on Internet purchases","long_desc":"Regulations on Internet purchases? (0 = no, or minimal; 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ivend","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Regulations on vending machines","long_desc":"Regulations on vending machines (0 = age restrictions/supervision requirements only, 0.5 = 'hard' location restrictions, 1 = banned)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"icigtaxraw","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Cigarette tax per pack of 20, including maximum local taxes, in dollars","long_desc":"Cigarette tax per pack of 20, including maximum local taxes, in dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"icigtax","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Real cigarette tax per pack","long_desc":"Real cigarette tax per pack (icigtaxraw in 2015 dollars)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"iindex","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"First, unrotated principal component: icigtax, ibanrest, ibanbar, ibanwork, ivend, inetpurc","long_desc":"First, unrotated principal component (using R 2.15): icigtax, ibanrest, ibanbar, ibanwork, ivend, inetpurc","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cig_taxes_binary","years":"1935-1946","short_desc":"Cigarette tax","long_desc":"Does the state have a cigarette tax? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_cigarette_taxes","years":"1947-2014, 2019","short_desc":"Cigarette tax rate","long_desc":"What is the state's tax on a pack of cigarettes?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB\r\nFor 2019: 'How High Are Cigarette Taxes in Your State?' (provided by The Tax Foundation) https://taxfoundation.org/2019-state-cigarette-tax-rankings/","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2015. Dynamic estimation of latent opinion using a hierarchical group-level IRT model. Political Analysis, 23(2), pp.197-211.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2015dynamic,\n title={Dynamic estimation of latent opinion using a hierarchical group-level IRT model},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={Political Analysis},\n volume={23},\n number={2},\n pages={197--211},\n year={2015},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"drugs_boehmke_kegreg","years":"1978-2013","short_desc":"Beer keg registration requirement","long_desc":"Does the state require the registration upon purchase of a beer keg? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"drugs_boehmke_mlda21","years":"1935-1985","short_desc":"Minimum legal drinking age 21","long_desc":"Does the state have a minimum legal drinking age of 21? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"drugs_boehmke_zerotol","years":"1983-1995","short_desc":"Zero tolerance for underage drinking","long_desc":"Does the state have a zero-tolerance law for blood alcohol levels <0.02 for individuals under age 21? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"drugs_marijuana_decriminalization","years":"1973-2014","short_desc":"Decriminalizatio n of marijuana possession","long_desc":"Is marijuana possession a criminal act? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"drugs_medical_marijuana","years":"1996-2014","short_desc":"Medical marijuana","long_desc":"Is it legal to use marijuana for medical purposes? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"drugs_smoking_ban_restaurants","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Smoking ban- restaurants","long_desc":"Does the state ban smoking in restaurants? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"drugs_smoking_ban_workplaces","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Smoking ban- workplaces","long_desc":"Does the state ban smoking in all workplaces? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dry_counties","years":"2008","short_desc":"Number of 'dry counties' in the state","long_desc":"Number of counties that prohibit the sale of alcohol (beer excluded)","sources":"Frendreis, John, and Raymond Tatalovich. ''A Hundred Miles of Dry': Religion and the Persistence of Prohibition in the U.S. States.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 10.3 (2010): 302-319.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Frendreis, J. and Tatalovich, R., 2010. “A Hundred Miles of Dry”: religion and the persistence of prohibition in the US States. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 10(3), pp.302-319.","bibtex_cite":"@article{frendreis2010hundred,\n title={“A Hundred Miles of Dry”: religion and the persistence of prohibition in the US States},\n author={Frendreis, John and Tatalovich, Raymond},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={302--319},\n year={2010},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"moist_counties","years":"2008","short_desc":"Number of 'moist counties' in the state","long_desc":"Number of counties that are considered 'dry,' yet allow certain jurisdictions to sell alcohol (beer excluded)","sources":"Frendreis, John, and Raymond Tatalovich. ''A Hundred Miles of Dry': Religion and the Persistence of Prohibition in the U.S. States.' State Politics and Policy Quarterly 10.3 (2010): 302-319.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Frendreis, J. and Tatalovich, R., 2010. “A Hundred Miles of Dry”: religion and the persistence of prohibition in the US States. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 10(3), pp.302-319.","bibtex_cite":"@article{frendreis2010hundred,\n title={“A Hundred Miles of Dry”: religion and the persistence of prohibition in the US States},\n author={Frendreis, John and Tatalovich, Raymond},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={302--319},\n year={2010},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"dui","years":"1983-2017","short_desc":"Establishes drunk driving threshold of .08 blood alcohol level","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boushey, Graeme. 'Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American States.' American Political Science Review 110.1 (2016): 198-214.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boushey, G., 2016. Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states. American Political Science Review, 110(1), pp.198-214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boushey2016targeted,\n title={Targeted for diffusion? How the use and acceptance of stereotypes shape the diffusion of criminal justice policy innovations in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={110},\n number={1},\n pages={198--214},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dwi_reform","years":"1983-2017","short_desc":"State reform for driving intoxication limits","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Makse, Todd, and Craig Volden. 'The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations.' The Journal of Politics 73.1 (2011): 108-124.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Makse, T. and Volden, C., 2011. The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations. The Journal of Politics, 73(1), pp.108-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{makse2011role,\n title={The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations},\n author={Makse, Todd and Volden, Craig},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={73},\n number={1},\n pages={108--124},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"goodsam911","years":"2007-2017","short_desc":"Good Samaritan protection for reporting overdose","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Mallinson, Daniel J. 'Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16.1 (2016): 98-120.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Mallinson, D.J., 2016. Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 16(1), pp.98-120.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mallinson2016building,\n title={Building a better speed trap: Measuring policy adoption speed in the American states},\n author={Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={16},\n number={1},\n pages={98--120},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dcasino","years":"1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Some commercial (non-Indian) casino gambling legal","long_desc":"Some commercial (non-Indian) casino gambling legal? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dchargam","years":"1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Charitable gaming permitted","long_desc":"Charitable gaming permitted? (0 = no,\r\n0.5 = annual events only, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dgamfel","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Aggravated gambling is a felony","long_desc":"Aggravated gambling is a felony (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dintgam","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Express prohibition on Internet gambling","long_desc":"Express prohibition on Internet gambling? (-1 = express authorization of some form of Internet gambling, 0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dparimut","years":"1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Pari-mutuel wagering taking place","long_desc":"Pari-mutuel wagering taking place? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dslots","years":"1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Slot/video games legal outside casinos and tracks","long_desc":"Slot/video games legal outside casinos and tracks? (0 = no, 0.25 = in strictly limited locations with half of revenue going to charity, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dsocgam","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Social gambling allowed","long_desc":"Social gambling allowed? (0 = no, 0.5\r\n= stakes limit, 1=yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dsports","years":"1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Private sports betting legal","long_desc":"Private sports betting legal? (0 = no,\r\n0.5 = limited games, 1=yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dtrack","years":"1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Some racetrack gaming legal","long_desc":"Some racetrack gaming legal? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gambling_casinos","years":"1977-2012","short_desc":"Casinos allowed","long_desc":"Does the state allow casinos? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gambling_lottery_adoption","years":"1964-2014","short_desc":"Lottery allowed","long_desc":"Does the state have a lottery? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"indgaming","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State allows tribal gaming","long_desc":"Did state adopt tribal gaming? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lott","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Lottery","long_desc":"Did state adopt lottery? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"bradycamp","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Child access to guns protection law","long_desc":"Did state adopt a child access to guns protection law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"concealed_carry","years":"1975-2017","short_desc":"State permit for conceal and carry","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Makse, Todd, and Craig Volden. 'The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations.' The Journal of Politics 73.1 (2011): 108-124.\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Makse, T. and Volden, C., 2011. The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations. The Journal of Politics, 73(1), pp.108-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{makse2011role,\n title={The role of policy attributes in the diffusion of innovations},\n author={Makse, Todd and Volden, Craig},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={73},\n number={1},\n pages={108--124},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"guncontrol_assaultweapon_ban","years":"1989-2014","short_desc":"Assault weapon ban","long_desc":"Are assault weapons banned in the state? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"guncontrol_licenses_dealers","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"Gun dealer licenses","long_desc":"Does the state have any license requirements for manufacturers or dealers? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"guncontrol_opencarry","years":"1961-2014","short_desc":"Open carry law for guns","long_desc":"Is there an open carry law for guns? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"guncontrol_satnightspecial_ban","years":"1974-2013","short_desc":"Saturday Night Special","long_desc":"Does the state ban 'Saturday Night Special' handguns? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_guncontrol_bc_dealers","years":"1935-1993","short_desc":"Background check gun purchases from dealers","long_desc":"Does the state require a background check on gun purchases from dealers? (0 = no; 1 = background check required for handguns; 2 = required for rifles/long guns)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_guncontrol_bc_privatesales","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"Background check for private sales","long_desc":"Does the state require a background check on privately-sold guns? (0 = no; 1 = background check required for handguns; 2 = required for rifles/long guns)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_guncontrol_registration_requir","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"Gun registration","long_desc":"Does the state have registration requirement for guns? (0 = no; 1 = law applies to handguns only; 2 = law applies to all firearms, including rifles and shotguns)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_guncontrol_waitingperiod","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"Waiting period for gun purchases","long_desc":"Does the state have a waiting period for gun purchases? (0 = no; 1 = law applies to handguns only; 2 = law applies to all firearms, including rifles and shotguns)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fguns","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Law bans employers from banning guns on certain company property, such as parking lots","long_desc":"Law bans employers from banning guns on certain company property, such as parking lots? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bipcraw","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Initial permit cost in dollars, excluding training costs","long_desc":"Initial permit cost in dollars, excluding training costs (n/a = no permits issued, 0 = permits not required)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bipc","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Initial permit cost in 2006 dollars","long_desc":"Initial permit cost in 2006 dollars (twice the maximum cost in any other state if no permits issued, 0 = permits not required)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bipt","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Initial permit term","long_desc":"Initial permit term (0 = no permits issued, 25 = permits not required)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bjourn","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Carry in motor vehicles","long_desc":"Carry in motor vehicles (peaceable journey) (0 = not permitted unless locked in container, 0.5 = permitted with CC permit/license but only if in plain view, 1 = only with concealed carry permit (unless in locked container or glove box), 2 = either 'plain view' or 'concealed' restrictions, 3 = no restrictions even if concealed)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bprecc","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"State preemption of local concealed carry ordinances","long_desc":"State preemption of local concealed carry ordinances? (0 = no, 0.5 = limited/special legislation for particular localities, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bpreoc","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"State preemption of local open carry ordinances","long_desc":"State preemption of local open carry ordinances? (0 = no, 0.5 = limited/special legislation for particular localities, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"baow","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"AOW (Any\r\nOther Class III Weapon)","long_desc":"AOW (Any Other Class III Weapon) (0\r\n= prohibited in state law; .5 = not prohibited but regulated at state-local level OR not prohibited in law but virtually prohibited in practice; 1 = not prohibited by state law)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"basslt","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Assault weapons ban","long_desc":"Assault weapons ban? (0 = no, 0.5 = locally, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"baurnh","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Authorized user requirement for new handguns, aka smartguns","long_desc":"Authorized user requirement for new handguns, aka smartguns? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bballist","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Ballistic identification OR\r\nmicrostamping requirements","long_desc":"Ballistic identification OR microstamping requirements? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bcci","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Concealed carry index","long_desc":"Concealed carry index (see 'Carry indices' page for construction: http://www.statepolicyindex.com/wp- content/uploads/2019/06/b_guns_17_m etadata_carry_indices.txt)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bccpin","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Concealed carry permits issued to nonresidents","long_desc":"Concealed carry permits issued to nonresidents? (0 = no, 0.5 = yes for property owners/employed in state/may issue, 1 = yes, 2 = permit not needed for CC)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bccpir","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Concealed carry permits issued to residents","long_desc":"Concealed carry permits issued to residents? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = permit not needed for CC)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bchild","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Child access prevention laws","long_desc":"Child access prevention laws? (0 = none, 1 = criminal liability if access provided knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly/child must use gun, 2 = criminal liability if child actually gains access, 3 = criminal liability if child may gain access)\r\nNote: multiplied by 0.5 if local only, multiplied by 0.5 if gun must be loaded and/or a handgun for liability to attach","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bconst","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"State constitution contains individual right to keep and bear arms","long_desc":"State constitution contains individual right to keep and bear arms? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bdealer","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Licensing or regulation of gun dealers","long_desc":"Licensing or regulation of gun dealers? (0 = no, 0.5 = locally or only warning to purchasers, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bdesign","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Design safety standards for handguns","long_desc":"Design safety standards for handguns ('Saturday night special' ban)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bdtr","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Law specifying no duty to retreat before using deadly force?","long_desc":"Law specifying no duty to retreat before using deadly force? (0 = none,\r\n0.5 = only in home (aka castle doctrine), 0.75 = home and vehicle, 1 = yes, applying everywhere)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bgunban","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Local gun ban in place","long_desc":"Local gun ban in place? (0 = none, 0.5\r\n= sale only, 1 = sale and possession)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"binsp","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010","short_desc":"Police inspections of gun stores","long_desc":"Police inspections of gun stores (0 = none, 0.5 = permitted, 1 = required)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"blicens","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Licensing or permitting of gun owners or purchasers","long_desc":"Licensing or permitting of gun owners or purchasers? (0 = no, 0.5 = handguns only, 1 = all guns; multiplied by 0.5 if locally only)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"blicst","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Safety training for licensees/permit ees","long_desc":"Safety training for licensees/permitees? (0 = no, 0.5 = examination only, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"blic","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Licensing index","long_desc":"Licensing and safety training combined measure\r\n= blicens * (blicst + 1)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"blocks","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Built-in locking devices required","long_desc":"Built-in locking devices required? (0 = no, 1 = yes with sale, 2 = yes and must be stored in a locked container or with lock in place)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bmags","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Large capacity ammunition magazines ban","long_desc":"Large capacity ammunition magazines ban? (0 = no, 0.5 = locally, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bmg","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Machine Guns","long_desc":"Machine guns (0 = prohibited in state law; .5 = not prohibited but regulated at state-local level OR not prohibited in law but virtually prohibited in practice; 1 = not prohibited by state law)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bminage","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Stricter minimum age to purchase or possess firearms than federal standard","long_desc":"Stricter minimum age to purchase or possess firearms than federal standard? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bmult","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"One handgun per month law","long_desc":"One handgun per month law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bnpg","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Non-powder guns use or possession regulated","long_desc":"Non-powder guns use or possession regulated? (0 = no or just deals with young minors, 0.5 = locally, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"boci","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Open carry index","long_desc":"Open carry index (see 'Carry indices' page for construction: http://www.statepolicyindex.com/wp- content/uploads/2019/06/b_guns_17_m etadata_carry_indices.txt)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bopen","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Open carry of loaded handgun","long_desc":"Open carry of loaded handgun (0 = not generally permitted, 1 = permitted with permit, 2 = permitted without permit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"botheft","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Owners required to report lost or stolen guns","long_desc":"Owners required to report lost or stolen guns? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bplaces","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Loaded handgun carry permitted in bars, banks, casinos, hospitals, places of worship, public demonstrations, parks, and athletic events","long_desc":"Is loaded handgun carry permitted in bars, banks, casinos, hospitals, places of worship, public demonstrations, parks, and athletic events? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bpriv","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Background checks required at private sales or gun shows","long_desc":"Background checks required at private sales or gun shows? (0 = no, 0.5 = locally or some firearms, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bpurge","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"State government required to purge background check records","long_desc":"State government required to purge background check records? (0 = no, .5\r\n= must destroy records of long gun sales but not hand gun sales, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bregis","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Registration of firearms","long_desc":"Registration of firearms? (0 = no, 0.5 = some firearms, 1 = all firearms; multiplied by 0.5 if locally only)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bretent","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Retention of sales records","long_desc":"Retention of sales records? (0 = no requirement, 0.5 = kept by seller, 1 = kept by state; multiplied by 0.5 if locally only)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"brifle","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"50 caliber rifles banned or regulated","long_desc":"50 caliber rifles banned or regulated? (0 = no, 0.5 = regulated, 1 = banned)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bsbr","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"SBR (Short Barreled Rifle)","long_desc":"SBR (Short Barreled Rifle) (0 = prohibited in state law; 0.5 = not prohibited but regulated at state-local level OR not prohibited in law but virtually prohibited in practice; 1 = not prohibited by state law)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bsbs","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"SBS (Short Barreled Shotgun)","long_desc":"SBS (Short Barreled Shotgun) (0 = prohibited in state law; 0.5 = not prohibited but regulated at state-local level OR not prohibited in law but virtually prohibited in practice; 1 = not prohibited by state law)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bsi","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Concealed carry permits are shall-issue","long_desc":"Concealed carry permits are shall- issue? (0 = no, 0.5 = theoretically yes but broad exceptions exist or theoretically may issue but effectively more like shall issue, 1 = yes, 2 = permit not needed)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bss","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Sound suppressor (silencers)","long_desc":"Sound suppressor (silencers) (0 = prohibited in state law; 0.5 = not prohibited but regulated at state-local level OR not prohibited in law but virtually prohibited in practice; 1 = not prohibited by state law)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bssp","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Store security precautions required","long_desc":"Store security precautions required? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bstheft","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Gun dealer regulation: mandatory theft reporting of all firearms","long_desc":"Gun dealer regulation: mandatory theft reporting of all firearms (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"btrain","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Training or testing requirement for carry permit","long_desc":"Training or testing requirement for carry permit (0 = no/may carry without permit, 1 = yes/no permits)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"bwait","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Waiting period on firearms purchases","long_desc":"Waiting period on firearms purchases? (0 = no, 0.5 = some firearms, 1=all firearms)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"antiinj","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Anti-injunction laws","long_desc":"Did state adopt anti-injunction laws? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fairemp","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Fair employment laws","long_desc":"Did state adopt fair employment laws? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fairtrade","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Fair trade laws","long_desc":"Did state adopt fair trade laws? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"miglab","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Migratory labor committee","long_desc":"Did state adopt a migratory labor committee? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"right2work","years":"1911-2017","short_desc":"Right to work legislation","long_desc":"Did state adopt right-to-work legislation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"sals","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Seasonal agricultural labor standards","long_desc":"Did state adopt seasonal agricultural labor standards? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gagexem","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2015","short_desc":"Workers' compensation optional for certain agricultural workers","long_desc":"Workers' compensation optional for certain agricultural workers? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gcomp","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2015","short_desc":"Workers' compensation mandated coverage index","long_desc":"Workers' compensation mandated coverage index\r\nPredicted values: robust OLS regression of gcompcov on gcompman, ln(gsbexem + 1), gagexem","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gcompcov","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2015","short_desc":"WC-covered employees as a\r\n% of UI-covered employees","long_desc":"WC-covered employees as a % of UI- covered employees","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gcompfnd","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2015","short_desc":"Workers' compensation funding index","long_desc":"Workers' compensation funding index: 1 + gprivins + gselfins - gsfund","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gcompjob","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Average compensation per job, dollars","long_desc":"Average compensation per job, dollars","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gminraw","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Minimum wage rate","long_desc":"Minimum wage rate (for 12/31/2006):\r\n$5.15 if none or same as federal, for 12/31/2008 and 12/31/2010 and\r\n12/31/2012 and 12/31/2014 and 12/31/2016: $7.25 if none or same as federal. Rate for any increase scheduled to take effect in 2015 but later scheduled rate increases not included.","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gminwag","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"For states with higher than federal minimum wage","long_desc":"For states with higher than federal minimum wage:\r\n(gminraw - [federal minimum] / gcompjob) * 1800; 0 = otherwise","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gunion","years":"2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Employees represented by unions as percentage of those employed, annual average","long_desc":"Employees represented by unions as percentage of those employed, annual average","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gcompman","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2016","short_desc":"Employer- provided workers' compensation mandated","long_desc":"Employer-provided workers' compensation mandated? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gdisab","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Short-term disability insurance program","long_desc":"Short-term disability insurance program? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"geadl","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Employment anti- discrimination law covering any non-federal category","long_desc":"Employment anti-discrimination law covering any non-federal category? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gleave","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Paid family leave insurance program","long_desc":"Paid family leave insurance program? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gnonc","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Non-compete agreements permitted","long_desc":"Non-compete agreements permitted? (0\r\n= no or generally no with an exception for trade secrets; 1 = yes or statutory prohibitions relaxed by court)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gosh","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Occupational safety and health agency","long_desc":"Does state have its own occupational safety and health agency? (0 = no, 0.5\r\n= for public employees only, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gprev","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Prevailing wage law","long_desc":"Prevailing wage law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gprivins","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2015","short_desc":"Private workers' compensation insurers permitted","long_desc":"Private workers' compensation insurers permitted? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"grtw","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"General right-to- work law","long_desc":"General right-to-work law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gsbexem","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2015","short_desc":"Workers' compensation optional for certain small businesses","long_desc":"Workers' compensation optional for certain small businesses? (0 = no exemption, 1 = fewer than three employees, 2 = fewer than four employees, 3 = fewer than five employees)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gselfins","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2015","short_desc":"Employer self- insurance for workers' compensation permitted","long_desc":"Employer self-insurance for workers' compensation permitted? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gsfund","years":"2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-2015","short_desc":"State funds offer workers' compensation insurance","long_desc":"State funds offer workers' compensation insurance? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gverif","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Employer verification of legal resident status","long_desc":"Employer verification of legal resident status (0 = not required of some private employers other than state contractors, 1 = required of some private employers other than state contractors)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_age_discrimination","years":"1935-1999","short_desc":"Age discrimination ban","long_desc":"Does the state ban age discrimination? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_antiinjunction_laws","years":"1935-1966","short_desc":"Anti-injunction act","long_desc":"Does the state have an anti-injunction law? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_collective_bargaining_stat","years":"1966-1996","short_desc":"Collective bargaining (state employees)","long_desc":"Does the state have collective bargaining rights for state government employees? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_collective_bargaining_teac","years":"1960-1996","short_desc":"Collective bargaining (teachers)","long_desc":"Does the state have collective bargaining rights for local teachers? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_merit_system","years":"1935-1953","short_desc":"Merit system for state employees","long_desc":"Does the state have a merit system for state employees? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_minimumwage_men","years":"1944-1968","short_desc":"Minimum wage for men","long_desc":"Does the state have a minimum wage for men? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_minimumwage_women_anymajor","years":"1935-1980","short_desc":"Minimum wage for women","long_desc":"Does the state have a minimum wage for women? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_minwage_abovefed","years":"1968-2012","short_desc":"Minimum wage above federal level","long_desc":"Is the state's minimum wage above the federal level? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_prevailing_wage_laws","years":"1935-2014","short_desc":"Prevailing wage law","long_desc":"Does the state have prevailing wage laws? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_right_to_work","years":"1944-2014","short_desc":"Right to work law","long_desc":"Is the state a right-to-work state? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_state_disability_insurance","years":"1945-2014","short_desc":"Temporary disability insurance","long_desc":"Does the state have a temporary disability insurance program? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_state_retirement_system","years":"1935-1960","short_desc":"State pension system established","long_desc":"Does the state have a pension system? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"labor_workers_compensation","years":"1935-1947","short_desc":"Workers' compensation","long_desc":"Has the state established workers' compensation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_labor_relations_acts","years":"1937-1966","short_desc":"Labor relations acts","long_desc":"Does the state have a Labor Relations Act? (0 = no; 1 = patterned after Taft- Hartley Act; 2 = patterned after Wagner Act)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"w_labor_state_ada","years":"1965-1990","short_desc":"Disability discrimination ban","long_desc":"Does the state ban discrimination against disabled people? (0 = no; 1 = antidiscrimination law; 2 = reasonable accommodation law; see Jolls and Prescott (2004))","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"x_labor_childlabor_ageleaveschoo","years":"1935-1939","short_desc":"Child labor drop out age","long_desc":"What is the age minors can drop out of school (14-18)?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"x_labor_childlabor_workpermitage","years":"1935-1939","short_desc":"Child labor (14-\r\n15)","long_desc":"Does the state require employment certificates for child labor (14 and 15)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"z_labor_unemployment_compensatio","years":"1937-2014","short_desc":"Unemployment compensation","long_desc":"What is the maximum weekly amount of unemployment benefits?","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"allpass_seatbelt","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Requiring all passengers to wear a seatbelt","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"bikehelmet","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Requiring helmet for riding bike","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"frontpass_seatbelt","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Requiring front passengers to wear seatbelts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"helmetlaw_17","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Motorcyclists 17 and under required to wear a helmet","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"helmetlaw_learn","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Those with instructional permits or licenses less than 1 year old required to wear helmet on motorcycle","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"helmetlaw_pass","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Helmet required for motorcycle passenger","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"opencont","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Prohibits open alcoholic containers in vehicles","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"primaryenforce_all","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Police may pull over drivers for driving without seatbelt","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"primaryenforce_minor","years":"1986-2017","short_desc":"Police may pull over drivers for minors riding without seatbelt","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"zerotoleranceapis","years":"1983-2017","short_desc":"Law that establishes legal BAC limit of .02 for underage drivers","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"zerotolerancelaw","years":"1984-2017","short_desc":"Law that establishes legal BAC for underage drivers lower than adult drivers","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Silver, Diana, and Macinko, James. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-09-24. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v3\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Silver, D. and Macinko, J., 2014. State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor], 3","bibtex_cite":"@article{silver2014state,\n title={State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980-2010\n author={Silver, Diana},\n journal={Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [Distributor]},\n volume={3},\n year={2014}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boehmke, F.J., Brockway, M., Desmarais, B., Harden, J.J., LaCombe, S., Linder, F. and Wallach, H., 2018. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse, 10.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boehmke2018state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\n volume={10},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"autosaf","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Automobile safety compact","long_desc":"Did state adopt the automobile safety compact? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"childseat","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Child seatbelt requirement","long_desc":"Did state adopt child seatbelt requirement? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"conacchwy","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Controlled access highways","long_desc":"Did state adopt controlled access highways? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"gdl","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State graduated driver's licensing program","long_desc":"Did state adopt graduated driver's licensing program? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"kidhelmet","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Mandatory bicycle helmets for minors","long_desc":"Did state adopt mandatory bicycle helmets for minors? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"motorhelm","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Motorcycle helmet requirement","long_desc":"Did state adopt motorcycle helmet requirement? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"primseat","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Primary seat belt laws","long_desc":"Did state adopt primary seat belt laws? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"prkagcit","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Parking agency (enabling act) for cities","long_desc":"Did state adopt parking agency (enabling act) for cities? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"transport","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Strategic planning for transportation","long_desc":"Did state adopt strategic planning for transportation? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"certificate_of_title_for_vessels","years":"2013-2017","short_desc":"Regulating titles for vehicles","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"dalprdr","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Automated license plate reader data use and retention","long_desc":"Automated License Plate Reader data use and retention (0 = no limits on data use and retention; 0.5 = use and data retention limited by AG opinion/directive; 1 = data use and retention limited by statute; 2 = significant statutory limits on use of ALPRs and retention of data/ALPRs do not exist)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dautopip","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Personal injury protection","long_desc":"Personal injury protection (no-fault auto insurance) required? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dautouuc","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Uninsured/under insured coverage required","long_desc":"Uninsured/underinsured coverage required? (0 = no, 0.5 = only mandatory if a liability policy is purchased, 1 = uninsured only, 2 = both)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dbeltenf","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Standard (primary) enforcement of belt use for adults","long_desc":"Standard (primary) enforcement of belt use for adults? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dbeltlaw","years":"1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977-2016","short_desc":"Seat belt law for adults","long_desc":"Seat belt law for adults? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dbelt","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Seat belt index","long_desc":"Seat belt index: dbeltlaw + dbeltenf","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dbike","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Bicycle helmet law exists","long_desc":"Bicycle helmet law exists? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dcell","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Statewide ban on handheld cell phones for all drivers","long_desc":"Statewide ban on handheld cell phones for all drivers? (0 = no, 1 = secondary, 2 = primary)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dfprint","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Finger or thumb print required for driver's license","long_desc":"Finger or thumb print required for driver's license? (0 = no, 0.5 = local, 1\r\n= state)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dhelmall","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Motorcycle helmet law covering all drivers","long_desc":"Motorcycle helmet law covering all drivers? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dhelmpar","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Motorcycle helmet law covering some riders","long_desc":"Motorcycle helmet law covering some riders? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dimmdl","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Driver's licenses available to residents without SSNs","long_desc":"Driver's licenses available to residents without SSNs? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ddlicren","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2014-2017","short_desc":"Driver's license renewal cycle","long_desc":"Driver's license renewal cycle (in years, quantitative interpretation)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ddlstr","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2017","short_desc":"Driver's license renewal cycle (string)","long_desc":"Driver's license renewal cycle (in years, with string descriptors)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dliab","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Auto liability insurance required","long_desc":"Auto liability insurance required? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"docont","years":"1982, 1983, 1985-2016","short_desc":"Open container law for automobile drivers or passengers","long_desc":"Open container law for automobile drivers or passengers? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dsobchk","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Sobriety/safety checkpoints authorized","long_desc":"Sobriety/safety checkpoints authorized? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dtextban","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Statewide texting ban for all drivers","long_desc":"Statewide texting ban for all drivers? (0\r\n= none, 1 = secondary, 2 = primary)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_bicycle_helmets","years":"1985-2014","short_desc":"Bicycle helmets required","long_desc":"Does the state require that people use helmets while on bicycles? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_mandatory_car_insuran","years":"1945-1986","short_desc":"Mandatory car insurance","long_desc":"Does the state require drivers to obtain car insurance? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_mandatory_seatbelts","years":"1984-2014","short_desc":"Mandatory seat belts","long_desc":"Does the state require the usage of seat belts (either primary or secondary enforcement)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_motorcycle_helmets","years":"1967-2014","short_desc":"Motorcycle helmets required","long_desc":"Does the state require the usage of helmets by people on motorcycles? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"transportation_controlledaccessh","years":"1937-1946","short_desc":"Controlled access highways","long_desc":"Does the state have controlled access highways? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licdrivers","years":"1994-2010","short_desc":"Licensed drivers","long_desc":"Number of people with state-issued driver's licenses","sources":"U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Highway Statistics. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policyinformation/statistics.cfm.\r\nOriginally provided by Stateminder: A data visualization project from Georgetown University. http://stateminder.org/ (no longer accessible online)","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. “Highway Statistics” http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policyinformation/statistics.cfm. (accessed 9-18-2021)","bibtex_cite":"@article{us2021highway,\n title={Highway Statistics},\n author={U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration},\n year={2021},\n publisher={ http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policyinformation/statistics.cfm}\n}"} {"variable":"beaulic","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Beauticians' licensing","long_desc":"Did state adopt beauticians' licensing? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"intbar","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Integrated bar","long_desc":"Did state adopt an integrated bar? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"realest","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Real estate brokers' licensing","long_desc":"Did state adopt real estate brokers' licensing? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"keduc","years":"2010","short_desc":"Summed education/experi ence requirements for all occupations licensed","long_desc":"Summed education/experience requirements for all occupations licensed","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kexam","years":"2010","short_desc":"Summed exam requirements for all occupations licensed","long_desc":"Summed exam requirements for all occupations licensed","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kfees","years":"2010","short_desc":"Summed fees for all occupations licensed","long_desc":"Summed fees for all occupations licensed","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"klicsurv","years":"2014","short_desc":"Percentage of workers requiring a license from survey data","long_desc":"Percentage of workers requiring a license from survey data'","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kloccs","years":"1993","short_desc":"Number of licensed occupations","long_desc":"Number of licensed occupations","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kloccs2","years":"1993, 2003, 2014","short_desc":"Number of licensed occupations (smaller set)","long_desc":"Number of licensed occupations, smaller set for which consistent time- series is available","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kewl","years":"1993, 2000-2016","short_desc":"Employment- weighted licensure","long_desc":"Employment-weighted licensure","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"knccr","years":"2006","short_desc":"Scope of nurse practitioner practice: consumer choice rating","long_desc":"Scope of nurse practitioner practice: consumer choice rating (out of 100)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kstat","years":"2014, 2016","short_desc":"Statutes mentioning various regulatory, licensing-related phrases","long_desc":"Statutes mentioning the following phrases: 'no person shall practice,' 'shall not practice,' 'no person may practice,' 'may not practice,' 'no person shall act as,' 'no person may act as,' 'shall not act as,' 'may not act as,' 'must obtain a license,' 'must obtain certification' (excluding red- flagged statutes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kstat2","years":"2014, 2016","short_desc":"Statutes mentioning the following phrases: 'license required,' 'certification required'","long_desc":"Statutes mentioning following phrases: 'license required,' 'certification required' (excluding red-flagged statutes and obvious cross-references)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kstatsum","years":"2014, 2016","short_desc":"Index of statutory mentions of regulatory keywords","long_desc":"Index of statutory mentions of regulatory keywords (kstat + kstat2 / 2)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kdhind","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Dental hygienists initiate treatment without dentist authorization","long_desc":"May dental hygienists initiate treatment without dentist authorization? (0 = no,\r\n0.5 = collaborative agreement required or significant locational restrictions, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"knce","years":"2010","short_desc":"Nursing consultation exception","long_desc":"Nursing consultation exception: state explicitly permits nurses to practice in- state if licensed elsewhere? (0 = no, 0.5\r\n= with time limits, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"knlc","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Member of nurse licensure compact","long_desc":"Member of Nurse Licensure Compact, permitting multistate practice? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"knpind","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Nurse practitioners allowed to practice independently from MDs","long_desc":"Are nurse practitioners allowed to practice independently from MDs? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"knpindex","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Nurse practitioner independence index","long_desc":"Nurse practitioner independence index (2 = full authority; otherwise = knpind\r\n* knps)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"knps","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Nurse practitioners prescribe controlled substances","long_desc":"May nurse practitioners prescribe controlled substances? (0 = no; 0.25 = with physician oversight may dispense or advise but may not write; 0.45 = only schedules 4 & 5 with physician oversight; 0.5 = with physician oversight only; 0.9 = only schedules 4 & 5 independently, others with physician oversight; 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kpacs","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Physician assistants prescribe controlled substances","long_desc":"May physician assistants prescribe controlled substances? (0 = no, 0.5 = limited, 1 = yes, all schedules)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ksunrise","years":"1984, 1991, 1993, 2000-2014","short_desc":"Independent commission reviews new occupational licensing legislative proposals","long_desc":"Independent commission reviews new occupational licensing legislative proposals? (0 = no, 0.5 = limited, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ksunset","years":"1984, 1991, 1993, 2000-2014","short_desc":"State licensing agencies automatically abolished","long_desc":"State licensing agencies automatically abolished unless legislatively reauthorized following independent sunset review? (0 = no, 0.5 = only for specified programs, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"kttack","years":"2012-2015","short_desc":"Thumbtack grade for licensing requirements","long_desc":"Thumbtack grade for licensing requirements (1 = A+, 2 = A, 3 = A-, 4\r\n= B+, etc., 14 = F)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nmoverlic","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Household goods moving companies must obtain certificate of public convenience and necessity","long_desc":"Household goods moving companies must obtain certificate of public convenience and necessity? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licenses_accountants","years":"1935-1951","short_desc":"Accountant licensing","long_desc":"State license required for accountants? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licenses_architects","years":"1935-1951","short_desc":"Architect licensing","long_desc":"State license required for architects? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licenses_beauticians","years":"1935-1951","short_desc":"Beautician licensing","long_desc":"State license required for beauticians? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licenses_chiropractors","years":"1935-1951","short_desc":"Chiropractor licensing","long_desc":"State license required for chiropractors? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licenses_dentists","years":"1935-1951","short_desc":"Dentist licensing","long_desc":"State license required for dentists? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licenses_engineers","years":"1935-1951","short_desc":"Engineer licensing","long_desc":"State license required for engineers? (0\r\n= no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licenses_nurses","years":"1935-1951","short_desc":"Nurse licensing","long_desc":"State license required for nurses? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licenses_pharmacists","years":"1935-1951","short_desc":"Pharmacist licensing","long_desc":"State license required for pharmacists? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"licenses_real_estate","years":"1935-1951","short_desc":"Real estate licensing","long_desc":"Real estate licensing (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"adcom","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Advertising commissions","long_desc":"Did state adopt advertising commissions? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ccreceipt","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Restrictions on displaying credit card numbers on sales receipts","long_desc":"Did state adopt restrictions on displaying credit card numbers on sales receipts? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"citzon","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Zoning in cities (enabling legislation)","long_desc":"Did state adopt legislation enabling zoning in cities? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"cogrowman","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Planning laws requiring loc/reg planners to coordinate growth management plan developments","long_desc":"Did state adopt planning laws requiring local/regional planners to coordinate growth management plan developments? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"credfreez","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Limits credit agencies from issuing a credit report without consumer consent","long_desc":"Did state adopt law limiting credit agencies from issuing a credit report without consumer consent? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"econdev","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Strategic planning for economic development","long_desc":"Did state adopt strategic planning for economic development? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"enterzone","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"State enterprise zones","long_desc":"Did state adopt state enterprise zones? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"foia","years":"1900-2017","short_desc":"Open Records / Freedom of Information Acts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"humrel","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Human relations commission","long_desc":"Did state adopt a human relations commission? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"idas","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Individual development accounts","long_desc":"Did state adopt individual development accounts? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"lemon","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Lemon laws","long_desc":"Did state adopt lemon laws? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"livingwill","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Living wills","long_desc":"Did state adopt living wills? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pestcomp","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Interstate pest control compact","long_desc":"Did state join the interstate pest control compact? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pldvpag","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Planning/develo pment agency","long_desc":"Did state adopt a planning/development agency? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"pubhouen","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Public housing (enabling legislation)","long_desc":"Did state adopt legislation enabling public housing? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"retainag","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Retainers agreement","long_desc":"Did state adopt a retainers agreement? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"revenue","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Strategic planning for revenue","long_desc":"Did state adopt strategic planning for revenue? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"urbrenen","years":"1913-2010","short_desc":"Urban renewal (enabling legislation)","long_desc":"Did state adopt legislation enabling urban renewal? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. 'State policy innovativeness revisited.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., and Paul Skinner. \"State policy innovativeness revisited.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.3 (2012): 303-329.","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2012state,\r\r\n title={State policy innovativeness revisited},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Skinner, Paul},\r\r\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\r\r\n volume={12},\r\r\n number={3},\r\r\n pages={303--329},\r\r\n year={2012},\r\r\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"article_1_of_the_uniform_busines","years":"2015-2017","short_desc":"Harmonizes the language of all of the uniform unincorporated entity acts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"assignment_of_rents_act","years":"2007-2017","short_desc":"Establishes a comprehensive statutory model for the creation, perfection, and enforcement of security interests in rents","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"business_organizations_code","years":"2015-2017","short_desc":"Creates statutory structure for organizing business and nonprofit entities","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"commercial_real_estate_receivers","years":"2017","short_desc":"Provides a standard set of rules for courts to apply for real estate receivership","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"common_interest_owners_bill_of_r","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Governs the formation, management, and termination of common interest communities","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"common_interest_ownership_act_1","years":"1983-2017","short_desc":"Governs the formation, management, and termination of common interest communities (1982 version)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"common_interest_ownership_act_2","years":"2009-2017","short_desc":"Governs the formation, management, and termination of common interest communities (2008 version)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"computer_information_transaction","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Contract law to regulate transactions in computer information products","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"condominium_act","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Provisions for creation, management, and termination of condominium associations","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"conservation_easement_act","years":"1982-2017","short_desc":"Creation of permanent easements on real property for conservation and historic preservation purposes","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"consumer_credit_code","years":"1969-2017","short_desc":"Provides standards for credit transactions entered into by individuals who purchase, use, maintain, and dispose of products and services","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"consumer_leases_act","years":"2002-2017","short_desc":"Assure that meaningful and accurate disclosure of lease terms is provided to consumers before entering into a contract","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"consumer_sales_practices","years":"1972-2017","short_desc":"Crystallize the best elements of contemporary federal and state regulation of consumer sales practices","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"custodial_trust_act","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Establishes a legal structure for organizing the ownership and management of property for its preservation on behalf of specified individuals","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"debt_management_services_2011","years":"2012-2017","short_desc":"Governing national administration of debt counseling and management in a fair and effective way (2011 update)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"debt_management_services_act_2005","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"Governing national administration of debt counseling and management in a fair and effective way (2005)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"deceptive_trade_practices_act_1","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Prohibit unfair or deceptive trade practices and unfair competition","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"disclaimer_of_property_interests","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Allow every sort of disclaimer, including those that are useful for tax planning purposes","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"division_of_income_for_tax_purpo","years":"1950-2017","short_desc":"Divides income between states for tax purposes when living/working in multiple states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"dormant_mineral_interests_act_m","years":"1987-2017","short_desc":"Ownership of real estate means ownership of interests and rights in an actual piece of geography","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"emergency_volunteer_health_pract","years":"2007-2017","short_desc":"Allows state governments during a declared emergency to give reciprocity to other states' licenses on emergency service providers","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"eminent_domain_code","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Regulating condemnation of property on behalf of private and public entities","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"entity_transactions_act_model","years":"2007-2017","short_desc":"Allow conversion of one kind of business organization to another, or the merger of two or more business organizations into one organization","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"estate_tax_apportionment_and_pro","years":"1972-2017","short_desc":"Regulated apportionment of assets of the deceased","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"exemptions_act_model","years":"1982-2017","short_desc":"Bankruptcy law","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fiduciary_access_to_digital_asse","years":"2014-2017","short_desc":"Extends power of fiduciary","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"foreign_money_claims_act","years":"1989-2017","short_desc":"Provides the rules for fair conversions of foreign money judgments into dollar amounts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"foreign_money_judgments_recognit","years":"1963-2017","short_desc":"Provides for enforcement of a state court judgment in another state to implement the full faith and credit clause of the U.S. constitution","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"foreign_country_money_judgments","years":"1963-2017","short_desc":"Makes it clear that a judgment entitled to full faith and credit under the U.S. constitution is not enforceable under this act","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"fraudulent_transfer_act_1984","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Classifies a category of transfers as fraudulent to creditors and provides creditors with a remedy for such transfers","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"information_practices_code","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Provides a uniform statutory approach to privacy and freedom of information","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"insurable_interest_amendment_to","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Addresses purchase of life insurance trusts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"intestacy_wills_and_donative_t","years":"1991-2017","short_desc":"Provides instruction on transfer of property at death","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"land_sales_practices","years":"1967-2017","short_desc":"Regulation on promotional sale of land","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"limited_cooperative_association","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Addresses the cooperative form of business","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"limited_liability_company_1995","years":"1997-2017","short_desc":"Permits the formation of limited liability companies (1995) (1996)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"limited_liability_company_2006","years":"2008-2017","short_desc":"Permits the formation of limited liability companies (2006) (last\r\namended 2013)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"limited_partnership_1976","years":"1979-2017","short_desc":"Permits the formation of limited liability companies (1976)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"limited_partnership_act_1916","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Regulates business partnerships in the U.S. (1916)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"limited_partnership_act_2001","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Regulates business partnerships in the U.S. (2001)\r\n(last amended 2013)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"management_of_institutional_fund","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"Provides guidance on investment decisions and endowment expenditures","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"model_real_estate_time_share_act","years":"1983-2017","short_desc":"Covers creation, management, and termination of time shares","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"multiple_person_accounts","years":"1993-2017","short_desc":"Encourages banks and credit unions to offer POD (pay on death) and agency (convenience) account forms for use by persons desiring some, but not all, incidents of joint accounts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"nonprobate_transfers_on_death_ac","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Allows owner to designate beneficiary to automatically receive property at death","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"partition_of_heirs_property_act","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Helps preserve family wealth passed to the next generation in the form of real property","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"partnership_act_1914","years":"1969-2017","short_desc":"Helps make regulation of business partnerships uniform between states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"partnership_act_1997_last_amen","years":"1993-2017","short_desc":"Helps make regulation of business partnerships uniform between states","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"planned_community_act","years":"1997-2017","short_desc":"Comprehensive provisions for creating, managing, and terminating planned community developments","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"powers_of_appointment","years":"2014-2017","short_desc":"Regulate power of appointment for estate planning","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"principal_and_income_act_1962","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Provide procedures for trustees administering trusts and personal representatives administering estates in allocating assets to principal and income (1962)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"principal_and_income_act_2000","years":"1997-2017","short_desc":"Provide procedures for trustees administering trusts and personal representatives administering estates in allocating assets to principal and income (2000)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"principal_and_income_amendments","years":"2009-2017","short_desc":"Provide procedures for trustees administering trusts and personal representatives administering estates in allocating assets to principal and income (2008)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"probate_code","years":"1971-2017","short_desc":"Governs inheritance and decedents' estates","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"probate_code_amendments_2008","years":"2009-2017","short_desc":"Governs inheritance and decedents' estates (2008)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"protection_of_charitable_assets","years":"2014-2017","short_desc":"Articulate and confirm the role of the state attorney general in protecting charitable assets","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"prudent_investor_act","years":"1991-2017","short_desc":"Reflects a 'Modern Portfolio Theory' and 'Total Return' approach to the exercise of fiduciary investment discretion","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"real_estate_cooperative","years":"1982-2017","short_desc":"Provides comprehensive legislation governing the critical phases of cooperative development: creation, financing, management, and termination","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"real_property_transfer_on_death","years":"2011-2017","short_desc":"Allows for designated beneficiary to automatically receive property transfer at owner's death","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"residential_landlord_and_tenant","years":"1972-2017","short_desc":"Codify best practices in leasing housing","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"residential_mortgage_satisfactio","years":"2005-2017","short_desc":"Regulating mortgage holder rights","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"revised_uniform_unclaimed_proper","years":"2017","short_desc":"Includes gift cards and other technological property in previous unclaimed property law","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"securities_act","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Regulates offer and sale of securities","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"securities_act_1956","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Regulates offer and sale of securities (1956)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"securities_act_1988","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Regulates offer and sale of securities (1988)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"simultaneous_death_act","years":"1992-2017","short_desc":"Regulates passage of assets if multiple people die within short period","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"simultaneous_death_act_1940","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Regulates passage of assets if multiple people die within short period (1940)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"statutory_rule_against_perpetuit","years":"1987-2017","short_desc":"Regulated duration of ownership of property","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"statutory_trust_entity_act","years":"2012-2017","short_desc":"Governs the use of statutory trusts as a mode of business organization","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"statutory_will_act_1984","years":"1991-2017","short_desc":"Helps simplify wills","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, F., Brockway, M. and Desmarais, B., 2019. State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{boehmke2019state,\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0. Harvard Dataverse; 2018},\n author={Boehmke, F and Brockway, M and Desmarais, B and others},\n year={2019}\n}\n"} {"variable":"testamentary_additions_to_trusts","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Modernizes trust and estate law","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"tod_security_registration_act","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Provides non- probate transfer of specifically registered investment securities from owner to named beneficiaries at owner's death","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"trade_secrets_act","years":"1980-2017","short_desc":"Codify the common law with proper clarification of rights and remedies in relation to a trade secret","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"transfers_to_minors_act","years":"1984-2017","short_desc":"Allows a minor to receive gifts, such as money, patents, royalties, real estate and fine art, without the aid of a guardian or trustee","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"trust_code","years":"2002-2017","short_desc":"Provides a comprehensive model for codifying the law on trusts","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"trust_decanting","years":"2016, 2017","short_desc":"Non-judicial method for modifying irrevocable trust","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"trustees_powers_act_1964","years":"1976-2017","short_desc":"Codifies trust laws","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_1_general_provision","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Provides definitions and general provisions (2001)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_2a_leases_1987_19","years":"1988-2017","short_desc":"Provides states with a legal framework for any transaction, regardless of form, that creates a lease","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_3_negotiable_instru","years":"1991-2017","short_desc":"Attempts to standardize negotiable instruments in states (1990)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_3_negotiable_instruments_and_article_4_bank_deposits_2002","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Attempts to standardize negotiable instruments in states (2002)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_4a_amendments_2012","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Amendments provide that article 4a does apply to a remittance transfer that is not an electronic funds transfer under the federal Electronic Funds Transfer Act","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_4a_funds_transfers","years":"1990-1996, 2012-2017","short_desc":"Includes electronic transfers in regulation of fund transfers","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_5_letters_of_credit","years":"1996-2017","short_desc":"Regulates payment system (1995)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_6_repeal","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Repeal legislation of UCC Article 6 (bulk sales law)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_6_revise","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Revise UCC Article 6 (bulk sales law)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_6_bulk_sales_1989","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Regulates payment system (1989)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_7_documents_of_titl","years":"2004-2017","short_desc":"Regulates storage and shipment of tangible goods","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_8_investment_securi","years":"1987-2017","short_desc":"Governs transfer of investment securities","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_8_investment_securities_1994","years":"1995-2017","short_desc":"Revises commercial codes, specifically transfers of securities","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_9__secured_transacti","years":"1973-2001, 2011-2017","short_desc":"Provides a statutory framework that governs secured transactions, which involve the granting of credit secured by personal property","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_9_amendments","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"Regulating secure transactions in personal property","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"ucc_article_9_amendments_2010","years":"1973-2017","short_desc":"Provides the rules governing any transaction (other than a finance lease) that couples a debt with a creditor","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"unclaimed_property_act","years":"1995-2017","short_desc":"Regulates abandonment of property","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"unclaimed_property_act_1952_1981","years":"1968-2017","short_desc":"Regulates abandonment of property (1952)\r\n(1981)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"unincorporated_nonprofit_association_act_1992_1996","years":"1993-2017","short_desc":"Governs all unincorporated nonprofit associations that are formed or operate in a state (1992) (1996)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"unincorporated_nonprofit_association_act_2008_2011","years":"2009-2017","short_desc":"Governs all unincorporated nonprofit associations that are formed or operate in a state (2008) (last amended 2011)","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"vendor_and_purchaser_risk_act","years":"1937-2017","short_desc":"Protect the purchaser of real estate where there is a binding contract of sale","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"voidable_transactions_act_amendm","years":"2015-2017","short_desc":"Strengthens creditor protections","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"wills_recognition_act","years":"1978-2017","short_desc":"International convention calling for all countries and states to adopt a uniform formality for executing wills","long_desc":"0 = policy not adopted 1 = policy adopted","sources":"Uniform Law Commission website: http://www.uniformlaws.org/\r\nFrederick J. Boehmke; Mark Brockway; Bruce Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden; Scott LaCombe; Fridolin Linder; Hanna Wallach, 2018, 'State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1.0', https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CVYSR7","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Boehmke, Frederick J., et al. \"State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0.\" Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse 10 (2018).","bibtex_cite":"@article{boehmke2018state,\r\r\n title={State Policy Innovation and Diffusion (SPID) Database v1. 0},\r\r\n author={Boehmke, Frederick J and Brockway, Mark and Desmarais, Bruce and Harden, Jeffrey J and LaCombe, Scott and Linder, Fridolin and Wallach, Hanna},\r\r\n journal={Data File and Codebook]. Harvard Dataverse},\r\r\n volume={10},\r\r\n year={2018}\r\r\n}"} {"variable":"dfwks1","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Roman candles, firecrackers, and skyrockets permitted","long_desc":"Roman candles, firecrackers, and skyrockets permitted, size limitations OK (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dfwks2","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Some federally permitted fireworks legal","long_desc":"Some federally permitted fireworks legal (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dfwks3","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Wire or wood sticks and/or novelty sparklers legal","long_desc":"Wire or wood sticks and/or novelty sparklers legal (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dfwks4","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Fireworks sales legal year-round","long_desc":"Fireworks sales legal year-round (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dfirewks","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Fireworks index","long_desc":"Fireworks index: (dfwks1 + dfwks2 + dfwks3) * (0.75 + 0.25 * dfwks4)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"dmma","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Mixed martial arts legal","long_desc":"Mixed martial arts legal? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"drawmilk","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Raw cow milk sales legal for human consumption","long_desc":"Raw cow milk sales legal for human consumption?\r\n0 = no, 0.5 = only through 'cowshare' or similar programs (incl. de facto legalization), 1 = yes (retail or on farm)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fhc","years":"2002, 2006, 2008, 2009","short_desc":"Horizontal consistency","long_desc":"Horizontal consistency (0 = none required, 1 = state merely assists localities, 2 = state requires intergovernmental coordination among neighboring jurisdictions)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fic","years":"2002, 2006, 2008, 2009","short_desc":"Internal consistency","long_desc":"Internal consistency (0 = none required, 1 = state imposes requirement that zoning be based upon and consistent with the legally adopted comprehensive plan)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fvc","years":"2002, 2006, 2008, 2009","short_desc":"Vertical consistency","long_desc":"Vertical consistency (0 = none, 1 = state merely assists localities, 2 = state imposes requirement that the local comprehensive plan of a city or county not conflict with plans of higher levels of government within the state)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"frent","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Local rent control laws exist","long_desc":"Local rent control laws exist? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fspeech","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Mandated free speech on private property","long_desc":"Mandated free speech on private property? (0 = none, 0.5 = some government connection required/signature gathering only, 1 = malls or universities, 2 = malls & neighborhood associations or malls & universities, 3 = malls, universities, & neighborhood associations)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"drfra","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Religious Freedom Restoration act","long_desc":"Religious freedom restoration act\r\n0 = no RFRA, 0.25 = applies only to land use, 0.5 = broad exemptions, 0.75\r\n= only 'substantial burden' may generate compelling interest review, 1\r\n= any burden or infringement serves as basis for 'compelling interest' review","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fconst","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Constitution enshrines all additional restrictions on eminent domain","long_desc":"Constitution enshrines all additional restrictions on eminent domain (0 = no,\r\n0.5 = only some restrictions on ED have been codified constitutionally, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"fprivate","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Private property","long_desc":"Private property (0 = no effective restrictions on this type of eminent domain use, 0.5 = prohibits only some private-to-private transfers, 1 = prohibits private property taking for any private use, regardless of alleged public benefit)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"freform","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Enacted eminent domain reform through legislation or initiative, or court decision putting strict limits on 'public use'","long_desc":"Enacted eminent domain reform through legislation or initiative, or court decision putting strict limits on 'public use' (0 = no, including judicial action, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"frtp","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Compensation required for or economic assessment required before regulatory taking","long_desc":"Compensation required for or economic assessment required before regulatory taking (stricter than federal standard)? (0 = neither, 1 = one of the two, 2 = both; multiplied by 0.5 if applies to state government only, not localities)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"jclsifc","years":"1990, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Cable legislation for state-issued franchise companies","long_desc":"Cable legislation for state issued franchise companies (0 = no, 1 = yes, state has 'enacted legislation to promote effective competition among cable service providers')","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"jtdereg","years":"1990, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Telecommunicat ion deregulation","long_desc":"Telecommunication deregulation (0 = no, 1 = deregulation legislation passed and signed)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"niiprc","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Member of interstate insurance product regulation compact","long_desc":"Member of interstate insurance product regulation compact (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ncon","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Certificate of need requirement for hospitals","long_desc":"Certificate of need requirement for hospitals? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"ndirect","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Certain categories of auto manufacturers allowed to sell directly to consumers","long_desc":"Are certain categories of auto manufacturers allowed to sell directly to consumers? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nprice","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Anti price gouging law","long_desc":"Anti price gouging law? (0 = no, 0.5 = drugs only, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nmarkup","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"Minimum markup/sales below cost law for gasoline","long_desc":"Minimum markup/sales below cost law for gasoline? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (if nunfair = 1, nmarkup = 1)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nunfair","years":"2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"All 'unfair' pricing strategies banned","long_desc":"All 'unfair' pricing strategies banned (general sales-below-cost law)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nhoirr","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"State rate filing requirements: homeowners insurance","long_desc":"State rate filing requirements: homeowners insurance\r\n-1 = state-set ('fixed and established'),\r\n-0.5 = 'large' (meaning 5% or more) state-mandated residual market (overrides any higher code), 0 = prior approval, 1 = flex rating, 2 = file and use, 3 = use and file, 4 = no file","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nlirr","years":"2006","short_desc":"State form filing requirements: life insurance","long_desc":"State form filing requirements: life insurance (0 = prior approval, 1 = file and use, 2 = no file)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"npairr","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"State rate filing requirements: personal auto insurance","long_desc":"State rate filing requirements: personal auto insurance\r\n-1 = state-set ('fixed and established'),\r\n-0.5 = prior approval but with 'large' (meaning 5% or more) state-mandated residual market, 0 = prior approval, 1 = flex rating, 2 = file and use, 3 = use and file, 4 = no file","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nrcp","years":"2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2016","short_desc":"State rate classification prohibitions for some classes of insurance","long_desc":"State rate classification prohibitions for some classes of insurance (age, gender, credit rating, territory, etc.)? (0 = no, 1\r\n= yes)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"nwcirr","years":"2006","short_desc":"State rate filing requirements: workers comp","long_desc":"State rate filing requirements: workers comp (0 = prior approval, 1 = flex rating, 2 = file and use, 3 = use and file, 4 = no file)","sources":"Sorens, Jason, Fait Muedini, and William P. Ruger. 'State and Local Public Policies in 2006: A New Database.' State Politics & Policy Quarterly 8.3 (2008): 309-26.","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Sorens, J., Muedini, F. and Ruger, W.P., 2008. US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 8(3), pp.309-326.","bibtex_cite":"@article{sorens2008us,\n title={US state and local public policies in 2006: A new database},\n author={Sorens, Jason and Muedini, Fait and Ruger, William P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={8},\n number={3},\n pages={309--326},\n year={2008},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_boehmke_cogrowman","years":"1961-2007","short_desc":"Requiring local government to coordinate growth management","long_desc":"Does the state have a law authorizing or requiring growth-management planning? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_boehmke_livingwill","years":"1976-1992","short_desc":"Living wills","long_desc":"Does the state have a law permitting individuals control over the use of heroic medical treatment in the event of a terminal illness? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_housing_directstateai","years":"1939-1951","short_desc":"Urban housing-direct state aid","long_desc":"Does the state provide direct aid for urban housing? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_housing_enabling_federal_aid","years":"1935-1953","short_desc":"Urban housing- enabling federal aid","long_desc":"Does the state have a law enabling federal housing aid? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_rent_control","years":"1950-2014","short_desc":"Rent control prohibition","long_desc":"Does state prohibit the passage of rent control laws in its cities or municipalities? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_rfra","years":"1993-2014","short_desc":"Religious Freedom Restoration Act","long_desc":"Did the state pass the Religious Freedom Restoration Act? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulation_sedition_laws","years":"1935-1955","short_desc":"Anti-sedition laws","long_desc":"Does the state have anti-sedition laws? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulations_lemonlaw","years":"1970-2014","short_desc":"Lemon laws","long_desc":"Did the state pass a law protecting consumers who purchase automobiles that fail after repeated repairs? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"regulations_state_debt_limitatio","years":"1935-1966","short_desc":"State debt limitation","long_desc":"Does the state constitution restrict state debt issuance? (0 = no, 1 = yes)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2015. 'The Dynamics of State Policy Liberalism, 1936-2014.' American Journal of Political Science, September. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12219. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/Z XZMJB","category":"misc. regulation","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D. and Warshaw, C., 2016. The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936–2014. American Journal of Political Science, 60(4), pp.899-913.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2016dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of state policy liberalism, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={60},\n number={4},\n pages={899--913},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"avgsoc_high","years":"2000","short_desc":"Mean social liberalism-mid income respondents","long_desc":"Mean social liberalism score for middle income citizens","sources":"Rigby, Elizabeth, and Gerald C. Wright. 'Political Parties and Representation of the Poor in the American States.' American Journal of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 552-565.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Rigby, E. and Wright, G.C., 2013. Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), pp.552-565.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rigby2013political,\n title={Political parties and representation of the poor in the American states},\n author={Rigby, Elizabeth and Wright, Gerald C},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={57},\n number={3},\n pages={552--565},\n year={2013},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"bus_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of businesses engaged in lobbying in each state for each year (see the appendix below for information on how these variables were coded)","long_desc":"The number of businesses engaged in lobbying in each state for each year (see the appendix below for information on how these variables were coded)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"nonprofit_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of social service nonprofits engaged in lobbying in each state for each year","long_desc":"The number of social service nonprofits engaged in lobbying in each state for each year","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"citizen_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of citizen groups and public interest groups engaged in lobbying in","long_desc":"The number of citizen groups and public interest groups engaged in lobbying in","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"association_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of trade or professional associations engaged in lobbying in each state for each year","long_desc":"The number of trade or professional associations engaged in lobbying in each state for each year","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"gov_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of government agencies (and similar entities) engaged in lobbying in each state for each year","long_desc":"The number of government agencies (and similar entities) engaged in lobbying in each state for each year","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"agriculture_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for agricultural businesses / interests (see the appendix below for more information as to what kinds of businesses / organizations comprise this sector)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for agricultural businesses / interests (see the appendix below for more information as to what kinds of businesses / organizations comprise this sector)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"business_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for general businesses / interests involved with general business, including the service and manufacturing sectors","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for general businesses / interests involved with general business, including the service and manufacturing sectors","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"education_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for educational interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for educational interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"electronics_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for electronic or technological businesses / interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for electronic or technological businesses / interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"energy_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for energy and natural resources businesses / interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for energy and natural resources businesses / interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"entertainment_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for professional entertainment businesses / interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for professional entertainment businesses / interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"finance_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for banking, insurance, and investment businesses / interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for banking, insurance, and investment businesses / interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"government_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for government agencies and related interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for government agencies and related interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"health_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for medical, health insurance, and related businesses / interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for medical, health insurance, and related businesses / interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"ideological_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for ideological or public interest causes not clearly associated with another sector (such as the ACLU) (see the","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for ideological or public interest causes not clearly associated with another sector (such as the ACLU) (see the","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"lawyers_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for the legal industry and related interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for the legal industry and related interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"leisure_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for the tourism, food, drink, and related businesses / interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for the tourism, food, drink, and related businesses / interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"realestate_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for real estate businesses / interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for real estate businesses / interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"socialservice_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for social service nonprofits and related interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for social service nonprofits and related interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"transportation_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for transportation businesses / interests (see the appendix)","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for transportation businesses / interests (see the appendix)","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 8, no. 4 (2019): 499-518.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019dynamic,\r\n title={Dynamic state interest group systems: A new look with new data},\r\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\r\n journal={Interest Groups & Advocacy},\r\n volume={8},\r\n number={4},\r\n pages={499--518},\r\n year={2019},\r\n publisher={Springer}\r\n}"} {"variable":"enroll_age","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"the age by which a child must enroll in school","long_desc":"the age by which a child must enroll in school","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"drop_age","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"the earliest age at which a child is allowed to drop out of school","long_desc":"the earliest age at which a child is allowed to drop out of school","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"req_sch","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"the number of years of schooling that a child must obtain before dropping out","long_desc":"the number of years of schooling that a child must obtain before dropping out","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"CA","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"= max{req_sch,drop_age - enroll_age}","long_desc":"= max{req_sch,drop_age - enroll_age}","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"work_age","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"the earliest age at which a child can get a permit to work during normal school hours","long_desc":"the earliest age at which a child can get a permit to work during normal school hours","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"work_sch","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"the number of years of schooling required before a child may get a permit to work during normal school hours","long_desc":"the number of years of schooling required before a child may get a permit to work during normal school hours","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"CL","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"= max{work_sch,work_age - enroll_age}","long_desc":"= max{work_sch,work_age - enroll_age}","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"CA_source","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"The “source” variables indicate the section of the state code in which the relevant variables (e.g., enroll_age or work_sch) are specified","long_desc":"The “source” variables indicate the section of the state code in which the relevant variables (e.g., enroll_age or work_sch) are specified","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"CL_source","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"The “source” variables indicate the section of the state code in which the relevant variables (e.g., enroll_age or work_sch) are specified","long_desc":"The “source” variables indicate the section of the state code in which the relevant variables (e.g., enroll_age or work_sch) are specified","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"CA_notes","years":"1979-2010","short_desc":"The “notes” variables contain further information that is relevant to the coding of laws for particular state-years","long_desc":"The “notes” variables contain further information that is relevant to the coding of laws for particular state-years","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"CL_notes","years":"1979-1981, 1984-1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000-2002, 2005-2007","short_desc":"The “notes” variables contain further information that is relevant to the coding of laws for particular state-years","long_desc":"The “notes” variables contain further information that is relevant to the coding of laws for particular state-years","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"enrollment","years":"1909, 1915, 1917, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937-1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1962, 1963, 1965-2010","short_desc":"the number of students enrolled in public primary and secondary schools in each state-year. These data are from various editions of the Biennial Survey of Education, the Biennial Digest of Education, and the Digest of Education Statistics. The specific source for any given state-year is reported in enrollmentSource.","long_desc":"the number of students enrolled in public primary and secondary schools in each state-year. These data are from various editions of the Biennial Survey of Education, the Biennial Digest of Education, and the Digest of Education Statistics. The specific source for any given state-year is reported in enrollmentSource.","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"higherEdEnrollment","years":"1900, 1909, 1910, 1919, 1920, 1928-1930, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1938-1940, 1942, 1947-1953, 1955-1965, 1967-1972, 1974-1992, 1994-1997, 1999, 2000, 2004-2006","short_desc":"the number of state residents enrolled in higher-education institutions. The data are from various editions of the U.S. Statistical Abstract and from reports of the National Center for Education Statistics. The specific source for any given state-year is reported in higherEdEnrollmentSource.","long_desc":"the number of state residents enrolled in higher-education institutions. The data are from various editions of the U.S. Statistical Abstract and from reports of the National Center for Education Statistics. The specific source for any given state-year is reported in higherEdEnrollmentSource.","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"instructionalStaffSalaries","years":"1917, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1967-1974, 1977-1981, 1983-1989, 1991-2000","short_desc":"reports the mean salaries of instructional staff in primary- and secondary-school teachers. Most instructional staff are teachers, but the category includes “supervisors [and] principals,” too. See Snyder and Hoffman 1995, Digest of Education Statistics 1995, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, page 87. The data are from various editions of the Biennial Survey of Education in the United States and the Digest of Educational Statistics","long_desc":"reports the mean salaries of instructional staff in primary- and secondary-school teachers. Most instructional staff are teachers, but the category includes “supervisors [and] principals,” too. See Snyder and Hoffman 1995, Digest of Education Statistics 1995, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, page 87. The data are from various editions of the Biennial Survey of Education in the United States and the Digest of Educational Statistics","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"numberOfTeachers","years":"1917, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965-2010","short_desc":"the number of teachers in public primary and secondary schools in each state-year. These data are from various editions of the Biennial Survey of Education, the Biennial Digest of Education, and the Digest of Education Statistics. The specific source for any given state-year is reported in numberOfTeachersSource","long_desc":"the number of teachers in public primary and secondary schools in each state-year. These data are from various editions of the Biennial Survey of Education, the Biennial Digest of Education, and the Digest of Education Statistics. The specific source for any given state-year is reported in numberOfTeachersSource","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"teacherSalaries","years":"1957, 1962, 1965, 1969, 1979, 1981, 1983-2005, 2009-2011","short_desc":"reports the mean salaries of primary- and secondary-school teachers. The data are from various editions of the Biennial Survey of Education in the United States and the Digest of Educational Statistics.","long_desc":"reports the mean salaries of primary- and secondary-school teachers. The data are from various editions of the Biennial Survey of Education in the United States and the Digest of Educational Statistics.","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"doctorsPerCapita","years":"1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010","short_desc":"the number of doctors per capita","long_desc":"the number of doctors per capita","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"percentBlack","years":"1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010","short_desc":"the percentage of the population identified as black by the Census's \"race\" variable","long_desc":"the percentage of the population identified as black by the Census's \"race\" variable","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"percentForeignBorn","years":"1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010","short_desc":"the percentage of the population identified as foreign-born by the Census","long_desc":"the percentage of the population identified as foreign-born by the Census","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"percentUrban","years":"1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010","short_desc":"the percentage of the population identified as living in urban areas by the Census. To maximize consistency of the definition of “urban” across Census years, Census respondents were generally coded as living in urban areas if the Census “metro” variable indicated that they were living in a “metro area.” The “metro” variable is unavailable in 1970 and 1990 Census data; in these cases, I used the closely related “metarea” variable. As with most coding of urban residence in the United States, this coding is generous: for example, counties that contain more than 10,000 people are considered “urban” by this coding, and the entire state of New Jersey is coded as “urban” from 2000 to the present. See http://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/variables/alphabetical?id=M for more information about the definitions of the “metro” and “metarea” variables","long_desc":"the percentage of the population identified as living in urban areas by the Census. To maximize consistency of the definition of “urban” across Census years, Census respondents were generally coded as living in urban areas if the Census “metro” variable indicated that they were living in a “metro area.” The “metro” variable is unavailable in 1970 and 1990 Census data; in these cases, I used the closely related “metarea” variable. As with most coding of urban residence in the United States, this coding is generous: for example, counties that contain more than 10,000 people are considered “urban” by this coding, and the entire state of New Jersey is coded as “urban” from 2000 to the present. See http://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/variables/alphabetical?id=M for more information about the definitions of the “metro” and “metarea” variables","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"percentWorkInManufacturing","years":"1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010","short_desc":"the percentage of the population identified as living in urban areas by the Census when the respondent was 14, in the state in which he lived when he was 14","long_desc":"the percentage of the population identified as living in urban areas by the Census when the respondent was 14, in the state in which he lived when he was 14","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"inflation","years":"1978-1986, 1989-2017","short_desc":"Annual inflation rate in the state and year","long_desc":"Annual inflation rate in the state and year","sources":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{hazell2020slope,\n title={The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states},\n author={Hazell, Jonathon and Herreno, Juan and Nakamura, Emi and Steinsson, Jon},\n year={2020},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"inflation_nt","years":"1978-1986, 1989-2017","short_desc":"Annual inflation rate in the non-tradeable sector in state and year","long_desc":"Annual inflation rate in the non-tradeable sector in state and year","sources":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{hazell2020slope,\n title={The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states},\n author={Hazell, Jonathon and Herreno, Juan and Nakamura, Emi and Steinsson, Jon},\n year={2020},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"inflation_t","years":"1978-1986, 1989-2017","short_desc":"Annual inflation rate in the tradeable sector in state and year","long_desc":"Annual inflation rate in the tradeable sector in state and year","sources":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{hazell2020slope,\n title={The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states},\n author={Hazell, Jonathon and Herreno, Juan and Nakamura, Emi and Steinsson, Jon},\n year={2020},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"communications_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for communication businesses/interests","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for communication businesses/interests","sources":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{hazell2020slope,\n title={The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states},\n author={Hazell, Jonathon and Herreno, Juan and Nakamura, Emi and Steinsson, Jon},\n year={2020},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"construction_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for construction businesses/interests","long_desc":"The number of organizations coded as lobbying for construction businesses/interests","sources":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{hazell2020slope,\n title={The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states},\n author={Hazell, Jonathon and Herreno, Juan and Nakamura, Emi and Steinsson, Jon},\n year={2020},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"total_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The sum of all organizations in all sectors, effectively being a count of the total number of organizations and businesses lobbying in each state for each year","long_desc":"The sum of all organizations in all sectors, effectively being a count of the total number of organizations and businesses lobbying in each state for each year","sources":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{hazell2020slope,\n title={The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states},\n author={Hazell, Jonathon and Herreno, Juan and Nakamura, Emi and Steinsson, Jon},\n year={2020},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"ig_ig","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"The number of organizations that are citizen groups, public interest groups, or trade or professional associations engaged in lobbying in each state for each yea","long_desc":"The number of organizations that are citizen groups, public interest groups, or trade or professional associations engaged in lobbying in each state for each yea","sources":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson. The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states. No. w28005. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{hazell2020slope,\n title={The slope of the Phillips Curve: evidence from US states},\n author={Hazell, Jonathon and Herreno, Juan and Nakamura, Emi and Steinsson, Jon},\n year={2020},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"higherEdEnrollmentSource","years":"1900, 1909, 1910, 1919, 1920, 1928-1932, 1934, 1936, 1938-1940, 1942, 1947-1953, 1955-1965, 1967-1972, 1974-1992, 1994-1997, 1999, 2000, 2004-2006","short_desc":"Source of the higherEdEnrollment variable","long_desc":"Source of the higherEdEnrollment variable","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"teacherSalariesSource","years":"1957, 1962, 1965, 1969, 1979, 1981, 1983-2005, 2009-2011","short_desc":"Source of the teacherSalaries variable","long_desc":"Source of the teacherSalaries variable","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"numberOfTeachersSource","years":"1917, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965-2011","short_desc":"Source of the numberOfTeachers variable","long_desc":"Source of the numberOfTeachers variable","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"enrollmentSource","years":"1909, 1915, 1917, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937-1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1962, 1963, 1965-2011","short_desc":"Source of the enrollment variable","long_desc":"Source of the enrollment variable","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"instructionalStaffSalariesSource","years":"1917, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1967-1974, 1977-1981, 1983-1989, 1991-2000","short_desc":"Source of the instructionalStaffSalaries variable","long_desc":"Source of the instructionalStaffSalaries variable","sources":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Bullock, John G. \"Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States.\" British Journal of Political Science (2020): 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bullock2020education,\n title={Education and attitudes toward redistribution in the United States},\n author={Bullock, John G},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"genderballeg","years":"1983-2016","short_desc":"Has state passed gender balance legislation (specific year)","long_desc":"Indicates (0/1) if the state has passed gender balance legislation within that particular year.","sources":"McQueen, S. (2021) “Pipeline or Pipedream: Gender Balance Legislation’s Effect on Women’s Presence in State Government,” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. Cambridge University Press, 21(3), pp. 243–265. doi: 10.1017/spq.2020.8.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"McQueen, S. (2021) “Pipeline or Pipedream: Gender Balance Legislation’s Effect on Women’s Presence in State Government,” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. Cambridge University Press, 21(3), pp. 243–265. doi: 10.1017/spq.2020.8.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mcqueen_2021, title={Pipeline or Pipedream: Gender Balance Legislation’s Effect on Women’s Presence in State Government}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1017/spq.2020.8}, number={3}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={McQueen, Shannon}, year={2021}, pages={243–265}}"} {"variable":"genderballegMap","years":"1983-2016","short_desc":"Has state ever passed gender balance legislation (regardless of year)","long_desc":"Indicates (0/1) if the state has ever passed gender balance legislation, regardless of year","sources":"McQueen, S. (2021) “Pipeline or Pipedream: Gender Balance Legislation’s Effect on Women’s Presence in State Government,” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. Cambridge University Press, 21(3), pp. 243–265. doi: 10.1017/spq.2020.8.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"McQueen, S. (2021) “Pipeline or Pipedream: Gender Balance Legislation’s Effect on Women’s Presence in State Government,” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. Cambridge University Press, 21(3), pp. 243–265. doi: 10.1017/spq.2020.8.","bibtex_cite":"@article{mcqueen_2021, title={Pipeline or Pipedream: Gender Balance Legislation’s Effect on Women’s Presence in State Government}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1017/spq.2020.8}, number={3}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={McQueen, Shannon}, year={2021}, pages={243–265}}"} {"variable":"InitialCOVI","years":"1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020","short_desc":"Voting cost","long_desc":"The cost of voting index value","sources":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.\n\nhttps://sites.google.com/view/michaeljpomante/cost-of-voting-index?fbclid=IwAR2DHCyTKBbYC_zbAe6m0uIQrj6_Y4r8ARHTEN_OW3MGByTTV9w7-naNI-4","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{li2018cost,\n title={Cost of voting in the American states},\n author={Li, Quan and Pomante, Michael J and Schraufnagel, Scot},\n journal={Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={234--247},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"InitialRank","years":"1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020","short_desc":"Interval measure of original voting index values","long_desc":"the interval measure of the original index values. This ranking allows for comparison of a state across election years. Lower numbers indicate a lower cost and higher numbers indicate a higher cost","sources":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.\n\nhttps://sites.google.com/view/michaeljpomante/cost-of-voting-index?fbclid=IwAR2DHCyTKBbYC_zbAe6m0uIQrj6_Y4r8ARHTEN_OW3MGByTTV9w7-naNI-4","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{li2018cost,\n title={Cost of voting in the American states},\n author={Li, Quan and Pomante, Michael J and Schraufnagel, Scot},\n journal={Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={234--247},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"FinalCOVI","years":"1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020","short_desc":"Revised COVI measures","long_desc":"Modification of the calculation of earlier measures (1996-2016) to include some new policy considerations included in the 2020 Index. These revised COVI values are based on considerations not included in the original Election Law Journal publication (2018). The Final COVI values are improved.","sources":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.\n\nhttps://sites.google.com/view/michaeljpomante/cost-of-voting-index?fbclid=IwAR2DHCyTKBbYC_zbAe6m0uIQrj6_Y4r8ARHTEN_OW3MGByTTV9w7-naNI-4","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{li2018cost,\n title={Cost of voting in the American states},\n author={Li, Quan and Pomante, Michael J and Schraufnagel, Scot},\n journal={Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={234--247},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"FinalRank","years":"1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020","short_desc":"Final ranking of voting in states","long_desc":"Ranking of states, in each election cycle, based on the revised COVI values.","sources":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.\n\nhttps://sites.google.com/view/michaeljpomante/cost-of-voting-index?fbclid=IwAR2DHCyTKBbYC_zbAe6m0uIQrj6_Y4r8ARHTEN_OW3MGByTTV9w7-naNI-4","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{li2018cost,\n title={Cost of voting in the American states},\n author={Li, Quan and Pomante, Michael J and Schraufnagel, Scot},\n journal={Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={234--247},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"COVIDCOVI","years":"2020","short_desc":"Covid-19 election voting policies","long_desc":"The adoption of temporary election policies for the 2020 election cycle that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic","sources":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.\n\nhttps://sites.google.com/view/michaeljpomante/cost-of-voting-index?fbclid=IwAR2DHCyTKBbYC_zbAe6m0uIQrj6_Y4r8ARHTEN_OW3MGByTTV9w7-naNI-4","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{li2018cost,\n title={Cost of voting in the American states},\n author={Li, Quan and Pomante, Michael J and Schraufnagel, Scot},\n journal={Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={234--247},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"COVIDRank","years":"2020","short_desc":"State election ranking 2020","long_desc":"Ranking of states for the 2020 election based on the COVIDCOVI values.","sources":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.\n\nhttps://sites.google.com/view/michaeljpomante/cost-of-voting-index?fbclid=IwAR2DHCyTKBbYC_zbAe6m0uIQrj6_Y4r8ARHTEN_OW3MGByTTV9w7-naNI-4","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Li, Quan, Michael J. Pomante, and Scot Schraufnagel. 2018. \"Cost of voting in the American states.\" Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17(3): 234-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{li2018cost,\n title={Cost of voting in the American states},\n author={Li, Quan and Pomante, Michael J and Schraufnagel, Scot},\n journal={Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={234--247},\n year={2018}\n}"} {"variable":"womenlead_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of leaders who are women (house)","long_desc":"Percent of leaders who are women (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctwomenleg_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of members who are women (house)","long_desc":"Percent of members who are women (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"blacklead_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of leaders who are black (house)","long_desc":"Percent of leaders who are black (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctblackleg_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of members who are black (house)","long_desc":"Percent of members who are black (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"latinolead_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of leaders who are Latino (house)","long_desc":"Percent of leaders who are Latino (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctlatinoleg_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of members who are Latino (house)","long_desc":"Percent of members who are Latino (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"workerlead_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of leaders who are workers (house)","long_desc":"Percent of leaders who are workers (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctworkerleg_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent members who are workers (house)","long_desc":"Percent members who are workers (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"number_leaders_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Count of total leadership positions in chamber (house)","long_desc":"Count of total leadership positions in chamber (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctdwomen_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are women (house)","long_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are women (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctdblack_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are black (house)","long_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are black (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctdlatino_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are Latino (house)","long_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are Latino (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"dleaders_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"count of Democratic leadership positions (house)","long_desc":"count of Democratic leadership positions (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctrblack_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of Republican leaders who are black (house)","long_desc":"Percent of Republican leaders who are black (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctrworker_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of Republican leaders who are workers (house)","long_desc":"Percent of Republican leaders who are workers (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"whitewomenlead_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of leaders who are white women (house)","long_desc":"Percent of leaders who are white women (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"blackwomenlead_sthouse","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of leaders who are black women (house)","long_desc":"Percent of leaders who are black women (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_blacklead_sthouse","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are black from previous term to\nobserved term (house)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are black from previous term to\nobserved term (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_workerlead_sthouse","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are workers from previous term to\nobserved term (house)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are workers from previous term to\nobserved term (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_pctblackleg_sthouse","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are black from previous term to\nobserved term (house)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are black from previous term to\nobserved term (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_pctworkerleg_sthouse","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are workers from previous\nterm to observed term (house)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are workers from previous\nterm to observed term (house)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctwomenleg_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of members who are women (senate)","long_desc":"Percent of members who are women (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctblackleg_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of members who are black (senate)","long_desc":"Percent of members who are black (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctlatinoleg_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of members who are Latino (senate)","long_desc":"Percent of members who are Latino (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctworkerleg_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent members who are workers (senate)","long_desc":"Percent members who are workers (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctdwomen_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are women (senate)","long_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are women (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctdlatino_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are Latino (senate)","long_desc":"Percent of Democratic leaders who are Latino (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"dleaders_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"count of Democratic leadership positions (senate)","long_desc":"count of Democratic leadership positions (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctrblack_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of Republican leaders who are black (senate)","long_desc":"Percent of Republican leaders who are black (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"pctrworker_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of Republican leaders who are workers (senate)","long_desc":"Percent of Republican leaders who are workers (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"whitewomenlead_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of leaders who are white women (senate)","long_desc":"Percent of leaders who are white women (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"blackwomenlead_stsenate","years":"2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percent of leaders who are black women (senate)","long_desc":"Percent of leaders who are black women (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. 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Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_blacklead_stsenate","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are black from previous term to\nobserved term (senate)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are black from previous term to\nobserved term (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_latinolead_stsenate","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are Latino from previous term to\nobserved term (senate)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are Latino from previous term to\nobserved term (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_workerlead_stsenate","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are workers from previous term to\nobserved term (senate)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in leaders who are workers from previous term to\nobserved term (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_pctwomenleg_stsenate","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are women from previous\nterm to observed term (senate)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are women from previous\nterm to observed term (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_pctblackleg_stsenate","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are black from previous term to\nobserved term (senate)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are black from previous term to\nobserved term (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_pctlatinoleg_stsenate","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are Latino from previous term to observed term (senate)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are Latino from previous term to observed term (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"delta_pctworkerleg_stsenate","years":"2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013","short_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are workers from previous\nterm to observed term (senate)","long_desc":"Percentage point change in members who are workers from previous\nterm to observed term (senate)","sources":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hansen, Eric R., and Christopher J. Clark. 2020. “Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20 (1): 81–107. doi: 10.1177/1532440019885378","bibtex_cite":"@article{doi:10.1177/1532440019885378,\n\tauthor = {Eric R. Hansen and Christopher J. Clark},\n\tdoi = {10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\teprint = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tjournal = {State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {81-107},\n\ttitle = {Diversity in Party Leadership in State Legislatures},\n\turl = {https://doi.org/10.1177/1532440019885378},\n\tvolume = {20},\n\tyear = {2020}\n}"} {"variable":"masseconlib_est","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"Economic liberalism of state residents","long_desc":"Estimate of mass economic liberalism of state residents. Constructed using a series of public opinion survey questions regarding taxes, social welfare, and labor regulation. Measure is weighted by the proportion of Democratic, Republican, and Independent identifiers","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"masssociallib_est","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"Social liberalism of state residents","long_desc":"Estimate of mass social liberalism of state residents. Constructed using a series of public opinion survey questions regarding alcohol, abortion, gay rights, women's rights, school prayer, and cultural (but not racial) issues. Measure is weighted by the proportion of Democratic, Republican, and Independent identifiers","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"policysociallib_est","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"Estimated social policy liberalism","long_desc":"Estimate of social policy liberalism of state residents. Constructed using a series of public opinion survey questions regarding alcohol, abortion, gay rights, women's rights, school prayer, and cultural (but not racial) issues. Measure is weighted by the proportion of Democratic, Republican, and Independent identifiers","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"policyeconlib_est","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"Estimated economic policy liberalism","long_desc":"Estimate of economic policy liberalism of state residents. Constructed using a series of public opinion survey questions regarding alcohol, abortion, gay rights, women's rights, school prayer, and cultural (but not racial) issues. Measure is weighted by the proportion of Democratic, Republican, and Independent identifiers","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"policyeconlib_se","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"SE of policyeconlib_est","long_desc":"SE of policyeconlib_est (estimate of economic policy liberalism of state residents)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"masssociallib_se","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"SE of masssociallib_est","long_desc":"SE of masssociallib_est (estimate of mass social liberalism of state residents)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"masseconlib_se","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"SE of masseconlib_est","long_desc":"SE of masseconlib_est (estimate of mass economic liberalism of state residents)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"policysociallib_se","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"SE of policysociallib_est","long_desc":"SE of policysociallib_est (estimate of social policy liberalism of state residents)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"dempid_est","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"Estimated proportion of Democratic identifiers in the public","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of Democratic identifiers in the public","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"dempid_se","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"SE of dempid_se (estimated proportion of Democratic identifiers in the public)","long_desc":"SE of dempid_se (estimated proportion of Democratic identifiers in the public)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"reppid_est","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"Estimated proportion of Republican identifiers in the public","long_desc":"Estimated proportion of Republican identifiers in the public","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"reppid_se","years":"1946-2014","short_desc":"SE of reppid_est (estimated proportion of Republican identifiers in the public)","long_desc":"SE of reppid_est (estimated proportion of Republican identifiers in the public)","sources":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, Devin, and Christopher Warshaw. 2018. \"Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936–2014.\" American Political Science Review. 112(2): 249-266.","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2018policy,\n title={Policy preferences and policy change: Dynamic responsiveness in the American states, 1936--2014},\n author={Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={112},\n number={2},\n pages={249--266},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"dirdem","years":"1903-2016","short_desc":"Direct democracy state","long_desc":"Dichotomous. Equals 1 if state allows direct or indirect citizen initiatives","sources":"Ballotpedia. 2016. “Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States.” Accessed on August 8, 2016 at https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states.\n\nWaters, M. Dane. 2003. Initiative and Referendum Almanac. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.\n\nLupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-Jamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.” The Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.\n\nNational Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). 2016. Ballot Measures Database. Accessed at: http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx.\n","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Lupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-\nJamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.”\nThe Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lupia2010state, title={Why state constitutions differ in their treatment of same-sex marriage}, author={Lupia, Arthur and Krupnikov, Yanna and Levine, Adam Seth and Piston, Spencer and Von Hagen-Jamar, Alexander}, journal={The Journal of Politics}, volume={72}, number={4}, pages={1222--1235}, year={2010}, publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA} }","plaintext_cite2":"Ballotpedia. 2016. “Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States.” Accessed at: https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{ballotedia,\n title = {Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States},\n howpublished = {\\url{https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states}},\n year = {2016}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Waters, M. Dane. 2003. Initiative and Referendum Almanac. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.","bibtex_cite3":"@book{waters2003initiative,\n title={Initiative and referendum almanac},\n author={Waters, M Dane},\n year={2003},\n publisher={Carolina Academic Press}\n}","plaintext_cite4":"National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). 2016. Ballot Measures Database. Accessed at:\nhttp://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx.","bibtex_cite4":"@misc{ncsl,\n title = {National Conference of State Legislatures: Ballot Measures Database},\n howpublished = {\\url{http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx}},\n year = {2016}\n}"} {"variable":"popref","years":"1903-2016","short_desc":"Popular referendum state","long_desc":"Dichotomous. Equals 1 if state permits citizens to repeal policies adopted by elected officials","sources":"Ballotpedia. 2016. “Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States.” Accessed on August 8, 2016 at https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states.\n\nWaters, M. Dane. 2003. Initiative and Referendum Almanac. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.\n\nLupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-Jamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.” The Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.\n\nNational Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). 2016. Ballot Measures Database. Accessed at: http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx.\n","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Lupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-\nJamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.”\nThe Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lupia2010state, title={Why state constitutions differ in their treatment of same-sex marriage}, author={Lupia, Arthur and Krupnikov, Yanna and Levine, Adam Seth and Piston, Spencer and Von Hagen-Jamar, Alexander}, journal={The Journal of Politics}, volume={72}, number={4}, pages={1222--1235}, year={2010}, publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA} }","plaintext_cite2":"Ballotpedia. 2016. “Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States.” Accessed at: https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{ballotedia,\n title = {Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States},\n howpublished = {\\url{https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states}},\n year = {2016}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Waters, M. Dane. 2003. Initiative and Referendum Almanac. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.","bibtex_cite3":"@book{waters2003initiative,\n title={Initiative and referendum almanac},\n author={Waters, M Dane},\n year={2003},\n publisher={Carolina Academic Press}\n}","plaintext_cite4":"National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). 2016. Ballot Measures Database. Accessed at:\nhttp://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx.","bibtex_cite4":"@misc{ncsl,\n title = {National Conference of State Legislatures: Ballot Measures Database},\n howpublished = {\\url{http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx}},\n year = {2016}\n}"} {"variable":"constlegref","years":"1903-2016","short_desc":"Constitutional legislative referendum state","long_desc":"Dichotomous. Equals 1 if state permits legislature to refer constitutional language to voters","sources":"Ballotpedia. 2016. “Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States.” Accessed on August 8, 2016 at https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states.\n\nWaters, M. Dane. 2003. Initiative and Referendum Almanac. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.\n\nLupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-Jamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.” The Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.\n\nNational Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). 2016. Ballot Measures Database. Accessed at: http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx.\n","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Lupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-\nJamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.”\nThe Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lupia2010state, title={Why state constitutions differ in their treatment of same-sex marriage}, author={Lupia, Arthur and Krupnikov, Yanna and Levine, Adam Seth and Piston, Spencer and Von Hagen-Jamar, Alexander}, journal={The Journal of Politics}, volume={72}, number={4}, pages={1222--1235}, year={2010}, publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA} }","plaintext_cite2":"Ballotpedia. 2016. “Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States.” Accessed at: https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{ballotedia,\n title = {Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States},\n howpublished = {\\url{https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states}},\n year = {2016}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Waters, M. Dane. 2003. Initiative and Referendum Almanac. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.","bibtex_cite3":"@book{waters2003initiative,\n title={Initiative and referendum almanac},\n author={Waters, M Dane},\n year={2003},\n publisher={Carolina Academic Press}\n}","plaintext_cite4":"National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). 2016. Ballot Measures Database. Accessed at:\nhttp://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx.","bibtex_cite4":"@misc{ncsl,\n title = {National Conference of State Legislatures: Ballot Measures Database},\n howpublished = {\\url{http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx}},\n year = {2016}\n}"} {"variable":"statlegref","years":"1903-2016","short_desc":"Statutory legislative referendum state","long_desc":"Dichotomous. Equals 1 if state permits legislature to refer statutory language to voters","sources":"Ballotpedia. 2016. “Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States.” Accessed on August 8, 2016 at https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states.\n\nWaters, M. Dane. 2003. Initiative and Referendum Almanac. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.\n\nLupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-Jamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.” The Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.\n\nNational Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). 2016. Ballot Measures Database. Accessed at: http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx.\n","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Lupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-\nJamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.”\nThe Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lupia2010state, title={Why state constitutions differ in their treatment of same-sex marriage}, author={Lupia, Arthur and Krupnikov, Yanna and Levine, Adam Seth and Piston, Spencer and Von Hagen-Jamar, Alexander}, journal={The Journal of Politics}, volume={72}, number={4}, pages={1222--1235}, year={2010}, publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA} }","plaintext_cite2":"Ballotpedia. 2016. “Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States.” Accessed at: https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{ballotedia,\n title = {Forms of Direct Democracy in the American States},\n howpublished = {\\url{https://ballotpedia.org/Forms_of_direct_democracy_in_the_American_states}},\n year = {2016}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Waters, M. Dane. 2003. Initiative and Referendum Almanac. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.","bibtex_cite3":"@book{waters2003initiative,\n title={Initiative and referendum almanac},\n author={Waters, M Dane},\n year={2003},\n publisher={Carolina Academic Press}\n}","plaintext_cite4":"National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). 2016. Ballot Measures Database. Accessed at:\nhttp://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx.","bibtex_cite4":"@misc{ncsl,\n title = {National Conference of State Legislatures: Ballot Measures Database},\n howpublished = {\\url{http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/ballot-measures-database.aspx}},\n year = {2016}\n}"} {"variable":"amendcomplex","years":"1990-2015","short_desc":"Complexity in placing constitutional amendment on ballot","long_desc":"Aggregate measure which captures Constitutional Amendment complexity by state, with higher scores indicating greater obstacles to amending the state constitution, where citizens allowed to place constitutional amendment on ballot=1, legislature required to place constitutional amendment on ballot by simple vote=2, legislature required to place constitutional amendment on ballot by multiple legislative session votes=3, supermajority of voter approval of ballot in order to be passed and added to state constitution=4. (NOTE: Tennessee is the only state that requires voter supermajorities and multiple legislative sessions to place constitutional amendment on the ballot and be passed).","sources":"Lupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-\nJamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.”\nThe Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Lupia, Arthur, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston, and Alexander Von Hagen-\nJamar. 2010. “Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage.”\nThe Journal of Politics 72 (4): 1222–35.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lupia2010state, title={Why state constitutions differ in their treatment of same-sex marriage}, author={Lupia, Arthur and Krupnikov, Yanna and Levine, Adam Seth and Piston, Spencer and Von Hagen-Jamar, Alexander}, journal={The Journal of Politics}, volume={72}, number={4}, pages={1222--1235}, year={2010}, publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA} }"} {"variable":"seatbeltlaw","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Presence of seatbelt law","long_desc":"Presence of a law that requires safety belt use in motor vehicles ii) Coding: 0=no law present that year; 1=law applies to front seat passengers only; 2= law applies to all passengers in all seats","sources":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nWilliams, Allan F., and Adrian K. Lund. 1986. \"Seat belt use laws and occupant crash protection in the United States.\" American Journal of Public Health. 76(12): 1438-1442.\n\nCohen, Alma, and Liran Einav. 2003. \"The effects of mandatory seat belt laws on driving behavior and traffic fatalities.\" Review of Economics and Statistics 85(4): 828-843.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Williams, Allan F., and Adrian K. Lund. 1986. \"Seat belt use laws and occupant crash protection in the United States.\" American Journal of Public Health. 76(12): 1438-1442.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{williams1986seat,\n title={Seat belt use laws and occupant crash protection in the United States.},\n author={Williams, Allan F and Lund, Adrian K},\n journal={American Journal of Public Health},\n volume={76},\n number={12},\n pages={1438--1442},\n year={1986},\n publisher={American Public Health Association}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Cohen, Alma, and Liran Einav. 2003. \"The effects of mandatory seat belt laws on driving behavior and traffic fatalities.\" Review of Economics and Statistics 85(4): 828-843.","bibtex_cite3":"@article{cohen2003effects,\n title={The effects of mandatory seat belt laws on driving behavior and traffic fatalities},\n author={Cohen, Alma and Einav, Liran},\n journal={Review of Economics and Statistics},\n volume={85},\n number={4},\n pages={828--843},\n year={2003},\n publisher={MIT Press 238 Main St., Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-1046, USA journals~…}\n}"} {"variable":"primaryenforce","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Primary enforcement of seatbelt law","long_desc":"Primary enforcement of seatbelt law which allows a police officer to stop and ticket a driver if s/he observes a violation.","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ‐ Highway Loss Data Institute. Safety Belt and Child\nRestrain Laws. Available from: http://www.iihs.org/laws/SafetyBeltUse.aspx.\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"sbmaxfine","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Maximum fine for seatbelt nonuse","long_desc":"Maximum fine for seatbelt nonuse (1st offense). Coding: Dollar value for driver (not passenger); 0=no law in that year","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ‐ Highway Loss Data Institute. Safety Belt and Child\nRestrain Laws. Available from: http://www.iihs.org/laws/SafetyBeltUse.aspx.\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"slrural","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Speed limit in rural interstates.","long_desc":"Speed limit for passenger vehicles on rural interstates. Coding: Numerical speed limit (in MPH)","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ‐ Highway Loss Data Institute. Laws and Regulations.\nFebruary 2010. Available from: http://www.iihs.org/laws/default.aspx.\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"beertaxrate","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Beer tax rate","long_desc":"State excise tax on packaged beer by volume","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from the Beer Institute, Brewers’ Almanac, 2012: Washington, DC.\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"baclimits","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Blood alcohol limits","long_desc":"Blood alcohol concentration limits for adult drivers (21 years and older) of motor vehicles","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from NIAA and Wagenaar et al. (2007)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nWagenaar, Alexander C., Mildred M. Maldonado-Molina, Linan Ma, Amy L. Tobler, and Kelli A. Komro. 2007. \"Effects of legal BAC limits on fatal crash involvement: analyses of 28 states from 1976 through 2002.\" Journal of Safety Research 38(5): 493-499.\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Limits: Adult Operators Noncommercial Motor Vehicles. Available from: http://alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/Blood_Alcohol_Concentration_Limits_Adult_Operators_of_N oncommercial_Motor_Vehicles.html.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Wagenaar, Alexander C., Mildred M. Maldonado-Molina, Linan Ma, Amy L. Tobler, and Kelli A. Komro. 2007. \"Effects of legal BAC limits on fatal crash involvement: analyses of 28 states from 1976 through 2002.\" Journal of Safety Research 38(5): 493-499.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{wagenaar2007effects,\n title={Effects of legal BAC limits on fatal crash involvement: analyses of 28 states from 1976 through 2002},\n author={Wagenaar, Alexander C and Maldonado-Molina, Mildred M and Ma, Linan and Tobler, Amy L and Komro, Kelli A},\n journal={Journal of safety research},\n volume={38},\n number={5},\n pages={493--499},\n year={2007},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"postconvictdays","years":"1980-2005","short_desc":"Length of license suspension in days for first‐time DUI offenders‐postconviction","long_desc":"Length of license suspension in days for first‐time DUI offenders‐postconviction\n\nTotal number of days; 0 = no law","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Wagenaar & Maldonado-Molina (2007) and NHTSA\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nWagenaar, A.C. and M.M. Maldonado‐Molina. 2007. Effects of Drivers' License Suspension Policies on Alcohol‐Related Crash Involvement: Long‐Term Follow‐Up in Forty‐Six States. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 31(8): 1399‐1406.\n\nNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Alcohol‐Highway Safety Digest Topics: Administrative Licensing Actions. Various Years; Available from: http://www.alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/NHTSA_Alcohol‐Highway_Safety_Digest_Topics.html.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Wagenaar, A.C. and M.M. Maldonado‐Molina. 2007. Effects of Drivers' License Suspension Policies on Alcohol‐Related Crash Involvement: Long‐Term Follow‐Up in Forty‐Six States. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 31(8): 1399‐1406.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{wagenaar2007effects,\n title={Effects of drivers' license suspension policies on alcohol-related crash involvement: long-term follow-up in forty-six states},\n author={Wagenaar, Alexander C and Maldonado-Molina, Mildred M},\n journal={Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research},\n volume={31},\n number={8},\n pages={1399--1406},\n year={2007},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"minfinelaw","years":"1980-2002","short_desc":"Presence of a law that sets a mandatory minimum fine for first‐time DUI offenders","long_desc":"Presence of a law that sets a mandatory minimum fine for first‐time DUI offenders. 0 = license sanction is discretionary; 1 = license sanction is mandatory","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Wagenaar et al. (2007)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nWagenaar, Alexander C., Mildred M. Maldonado-Molina, Linan Ma, Amy L. Tobler, and Kelli A. Komro. 2007. \"Effects of legal BAC limits on fatal crash involvement: analyses of 28 states from 1976 through 2002.\" Journal of Safety Research 38(5): 493-499.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Wagenaar, Alexander C., Mildred M. Maldonado-Molina, Linan Ma, Amy L. Tobler, and Kelli A. Komro. 2007. \"Effects of legal BAC limits on fatal crash involvement: analyses of 28 states from 1976 through 2002.\" Journal of Safety Research 38(5): 493-499.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{wagenaar2007effects,\n title={Effects of legal BAC limits on fatal crash involvement: analyses of 28 states from 1976 through 2002},\n author={Wagenaar, Alexander C and Maldonado-Molina, Mildred M and Ma, Linan and Tobler, Amy L and Komro, Kelli A},\n journal={Journal of safety research},\n volume={38},\n number={5},\n pages={493--499},\n year={2007},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"mldage","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"The minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) in each state","long_desc":"The minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) in each state, in years; 0 = no minimum legal drinking age defined.","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from NHTSA (2013) and O'Malley & Wagenaar (1991)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nO'Malley, Patrick M., and Alexander C. Wagenaar. 1991. \"Effects of minimum drinking age laws on alcohol use, related behaviors and traffic crash involvement among American youth: 1976-1987.\" Journal of studies on Alcohol 52(5): 478-491.\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Limits:\nYouth (Underage Operators of Noncommercial Motor Vehicles). Alcohol Policy Information\nSystem (APIS) Web site. Available from:\nhttp://alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/Blood_Alcohol_Concentration_Limits_Youth_Underage_Oper\nators_of_Noncommercial_Motor_Vehicles.html.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}","plaintext_cite2":"O'Malley, Patrick M., and Alexander C. Wagenaar. 1991. \"Effects of minimum drinking age laws on alcohol use, related behaviors and traffic crash involvement among American youth: 1976-1987.\" Journal of studies on Alcohol 52(5): 478-491.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{o1991effects,\n title={Effects of minimum drinking age laws on alcohol use, related behaviors and traffic crash involvement among American youth: 1976-1987.},\n author={O'Malley, Patrick M and Wagenaar, Alexander C},\n journal={Journal of studies on Alcohol},\n volume={52},\n number={5},\n pages={478--491},\n year={1991},\n publisher={Rutgers University Piscataway, NJ}\n}"} {"variable":"zerotoleranceage","years":"1983-2010","short_desc":"Zero tolerance laws age","long_desc":"The maximum age for which the BAC limit applies. This is necessary because some BAC limits apply to minors","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Wagenaar et al. (2001) and Hingson et al. (1994)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nWagenaar, A., P. O'Malley, and C. LaFond. 2001. \"Lowered legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers: effects on drinking, driving, and driving‐after‐drinking behaviors in 30 states.\" American Journal of Public Health. 91(5): 801‐804.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Wagenaar, A., P. O'Malley, and C. LaFond. 2001. \"Lowered legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers: effects on drinking, driving, and driving‐after‐drinking behaviors in 30 states.\" American Journal of Public Health. 91(5): 801‐804.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{wagenaar2001lowered,\n title={Lowered legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers: effects on drinking, driving, and driving-after-drinking behaviors in 30 states.},\n author={Wagenaar, Alexander C and O'Malley, Patrick M and LaFond, Colette},\n journal={American Journal of Public Health},\n volume={91},\n number={5},\n pages={801},\n year={2001},\n publisher={American Public Health Association}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Hingson, Ralph, Timothy Heeren, and Michael Winter. 1994. \"Lower legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers.\" Public Health Reports. 109(6): 738-744.","bibtex_cite3":"@article{hingson1994lower,\n title={Lower legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers.},\n author={Hingson, Ralph and Heeren, Timothy and Winter, Michael},\n journal={Public health reports},\n volume={109},\n number={6},\n pages={738-744},\n year={1994},\n publisher={SAGE Publications}\n}"} {"variable":"zerotolerancelawbac","years":"1984-2010","short_desc":"Laws for blood alcohol level for underage drivers","long_desc":"Blood alcohol concentration limits for underage drivers (21 years and younger) of motor vehicles when there was a zero tolerance law in effect","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Wagenaar et al. (2001) and Hingson et al. (1994)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nWagenaar, A., P. O'Malley, and C. LaFond. 2001. \"Lowered legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers: effects on drinking, driving, and driving‐after‐drinking behaviors in 30 states.\" American Journal of Public Health. 91(5): 801‐804.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Wagenaar, A., P. O'Malley, and C. LaFond. 2001. \"Lowered legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers: effects on drinking, driving, and driving‐after‐drinking behaviors in 30 states.\" American Journal of Public Health. 91(5): 801‐804.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{wagenaar2001lowered,\n title={Lowered legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers: effects on drinking, driving, and driving-after-drinking behaviors in 30 states.},\n author={Wagenaar, Alexander C and O'Malley, Patrick M and LaFond, Colette},\n journal={American Journal of Public Health},\n volume={91},\n number={5},\n pages={801},\n year={2001},\n publisher={American Public Health Association}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Hingson, Ralph, Timothy Heeren, and Michael Winter. 1994. \"Lower legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers.\" Public Health Reports. 109(6): 738-744.","bibtex_cite3":"@article{hingson1994lower,\n title={Lower legal blood alcohol limits for young drivers.},\n author={Hingson, Ralph and Heeren, Timothy and Winter, Michael},\n journal={Public health reports},\n volume={109},\n number={6},\n pages={738-744},\n year={1994},\n publisher={SAGE Publications}\n}"} {"variable":"licactdy","years":"1985-2003","short_desc":"Days of license suspension/revocation","long_desc":"Days of license suspension or revocation after 1st Conviction","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from NIAAA (2004)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}","plaintext_cite2":"National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA."} {"variable":"alcoholtaxnominal","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Nominal alcohol tax","long_desc":"Alcohol Tax Collected (Nominal), per year per state","sources":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"alcoholconsumption","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Annual alcohol consumption","long_desc":"Annual alcohol consumption in gallons of ethanol","sources":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nLaVallee, R. and H.‐y. Yi, Apparent Per Capita Alcohol Consumption: National, State, and Regional Trends, 1977‐2010, N. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Editor 2012.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"helmetlaw","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Motorcycle helmet laws","long_desc":"Presence of any law that requires motorcycle helmet use (for all or some riders)","sources":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nInsurance Institute for Highway Safety ‐ Highway Loss Data Institute. Motorcycle and Bicycle Helmet Use Laws. Available from: http://www.iihs.org/laws/HelmetUseCurrent.aspx.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"tobaccotaxnominal","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Nominal tobacco tax","long_desc":"Tobacco Tax Collected (Nominal), per year per state","sources":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nU.S. Census Bureau, Data Base on Historical Tax Collections: \"STC_Historical_DB\" Fiscal Years 1951‐2010, U.S. Department of Commerce ‐ Economics and Statistics Administration, Editor 2011","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"pershealthex","years":"1980-2009","short_desc":"Personnel healthcare expenditure","long_desc":"Total personal healthcare expenditure from all payers","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nU.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Health Expenditures by State of Provider, 1980‐2009. 2007  [cited 2008; Available from: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/NationalHealthExpendData/05a_NationalHealthAccountsStateHealthA ccountsProvider.asp#TopOfPage.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"hospitalbed","years":"1980-1997, 2000-2008","short_desc":"Number of hospital beds","long_desc":"Total number of hospital beds by state","sources":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2 \n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nAmerican Hospital Association, AHA Hospital StatisticsVarious Years, Chicago.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"totaluninsured","years":"1987-2010","short_desc":"Insured under 65 percentage","long_desc":"Number of people (under age 65) not covered by health insurance by state","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from the Census Bureau (2006, 2011)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nU.S. Census Bureau. Historical Health Insurance Tables 1987‐2005. 2006. Available from: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/hlthins/historic/hlthin05/hihistt6.html.\n\nU.S. Census Bureau. Historical Health Insurance Tables 1999‐2010. 2011. Available from: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/hlthins/data/historical/HIB_tables.html.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"percentuninsured","years":"1987-2010","short_desc":"Uninsured under 65 percentage","long_desc":"Percentage of people (under age 65) not covered by health insurance by state","sources":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nU.S. Census Bureau. Historical Health Insurance Tables 1987‐2005. 2006. Available from: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/hlthins/historic/hlthin05/hihistt6.html.\n\nU.S. Census Bureau. Historical Health Insurance Tables 1999‐2010. 2011. Available from: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/hlthins/data/historical/HIB_tables.html.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"totalhealthexpstate","years":"1980-2009","short_desc":"Total health expenditures","long_desc":"Total Health expenditures by State of provider","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Kaiser Family Foundation\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nKaiser Family Foundation, Health Expenditure by State of Provider, in Statehealthfacts.org1980‐ 2009.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"mileage","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Miles of highway","long_desc":"Miles of highway in the state","sources":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nU.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1980‐2011, Available at: http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/: Washington, DC.\n\nFederal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2010, in Highway Statistics Series2012, Office of Highway Policy Information,: Washington, DC.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"mvregistration","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Motor vehicle registration","long_desc":"Number of motor vehicle registrations for automobiles, trucks and buses","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Census Bureau and FHA (2012)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nU.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1980‐2011, Available at: http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/: Washington, DC.\n\nFederal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2010, in Highway Statistics Series2012, Office of Highway Policy Information,: Washington, DC.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"vmt","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT)","long_desc":"Total annual vehicle miles of travel per state","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from FHA\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nFederal Highway Administration, Publications and Products ‐ Office of Highway Policy Information, U.S. Department of Transportation, Editor Various Years.","category":"transportation","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"A15_24_pop","years":"1980-2009","short_desc":"15-24 year old population","long_desc":"Population between the ages of 15 and 24 per state (coding: number of people, in thousands)","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from NCI\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nNational Cancer Institute, State‐Level Population Files, Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results, Editor 2010.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"black_pop","years":"1980-2009","short_desc":"Black percentage of population","long_desc":"Population indicating census category as black or African‐American per state (coding: number of people, in thousands)","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from NCI\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nNational Cancer Institute, State‐Level Population Files, Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results, Editor 2010.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"drunken","years":"1991-2009","short_desc":"Number of drunkenness arrests  ","long_desc":"Number of drunkenness arrests  ","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nFederal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reports. Available at: http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm, various years: Washington, DC.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"liqrlaws","years":"1991-2009","short_desc":"Number of liquor law arrests","long_desc":"Number of liquor law arrests","sources":"Silver & Macinko (2013), from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)\n\nMacinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\n\nNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statewide Availability Data System II: 1933 ‐  2003, 2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Prevention Research Center: Berkeley, CA.\n\nFederal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reports. Available at: http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm, various years: Washington, DC.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Macinko, James, Diana Silver, Jin Y. Bae, Geronimo Jimenez, Maggie Paul, and Ashley Mueller. The State Health Policy Research Dataset (SHEPRD): 1980‐2010. ICPSR34789‐v2. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2013‐12‐16. http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2","bibtex_cite":"@book{macinko2013state,\n author = \"Macinko, James and Diana Silver and Jin Y. Bae and Geronimo Jimenez and Maggie Paul and Ashley Mueller\",\n title = \"The State Health Policy Research Dataset ({SHEPRD}): 1980‐2010\",\n publisher = \"Inter‐university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]\",\n year = 2013, \n url = \"http://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR34789.v2\"\n}"} {"variable":"resent_score","years":"1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016","short_desc":"Racial resentment score","long_desc":"Racial resentment score (0 to 1 scale) generated using ANES survey data","sources":"Smith et al. (2019) using ANES data\n\nSmith, Candis Watts, Rebecca J. Kreitzer, and Feiya Suo. 2020. \"The dynamics of racial resentment across the 50 US states.\" Perspectives on Politics 18(2): 527-538.\n\nAmerican National Election Studies, University of Michigan, and Stanford University. 2017. ANES 2016 Time Series Study. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor]. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR36824.v2","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Smith, Candis Watts, Rebecca J. Kreitzer, and Feiya Suo. 2020. \"The dynamics of racial resentment across the 50 US states.\" Perspectives on Politics 18(2): 527-538.","bibtex_cite":"@article{smith2020dynamics,\n title={The dynamics of racial resentment across the 50 US states},\n author={Smith, Candis Watts and Kreitzer, Rebecca J and Suo, Feiya},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={18},\n number={2},\n pages={527--538},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ssphh2010per","years":"1995-2013","short_desc":"Same-sex partners household","long_desc":"Same-sex partner households 2010 Census","sources":"Taylor et al. (2019), from the 2010 Census\n\nTaylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gayempnondisc","years":"1995-2015","short_desc":"Gay employment nondiscrimination law","long_desc":"Gay inclusive employment nondiscrimation law","sources":"Taylor et al. (2019), from the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce (2014)\n\nTaylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.\n\nNational Gay and Lesbian Task Force. 2014. “State Nondiscrimination Laws in the U.S.” https://web.archive.org/web/20180310192030/http://www.thetaskforce.org/static_htm l/downloads/reports/issue_maps/non_discrimination_5_14_new.pdf.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"sphh2varying2per","years":"1995-2015","short_desc":"Same-sex households percentage","long_desc":"Percentage same-sex partner households","sources":"Taylor et al. (2019), from the Census\n\nTaylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"percentlgbtcomp2per","years":"1995-2015","short_desc":"LGBT population %","long_desc":"Percentage LGBT population","sources":"Taylor et al. (2019), from Gates (2017) and Gates & Newport (2013)\n\nTaylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.\n\nGates, Gary. 2017. “Vermont Leads States in LGBT Identification.” Gallup News, February. http://news.gallup.com/poll/203513/vermont-leads-states-lgbt-identification.aspx.\n\nGates, Gary, and Frank Newport. 2013. “Gallup Special Report: New Estimates of the LGBT Population in the United States.” The Williams Institute.” http://williamsinstitute.law. ucla.edu/research/census-lgbt-demographics-studies/gallup-lgbt-pop-feb-2013/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"evangldsper","years":"1995-2015","short_desc":"Evangelical % plus LDS %","long_desc":"Evangelical percentage plus LDS percentage","sources":"Taylor et al. (2019), from the Pew Research Center (2014)\n\nTaylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.\n\nPew Research Center. 2014. “Religious Landscape Study.” http://www.pewforum.org/religious -landscape-study/","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gayempdiff","years":"1995-2015","short_desc":"Diffusion gay employment nondiscrimination","long_desc":"Diffusion variable gay employment nondiscrimination law","sources":"Taylor et al. (2019), from Human Rights Campaign's 2015 State Equality Index\n\nTaylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"hrc2015indexgood","years":"2015","short_desc":"HRC 2015 state equality index","long_desc":"HRC State Equality Index 2015 policy count","sources":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.\n\nHuman Rights Campaign. 2016. “2015 State Equality Index.” https://assets2.hrc.org/files/ assets/resources/SEI-2015-FullReport.pdf","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"percapitaincome1995dol","years":"1995-2015","short_desc":"Income per capita 1995 dollars","long_desc":"Per capita income in 1995 dollars","sources":"Taylor et al. (2019), from Bureau of Economic Analysis\n\nTaylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis. 2018. “SA1 Personal Income Summary: Personal Income, Population, per Capita Personal Income.” https://www.bea.gov/iTable/index_regional.cfm","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Bureau of Economic Analysis. 2018. “SA1 Personal Income Summary: Personal Income, Population, per Capita Personal Income.” https://www.bea.gov/iTable/index_regional.cfm"} {"variable":"jobslax","years":"1995-2015","short_desc":"Nondiscrimination support","long_desc":"Support for nondiscrimination","sources":"Taylor et al. (2019), from Lax & Phillips (2009)\n\nTaylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.\n\nLax, Jeffrey, and Justin Phillips. 2009. “Gay Rights in the States: Public Opinion and Policy Responsiveness.” American Political Science Review 103 (3): 367–86.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Lax, Jeffrey, and Justin Phillips. 2009. “Gay Rights in the States: Public Opinion and Policy Responsiveness.” American Political Science Review 103 (3): 367–86.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{lax2009gay,\n title={Gay rights in the states: Public opinion and policy responsiveness},\n author={Lax, Jeffrey R and Phillips, Justin H},\n journal={American Political Science Review},\n volume={103},\n number={3},\n pages={367--386},\n year={2009},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"directdem","years":"1995-2015","short_desc":"Ballot initiatives for statutes","long_desc":"State ballot initiative for statutes","sources":"Taylor et al. (2019), from Ballotpedia (2018)\n\nTaylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.\n\nBallotpedia. 2018. “States.” https://ballotpedia.org/States#Initiative_.26_referendum_in_the _U.S","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Jami K., Donald P. Haider-Markel, and Benjamin Rogers. 2019. \"Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(3): 334-350.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2019toward,\n title={Toward a new measure of state-level LGBT interest group strength},\n author={Taylor, Jami K and Haider-Markel, Donald P and Rogers, Benjamin},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={334--350},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"minor_migrant_alone","years":"2015-2020","short_desc":"Number of unaccompanied minor migrants released","long_desc":"Absolute number of unaccompanied minor migrants released","sources":"Tran (2021), from Department of Health & Human Services\n\nTran, Andrew B. 2021. \"Absolute Number of Unaccompanied Minor Immigrants Released by State\". Accessed at: https://github.com/wpinvestigative/unaccompanied_minors/blob/main/output_data/states_children_percapita.csv\n\nDepartment of Health & Human Services. Office of Refugee Resettlement. Accessed from https://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr/grant-funding/unaccompanied-children-released-sponsors-state","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Tran, Andrew B. 2021. \"Absolute Number of Unaccompanied Minor Immigrants Released by State\". Accessed at: https://github.com/wpinvestigative/unaccompanied_minors/blob/main/output_data/states_children_percapita.csv"} {"variable":"pop_under_72months","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"Children total population under 72 months","long_desc":"The total population of children under 72 months of age","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"nochildren_tested_72months","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"Children number tested under 72 months","long_desc":"The total number of children under 72 months of age that have been tested","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"pctchildren_tested_72months","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"Children percent tested under 72 months","long_desc":"The total percentage of children under 72 months of age that have been tested","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"nochildren_bll_5","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The number of children with BLL of 5+ micrograms","long_desc":"The number of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of 5 micrograms and above.","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"pctchildren_bll_5","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The percent of children with BLL of 5+ micrograms","long_desc":"The percent of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of 5 micrograms and above.","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"nochildren_bll_10","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The number of children with BLL of 10+ micrograms","long_desc":"The number of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of 10 micrograms and above. SD - indicates data are suppressed when the cell count is less than six (<6)","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"pcthildren_bll_10","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The percent of children with BLL of 10+ micrograms","long_desc":"The percent of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of 10 micrograms and above. SD - indicates data are suppressed when the cell count is less than six (<6)","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"nochildren_bll_5to9","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The number of children with BLL between 5 and 9 micrograms","long_desc":"The number of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of between 5 and 9 micrograms. SD - indicates data are suppressed when the cell count is less than six (<6)","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"nochildren_bll10to14","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The number of children with BLL between 10 and 14 micrograms","long_desc":"The number of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of between 10 and 14 micrograms. SD - indicates data are suppressed when the cell count is less than six (<6)","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"nochildren_bll_15to19","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The number of children with BLL between 15 and 19 micrograms","long_desc":"The number of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of between 15 and 19 micrograms. SD - indicates data are suppressed when the cell count is less than six (<6)","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"nochildren_bll_20to24","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The number of children with BLL between 20 and 24 micrograms","long_desc":"The number of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of between 20 and 24 micrograms. SD - indicates data are suppressed when the cell count is less than six (<6)","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"nochildren_bill_25to44","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The number of children with BLL between 25 and 44 micrograms","long_desc":"The number of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of between 25 and 44 micrograms. SD - indicates data are suppressed when the cell count is less than six (<6)","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"nochildren_bill_45","years":"2012-2018","short_desc":"The number of children with BLL of 45 and over","long_desc":"The number of children that have blood lead levels (BLL) of 45 micrograms and above. SD - indicates data are suppressed when the cell count is less than six (<6)","sources":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2021. CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data. Accessed at: https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm","bibtex_cite":"@misc{cdcBLL2021,\n author = {Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)},\n title = {CDC National Childhood Blood Lead Surveillance Data},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/data/national.htm}\n}"} {"variable":"firms_susb","years":"1988-2018","short_desc":"Total number of firms","long_desc":"Total number of firms. A firm is a business organization consisting of one or more domestic establishments in the same geographic area and industry that were specified under common ownership or control. The firm and the establishment are the same for single-establishment firms. For each multi-establishment firm, establishments in the same industry within a geographic area will be counted as one firm; the firm employment and annual payroll are summed from the associated establishments.\n\nNOTE: The Correlates team collected the data for this variable directly from the Census’s website and prepared it for inclusion to the dataset. The data should be the same as the ‘firms’ variable also in the CSPP dataset, but differences exist. We sourced ‘firms’ from Stateminder (now defunct) and retain it in CSPP for completeness.","sources":"U.S. Census Bureau (2021). Statistics of U.S. Businesses (SUSB). Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/econ/susb/susb-historical.html","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"U.S. Census Bureau (2021). Statistics of U.S. Businesses (SUSB). Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/econ/susb/susb-historical.html","bibtex_cite":"@misc{censusSUSB,\n author = {U.S. Census Bureau,\n title ={Statistics of U.S. Businesses (SUSB)},\n year = 2021,\n url = {https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/econ/susb/susb-historical.html}\n}"} {"variable":"prep_ks","years":"1987, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2008","short_desc":"Budget Preparation Authority","long_desc":"Budget Preparation Authority. 1 = Governor, 0 = Agency under governor, 999 = State Did not Respond.","sources":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455.  From the Book of the States","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455.","bibtex_cite":"@article{krupnikov2012measuring,\n title={Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach},\n author={Krupnikov, Yanna and Shipan, Charles},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={4},\n pages={438--455},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"fed_ks","years":"1987, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2008","short_desc":"Governor spending federal funds without legislative approval","long_desc":"Governor spending federal funds without legislative approval. Can the governor spend federal funds without legislative approval? 1 = yes; 0 = no; 0.5 = partial","sources":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455., from NASBO","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455.","bibtex_cite":"@article{krupnikov2012measuring,\n title={Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach},\n author={Krupnikov, Yanna and Shipan, Charles},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={4},\n pages={438--455},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"veto_ks","years":"1987, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2008","short_desc":"Gubernatorial line-item veto power","long_desc":"Gubernatorial line-item veto power. Does the governor have line-item veto power 1= yes; 0.5 = partial; 0 = no","sources":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455., from the Book of the States and NASBO","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455.","bibtex_cite":"@article{krupnikov2012measuring,\n title={Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach},\n author={Krupnikov, Yanna and Shipan, Charles},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={4},\n pages={438--455},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"reorg_ks","years":"1987, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2008","short_desc":"Gubernatorial power to reorganize departments related to budget","long_desc":"Does the governor have the power to reorganize departments related to the budget during without legislative approval? 1= yes, 0.5 = partial, 0 = no","sources":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455., from NASBO","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455.","bibtex_cite":"@article{krupnikov2012measuring,\n title={Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach},\n author={Krupnikov, Yanna and Shipan, Charles},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={4},\n pages={438--455},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"red_budg_ks","years":"1987, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2008","short_desc":"Gubernatorial power to reduce budget with legislative approval","long_desc":"Can the governor reduce the budget without legislative approval? [Usually in case of fiscal emergency] 1= yes; 0 = no.","sources":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455., from NASBO","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Krupnikov, Yanna, and Charles Shipan. \"Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12, no. 4 (2012): 438-455.","bibtex_cite":"@article{krupnikov2012measuring,\n title={Measuring gubernatorial budgetary power: A new approach},\n author={Krupnikov, Yanna and Shipan, Charles},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={12},\n number={4},\n pages={438--455},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_b","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Black in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Black in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_w","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are White in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are White in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_n","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_l","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_e","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are East Asian in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are East Asian in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_en","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_lm","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Latino and MENA (Middle East and/or North African ancestry) in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Latino and MENA (Middle East and/or North African ancestry) in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_s","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are South Asian in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are South Asian in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_el","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_m","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are MENA (Middle East and/or North African ancestry) in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are MENA (Middle East and/or North African ancestry) in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_bl","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_eln","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Latino as well as Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Latino as well as Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_ln","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Latino and Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Latino and Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_ls","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Latino and South Asian in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Latino and South Asian in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_c","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Cuban in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Cuban in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_cl","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Cuban and Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Cuban and Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_p","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Pacific Islander in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Pacific Islander in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_pl","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Pacific Islander and Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Pacific Islander and Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_ep","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Pacific Islander in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Pacific Islander in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_em","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and MENA (Middle East and/or North African ancestry) in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and MENA (Middle East and/or North African ancestry) in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_bp","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Pacific Islander in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Pacific Islander in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_bn","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Native American in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_bs","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and South Asian in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and South Asian in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_nsen_bcl","years":"1900-1903, 1905-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Cuban as well as Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Cuban as well as Latino in the state chamber that is not the senate (e.g. the house)\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_w","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are White in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are White in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_b","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Black in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Black in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_n","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Native American in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Native American in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_e","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are East Asian in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are East Asian in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_l","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Latino in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Latino in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.'","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_ln","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Latino and Native American in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Latino and Native American in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_el","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Latino in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Latino in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_c","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Cuban in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Cuban in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_bl","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Latino in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Latino in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_s","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are South Asian in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are South Asian in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_p","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are Pacific Islander in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are Pacific Islander in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_ep","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Pacific Islander in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Pacific Islander in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_elp","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Latino as well as Pacific Islander in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both East Asian and Latino as well as Pacific Islander in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_bn","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Native American in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and Native American in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_m","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are MENA (Middle East and/or North African ancestry) in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are MENA (Middle East and/or North African ancestry) in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"legcount_sen_bs","years":"1919-2020","short_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and South Asian in the state senate","long_desc":"Count of legislators that are both Black and South Asian in the state senate\n\nNote that individuals with multiple races are recorded in separate variables. For example, the count of legislators that are both Black and Latino = legcount_sen_bl while the number that are black = legcount_sen_b. You can sum these variables within houses if you need.\n\nConsistent with advice from Klarner's codebook, before creating these counts, we recode 'race' so that legislators who are coded both white and some non-white category (e.g. East Asian and white) have the 'w' (white) removed. As Klarner explains in his codebook: 'most legislators who are actually both 'w' and some other racial category are usually coded as their non-white category. This coding decision is also arguably consistent with how race is perceived in the United States.’","sources":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Klarner, Carl, 2021, \"Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021\", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ, Harvard Dataverse, V1, https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ","bibtex_cite":"@data{klarnerLegRace21,\nauthor = {Klarner, Carl},\npublisher = {Harvard Dataverse},\ntitle = {{Chamber Level State Legislator Race: 1971-2021}},\nUNF = {UNF:6:z8M2VXghXIhQ4QbtB5xsGA==},\nyear = {2021},\nversion = {V1},\ndoi = {10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ},\nurl = {https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ZJSHEZ}\n}"} {"variable":"P90x95","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"Average real gross income top 10%: top 5%","long_desc":"Average Real Gross Income (ARGI), Top 10%: Top 5% of the income fractile): 2003=100","sources":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328. ; Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berkowitz2020bureaucratic,\n title={How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states},\n author={Berkowitz, Daniel and Krause, George A},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={305--328},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","bibtex_cite2":"@article{sommelier2014increasingly,\n title={The increasingly unequal states of America},\n author={Sommelier, Estelle and Price, Mark},\n journal={Washington: Economic Policy Institute},\n year={2014}\n}"} {"variable":"P95x99","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"Average real gross income top 5%: top 1%","long_desc":"Average Real Gross Income (ARGI), Top 5%: Top 1% of the income fractile): 2003=100","sources":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328. ; Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berkowitz2020bureaucratic,\n title={How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states},\n author={Berkowitz, Daniel and Krause, George A},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={305--328},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","bibtex_cite2":"@article{sommelier2014increasingly,\n title={The increasingly unequal states of America},\n author={Sommelier, Estelle and Price, Mark},\n journal={Washington: Economic Policy Institute},\n year={2014}\n}"} {"variable":"P99x995","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"Average real gross income top 1%: top 0.5%","long_desc":"Average Real Gross Income (ARGI), Top 1%: Top 0.5% income fractile: 2003=100","sources":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328. ; Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berkowitz2020bureaucratic,\n title={How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states},\n author={Berkowitz, Daniel and Krause, George A},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={305--328},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","bibtex_cite2":"@article{sommelier2014increasingly,\n title={The increasingly unequal states of America},\n author={Sommelier, Estelle and Price, Mark},\n journal={Washington: Economic Policy Institute},\n year={2014}\n}"} {"variable":"P995x999","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"Average real gross income top 0.5%: top 0.1%","long_desc":"Average Real Gross Income (ARGI), Top 0.5%: Top 0.1% income fractile: 2003=100","sources":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328. ; Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berkowitz2020bureaucratic,\n title={How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states},\n author={Berkowitz, Daniel and Krause, George A},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={305--328},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","bibtex_cite2":"@article{sommelier2014increasingly,\n title={The increasingly unequal states of America},\n author={Sommelier, Estelle and Price, Mark},\n journal={Washington: Economic Policy Institute},\n year={2014}\n}"} {"variable":"P999x9999","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"Average real gross income top 0.1%: top 0.01%","long_desc":"Average Real Gross Income (ARGI) Top 0.1%: Top 0.01% income fractile: 2003=100","sources":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328. ; Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berkowitz2020bureaucratic,\n title={How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states},\n author={Berkowitz, Daniel and Krause, George A},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={305--328},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","bibtex_cite2":"@article{sommelier2014increasingly,\n title={The increasingly unequal states of America},\n author={Sommelier, Estelle and Price, Mark},\n journal={Washington: Economic Policy Institute},\n year={2014}\n}"} {"variable":"P9999x100","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"Average real gross income top 0.01%","long_desc":"Average Real Gross Income (ARGI), Top 0.01% income fractile: 2003=100","sources":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328. ; Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berkowitz2020bureaucratic,\n title={How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states},\n author={Berkowitz, Daniel and Krause, George A},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={305--328},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Sommelier, Estelle, and Mark Price. \"The increasingly unequal states of America.\" Washington: Economic Policy Institute (2014).","bibtex_cite2":"@article{sommelier2014increasingly,\n title={The increasingly unequal states of America},\n author={Sommelier, Estelle and Price, Mark},\n journal={Washington: Economic Policy Institute},\n year={2014}\n}"} {"variable":"shnfinc","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"State non-farm income share","long_desc":"A state's non-farm income share, which is non-farm income divided by total income","sources":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328. ; Bureau of Economic Analysis","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berkowitz2020bureaucratic,\n title={How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states},\n author={Berkowitz, Daniel and Krause, George A},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={305--328},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"MTR_total_s_reed","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"Overall marginal tax rate","long_desc":"Overall Marginal Tax Rate, which captures state revenues only. It is the estimated dynamic marginal tax rates for a given state-year.","sources":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328. ; Reed, W. Robert, Cynthia L. Rogers, and Mark Skidmore. \"On estimating marginal tax rates for US states.\" National Tax Journal 64, no. 1 (2011): 59-84.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berkowitz2020bureaucratic,\n title={How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states},\n author={Berkowitz, Daniel and Krause, George A},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={305--328},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Reed, W. Robert, Cynthia L. Rogers, and Mark Skidmore. \"On estimating marginal tax rates for US states.\" National Tax Journal 64, no. 1 (2011): 59-84.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{reed2011estimating,\n title={On estimating marginal tax rates for US states},\n author={Reed, W Robert and Rogers, Cynthia L and Skidmore, Mark},\n journal={National Tax Journal},\n volume={64},\n number={1},\n pages={59--84},\n year={2011},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press}\n}"} {"variable":"realmedianbureaucraticsalary","years":"1986-2008","short_desc":"Real Median Bureaucratic Salary","long_desc":"Core Bureaucratic Leadership Capacity variable measured as median 2000 constant-dollar adjusted salary compensation for major state agency heads across 35 high-level executive offices that pertain to major administrative functions of each state for a given year","sources":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328. ; Boushey, Graeme T., and Robert J. McGrath. \"Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states.\" Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27, no. 1 (2017): 85-103.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Berkowitz, Daniel, and George A. Krause. \"How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 40, no. 2 (2020): 305-328.","bibtex_cite":"@article{berkowitz2020bureaucratic,\n title={How bureaucratic leadership shapes policy outcomes: partisan politics and affluent citizens’ incomes in the American states},\n author={Berkowitz, Daniel and Krause, George A},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={305--328},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Boushey, Graeme T., and Robert J. McGrath. \"Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states.\" Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27, no. 1 (2017): 85-103.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{boushey2017experts,\n title={Experts, amateurs, and bureaucratic influence in the American states},\n author={Boushey, Graeme T and McGrath, Robert J},\n journal={Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory},\n volume={27},\n number={1},\n pages={85--103},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Oxford University Press US}\n}"} {"variable":"dollarspercapita","years":"1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Contributions from insurance agencies","long_desc":"Total value of contributions from the insurance industry to candidates in state elections divided by population","sources":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fouirnaies2021campaign,\n title={Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry},\n author={Fouirnaies, Alexander and Fowler, Anthony},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n pages={1--15},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"logdollars","years":"1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Log of insurance contributions plus 1","long_desc":"Log of insurance contributions plus 1","sources":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fouirnaies2021campaign,\n title={Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry},\n author={Fouirnaies, Alexander and Fowler, Anthony},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n pages={1--15},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"premiums","years":"1966-1978, 1980-2015, 2017","short_desc":"Value of insurance premiums","long_desc":"Total value of property and casualty insurance premiums, coded as 2015 dollars per state resident","sources":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fouirnaies2021campaign,\n title={Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry},\n author={Fouirnaies, Alexander and Fowler, Anthony},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n pages={1--15},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"assessments","years":"1985-2008, 2011-2015, 2017","short_desc":"Value of gratuity fund assessment","long_desc":"Value of guaranty fund net assessment, coded as 2015 dollars per state resident","sources":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fouirnaies2021campaign,\n title={Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry},\n author={Fouirnaies, Alexander and Fowler, Anthony},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n pages={1--15},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"automin","years":"1970-2017","short_desc":"Minimum requirement for auto insurance","long_desc":"Minimum requirement for auto insurance, coded as thousands of 2015 dollars","sources":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fouirnaies2021campaign,\n title={Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry},\n author={Fouirnaies, Alexander and Fowler, Anthony},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n pages={1--15},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"companies","years":"1995-2000, 2002-2004, 2006-2009, 2011-2015, 2017","short_desc":"Number of insurance companies","long_desc":"Number of insurance companies operating in each state and year","sources":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fouirnaies2021campaign,\n title={Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry},\n author={Fouirnaies, Alexander and Fowler, Anthony},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n pages={1--15},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"commissioner","years":"1963-2017","short_desc":"Whether the insurance comissioner previously worked privately","long_desc":"Whether the insurance comissioner previously work for a private insurance company (1 if yes)","sources":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fouirnaies2021campaign,\n title={Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry},\n author={Fouirnaies, Alexander and Fowler, Anthony},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n pages={1--15},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"taxrate","years":"1966-1978, 1980-2015, 2017","short_desc":"Value of premium taxes paid","long_desc":"Total value of premium taxes paid divided by the total value of premiums","sources":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fouirnaies, Alexander, and Anthony Fowler. \"Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry.\" Political Science Research and Methods (2021): 1-15.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fouirnaies2021campaign,\n title={Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry},\n author={Fouirnaies, Alexander and Fowler, Anthony},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n pages={1--15},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"value_mean","years":"1999-2016","short_desc":"Support for same-sex marriage","long_desc":"This variable captures public opinion regarding same-sex marriage at the state-year level","sources":"Caughey, D., & Warshaw, C. (2019). Public Opinion in Subnational Politics. The Journal of Politics, 81(1), 352–363. doi:10.1086/700723","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Caughey, D., & Warshaw, C. (2019). Public Opinion in Subnational Politics. The Journal of Politics, 81(1), 352–363. doi:10.1086/700723","bibtex_cite":"@article{caughey2019public,\nauthor = {Caughey, Devin and Warshaw, Christopher},\ntitle = {Public Opinion in Subnational Politics},\njournal = {The Journal of Politics},\nvolume = {81},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {352-363},\nyear = {2019},\ndoi = {10.1086/700723}\n}"} {"variable":"enerprice","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Energy price","long_desc":"Energy price","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"ESI","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Economic Security Index","long_desc":"Economic Security Index","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"transfers_edtpcr","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Employment Training Transfers","long_desc":"Employment Training Transfers, per cap real","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"transfers_incpcr","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Income Maintenance Transfers","long_desc":"Income Maintenance Transfers, per cap real","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"transfers_medpcr","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Medical Care Transfers","long_desc":"Medical Care Transfers, per cap real","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"transfers_oasdipcr","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Old Age & Disability Ins Transfers","long_desc":"Old Age & Disability Ins Transfers, per cap real","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"transfers_uipcr","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Unemployment Insurance Transfers","long_desc":"Unemployment Insurance Transfers, per cap real","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"indivinctaxpcr","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Individual Income Tax","long_desc":"Individual Income Tax, per cap real","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"logtot","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Total Government Spending","long_desc":"Total Government Spending, real, logged","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"uniondensity","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Union Strength","long_desc":"Degree of union presence","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"post1996tanf","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Whether or not a state is post-reform","long_desc":"0 indictates that a state is pre-reform, 1 indictates a state as post-reform","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"gspgrowth","years":"1986-2010","short_desc":"Gross State Product Growth rt","long_desc":"Gross State Product Growth rate","sources":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425\n\nBureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/data/economic-accounts/regional","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Compton, M. E. (2018). Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(3), 215–245. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26973425","bibtex_cite":"@article{malloryLess2018,\n author = {Mallory E. Compton},\n journal = {State Politics & Policy Quarterly},\n number = {3},\n pages = {215--245},\n publisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n title = {Less Bang for Your Buck? How Social Capital Constrains the Effectiveness of Social Welfare Spending},\n volume = {18},\n year = {2018}\n}"} {"variable":"dem_enviropinion","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Environmental opinion amongst Democrats.","long_desc":"Variable representing democratic environmental public opinion.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"gop_enviropinion","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Environmental opinion amongst Republicans.","long_desc":"Variable representing republican environmental public opinion.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"ind_enviropinion","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Environmental opinion amongst Independents.","long_desc":"Variable representing independent environmental public opinion.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-environment opinion.","long_desc":"Pro-environment opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-environment opinion.","long_desc":"Anti-environment opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral environment opinion.","long_desc":"Neutral environment opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_withop_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-environment opinion with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-environment opinion with opposition by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_dem_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-environment Democrats.","long_desc":"Pro-environment public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_dem_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-environment Democrats.","long_desc":"Anti-environment public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_dem_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral environment Democrats.","long_desc":"Neutral environment public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_gop_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-environment Democrats with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-environment public opinion amongst Democrats by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_gop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-environment Republicans.","long_desc":"Pro-environment public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_gop_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-environment Republicans.","long_desc":"Anti-environment public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_gop_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral environment Republicans.","long_desc":"Neutral environment public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_gop_whithop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-environment Republicans with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-environment public opinion amongst Republicans by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_ind_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-environment Independents.","long_desc":"Pro-environment public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_ind_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-environment Independents.","long_desc":"Anti-environment public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_ind_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral environment Independents.","long_desc":"Neutral environment public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_ind_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro_environment Independents with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-environment public opinion amongst Independents by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_pro_uncertainty_upper","years":"1973-1978, 1980, 1982-1991, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012","short_desc":"Party polarization upper","long_desc":"Estimated share of Democrats that favor more more spending in the environment subtracted by the same measure for Republicans.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"env_pro_uncertainty_lower","years":"1973-1978, 1980, 1982-1991, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012","short_desc":"Party polarization lower","long_desc":"Estimated share of Republicans that oppose spending in the environment subtracted by the same measure for Democrats.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-aid opinion.","long_desc":"Pro-aid public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-aid opinion.","long_desc":"Anti-aid public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral aid opinion.","long_desc":"Neutral aid public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_withop_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-aid opinion with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-aid public opinion by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_dem_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-aid Democrats.","long_desc":"Pro-aid public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_dem_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-aid Democrats.","long_desc":"Anti-aid public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_dem_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral aid Democrats.","long_desc":"Neutral aid public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_dem_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-aid Democrats with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-aid public opinion amongst Democrats by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_gop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-aid Republicans.","long_desc":"Pro-aid public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_gop_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-aid Republicans.","long_desc":"Anti-aid public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_gop_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral aid Republicans.","long_desc":"Neutral aid public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_gop_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-aid Republicans with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-aid public opinion amongst Republicans by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_ind_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-aid Independents.","long_desc":"Pro-aid public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_ind_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-aid Independents.","long_desc":"Anti-aid public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_ind_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral aid Independents.","long_desc":"Neutral aid public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"aid_ind_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-aid Independents with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-aid public opinion amongst Independents by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-arms opinion.","long_desc":"Pro-arms public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-arms opinion.","long_desc":"Anti-arms public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral arms opinion.","long_desc":"Neutral armspublic opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_withop_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-arms opinion with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-arms public opinion by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_dem_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-arms Democrats.","long_desc":"Pro-arms public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_dem_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-arms Democrats.","long_desc":"Anti-arms public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_dem_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral arms Democrats.","long_desc":"Neutral arms public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_dem_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-arms Democrats with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-arms public opinion amongst Democrats by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_gop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-arms Republicans.","long_desc":"Pro-arms public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_gop_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-arms Republicans.","long_desc":"Anti-arms public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_gop_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral arms Republicans.","long_desc":"Neutral arms public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_gop_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-arms Republicans with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-arms public opinion amongst Republicans by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_ind_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-arms Independents.","long_desc":"Pro-arms public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_ind_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-arms Independents.","long_desc":"Anti-arms public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_ind_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral arms Independents.","long_desc":"Neutral arms public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"arms_ind_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-arms Independents with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-arms public opinion amongst Independents by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-education opinion.","long_desc":"Pro-education public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-education opinion.","long_desc":"Anti-education public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral education opinion.","long_desc":"Neutral education public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_withop_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-education opinion with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-education public opinion by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_dem_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-education Democrats.","long_desc":"Pro-education public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_dem_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-education Democrats.","long_desc":"Anti-education public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_dem_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral education Democrats.","long_desc":"Neutral education public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_dem_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-education Democrats with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-education public opinion amongst Democrats by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_gop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-education Republicans.","long_desc":"Pro-education public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_gop_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-education Republicans.","long_desc":"Anti-education public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_gop_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral education Republicans.","long_desc":"Neutral education public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_gop_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-education Republicans with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-education public opinion amongst Republicans by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_ind_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-education Independents.","long_desc":"Pro-education public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_ind_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-education Independents.","long_desc":"Anti-education public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_ind_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral education Independents.","long_desc":"Neutral education public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"educ_ind_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-education Independents with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-education public opinion amongst Independents by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-welfare opinion.","long_desc":"Pro-welfare public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-welfare opinion.","long_desc":"Anti-welfare public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral welfare opinion.","long_desc":"Neutral welfare public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_withop_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-welfare opinion with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-welfare public opinion by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_dem_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-welfare Democrats.","long_desc":"Pro-welfare public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_dem_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-welfare Democrats.","long_desc":"Anti-welfare public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_dem_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral welfare Democrats.","long_desc":"Neutral welfare public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_dem_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-welfare Democrats with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-welfare public opinion amongst Democrats by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_gop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-welfare Republicans.","long_desc":"Pro-welfare public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_gop_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-welfare Republicans.","long_desc":"Anti-welfare public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_gop_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral welfare Republicans.","long_desc":"Neutral welfare public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_gop_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-welfare Republicans with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-welfare public opinion amongst Republicans by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_ind_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-welfare Independents.","long_desc":"Pro-welfare public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_ind_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-welfare Independents.","long_desc":"Anti-welfare public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_ind_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral welfare Independents.","long_desc":"Neutral welfare public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"welfare_ind_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-welfare Independents with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-welfare public opinion amongst Independents by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-health opinion.","long_desc":"Pro-health public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-health opinion.","long_desc":"Anti-health public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral health opinion.","long_desc":"Neutral health public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_withop_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-health opinion with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-health public opinion by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_dem_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-health Democrats.","long_desc":"Pro-health public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_dem_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-health Democrats.","long_desc":"Anti-health public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_dem_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral health Democrats.","long_desc":"Neutral health public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_dem_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-health Democrats with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-health public opinion amongst Democrats by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_gop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-health Republicans.","long_desc":"Pro-health public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_gop_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-health Republicans.","long_desc":"Anti-health public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_gop_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral health Republicans.","long_desc":"Neutral health public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_gop_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-health Republicans with opposition","long_desc":"Pro-health public opinion amongst Republicans by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_ind_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-health Independents.","long_desc":"Pro-health public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_ind_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-health Independents.","long_desc":"Anti-health public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_ind_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral health Independents.","long_desc":"Neutral health public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"health_ind_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-health Independents with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-health public opinion amongst Independents by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-race opinion.","long_desc":"Pro-race public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-race opinion.","long_desc":"Anti-race public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral race opinion.","long_desc":"Neutral race public opinion by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_withop_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-race opinion with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-race public opinion by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_dem_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-race Democrats.","long_desc":"Pro-race public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_dem_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-race Democrats.","long_desc":"Anti-race public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_dem_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral race Democrats.","long_desc":"Neutral race public opinion amongst Democrats by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_dem_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-race Democrats with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-race public opinion amongst Democrats by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_gop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-race Republicans.","long_desc":"Pro-race public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_gop_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-race Republicans.","long_desc":"Anti-race public opinion amongst Republicans by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_gop_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral race Republicans.","long_desc":"Neutral race public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_gop_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-race Republicans with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-race public opinion amongst Republicans by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_ind_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-race Independents.","long_desc":"Pro-race public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_ind_whosay_anti","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Anti-race Independents.","long_desc":"Anti-race public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_ind_whosay_neutral","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Neutral race Independents.","long_desc":"Neutral race public opinion amongst Independents by state.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"race_ind_withop_whosay_pro","years":"1973-2012","short_desc":"Pro-race Independents with opposition.","long_desc":"Pro-race public opinion amongst Independents by state with opposition.","sources":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Eun Kim, S. and Urpelainen, J., 2018. Environmental public opinion in US states, 1973–2012. Environmental Politics, 27(1), pp.89-114.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kimEnvironmental2018,\nauthor = {Sung Eun Kim and Johannes Urpelainen},\ntitle = {Environmental public opinion in U.S. states, 1973–2012},\njournal = {Environmental Politics},\nvolume = {27},\nnumber = {1},\npages = {89-114},\nyear = {2018},\npublisher = {Routledge},\ndoi = {10.1080/09644016.2017.1362720}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_bas","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Basic or Remedial Education","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_hsl","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: High School or GED Program","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_esl","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: English As A Second Language","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_pse","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Post-Secondary Education","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_jst","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Job Skills Training","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_jrd","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Job Readiness Acivities","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_jdp","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Job Development and Job Placement","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_jbs","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Job Search","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_otj","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: On-The-Job Training","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_uns","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Unsubsidized Employment","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_sub","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Subsidized Employment","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_cwe","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Community Work Experience","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_slf","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: SelfEmployment","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_ccp","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Providing Childcare for Others","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_cns","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Counseling","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_lfe","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Life Skills Training","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_com","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Activity: Community Service","long_desc":"Average across subgroups of recipients of whether state permits work activity (1 = allow for all groups, 0 = allow for no groups)","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_core_pre","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Core Work Activities Pre-DRA","long_desc":"Number of allowable core work activities before the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_core_postc","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Core Work Activities Post-DRA","long_desc":"Number of allowable core work activities after the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_nc_pre","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Non-Core Work Activities PreDRA","long_desc":"Number of allowable non-core work activities prior to the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_nc_post","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Non-Core Work Activities PostDRA","long_desc":"Number of allowable non-core work activities after the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_oth_pre","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Other Work Activities Pre-DRA","long_desc":"Number of other allowable work activities before the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_oth_postc","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Other Work Activities PostDRA","long_desc":"Number of other allowable work activities after the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gae","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Exemptions","long_desc":"The number of work exemptions at the state-level","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"as_overall","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Work Sanctions","long_desc":"The number of work sanctions at the state-level","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"tlex_admin","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Time Limit Exemptions: Administrative","long_desc":"The number of administrative time limit exemptions at the state-level.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"tlen_admin","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Time Limit Extensions: Administrative","long_desc":"The number of administrative time limit extensions at the state-level.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"tlex_deserving","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Time Limit Exemptions: Deservingness","long_desc":"The number of time limit exemptions based on deservingness at the state-level.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"tlen_deserving","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Time Limit Extensions: Deservingness","long_desc":"The number of time limit extensions based on deservingness at the state-level.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"tlex_difficult","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Time Limit Exemptions: Difficult Cases","long_desc":"The number of time limit exemptions based on difficulty at the state-level.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"tlen_difficult","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Time Limit Extensions: Difficult Cases","long_desc":"The number of time limit extensions based on difficulty at the state-level.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"black_rolls","years":"1997-2014","short_desc":"Percentage of Caseload that is Black","long_desc":"The percentage of African American caseloads at the state-level.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_scale_core","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Core Work Activities All","long_desc":"The number of all allowable core work activities using the pre-Deficit Reduction Act definition.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_scale_noncore","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Non-Core Work Activities All","long_desc":"The number of all allowable non-core work activities using the pre-Deficit Reduction Act definition.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gar_scale_oth","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Other Work Activities All","long_desc":"The number of all other work activities using the pre-Deficit Reduction Act definition.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gwar_core_pre","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Weighted Core Activities PreDRA","long_desc":"The number of allowable weighted core work activities before the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gwar_core_postc","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Weighted Core Activities PostDRA","long_desc":"The number of allowable weighted core work activities after the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gwar_nc_pre","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Weighted Non-Core Activities Pre-DRA","long_desc":"The number of allowable weighted non-core work activities before the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gwar_nc_post","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Weighted Non-Core Activities Post-DRA","long_desc":"The number of allowable weighted non-core work activities after the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gwar_oth_pre","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Weighted Other Activities PreDRA","long_desc":"The number of other allowable weighted work activities before the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gwar_oth_post","years":"1996-2015","short_desc":"Weighted Other Activities Post-DRA","long_desc":"The number of other allowable weighted work activities after the adoption of the Deficit Reduction Act.","sources":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Ojeda, Christopher, Anne M. Whitesell, Michael B. Berkman, and Eric Plutzer. \"Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2019): 474-501.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ojeda2019federalism,\n title={Federalism and the Racialization of Welfare Policy},\n author={Ojeda, Christopher and Whitesell, Anne M and Berkman, Michael B and Plutzer, Eric},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={4},\n pages={474--501},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"port","years":"2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020","short_desc":"Whether a state allows voting in a new precinct without re-registering","long_desc":"Whether the state allows voters who are currently registered in the state but have moved to vote in their new precinct even if they have not yet re-registered (2 - full ballot, 1 - limited/provisional ballot, 0 - state has no permanent and portable law","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2021finding,\n title={Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M and Motta, Matthew and Herrick, Rebekah},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n pages={1532673X211055050},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"edr","years":"2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020","short_desc":"Whether a state allows same day registration","long_desc":"Whether the state allows voters to register to vote on the same day as election day or when voting early (1 - yes, 2 - no)","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2021finding,\n title={Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M and Motta, Matthew and Herrick, Rebekah},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n pages={1532673X211055050},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"online","years":"2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020","short_desc":"Whether a state allows online registration","long_desc":"Whether the state allows voters to register online (1 - yes, 2 - no)","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2021finding,\n title={Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M and Motta, Matthew and Herrick, Rebekah},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n pages={1532673X211055050},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"avr","years":"2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020","short_desc":"Whether a state automatically registers a voter after moving from another state","long_desc":"Whether a state automatically registers eligible individuals to vote upon interaction with another state agency (1 - yes, 2 - no)","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2021finding,\n title={Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M and Motta, Matthew and Herrick, Rebekah},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n pages={1532673X211055050},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"prereg","years":"2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020","short_desc":"Age at which a voter can preregister","long_desc":"Measure of rules governing at what age eligible voters may begin registering to vote (5 - 16 years old, 4 - 17 years old, 3 - 17.5 years old, 2 - 17.75 years old, 1 - 17.833 years old, 0 - no preregistration","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2021finding,\n title={Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M and Motta, Matthew and Herrick, Rebekah},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n pages={1532673X211055050},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"dori","years":"2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020","short_desc":"Difficulty of registration","long_desc":"Scores from IRT model of registration dimensions, scaled from 0 to 1, with higher scores indicating more difficult registration procedures","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M., Matthew Motta, and Rebekah Herrick. \"Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters.\" American Politics Research (2021): 1532673X211055050.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2021finding,\n title={Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M and Motta, Matthew and Herrick, Rebekah},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n pages={1532673X211055050},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"public_unionmem","years":"1996-2016","short_desc":"Public sector workers that are union members","long_desc":"Share of wage and salaried public sector workers who report that they are union members.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"privatemem","years":"1994-2016","short_desc":"Private sector union density","long_desc":"The number of members of union among private sector workers.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ever_enacted","years":"1994-2016","short_desc":"Ever enacted legislation to defeat public sector unions","long_desc":"If state legislatures have ever enacted policy copied either in whole or part from ALEC model bill language about public sector unions, and where ALEC’s advocacy was backed up by either SPN or AFP, to defeat public sector unions.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"enacted_clock","years":"1994-2016","short_desc":"Years before or after passage of ALEC-authored legislation.","long_desc":"This variable captures the years before or after the enactment of ALEC-authored legislation at the state-year level.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"policyinplace","years":"1994-2016","short_desc":"If a policy targeting public sector union's density or revenue in place","long_desc":"This variable captures whether a policy targeting public sector union's density or revenue is in place at the state-year level, with \"1\" indicating that such policies are in place, and \"0\" indicating otherwise.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"nearev_allwagesal","years":"2004-2014","short_desc":"National Education Association (NEA) revenue at the state-level","long_desc":"This variable captures public union revenue, and more specifically the state budgets of the National Education Association (NEA) at the state-year level.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"logrevenue","years":"2004-2015","short_desc":"Logged National Education Association (NEA) revenue","long_desc":"This variable captures the logged public union revenue, and more specifically the logged state budgets of the National Education Association (NEA) at the state-year level.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"public_unionmem_demeaned","years":"1996-2016","short_desc":"Public sector workers that are union members (demeaned) by states to ensure that the values are comparable across states.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"nearev_allwagesal_demeaned","years":"2004-2014","short_desc":"National Education Association (NEA) revenue at the state-level (demeaned)","long_desc":"This variable captures demeaned public union revenue, and more specifically the state budgets of the National Education Association (NEA) at the state-year level.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"public_unionmem4yearenacted","years":"1997-2016","short_desc":"Public union membership density for year of enactment of bill curbing their power","long_desc":"This variable captures public union membership density for the year in which the enactment of ALEC-authored legislation took place.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"nearev_allwagesal4yearenacted","years":"2006-2016","short_desc":"Public union revenue for year of enactment of bill curbing their power","long_desc":"This variable captures public union revenue for the year in which the enactment of ALEC-authored legislation took place.","sources":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander. \"Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement.\" Perspectives on Politics 16, no. 2 (2018): 364-379.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hertel2018policy,\n title={Policy feedback as political weapon: Conservative advocacy and the demobilization of the public sector labor movement},\n author={Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n volume={16},\n number={2},\n pages={364--379},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"inctaxrate","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Income tax rate","long_desc":"Top marginal tax rate applied to individual income in each state.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Tax Foundation","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"top10share","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Top decile income share","long_desc":"Percentage of pre-tax, pre-transfer income accrued by the top 10 percent of earners in each state in each year. Calculated using IRS data on AGI by tax unit.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Frank, Mark, Estelle Sommellier, Mark Price, and Emmanuel Saez. 2015. “Frank-SommellierPrice Series for Top Income Shares by US States since 1917.” https://econpapers.repec.org/\npaper/weltenote/201507.htm.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Frank, Mark, Estelle Sommellier, Mark Price, and Emmanuel Saez. 2015. “Frank-SommellierPrice Series for Top Income Shares by US States since 1917.” https://econpapers.repec.org/ paper/weltenote/201507.htm."} {"variable":"pretgini","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Pre-Transfer Gini","long_desc":"Gini coefficient using after-tax household incomes in each state, excluding income from public programs.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Kelly, Nathan J., and Christopher Witko. \"Federalism and American inequality.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 2 (2012): 414-426. ; Bucci, L. C. (2018). Organized labor's check on rising economic inequality in the US states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(2), 148-173.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Kelly, Nathan J., and Christopher Witko. \"Federalism and American inequality.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 2 (2012): 414-426.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{kelly2012federalism,\n title={Federalism and American inequality},\n author={Kelly, Nathan J and Witko, Christopher},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={2},\n pages={414--426},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Bucci, Laura C. \"Organized labor's check on rising economic inequality in the US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 2 (2018): 148-173.","bibtex_cite3":"@article{bucci2018organized,\n title={Organized labor's check on rising economic inequality in the US states},\n author={Bucci, Laura C},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={2},\n pages={148--173},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"posttgini","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Post-Transfer Gini","long_desc":"Gini coefficient using after-tax household incomes in each state, including income from public programs.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Kelly, Nathan J., and Christopher Witko. \"Federalism and American inequality.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 2 (2012): 414-426. ; Bucci, L. C. (2018). Organized labor's check on rising economic inequality in the US states. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 18(2), 148-173.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Kelly, Nathan J., and Christopher Witko. \"Federalism and American inequality.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 2 (2012): 414-426.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{kelly2012federalism,\n title={Federalism and American inequality},\n author={Kelly, Nathan J and Witko, Christopher},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={2},\n pages={414--426},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Bucci, Laura C. \"Organized labor's check on rising economic inequality in the US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 2 (2018): 148-173.","bibtex_cite3":"@article{bucci2018organized,\n title={Organized labor's check on rising economic inequality in the US states},\n author={Bucci, Laura C},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={2},\n pages={148--173},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"incentpc","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Per Capita Incentive Spending","long_desc":"Total spent on incentives to firms by state governments. Inflation-adjusted to 2014 dollars. Divided by the state’s population.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Good Jobs First (2015)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"incentpc1000","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Per Capita Incentive Spending in thousands","long_desc":"Total spent on incentives to firms by state governments. Measured in thousands of dollars. Inflation-adjusted to 2014 dollars. Divided by the state’s population.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Good Jobs First (2015)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"tot","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Total Incentive Spending","long_desc":"Total spent on incentives to firms by state governments.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Good Jobs First (2015)","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"unionpriv","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Union Membership","long_desc":"Percentage of the state population that belongs to a labor union in the private sector.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Hirsch, Barry T., and David A. Macpherson. \"Union membership and coverage database from the current population survey: Note.\" ILR Review 56, no. 2 (2003): 349-354.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Hirsch, Barry T., and David A. Macpherson. \"Union membership and coverage database from the current population survey: Note.\" ILR Review 56, no. 2 (2003): 349-354.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{hirsch2003union,\n title={Union membership and coverage database from the current population survey: Note},\n author={Hirsch, Barry T and Macpherson, David A},\n journal={ILR Review},\n volume={56},\n number={2},\n pages={349--354},\n year={2003},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"eld","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Elderly Population","long_desc":"Proportion of the population that is 65 years old or older","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; U.S. Census Bureau","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"welfpc1000","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Welfare Spending","long_desc":"Per capita direct payments to individuals\nthrough public welfare programs. Measured\nin thousands of dollars.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Urban Institute and\nU.S. Census Bureau","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"corptaxrate","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Corporate Tax Rate","long_desc":"Top marginal tax rate applied to corporate income in each state.","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488. ; Book of the States\nU.S. Census Bureau","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"eff","years":"1999-2014","short_desc":"Effect","long_desc":"A variable that measures the effect of incentive spending on post-transfer inequality for four states: Indiana, Ohio, Oregon, and Colorado","sources":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Jansa, Joshua M. \"Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2020): 462-488.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jansa2020chasing,\n title={Chasing disparity: Economic development incentives and income inequality in the US States},\n author={Jansa, Joshua M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={20},\n number={4},\n pages={462--488},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"vap","years":"1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008","short_desc":"Voting-age turnout","long_desc":"Voting-age turnout at the state-level.","sources":"Kim, Gidong. Forthcoming. “Labor union and voter turnout in the American States: Direct versus indirect mobilization.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. ; McDonald, Michael P. 2020. “November General Elections, 1980-2014.” United States\nElections Project.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kim, G. (2022). Labor Unions and Voter Turnout in the American States: Direct Versus Indirect Mobilization. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 1-20. doi:10.1017/spq.2021.33","bibtex_cite":"@article{kim_2022, title={Labor Unions and Voter Turnout in the American States: Direct Versus Indirect Mobilization}, DOI={10.1017/spq.2021.33}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Kim, Gidong}, year={2022}, pages={1–20}}","plaintext_cite2":"McDonald, Michael P. 2020. “November General Elections, 1980-2014.” United States Elections Project."} {"variable":"votreg","years":"1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008","short_desc":"Registration requirements","long_desc":"Voter registration requirements at the state level.","sources":"Kim, Gidong. Forthcoming. “Labor union and voter turnout in the American States: Direct versus indirect mobilization.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. ; Department of Commerce","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Kim, G. (2022). Labor Unions and Voter Turnout in the American States: Direct Versus Indirect Mobilization. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 1-20. doi:10.1017/spq.2021.33","bibtex_cite":"@article{kim_2022, title={Labor Unions and Voter Turnout in the American States: Direct Versus Indirect Mobilization}, DOI={10.1017/spq.2021.33}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Kim, Gidong}, year={2022}, pages={1–20}}","plaintext_cite2":"Department of Commerce"} {"variable":"medianage","years":"1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008","short_desc":"Median age of population","long_desc":"The median age of the population at the state level.","sources":"Kim, Gidong. Forthcoming. “Labor union and voter turnout in the American States: Direct versus indirect mobilization.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. ; Department of Commerce","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Kim, G. (2022). Labor Unions and Voter Turnout in the American States: Direct Versus Indirect Mobilization. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 1-20. doi:10.1017/spq.2021.33","bibtex_cite":"@article{kim_2022, title={Labor Unions and Voter Turnout in the American States: Direct Versus Indirect Mobilization}, DOI={10.1017/spq.2021.33}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Kim, Gidong}, year={2022}, pages={1–20}}","plaintext_cite2":"Department of Commerce"} {"variable":"resist","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a state commission litigated against FERC","long_desc":"1 if state-year commission initiated or intervened in litigation against FERC and 0 otherwise","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122. “FERC ELibrary.” Elibrary, n.d. https://elibrary.ferc.gov/eLibrary.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“FERC ELibrary.” Elibrary, n.d. https://elibrary.ferc.gov/eLibrary.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{elibrary, title={FERC eLibrary}, url={https://elibrary.ferc.gov/eLibrary}, journal={Elibrary}}"} {"variable":"southern","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a state was part of the Confederacy","long_desc":"1 if the state was a member of the Confederacy and 0 otherwise","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"conflictingPartisanship","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not the partisanship of a state commission is different than FERC","long_desc":"1 if the partisanship of the majority of a state-year commission is different than the partisanship of the majority of FERC and 0 otherwise","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122. “FERC ELibrary.” Elibrary, n.d. https://elibrary.ferc.gov/eLibrary. Research, n.d. https://ipu.msu.edu/research.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“FERC ELibrary.” Elibrary, n.d. https://elibrary.ferc.gov/eLibrary.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{elibrary, title={FERC eLibrary}, url={https://elibrary.ferc.gov/eLibrary}, journal={Elibrary}}","plaintext_cite3":"Research, n.d. https://ipu.msu.edu/research.","bibtex_cite3":"@misc{research, url={https://ipu.msu.edu/research}, journal={Research}}"} {"variable":"elected_commissioners","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a state elects its commissioners","long_desc":"1 is a state commission elects its commissioners and 0 otherwise","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"propgop","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Number of Republican commissions divided by total commissioners","long_desc":"Number of Republican commissions divided by total number of commissioners for each state-year multiplied by 100","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122. Research, n.d. https://ipu.msu.edu/research.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Research, n.d. https://ipu.msu.edu/research.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{research, url={https://ipu.msu.edu/research}, journal={Research}}"} {"variable":"order1000","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not the year is after FERC's promulgation of order 1000","long_desc":"1 if year is after FERC's promulgation of order 1000 and 0 otherwise","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"propgoppres","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Percentage of votes for Republican presidental candidate","long_desc":"Percentage of votes for Republican presidential candidate in most recent presidental election","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122. “American Presidency Document Categories.” American Presidency Document Categories | The American Presidency Project, n.d. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“American Presidency Document Categories.” American Presidency Document Categories | The American Presidency Project, n.d. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{american presidency document categories | the american presidency project, title={American Presidency Document categories}, url={https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents}, journal={American Presidency Document Categories | The American Presidency Project}}"} {"variable":"propgopleg","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Percentage of Republicans in state legislature","long_desc":"Percentage of Republicans in state legislature for each state-year","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122. “NCSL.” State partisan composition, n.d. https://www.ncsl.org/research/about-state-legislatures/partisan-composition.aspx.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“NCSL.” State partisan composition, n.d. https://www.ncsl.org/research/about-state-legislatures/partisan-composition.aspx.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{state partisan composition, title={NCSL}, url={https://www.ncsl.org/research/about-state-legislatures/partisan-composition.aspx}, journal={State partisan composition}}"} {"variable":"percentPopRural","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Percentage of population that is rural","long_desc":"Percentage of population that lives in rural area for each state-year","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"southern_slaveStates","years":"2010-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a state was slaveholding","long_desc":"1 if a state was slaveholding before that U.S. Civil War and 0 otherwise","sources":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Napolio, Nicholas G., and Jordan Carr Peterson. \"Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 101-122.","bibtex_cite":"@article{napolio2019their,\n title={Their Boot in Our Face No Longer? Administrative Sectionalism and Resistance to Federal Authority in the US South},\n author={Napolio, Nicholas G and Peterson, Jordan Carr},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={101--122},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"K12Ed","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Education spending","long_desc":"Total spending on K-12 Education in dollars","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"Welfare","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Welfare spending","long_desc":"Total spending on Medicaid & Welfare in dollars","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"Medical","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Public health spending","long_desc":"Total spending on Public Health & Hospitals in dollars","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"Miscellaneous","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Other spending","long_desc":"Total Other Spending in dollars","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"HigherEd","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Higher education spending","long_desc":"Total spending on Higher Education in dollars","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"NaturalResources","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Natural resources spending","long_desc":"Total spending on Natural Resources in dollars","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"PublicSafety","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Police and prison spending","long_desc":"Total spending on Police & Prisons in dollars","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"Highways","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Highway spending","long_desc":"Total spending on Highways in dollars","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"ACIR","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Budget stringency","long_desc":"Budget stringency index","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"pctunder19","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Population 18 or under","long_desc":"Proportion of population 18 years of age or less","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"pctover65","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Population 65 or over","long_desc":"Proportion of population 65 years of age or older","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"govadd","years":"1977-2009","short_desc":"Governor power","long_desc":"Index of Governor Power from Beyle","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"RealPctChBudgetPC","years":"1978-2009","short_desc":"Change in per capita state budget","long_desc":"Real change in per capita total state budget, as a fraction of last year’s budget","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"TEL","years":"1983-2009","short_desc":"Whether or not a state has a tax/expenditure limit","long_desc":"Dummy for any tax and expenditure limits","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"GovPowerKS","years":"1983-2009","short_desc":"Governor power","long_desc":"Alternative measure of governor powers from Krupnikov-Shipan","sources":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Adolph, C., Breunig, C., & Koski, C. (2020). The political economy of budget trade-offs. Journal of Public Policy, 40(1), 25-50. doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000326","bibtex_cite":"@article{adolph_breunig_koski_2020, title={The political economy of budget trade-offs}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1017/S0143814X18000326}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Public Policy}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Adolph, Christopher and Breunig, Christian and Koski, Chris}, year={2020}, pages={25–50}}"} {"variable":"lagDC","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Private prison capacity to house inmates under state jurisdiction","long_desc":"The capacity of private prisons that house inmates under the state’s jurisdiction each year","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"lagDCweighted","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Weighted private prison capacity to house inmates under state jurisdiction","long_desc":"Weighted capacity of private prisons that house inmates under the state’s jurisdiction each year","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"lagpropDC","years":"1986-2015","short_desc":"Lagged proportion of private prison inmates","long_desc":"The lagged proportion of private prison inmates in private-prisons at the state-level","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"logDC","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Logged number of private prison inmates","long_desc":"The logged number of private prison inmates at the state-level","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"propDC","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Proportion of private prison inmates","long_desc":"The proportion of private prison inmates at the state-level","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"sumfacilities","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Number of private prison facilities","long_desc":"The number of private prison facilities at the state-level","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"sumfacilitiesonecustomer","years":"1987-2016","short_desc":"Sum of private prison facilities with one customer","long_desc":"The sum of all private prison facilities that have one customer","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"sumfacilitiesmorethanonecustomer","years":"1987-2016","short_desc":"Sum of private prison facilities that have more than one customer","long_desc":"The sum of all private prison facilities that have more than one customer","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"private.pop","years":"1990-2015","short_desc":"Private prison population","long_desc":"The population rate within private prisons under the jurisdiction of states.","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"designcapacity2","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Private prison capacity","long_desc":"The capacity of private prisons that house inmates under the state’s jurisdiction each year.","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"sumlawsuitsall","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Number of private prisoner lawsuits","long_desc":"The number of all lawsuits by inmates in private prisons under state jurisdiction","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"budget.gapPC","years":"1987-2015","short_desc":"Budget gap per capita","long_desc":"The per capita difference between revenue and expenditures in any given state-year","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"unionized","years":"1987-2015","short_desc":"Unionized correction officers","long_desc":"The number of unionized correction officers at the state-level","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"incar.rate.y","years":"1987-2015","short_desc":"Incarceration rates at state-level","long_desc":"The incarceration rates of prisoners at the state-level","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"violcrimerate","years":"1987-2015","short_desc":"Violent crime rate","long_desc":"The number of violent crimes per 100,000 population","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18. ; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"sumcontributions","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Sum of campaign contributions from private prison industry","long_desc":"The sum of campaign contributions given to candidates running for state office from the private prison industry.","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"percovercrowded","years":"1986-2011, 2013-2016","short_desc":"Percent of overcrowded state prisons","long_desc":"The percent of state prisons that are overcrowded","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"deathsincustody","years":"1986-2015","short_desc":"Inmate deaths in custody","long_desc":"The sum of inmate deaths in custody at the state-level","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"public.mem","years":"1987-2015","short_desc":"State public union membership","long_desc":"The number of unionized members of the public sector at the state-level","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"WeightperJudgeServing","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Weight per judge serving","long_desc":"The weighted number of cases both active and senior judges hear in each state-year","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"WeightperActiveJudgeServing","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Weight per active judge serving","long_desc":"The weighted number of cases active judges hear in each state-year","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"sumlawsuitssmall","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Sum of small lawsuits","long_desc":"The sum of all small lawsuits filed by private prison inmates","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"sumlawsuitsbig","years":"1986-2016","short_desc":"Sum of big lawsuits","long_desc":"The sum of all big lawsuits filed by private prison inmates","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation.\" Perspectives on Politics (2019): 1-18.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2019states,\n title={Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Perspectives on Politics},\n pages={1--18},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"vehicleemissions","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Vehicle Emissions Standards","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of policy enactments relating to vehicle emission standards at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"advisoryboard","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Climate advisory boards","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of policy enactments relating to climate advisory boards at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ghgtargets","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Greenhouse Gas Targets","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of policy enactments relating to greenhouse gas targets at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"advancedcoaltechnology","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Advanced coal technology","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of policy enactments relating to advanced coal technology at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"climateactionplan","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Climate action plans","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of policy enactments relating to climate action plans at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304. ; Wheeler, Stephen M. \"State and municipal climate change plans: the first generation.\" Journal of the American planning association 74, no. 4 (2008): 481-496.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Wheeler, Stephen M. \"State and municipal climate change plans: the first generation.\" Journal of the American planning association 74, no. 4 (2008): 481-496.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{wheeler2008state,\n title={State and municipal climate change plans: the first generation},\n author={Wheeler, Stephen M},\n journal={Journal of the American planning association},\n volume={74},\n number={4},\n pages={481--496},\n year={2008},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"regionalinitiatives","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Regional climate initiatives","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of policy enactments relating to regional climate initiatives at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"greenbuildingstandards","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Green building standards","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of policy enactments relating to green building standards at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"adaptationplan_climchng","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Adaptation plans","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of policy enactments relating to adaptation plans at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"total_enact_climchng","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Total policy enactments","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of policy enactments at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"level_enact_climchng","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Level of policy enactments","long_desc":"This variable captures the level of policy enactments at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"change_enact_climchng","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Level of climate change enactments","long_desc":"This variable captures the number of climate change policy enactments at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"manufacturing","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Manufacturing as a proportion of GSP\n","long_desc":"This variable captures manufacturing as a proportion of GSP at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"mining","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Mining as a proportion of GSP","long_desc":"This variable captures mining as a proportion of GSP at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"acidrain","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Google Trends search of acid rain","long_desc":"This variable captures Google Trends searches of acid rain the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"climatechange","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Google Trends search of climate change","long_desc":"This variable captures Google Trends searches of climate change the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"globalwarming","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Google Trends search of global warming","long_desc":"This variable captures Google Trends searches of global warming the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"pollution","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Google Trends search of pollution","long_desc":"This variable captures Google Trends searches of pollution the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"internet","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"States level of Internet access","long_desc":"This variable captures states' level of Internet access at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"diffusion_climchng","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Policy diffusion","long_desc":"This variable captures policy diffusion at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"sierraclub","years":"2004-2010","short_desc":"Sierra Club membership","long_desc":"This variable captures Sierra Club membership at the state-year level","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Poe, J. (2020). The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change. Journal of Public Policy, 40(2), 280-304.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2020importance,\n title={The importance of salience: public opinion and state policy action on climate change},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Poe, John},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={40},\n number={2},\n pages={280--304},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc2fundedDem","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Share of Democrat candidates funded by teacher's unions","long_desc":"Share of candidates funded by teachers unions that are Democrats this and the previous year. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc2fundedDem_i","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Share of Democrat candidates funded by teacher's unions (I included)","long_desc":"Share of candidates funded by teachers unions that are Democrats this and the previous year, including nonpartisan candidates and independent spending.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc2amtDem","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Share of campaign contribution dollars to Democrats (2 yrs)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from teachers unions that went to Democrats this and the previous year, not including nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc4amtDem","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Share of campaign contribution dollars to Democrats (4 yrs)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from teachers unions that went to Democrats this and the previous three years, not including nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc4amtDem_i","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Share of campaign contribution dollars to Democrats (4 yrs, I included)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from teachers unions that went to Democrats this and the previous three years, including nonpartisan candidates and independent spending.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc4amtDem_NP","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Share of campaign contribution dollars to Democrats (4 yrs, I, NP included)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from teachers unions that went to Democrats this and the previous three years, including nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc2allfunded","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all candidates for state offices funded by teachers unions","long_desc":"Proportion of all candidates for state offices funded by teachers unions this and the previous year. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc2allfunded_i","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all candidates for state offices funded by teachers unions (I included)","long_desc":"Proportion of all candidates for state offices funded by teachers unions this and the previous year. Includes nonpartisan candidates and independent spending.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc2allamt","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars to candidates for state offices coming from teachers unions (2 yrs)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars to candidates for state offices coming from teachers unions this and the previous year. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc4allamt","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars to candidates for state offices coming from teachers unions (4yrs)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars to candidates for state offices coming from teachers unions this and the previous three years. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc4ed","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from teachers unions","long_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from teachers unions this and the previous three years. Does not include nonpartisan candidates. ìEducation group refers to teachers unions and reform groups combined.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc4ed_i","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from teachers unions (I included)","long_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from teachers unions this and the previous three years. Includes nonpartisan candidates and independent spending. ìEducation group refers to teachers unions and reform groups combined","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"TUperc4ed_NP","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from teachers unions (I, NP included)","long_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from teachers unions this and the previous three years. Includes nonpartisan candidates. ìEducation group refers to teachers unions and reform groups combined.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc2fundedRep","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Share of candidates funded by reform groups that are Republicans","long_desc":"Share of candidates funded by reform groups that are Republicans this and the previous year. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc2fundedRep_i","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Share of candidates funded by reform groups that are Republicans (I included)","long_desc":"Share of candidates funded by reform groups that are Republicans this and the previous year. Includes nonpartisan candidates and independent spending.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc2amtRep","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from reform groups that went to Republicans (2 yrs)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from reform groups that went to Republicans this and the previous year, not including nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc4amtRep","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from reform groups that went to Republicans (4 yrs)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from reform groups that went to Republicans this and the previous three years, not including nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc4amtRep_i","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from reform groups that went to Republicans (4 yrs, I included)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from reform groups that went to Republicans this and the previous three years, including nonpartisan candidates and independent spending.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc4amtRep_NP","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from reform groups that went to Republicans (4 yrs, I, NP included)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars from reform groups that went to Republicans this and the previous three years, including nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc2allfunded","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all candidates for state offices funded by reform groups","long_desc":"Proportion of all candidates for state offices funded by reform groups this and the previous year. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc2allfunded_i","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all candidates for state offices funded by reform groups (I included)","long_desc":"Proportion of all candidates for state offices funded by reform groups this and the previous year. Includes nonpartisan candidates and independent spending.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc2allamt","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars to candidates for state offices coming from reform groups (2 yrs)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars to candidates for state offices coming from reform groups this and the previous year. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc4allamt","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars to candidates for state offices coming from reform groups (4 yrs)","long_desc":"Proportion of all campaign contribution dollars to candidates for state offices coming from reform groups this and the previous three years. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc4ed","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from reform groups","long_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from reform groups this and the previous three years. Does not include nonpartisan candidates. ìEducation group refers to teachers unions and reform groups combined.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc4ed_i","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from reform groups (I included)","long_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from reform groups this and the previous three years. Includes nonpartisan candidates and independent spending. ìEducation group refers to teachers unions and reform groups combined.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"refperc4ed_NP","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from reform groups (I, NP included)","long_desc":"Proportion of education group campaign contribution dollars coming from reform groups this and the previous three years. Includes nonpartisan candidates. ìEducation group refers to teachers unions and reform groups combined.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"polarizationfunded2yr","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Policy coalition polarization","long_desc":"Policy coalition polarization. Absolute value of the difference in the proportion of reform group donations and of teachers union donations that go to Republicans. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"polarizationfunded2yr_i","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Policy coalition polarization (I included)","long_desc":"Policy coalition polarization. Absolute value of the difference in the proportion of reform group donations and of teachers union donations that go to Republicans. Includes this and the previous year. Includes nonpartisan candidates and independent spending.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"polarizationamt2yr","years":"2001-2017","short_desc":"Policy coalition polarization (dollars)","long_desc":"Policy coalition polarization. Absolute value of the difference in the share of reform group donation dollars and of teachers union donation dollars that go to Republicans. Does not include nonpartisan candidates.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ch_pfundedref2","years":"2001-2015","short_desc":"Change in reform group support for Republicans (2 yrs)","long_desc":"Change in reform group support for Republicans over two years. Specifically, the share of reform group-funded candidates that are Republicans currently and last year (refperc2allfunded) ñ the share of candidates funded by reformers that are Republicans two and three years ago (refperc2allfunded lagged two years)","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ch_pfundedTU2","years":"2001-2015","short_desc":"Change in teachers union support for Democrats (2 yrs)","long_desc":"Change in teachers union support for Democrats over two years. Specifically, share of teachers union-funded candidates that are Democrats currently and last year (TUperc2allfunded) ñ the share of teachers union-funded candidates that are by teachers unions that are Democrats two and three years ago (TUperc2allfunded lagged two years)","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"charterlaw","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not charter schools are allowed","long_desc":"1 = State has a law allowing charter schools to operate in the state. 0 = State does not have such a law.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"charterever","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not charter schools have ever been allowed","long_desc":"1= State has ever had a charter law (counting all years up to 2015), 0= State has never had a charter law (counting all years up to 2015)","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"charterbefore","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not charter schools were allowed before 1999","long_desc":"1= State had a charter law prior to 1999, 0= State did not","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"firstcharter","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a first charter law was passed between 1999 and 2015","long_desc":"1 = First charter law during the period from 1999 to 2015 passed this year, 0 = First such law of the time period not passed this year.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"charterduringperiod","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not any charter law was passed between 1999 and 2015","long_desc":"1= State passed a charter law between 1999 and 2015, 0= State did not pass a charter law in this period","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"choice","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not private school choice is available","long_desc":"1 = State has any type of private school choice, meaning any program that provides public funding for children to attend private school, including vouchers, tax credits, tax deductions, and education savings accounts. 0 = State does not have such a program.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"choiceever","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not private school choice was ever available","long_desc":"1= State has ever had private school choice (counting all years up to 2015), 0= State has never had private school choice (counting all years up to 2015)","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"choicebefore","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not private school choice was available before 1999","long_desc":"1= State had private school choice prior to 1999, 0= State did not have private school choice prior to 1999.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"firstchoice","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a first private school choice law was passed between 1999 and 2015","long_desc":"1 = First private school choice law during the period from 1999 to 2015 passed this year, 0 = First such law of the time period not passed this year.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"choiceduringperiod","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a private school choice law was passed between 1999 and 2015","long_desc":"1= State passed a private school choice law between 1999 and 2015, 0= State did not pass a private school choice law during this time period.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"numchoicelag","years":"2002-2017","short_desc":"Number of private school choice programs","long_desc":"Ordinal variable for the number of private school choice programs in place. 0 = none, 1 = 1 program, 2 = 2 programs, 3 = 3 or more programs.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"retrench","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a retrenchment law was in effect","long_desc":"1 = State has a law restricting teachers labor rights. Includes laws restricting collective bargaining, establishing right-to-work, and prohibiting automatic dues deductions from paychecks or for PAC contributions passed from 1999-2015. 0 = State does not have such a law.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"firstretrench","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a retrenchment law was first passed between 1999 and 2015","long_desc":"1 = First retrenchment law during the period from 1999 to 2015 passed this year, 0 = First such law of the time period not passed this year.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"retrenchduringperiod","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a retrenchment law was passed between 1999 and 2015","long_desc":"1= State passed labor retrenchment between 1999 and 2015, 0= State did not pass labor retrenchment during this period","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"repcont","years":"2000-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not Republicans control both chambers of legislature","long_desc":"1 = Republicans control both chambers of state legislature, 0 = Republicans do not control both chambers.","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"nearate","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"NEA membership","long_desc":"Ratio of members of the National Education Association to all public school teachers during the current year. Data collected by Mike Antonucci and updated by Michael Hartney","sources":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Finger, Leslie K., and Sarah Reckhow. \"Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly(2021): 1-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{finger2021policy,\n title={Policy Feedback and the Polarization of Interest Groups},\n author={Finger, Leslie K and Reckhow, Sarah},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--26},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ss_marriage","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Level of same-sex recognition","long_desc":"0 = no recognition of same-sex relationships 1= civil union or marriage bill initiated 2 = civil unions enacted 3 = marriage enacted through judiciary 4 = marriage enacted by state legislature","sources":"Beer, Caroline, and Victor D. Cruz-Aceves. \"Extending rights to marginalized minorities: Same-sex relationship recognition in Mexico and the United States.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly18, no. 1 (2018): 3-26.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Beer, Caroline, and Victor D. Cruz-Aceves. \"Extending rights to marginalized minorities: Same-sex relationship recognition in Mexico and the United States.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly18, no. 1 (2018): 3-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{beer2018extending,\n title={Extending rights to marginalized minorities: Same-sex relationship recognition in Mexico and the United States},\n author={Beer, Caroline and Cruz-Aceves, Victor D},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={1},\n pages={3--26},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"LGBT_orgs","years":"2000-2014","short_desc":"Number of ILGA member organizations","long_desc":"Number of ILGA member organizations in each state","sources":"Beer, Caroline, and Victor D. Cruz-Aceves. \"Extending rights to marginalized minorities: Same-sex relationship recognition in Mexico and the United States.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly18, no. 1 (2018): 3-26.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Beer, Caroline, and Victor D. Cruz-Aceves. \"Extending rights to marginalized minorities: Same-sex relationship recognition in Mexico and the United States.\"State Politics & Policy Quarterly18, no. 1 (2018): 3-26.","bibtex_cite":"@article{beer2018extending,\n title={Extending rights to marginalized minorities: Same-sex relationship recognition in Mexico and the United States},\n author={Beer, Caroline and Cruz-Aceves, Victor D},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={1},\n pages={3--26},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"passed","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Total number of legislative enactments during observed year","long_desc":"Total number of enactments approved by legislature during year of observation.","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"days","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Total number of days legislature in session during recorded year","long_desc":"Total number of days legislature was in session during year of observation.","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"legislators","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Total number of seats in all legislative houses","long_desc":"Total number of legislative seats within assembly (including both houses and senates, or single chamber for Nebraska).","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"lawage","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Number of years since state first required lobbyists to register","long_desc":"Number of years (from years observation) since state first required lobbyists to register via either statute or legislative chamber rule.","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"revised","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Dichotomous indicator {0,1} for whether or not a state's first lobby law is in effect, \"0\" indicates yes.","long_desc":"A dichotomous indicator {0, 1} for whether a state’s first lobby law was in effect for the year of the observation. “0” indicates that the first lobby law was in effect (i.e., had not been replaced by a new law).","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"genspendingbil","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Total general spending within state, in billions of dollars","long_desc":"Total general spending (gen_spending) within the state measured in billions of dollars (i.e., divided by 1,000,000).","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"legisspendmil","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Total spending on legislature, in millions of dollars","long_desc":"Total spending on the legislature measured in millions of real U.S. dollars (legisspending divided by 1,000,000). This includes staff and legislator salaries, and capital improvements.","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"totspendingbil","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Total spending within state, in billions of dollars","long_desc":"Total spending (tot_spending) within the state measured in billions of dollars (i.e., divided by 1,000,000).","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"genspendingbilpc","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Spending in billons per million residents","long_desc":"Total general spending in billions of dollars (genspendingbil) divided by resident population in millions (popmil). In other words, this is spending in billions per million state residents.","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"groupspc","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Groups per million state residents","long_desc":"Total interest groups (groups) divided by resident population in millions (popmil). In other words, this is groups per million state residents.","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"legisspendmilpc","years":"1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1959-1963, 1968-1973, 1977, 1979-1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1997-2000, 2002, 2009, 2010","short_desc":"Legislative spending in millions per legislator","long_desc":"Total spending on the legislature measured in millions of real U.S. dollars (legisspendmil) divided by number of legislators (legislators). In other words, this is legislative spending (in millions) per legislator.","sources":"Strickland, James M. Forthcoming. “A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Governmeny Growth and Interest Populations.” Political Research Quarterly.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M. \"A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations.\" Political Research Quarterly (2020): 1065912920975490.","bibtex_cite":"‘@article{strickland2020quiet,\n title={A Quiet Revolution in State Lobbying: Government Growth and Interest Populations},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={1065912920975490},\n year={2020},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"bowen","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Funding for legislative staff resources","long_desc":"Measure of funding for legislative staff resources, in thousands of dollars,","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374. ; Bowen, Daniel C., and Zachary Greene. \"Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14, no. 3 (2014): 277-296.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Bowen, Daniel C., and Zachary Greene. \"Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14, no. 3 (2014): 277-296.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{bowen2014should,\n title={Should we measure professionalism with an index? A note on theory and practice in state legislative professionalism research},\n author={Bowen, Daniel C and Greene, Zachary},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={14},\n number={3},\n pages={277--296},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ncslstaff","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Permanent legislative staff persons","long_desc":"Sheer number of permanent legislative staff persons, as provided by the National Conference of State Legislatures (2016).","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374. ; National Conference of State Legislatures. 2016. “Size of State Legislative Staff.” NCSL.org.\n National Conference of State Legislatures. http://www.ncsl.org/research/about-state-\n legislatures/staff-change-chart-1979-1988-1996-2003-2009.aspx, accessed December 11,\n 2017","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"National Conference of State Legislatures. 2016. “Size of State Legislative Staff.” NCSL.org. National Conference of State Legislatures. http://www.ncsl.org/research/about-state- legislatures/staff-change-chart-1979-1988-1996-2003-2009.aspx, accessed December 11, 2017"} {"variable":"firmreport","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Whether a state allowed lobbyists to register as members of firms","long_desc":"A dichotomous indicator for whether a state allowed lobbyists to register as members of firms in the given year. If a state allowed lobbyists to register as members of firms, then the state was coded “1.” If not, then the state was coded “0.”","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"noexpire","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Whether registered lobbyist-client dyads did not expire during each legislative session","long_desc":"a dichotomous indicator for whether registered lobbyist-client dyads did not expire during each legislative session in a given year (hence, there would be additional dyads within the list from previous years, which might not represent active lobbyists). If registrations did not expire every session within a state, then the state was coded “1.” If not, then the state was coded “0.”","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"dyads","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Lobbyist-client dyads registered in state","long_desc":"Total unique lobbyist-client dyads or pairings registered in state and year","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"lobbyists","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Lobbyists registered in state","long_desc":"Total unique lobbyists registered in state and year","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"clients","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Total unique clients in state","long_desc":"Total unique clients or interest groups with registered lobbyists in state and year","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"definitions","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Total number of lobbyist registration criteria","long_desc":"Total number of lobbyist registration criteria based on scale of Newmark (2005)","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374. ; Newmark, A. J. (2005). Measuring state legislative lobbying regulation, 1990–2003. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 5(2), 182-191.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Newmark, A. J. (2005). Measuring state legislative lobbying regulation, 1990–2003. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 5(2), 182-191.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{newmark2005measuring,\n title={Measuring state legislative lobbying regulation, 1990--2003},\n author={Newmark, Adam J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={5},\n number={2},\n pages={182--191},\n year={2005},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"prohibitions","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"total number of ethics laws and campaign finance restrictions","long_desc":"total number of ethics laws and campaign finance restrictions based on scale of Newmark (2005)","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374. ; Newmark, A. J. (2005). Measuring state legislative lobbying regulation, 1990–2003. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 5(2), 182-191.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Newmark, A. J. (2005). Measuring state legislative lobbying regulation, 1990–2003. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 5(2), 182-191.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{newmark2005measuring,\n title={Measuring state legislative lobbying regulation, 1990--2003},\n author={Newmark, Adam J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={5},\n number={2},\n pages={182--191},\n year={2005},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"reports","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Reporting requirements for registered lobbyists","long_desc":"Scale of reporting requirements for registered lobbyists based on Newmark (2005)","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Newmark, A. J. (2005). Measuring state legislative lobbying regulation, 1990–2003. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 5(2), 182-191.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{newmark2005measuring,\n title={Measuring state legislative lobbying regulation, 1990--2003},\n author={Newmark, Adam J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={5},\n number={2},\n pages={182--191},\n year={2005},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"initiativestate","years":"1986-2013","short_desc":"Whether a state allowed for direct democracy techniques","long_desc":"A dichotomous indicator for whether a state allowed for direct democracy techniques, including if constitutional amendments may be initiated by citizens. If a state allowed direct democracy, it was scored “1.” If not, then it was scored “0.”","sources":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"billsproposed","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Voter ID bills proposed","long_desc":"Number of voter ID bills proposed","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"photo","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Whether or not a photo ID is required to vote","long_desc":"1 if a photo ID is required to vote, 0 if not","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"id_req","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Whether or not a any ID is required to vote","long_desc":"1 if a any ID is required to vote, 0 if not","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"battleground","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Whether or not a state is a battleground state","long_desc":"1 if a state is a battleground state, 0 if not","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"vep_pres","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Voter turnout","long_desc":"Voter turnout in the last presidential election","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"pct_nonwhite_registrants","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Percent nonwhite registrants","long_desc":"Percentage of voter registrants that are nonwhite","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"nonwhite_mcent","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Percent nonwhite registrants","long_desc":"Percentage of voter registrants that are nonwhite (grand mean centered)","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"nonwhite_absgrowth","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Percent growth in nonwhite registrants","long_desc":"Percentage growth in voter registrants that are nonwhite","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"nonwhite_growth_mcent","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Percent growth in nonwhite registrants","long_desc":"Percentage growth in voter registrants that are nonwhite (grand mean centered)","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"south","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Whether or not a state was Confederate","long_desc":"1 if a state was a member of the Confederacy, 0 if not","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"diff_any_id","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Neighbors with any voter ID requirements","long_desc":"Proportion of neighboring states with any voter ID requirements","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"diff_anyid_mcent","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Neighbors with any voter ID requirements","long_desc":"Proportion of neighboring states with any voter ID requirements (grand mean centered)","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"diff_photo_id","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Neighbors with photo voter ID requirements","long_desc":"Proportion of neighboring states with photo voter ID requirements","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"diff_photoid_mcent","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Neighbors with photo voter ID requirements","long_desc":"Proportion of neighboring states with photo voter ID requirements (grand mean centered)","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"voterfraud","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Voter fraud cases","long_desc":"Number of voter fraud cases","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"voterfraud_mcent","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Voter fraud cases","long_desc":"Number of voter fraud cases (grand mean centered)","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"hava","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"HAVA","long_desc":"1 if a state adheres to HAVA optional guidelines, 0 if not","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"biennial","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Whether or not a state has biennial legislate sessions","long_desc":"1 if a state has biennial legislative sessions, 0 if not","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"scaleid2","years":"2001-2012","short_desc":"Whether or not a voter ID law is in effect","long_desc":"1 if a voter ID law is in effect, 0 if not","sources":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. \"A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states.\" Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 18-33.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2015principle,\n title={A principle or a strategy? Voter identification laws and partisan competition in the American states},\n author={Hicks, William D and McKee, Seth C and Sellers, Mitchell D and Smith, Daniel A},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n volume={68},\n number={1},\n pages={18--33},\n year={2015},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"exon","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Total number of exonerations","long_desc":"A count variable that captures the total number of exonerations.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20. ; National Registry of Exonerations (N.d.)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"National Registry of Exonerations (N.d.) available at: https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/browse.aspx."} {"variable":"DNAexon","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Total number of exonerations via new DNA","long_desc":"A count variable that captures the total number of exonerations via new DNA.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20. ; National Registry of Exonerations (N.d.)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"National Registry of Exonerations (N.d.) available at: https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/browse.aspx."} {"variable":"deathexon","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Total number of exonerations in death penalty cases","long_desc":"A count variable that captures the total number of exonerations in death penalty cases.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20. ; National Registry of Exonerations (N.d.)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"National Registry of Exonerations (N.d.) available at: https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/browse.aspx."} {"variable":"eyewitness_t","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Eyewitness procedures are in-line with best practices","long_desc":"A binary indicator that captures whether eyewitness procedures are in-line with best practices.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20. ; Innocence Project (n.d.)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"The Innocence Project (N.d.) available at: https://www.innocenceproject.org/policy/"} {"variable":"interrogation_t","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Mandatory recording of criminal investigations","long_desc":"A binary indicator that captures whether mandatory recording of criminal investigations.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20. ; Innocence Project (n.d.)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"The Innocence Project (N.d.) available at: https://www.innocenceproject.org/policy/"} {"variable":"DNA_t","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Convicted persons are entitled to post-conviction DNA testing","long_desc":"A binary indicator that captures whether convicted persons are entitled to post-conviction DNA testing.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20. ; Innocence Project (n.d.)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"The Innocence Project (N.d.) available at: https://www.innocenceproject.org/policy/"} {"variable":"preservation_t","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Biological evidence, like DNA, must be preserved","long_desc":"A binary indicator that captures whether biological evidence, like DNA, must be preserved.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20. ; Innocence Project (n.d.)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"The Innocence Project (N.d.) available at: https://www.innocenceproject.org/policy/"} {"variable":"compensation_t","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Exonerees are entitled to compensation and reentry services","long_desc":"A binary indicator that captures whether exonerees are entitled to compensation and reentry services.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20. ; Innocence Project (n.d.)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"The Innocence Project (N.d.) available at: https://www.innocenceproject.org/policy/"} {"variable":"org_present_alt","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Number of innocence groups","long_desc":"A count variable that captures the total number of innocence groups.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"med_hhinc_int","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Median Household Income in 2016 dollars","long_desc":"The median level of household income calculated using 2016 Dollars.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20. ; U.S. Census","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"WC_reforms","years":"1989-2018","short_desc":"Number of wrongful conviction reform","long_desc":"A count variable that captures the total number of wrongful conviction reforms.","sources":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hicks, William D., Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. \"The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly (2021): 1-20.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hicks2021politics,\n title={The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation},\n author={Hicks, William D and Mullinix, Kevin J and Norris, Robert J},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--20},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"cath_adherents_prop","years":"1970-2014","short_desc":"Proportion of Catholics","long_desc":"The proportion of Catholics in a given state/year","sources":"Kastellec, Jonathan P. \"How courts structure state-level representation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 1 (2018): 27-60. ; Johnson, D. W., P. Picard, and Bernard Quinn. 1974. Churches and Church\nMembership in the United States. Washington, DC: Glenmary Research Center.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Kastellec, Jonathan P. \"How courts structure state-level representation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 1 (2018): 27-60.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kastellec2018courts,\n title={How courts structure state-level representation},\n author={Kastellec, Jonathan P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={1},\n pages={27--60},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Johnson, D. W., P. Picard, and Bernard Quinn. 1974. Churches and Church Membership in the United States. Washington, DC: Glenmary Research Center."} {"variable":"number_cath_adherents","years":"1970-2014","short_desc":"Number of Catholics","long_desc":"The number of Catholics in a given state/year","sources":"Kastellec, Jonathan P. \"How courts structure state-level representation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 1 (2018): 27-60. ; Johnson, D. W., P. Picard, and Bernard Quinn. 1974. Churches and Church\nMembership in the United States. Washington, DC: Glenmary Research Center.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Kastellec, Jonathan P. \"How courts structure state-level representation.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 1 (2018): 27-60.","bibtex_cite":"@article{kastellec2018courts,\n title={How courts structure state-level representation},\n author={Kastellec, Jonathan P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={1},\n pages={27--60},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Johnson, D. W., P. Picard, and Bernard Quinn. 1974. Churches and Church Membership in the United States. Washington, DC: Glenmary Research Center."} {"variable":"lib","years":"1978-2010","short_desc":"Dynamic measure of state opinion on ideology","long_desc":"This is a dynamic measure of public opinion on ideology at the state-year level using MRP techniques.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2014measuring,\n title={Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={42},\n number={6},\n pages={986--1009},\n year={2014},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"dem_p","years":"1978-2010","short_desc":"Dynamic measure of state opinion on partisanship","long_desc":"This is a dynamic measure of public opinion on partisanship at the state-year level using MRP techniques.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2014measuring,\n title={Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={42},\n number={6},\n pages={986--1009},\n year={2014},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"educfinal","years":"1975-2000","short_desc":"Dynamic measure of state opinion on education spending","long_desc":"This is a dynamic measure of public opinion on education spending at the state-year level using MRP techniques.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2014measuring,\n title={Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={42},\n number={6},\n pages={986--1009},\n year={2014},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"welfinal","years":"1974-2000","short_desc":"Dynamic measure of state opinion on welfare spending","long_desc":"This is a dynamic measure of public opinion on welfare spending at the state-year level using MRP techniques.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","category":"welfare","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2014measuring,\n title={Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={42},\n number={6},\n pages={986--1009},\n year={2014},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"abortfinal","years":"1980-1998","short_desc":"Dynamic measure of state opinion on abortion","long_desc":"This is a dynamic measure of public opinion on abortion at the state-year level using MRP techniques.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","category":"rights","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2014measuring,\n title={Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={42},\n number={6},\n pages={986--1009},\n year={2014},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"deathfinal","years":"1966-2002","short_desc":"Dynamic measure of state opinion on the death penalty","long_desc":"This is a dynamic measure of public opinion on the death penalty at the state-year level using MRP techniques.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2014measuring,\n title={Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={42},\n number={6},\n pages={986--1009},\n year={2014},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"approvefinal","years":"1978-2011","short_desc":"Dynamic measure of state opinion on presidential approval","long_desc":"This is a dynamic measure of public opinion on presidential approval at the state-year level using MRP techniques.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2014measuring,\n title={Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={42},\n number={6},\n pages={986--1009},\n year={2014},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"sentimentfinal","years":"1986-2011","short_desc":"Dynamic measure of state opinion on consumer sentiment","long_desc":"This is a dynamic measure of public opinion on consumer sentiment at the state-year level using MRP techniques.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues.\" American Politics Research 42, no. 6 (2014): 986-1009.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2014measuring,\n title={Measuring and evaluating changes in state opinion across eight issues},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={American Politics Research},\n volume={42},\n number={6},\n pages={986--1009},\n year={2014},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"acres_harvested","years":"1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017","short_desc":"Number of cropland acres harvested","long_desc":"Number of cropland acres harvested. Cropland includes areas used for the production of adapted crops for harvest.","sources":"USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. (2017). NASS - Quick Stats. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/nass-quick-stats. Accessed 2022-02-20.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. (2017). NASS - Quick Stats. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/nass-quick-stats. Accessed 2022-02-20.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{usda2017nass,\n title = {USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service},\n year = {2017},\n howpublished = {\\url{https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/nass-quick-stats}},\n note = {Accessed: 2022-02-20}\n}"} {"variable":"bee_colonies","years":"1987-2020","short_desc":"Number of bee colonies","long_desc":"Number of bee colonies","sources":"USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. (2017). NASS - Quick Stats. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/nass-quick-stats. Accessed 2022-02-20.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. (2017). NASS - Quick Stats. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/nass-quick-stats. Accessed 2022-02-20.","bibtex_cite":"@misc{usda2017nass,\n title = {USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service},\n year = {2017},\n howpublished = {\\url{https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/nass-quick-stats}},\n note = {Accessed: 2022-02-20}\n}"} {"variable":"z_sierra2012","years":"2011-2015","short_desc":"Standardized ratio of Sierra Club Members","long_desc":"Standardized ratio of Sierra Club members by population at the state level.","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2019hot,\n title={Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Holman, Mirya and Sandoval, Andres},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={375--395},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"z_elazar","years":"2011-2015","short_desc":"State culture store by states by Elazar","long_desc":"Standardizes state culture score by state as measured by Elazar (1966)","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395. ; Elazar, Daniel J. 1966. American Federalism: A View from the States. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395. ; Elazar, Daniel J. 1966. American Federalism: A View from the States. New York:\nThomas Y. Crowell Company.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2019hot,\n title={Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Holman, Mirya and Sandoval, Andres},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={375--395},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Elazar, Daniel J. 1966. American Federalism: A View from the States. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company.","bibtex_cite2":"@book{elazar1966american,\n title={American Federalism: A View from the States},\n author={Elazar, Daniel},\n year={1966},\n publisher={Thomas Y. Crowell Company}\n}"} {"variable":"z_state_policies2010","years":"2011-2015","short_desc":"Standardized count of climate-related policies before 2010","long_desc":"This variable is the standarized count of climate related policies before 2010 at the state-level.","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395. ; Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2019hot,\n title={Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Holman, Mirya and Sandoval, Andres},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={375--395},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{bergquist2019does,\n title={Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?},\n author={Bergquist, Parrish and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={81},\n number={2},\n pages={686--691},\n year={2019},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"z_pdsi","years":"2011-2015","short_desc":"Annual average of Drought Severity Index","long_desc":"This variable is the standardized annual average of Drought Severity Index by state as reported by Berquist and Warshaw (2018)","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395. ; Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2019hot,\n title={Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Holman, Mirya and Sandoval, Andres},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={375--395},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{bergquist2019does,\n title={Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?},\n author={Bergquist, Parrish and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={81},\n number={2},\n pages={686--691},\n year={2019},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"z_pcp","years":"2011-2015","short_desc":"Standardized reduction from median annual precipitation","long_desc":"This variable is the standardized reduction from median annual precipitation by state as reported by Berquist and Warshaw (2018)","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395. ; Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2019hot,\n title={Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Holman, Mirya and Sandoval, Andres},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={375--395},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{bergquist2019does,\n title={Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?},\n author={Bergquist, Parrish and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={81},\n number={2},\n pages={686--691},\n year={2019},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"z_extreme_events","years":"2011-2015","short_desc":"Standardized extreme events index","long_desc":"This variable is the standardized extreme events index by state as reported by Berquist and Warshaw (2018)","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395. ; Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2019hot,\n title={Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Holman, Mirya and Sandoval, Andres},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={375--395},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{bergquist2019does,\n title={Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?},\n author={Bergquist, Parrish and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={81},\n number={2},\n pages={686--691},\n year={2019},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"z_wildfire","years":"2011-2015","short_desc":"Standardized acres that experienced wildfires","long_desc":"This variable is the standardized (logged) acres that experienced wildfires by state as reported by Berquist and Warshaw (2018)","sources":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395. ; Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya Holman, and Andres Sandoval. \"Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 375-395.","bibtex_cite":"@article{bromley2019hot,\n title={Hot districts, cool legislation: Evaluating agenda setting in climate change bill sponsorship in US states},\n author={Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca and Holman, Mirya and Sandoval, Andres},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={375--395},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Bergquist, Parrish, and Christopher Warshaw. \"Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?.\" The Journal of Politics 81, no. 2 (2019): 686-691.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{bergquist2019does,\n title={Does global warming increase public concern about climate change?},\n author={Bergquist, Parrish and Warshaw, Christopher},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={81},\n number={2},\n pages={686--691},\n year={2019},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"pollutionconcentration","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Total toxic chemical releases in pounds per square mile.","long_desc":"Total toxic chemical releases in pounds per square mile from the EPA by state and year.","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.\n\nU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2019. TRI Basic Data Files: Calendar Year 1987-2017. https://www.epa.gov/toxics-release-inventory-tri-program/tri-basic-data-files-calendar-years-1987-2017 [Retrieved January 1, 2019].","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"republicancongress","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Republican control of Congress","long_desc":"Republican control of Congress 0 = Democratic-controlled Congress (Democratic majority in both House & Senate) or divided partisan control 1 = Republican-controlled Congress (Republican majority in both House & Senate)","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.\n\nU.S House of Representatives. 2019. Party Division of the House of Representative, 1789 to Present. Http://history.house.gov/Institution/Party-Divisions/Party-Divisions/ [Retrieved January 1, 2019], U.S. Senate. 2019. Party Division. Https://www.senate.gov/history/partydiv.htm [Retrieved January 1, 2019]","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"statepartisanchange","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Variable indicating change in partisan control of governorships and state legislatures.","long_desc":"Variable indicating a change in partisan control of governorships and state legislatures. Calculated using the data for partisan control of state offices. 0 = No change in partisan control of the governor and state legislature 1 = A change in the partisan control of one branch in that year 2 = A change in the partisan control of both branches that year","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"proenvironmentalpublicopinion","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2012","short_desc":"Measure of state-level pro-environmental public opinion.","long_desc":"Kim and Urpelainen (2017)'s measure of state-level pro-environmental public opinion estimated from GSS data.","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.\n\nKim, S.E. and J. Urpelainen. 2017. Environmental Public Opinion in U.S. States, 1973-2012. Harvard Dataverse, V1. http://dx.doi.org/10.7910/DVN/TG2AOT","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"stateenvironmentalexpenditures","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Total state natural resources expenditures per capita in real 2009 dollars.","long_desc":"Total state natural resources expenditures measured as real 2009 dollars per capita from the U.S. Census.","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.\n\nU.S. Census. 2019. State and Local Government Finance Historical Datasets and Tables, 1993-2015. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/gov-finances/data/datasets.All.html Converted to real 2009 dollars using the Consumer Price Index: https://www.bls.gov/cpi/tables/historical-cpi-u-201709.pdf","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"localenvironmentalexpenditures","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Total local natural resources expenditures per capita in real 2009 dollars.","long_desc":"Total local natural resources expenditures measured as real 2009 dollars per capita from the U.S. Census","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.\n\nU.S. Census. 2019. State and Local Government Finance Historical Datasets and Tables, 1993-2015. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/gov-finances/data/datasets.All.html Converted to real 2009 dollars using the Consumer Price Index: https://www.bls.gov/cpi/tables/historical-cpi-u-201709.pdf","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"primacy","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Whether a state had primacy for Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Resources Conversation and Recovery Act in that year.","long_desc":"Variable indicating whether a state had primacy for Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), and Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) in that year. 0 = State did not have primacy for CAA, CWA, and RCRA 1 = State had primacy for CAA, CWA, and RCRA","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.\n\nU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2019. State Review Framework for Compliance and Enforcement Performance. https://www.epa.gov/compliance/state-review-framework-compliance-and-enforcement-performance [Retrieved January 1, 2019]","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"utilitiesindustry","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Gross state product from utilities industry per capita in billions of real 2009 dollars.","long_desc":"Gross state product from the utilities industry, in billions of real 2009 dollars per capita from the BEA","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.\n\nU.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. 2019. Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by State accessed using the GDP & Personal Income Interactive Data. Https://apps.bea.gov/itable/iTable.cfm?ReqID=70&step=1 [Retrieved January 1, 2019]. Steps for accessing industry data: (1) Select Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) By State, (2) Select GDP in current dollars (SAGDP2), (3) Select NAICS for 1997-2015 data or SIC for 1993 - 1997 data), (4) Select Utilities statistic","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"manufacturingindustry","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Gross state product from manufacturing industry per capita in billions of real 2009 dollars.","long_desc":"Gross state product from the manufacturing industry, in billions of real 2009 dollars per capita from the BEA","sources":"U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. 2019. Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by State accessed using the GDP & Personal Income Interactive Data. Https://apps.bea.gov/itable/iTable.cfm?ReqID=70&step=1 [Retrieved January 1, 2019]. Steps for accessing industry data: (1) Select Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) By State, (2) Select GDP in current dollars (SAGDP2), (3) Select NAICS for 1997-2015 data or SIC for 1993 - 1997 data), (4) Select Manufacturing statistic","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"miningindustry","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Gross state product from mining industry per capita in billions of real 2009 dollars.","long_desc":"Gross state product from the mining industry, in billions of real 2009 dollars per capita from the BEA","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.\n\nU.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. 2019. Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by State accessed using the GDP & Personal Income Interactive Data. Https://apps.bea.gov/itable/iTable.cfm?ReqID=70&step=1 [Retrieved January 1, 2019]. Steps for accessing industry data: (1) Select Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) By State, (2) Select GDP in current dollars (SAGDP2), (3) Select NAICS for 1997-2015 data or SIC for 1993 - 1997 data), (4) Select Mining statistic","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"wholesaleindustry","years":"1993-2000, 2002, 2004-2015","short_desc":"Gross state product from wholesale trade industry per capita in billions of real 2009 dollars.","long_desc":"Gross state product from the wholesale trade industry, in billions of real 2009 dollars per capita from the BEA","sources":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.\n\nU.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. 2019. Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by State accessed using the GDP & Personal Income Interactive Data. Https://apps.bea.gov/itable/iTable.cfm?ReqID=70&step=1 [Retrieved January 1, 2019]. Steps for accessing industry data: (1) Select Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) By State, (2) Select GDP in current dollars (SAGDP2), (3) Select NAICS for 1997-2015 data or SIC for 1993 - 1997 data), (4) Select Wholesale statistic","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Fowler, L. and Kettler, J.J., 2021. Are Republicans bad for the environment?. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 21(2), pp.195-219.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fowler_kettler_2021, title={Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1177/1532440020941794}, number={2}, journal={State Politics & Policy Quarterly}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, author={Fowler, Luke and Kettler, Jaclyn J.}, year={2021}, pages={195–219}}"} {"variable":"totalgroups","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"Total interest groups","long_desc":"Total number of interest groups in a state.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"agemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Agriculture employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in agriculture.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"busemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Business employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in manufacturing, retail, and wholesale business.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"commemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Communications employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in communications.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"constemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Construction employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in construction.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"eduemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Education employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in education.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"elecemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Electronics employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in electronics.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"energyemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Energy employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in energy and natural resources.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"enteremploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Entertainment employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in entertainment.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"finemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Finance employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in banking, finance, and insurance.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"healthemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Health car employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in health care and pharmaceuticals.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"lawemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Legal employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in the legal industry.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"leisureemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Leisure employment","long_desc":"Number of people employ in leisure, hospitality, brewing and food service.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"realemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Real estate employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in real estate.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"socemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Nonprofit employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in nonprofit social services.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"transemploy","years":"2003-2017","short_desc":"Transportation employment","long_desc":"Number of people employed in transportation","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"stateemploy","years":"2005-2017","short_desc":"State government employees","long_desc":"The number of full time state government employees.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; Book of the States","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"advocacygroup","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"Ideological advocacy groups","long_desc":"The number of ideological advocacy groups at the state-year level.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.; Book of the States","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T. \"Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 10, no. 3 (2021): 264-285.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2021changing,\n title={Changing state interest group systems: replicating and extending the ESA model},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={10},\n number={3},\n pages={264--285},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Springer}\n}"} {"variable":"totalwlegislators","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Total women legislators","long_desc":"The total number of women legislators in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021). ; Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"revolvers","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Total number of revolvers","long_desc":"The total number of revolving-door lobbyists (men and women) in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"formerwlegislators","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Former women legislators","long_desc":"The number of former women legislators in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021). ; Strickland, James M. \"The Declining Value of Revolving‐Door Lobbyists: Evidence from the American States.\" American Journal of Political Science 64, no. 1 (2020): 67-81.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Strickland, James M. \"The Declining Value of Revolving‐Door Lobbyists: Evidence from the American States.\" American Journal of Political Science 64, no. 1 (2020): 67-81.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{strickland2020declining,\n title={The Declining Value of Revolving-Door Lobbyists: Evidence from the American States},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={64},\n number={1},\n pages={67--81},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"wrevolvers","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Total women revolvers","long_desc":"The total number of women revolving-door lobbyists in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"wlobbyists","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Total women lobbyists","long_desc":"The total number of women lobbyists in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021). ; Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Strickland, James. \"America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 3 (2019): 351-374.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{strickland2019america,\n title={America's Crowded Statehouses: Measuring and Explaining Lobbying in the US States},\n author={Strickland, James},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={3},\n pages={351--374},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"winterestgroups","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Total women’s interest groups","long_desc":"The total number of women’s issue groups in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021). ; Strickland, James M. \"Bifurcated lobbying in America: group benefits and lobbyist selection.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 9, no. 2 (2020): 131-158.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Strickland, James M. \"Bifurcated lobbying in America: group benefits and lobbyist selection.\" Interest Groups & Advocacy 9, no. 2 (2020): 131-158.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{strickland2020bifurcated,\n title={Bifurcated lobbying in America: group benefits and lobbyist selection},\n author={Strickland, James M},\n journal={Interest Groups \\& Advocacy},\n volume={9},\n number={2},\n pages={131--158},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Springer}\n}\n"} {"variable":"gendermood","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Gender equality policy mood","long_desc":"This is a measure of gender-equality policy mood using Koch and Thomsen’s (2017) measure, which is estimated based on survey responses to questions from the American National Election Studies and General Social Surveys","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021). ; Koch, Julianna, and Danielle M. Thomsen. \"Gender equality mood across states and over time.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 4 (2017): 351-360.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Koch, Julianna, and Danielle M. Thomsen. \"Gender equality mood across states and over time.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 4 (2017): 351-360.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{koch2017gender,\n title={Gender equality mood across states and over time},\n author={Koch, Julianna and Thomsen, Danielle M},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={4},\n pages={351--360},\n year={2017},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"mlabor","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Men labor participation","long_desc":"The labor participation rate for men in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"wlabor","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Women labor participation","long_desc":"The labor participation rate for women in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"percentwlegislators","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Percent of women legislators","long_desc":"The percentage of women legislators in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"maletofemaleratio","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Male to female resident ratio","long_desc":"The ratio of male to female residents in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021). ; U.S. Census Bureau","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"wlegislatorsmajority","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Women legislators in majority party","long_desc":"Women’s presence as legislators in the majority party in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"wlegislatorsminority","years":"1989, 2011","short_desc":"Women legislators in minority party","long_desc":"Women’s presence as legislators in the minority party in each state-year.","sources":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Strickland, James M., and Katelyn E. Stauffer. \"Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists.\" Political Research Quarterly (2021).","bibtex_cite":"@article{strickland2021legislative,\n title={Legislative Diversity and the Rise of Women Lobbyists},\n author={Strickland, James M and Stauffer, Katelyn E},\n journal={Political Research Quarterly},\n pages={10659129211009305},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}\n"} {"variable":"htf_start","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"State housing trust funds","long_desc":"This variable captures the adoption of state housing trust funds at the state-year level.","sources":"Flink, Carla, Rebecca J. Walter, and Xiaoyang Xu. \"Policy Diffusion in a Redistributive Policy: Affordable Housing and State Housing Trust Funds.\" State and Local Government Review 53, no. 3 (2021): 187-209.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Flink, Carla, Rebecca J. Walter, and Xiaoyang Xu. \"Policy Diffusion in a Redistributive Policy: Affordable Housing and State Housing Trust Funds.\" State and Local Government Review 53, no. 3 (2021): 187-209.","bibtex_cite":"@article{flink2021policy,\n title={Policy Diffusion in a Redistributive Policy: Affordable Housing and State Housing Trust Funds},\n author={Flink, Carla and Walter, Rebecca J and Xu, Xiaoyang},\n journal={State and Local Government Review},\n volume={53},\n number={3},\n pages={187--209},\n year={2021},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"forenf_vio","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Number of formal enforcement actions.","long_desc":"The number of formal enforcement actions, per the number of assessed violations.","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"penaltyfac","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Total penalty amount assigned for violations.","long_desc":"The total penalty amount assigned for violations, per the number of polluting facilities eligible for inspection.","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"NR","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Whether state does or doesn't have natural resource combination.","long_desc":"Dummy variable indicating whether a state has the natural resource combination (1) or does not have the natural resource combination (0).","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"LCVavg","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Average LCV score for a state congressional delegation.","long_desc":"The average League of Conservation Voters score for a state's congressional delegation.","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"policy-ideology","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"nat_dep","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Ordinal measure of states' dependency on natural resources.","long_desc":"An ordinal measure of states' dependency on natural resources. States' dependency grows as the measure fluctuates from 0 to 3.","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"numfacilities","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Number of in state facilities eligible for inspection.","long_desc":"The total number of facilities in the state eligible for inspection.","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"spending","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"State spending on environmental programs.","long_desc":"State spending on environmental programs (in hundreds of millions of dollars)","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"airqual","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Percentage of days when states' air qualifies the state as having a \"Good Air Day\".","long_desc":"The percentage of days in which states' air qualifies the state as having a \"Good Air Day\" by EPA standards","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"man_grade","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Ordinal measure of state bureaucratic capacity.","long_desc":"An ordinal measure of state bureaucratic or management capacity. States' lack of greater capacity as the measure fluctuates from 0 to 8.","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"PoorHealthDys","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Number of days that states citizens say they are in poor health.","long_desc":"The number of days per year that states' citizens cite as days in which they are of poor health.","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"laws","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"A dummy variable that indicates whether or not a state has a law in place that limits environmental agencies.","long_desc":"A dummy variable that indicates whether a state has a law in place that limits its environmental agencies (1) or whether a state does not have a law in place limiting the abilities of its environmental agencies","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"noprimacy","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Dummy variable indicating whether or not a state lacks primacy in implementing major federal environmental statutes.","long_desc":"Dummy variable indicating whether a state lacks primacy in implementing at least one of the major federal environmental statutes (1) or whether the state has full primacy over implementation (0).","sources":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124. ; EPA.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Hopper, JoyAnna S. \"The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 1 (2017): 105-124.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hopper2017regulation,\n title={The regulation of combination: the implications of combining natural resource conservation and environmental protection},\n author={Hopper, JoyAnna S},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={1},\n pages={105--124},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"emo","years":"1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Education management organizations","long_desc":"Count variable of the number of education management organizations in each state.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28. ; Center for Education Reform.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019after,\n title={After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T and Brown, Heath},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={3--28},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"charterenrollment","years":"1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Number of students in charter schools","long_desc":"Number of students enrolled in charters schools in each state and each year.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019after,\n title={After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T and Brown, Heath},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={3--28},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"charterschool","years":"1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Number of charter schools","long_desc":"Number of charter schools in a state each year. The data comes from the reports published by the Center for Education Reform.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019after,\n title={After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T and Brown, Heath},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={3--28},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"nea","years":"1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Number of teachers","long_desc":"Number of teachers in a state each year who are members of the National Education Association. The raw data comes from the annual NEA Handbooks. ; National Education Association (NEA).","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019after,\n title={After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T and Brown, Heath},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={3--28},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"publicunion","years":"1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"State workforce unionized","long_desc":"Percentage of the state workforce each year enrolled in a public sector union, developed by Hirsch and MacPherson (2003).","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28. ; Hirsch, Barry T., and David A. Macpherson. \"Union membership and coverage database from the current population survey: Note.\" ILR Review 56, no. 2 (2003): 349-354.","category":"labor","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019after,\n title={After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T and Brown, Heath},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={3--28},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Hirsch, Barry T., and David A. Macpherson. \"Union membership and coverage database from the current population survey: Note.\" ILR Review 56, no. 2 (2003): 349-354.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{hirsch2003union,\n title={Union membership and coverage database from the current population survey: Note},\n author={Hirsch, Barry T and Macpherson, David A},\n journal={ILR Review},\n volume={56},\n number={2},\n pages={349--354},\n year={2003},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"gradratechange","years":"1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Two-year change in state high school graduation rate","long_desc":"Two-year change in total state high school graduation rates. Compiled from tables generated by the National Center for Education Statistics at the U.S. Department of Education at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/default.aspx?agree=0. Specifically, data obtained 9th grade enrollment data divided into the number of diplomas awarded four years later. Thus the graduation rate is the percentage of 9th graders who make it to high school graduation.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28. ; NCES.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019after,\n title={After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T and Brown, Heath},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={3--28},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"gradrateaveragechange","years":"1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Average change in two-year high school graduation rate","long_desc":"The average change in the two-year graduation rate (change from two-years earlier, the variable “gradratechange”) of all states bordering the observed state in the observed year that have charter school laws (states without laws are not included in the denominator for calculating the average.","sources":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28. ; NCES.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Holyoke, Thomas T., and Heath Brown. \"After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2019): 3-28.","bibtex_cite":"@article{holyoke2019after,\n title={After the punctuation: Competition, uncertainty, and convergent state policy change},\n author={Holyoke, Thomas T and Brown, Heath},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={19},\n number={1},\n pages={3--28},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ineqp_a","years":"1987-2012","short_desc":"Perception of inequality","long_desc":"Public perceptions of growing inequality","sources":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2017understanding,\n title={Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={319--348},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"Top10_adj","years":"1987-2012","short_desc":"Top 10% income share","long_desc":"Share of income held by the top 10% of earners","sources":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348. “World Inequality Database.” WID, n.d. https://wid.world/.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2017understanding,\n title={Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={319--348},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“World Inequality Database.” WID, n.d. https://wid.world/.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{wid, title={World Inequality Database}, url={https://wid.world/}, journal={WID}}"} {"variable":"Top1_adj","years":"1987-2012","short_desc":"Top 1% income share","long_desc":"Share of income held by the top 1% of earners","sources":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348. “World Inequality Database.” WID, n.d. https://wid.world/.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2017understanding,\n title={Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={319--348},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“World Inequality Database.” WID, n.d. https://wid.world/.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{wid, title={World Inequality Database}, url={https://wid.world/}, journal={WID}}"} {"variable":"median_inc","years":"1987-2012","short_desc":"Median income","long_desc":"State median income","sources":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348. ; US Census Bureau","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2017understanding,\n title={Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={319--348},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ineqp_disagg_a","years":"1987-2012","short_desc":"Perception of inequality (disaggregated)","long_desc":"Public perceptions of growing inequality (disaggregated)","sources":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 319-348.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2017understanding,\n title={Understanding public perceptions of growing economic inequality},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={319--348},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"civil_service_reform","years":"1965-1983","short_desc":"Reform passed","long_desc":"Whether reform was passed, 0, no, 1, yes","sources":"Ash, Elliott, Massimo Morelli, and Matia Vannoni. \"Divided government, delegation, and civil service reform.\" Political Science Research and Methods 10, no. 1 (2022): 82-96.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Ash, Elliott, Massimo Morelli, and Matia Vannoni. \"Divided government, delegation, and civil service reform.\" Political Science Research and Methods 10, no. 1 (2022): 82-96.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ash2022divided,\n title={Divided government, delegation, and civil service reform},\n author={Ash, Elliott and Morelli, Massimo and Vannoni, Matia},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n volume={10},\n number={1},\n pages={82--96},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ipe","years":"1965-1983","short_desc":"Comprehensive merit system (dichotomous)","long_desc":"Dichotomous variable capturing the introduction of a comprehensive merit system.","sources":"Ash, Elliott, Massimo Morelli, and Matia Vannoni. \"Divided government, delegation, and civil service reform.\" Political Science Research and Methods 10, no. 1 (2022): 82-96. Ujhelyi, Gergely. \"Civil service rules and policy choices: evidence from US state governments.\" American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 6, no. 2 (2014): 338-80.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Ash, Elliott, Massimo Morelli, and Matia Vannoni. \"Divided government, delegation, and civil service reform.\" Political Science Research and Methods 10, no. 1 (2022): 82-96.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ash2022divided,\n title={Divided government, delegation, and civil service reform},\n author={Ash, Elliott and Morelli, Massimo and Vannoni, Matia},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n volume={10},\n number={1},\n pages={82--96},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"civil_service_reform_ipe","years":"1965-1983","short_desc":"Measure of reform","long_desc":"0, no reform, 1, merit system, 2, merit system with independent personal executive","sources":"Ash, Elliott, Massimo Morelli, and Matia Vannoni. \"Divided government, delegation, and civil service reform.\" Political Science Research and Methods 10, no. 1 (2022): 82-96.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Ash, Elliott, Massimo Morelli, and Matia Vannoni. \"Divided government, delegation, and civil service reform.\" Political Science Research and Methods 10, no. 1 (2022): 82-96.","bibtex_cite":"@article{ash2022divided,\n title={Divided government, delegation, and civil service reform},\n author={Ash, Elliott and Morelli, Massimo and Vannoni, Matia},\n journal={Political Science Research and Methods},\n volume={10},\n number={1},\n pages={82--96},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"total_exp","years":"1983-2011","short_desc":"State-level total corrections expenditures","long_desc":"This variable captures the total corrections expenditures at the state-level, and is measured in thousands.","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Representation, incorporation, and corrections spending: The counterbalancing effect of Black political incorporation.\" Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 5, no. 3 (2020): 573-603. ; Bureau of Justice Statistics","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Representation, incorporation, and corrections spending: The counterbalancing effect of Black political incorporation.\" Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 5, no. 3 (2020): 573-603.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2020representation,\n title={Representation, incorporation, and corrections spending: The counterbalancing effect of Black political incorporation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics},\n volume={5},\n number={3},\n pages={573--603},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"total_institutions","years":"1983-2011","short_desc":"State-level institutional corrections expenditures","long_desc":"This variable captures the total institutional corrections expenditures at the state-level, and is measured in thousands.","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Representation, incorporation, and corrections spending: The counterbalancing effect of Black political incorporation.\" Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 5, no. 3 (2020): 573-603. ; Bureau of Justice Statistics","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Representation, incorporation, and corrections spending: The counterbalancing effect of Black political incorporation.\" Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 5, no. 3 (2020): 573-603.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2020representation,\n title={Representation, incorporation, and corrections spending: The counterbalancing effect of Black political incorporation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics},\n volume={5},\n number={3},\n pages={573--603},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"totalOC","years":"1983-2011","short_desc":"State-level community corrections expenditures","long_desc":"This variable captures the total community corrections expenditures at the state-level, and is measured in thousands.","sources":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Representation, incorporation, and corrections spending: The counterbalancing effect of Black political incorporation.\" Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 5, no. 3 (2020): 573-603. ; Bureau of Justice Statistics","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Gunderson, Anna. \"Representation, incorporation, and corrections spending: The counterbalancing effect of Black political incorporation.\" Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 5, no. 3 (2020): 573-603.","bibtex_cite":"@article{gunderson2020representation,\n title={Representation, incorporation, and corrections spending: The counterbalancing effect of Black political incorporation},\n author={Gunderson, Anna},\n journal={Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics},\n volume={5},\n number={3},\n pages={573--603},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"coincident","years":"2011-2013, 2015","short_desc":"State economic health index","long_desc":"State economic health index from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ; Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. 2018. State Coincident Indexes. Retrieved from: https://www.philadelphiafed.org/research-and-data/regional-economy/indexes/coincident"} {"variable":"bot20_2","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Income share of bottom 20%","long_desc":"The income share of the bottom 20 percent in each state-year.","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ; Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. 2018. State Coincident Indexes. Retrieved from: https://www.philadelphiafed.org/research-and-data/regional-economy/indexes/coincident"} {"variable":"top20_2","years":"1985-2017","short_desc":"Income share of top 20%","long_desc":"The income share of the top 20 percent in each state-year.","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ;Current Population Survey. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, Current Population Survey: Version 7.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS, 2019. https://doi.org/10.18128/D030.V7.0","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Current Population Survey. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, Current Population Survey: Version 7.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS, 2019. https://doi.org/10.18128/D030.V7.0"} {"variable":"k12","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"K-12 spending change","long_desc":"K-12 education spending change (in millions of dollars) in each state-year.","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ; National Association of State Budget\nOfficers.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"higher_edu","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Higher education spending change","long_desc":"Higher education spending change (in millions of dollars) in each state-year.","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ; National Association of State Budget\nOfficers.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"public_assist","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Public assistance spending change","long_desc":"Public assistance spending change (in millions of dollars) in each state-year.","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ; National Association of State Budget\nOfficers.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"medicaid","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Medicaid spending change","long_desc":"Medicaid spending change (in millions of dollars) in each state-year.","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ; National Association of State Budget\nOfficers.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"corrections","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Corrections spending change","long_desc":"Corrections spending change (in millions of dollars) in each state-year.","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ; National Association of State Budget\nOfficers.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"transport_franko","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Transportation spending change","long_desc":"Transportation spending change (in millions of dollars) in each state-year.","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ; National Association of State Budget\nOfficers.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"spend_other","years":"2010-2014","short_desc":"Other program spending change","long_desc":"All other spending change (in millions of dollars) in each state-year.","sources":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54. ; National Association of State Budget\nOfficers.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Franko, William W. \"How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21, no. 1 (2021): 31-54.","bibtex_cite":"@article{franko2021state,\n title={How state responses to economic crisis shape income inequality and financial well-being},\n author={Franko, William W},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={21},\n number={1},\n pages={31--54},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"HFR","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Household firearm ownership","long_desc":"Factor scores for household firearm ownership latent factor.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"HFR_se","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Standard errors of household firearm ownership","long_desc":"Standard errors of factor scores for household firearm ownership latent factor.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"universl","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Universal background checks","long_desc":"State has universal background checks law (1=yes; 0=no).","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"permit","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Permit to purchase law","long_desc":"State has permit to purchase law (1=yes; 0=no).","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"Fem_FS_S","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Female firearm suicide","long_desc":"Female Firearm Suicide/Total Male Suicide *100.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"Male_FS_S","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Male firearm suicide","long_desc":"Male Firearm Suicide/Total Male Suicide *100.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"BRFSS","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"BRFSS surveys on gun policy","long_desc":"Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) state-level survey estimate on firearm ownership","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"GALLUP","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Gallup data on firearm ownership","long_desc":"Gallup state-level survey estimate of firearm ownership.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.
Various Gallup Surveys (see https://www.rand.org/pubs/tools/TL354.html for details)","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"GSS","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"GSS data on firearm ownership","long_desc":"General Social Survey state-level survey estimate on firearm ownership.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020. ; NORC at the University of Chicago, “General Social Survey 1972–2016,” USNORCGSS1972-2016, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, April 2016.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"PEW","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Pew data on firearm ownership","long_desc":"Pew state-level survey estimate on firearm ownership.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"HuntLic","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Hunting licenses","long_desc":"Square root of Hunting Licenses/Population.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020. ; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, “Historical Hunting License Data,” webpage, April 1, 2019. As of September 27, 2019: https://wsfrprograms.fws.gov/Subpages/LicenseInfo/Hunting.htm","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"GunsAmmo","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Gun and ammo subscriptions","long_desc":"Within-year standardization of the square root of Guns and Ammo Subscriptions/Population.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"BackChk","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Background checks","long_desc":"Within-year standardization of Background Checks (without checks for permits)/Population","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"PewQChng","years":"1980-2016","short_desc":"Pew firearm ownership question change","long_desc":"Indicator for Pew firearm ownership question wording change.","sources":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020. ; Pew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: Response Rate Project,” USPEW1997-RESP, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, June 1997.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: April 2000 News Interest Index—Clinton Impeachment/Gun Control/Safety of Schools/Columbine Shooting,” USPEW2000-04NII, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, April 2000.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: 2003 Religion and Public Life,” USPEW2003-RELIG, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, June 2003.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: Typology—Politics/News/Economy/Stem Cell Research/Trade/Taxes/Federal Budget/Iraq/Patriot Act/Internet Use,” USPEW2004-TYPO, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, December 2004.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: April 2007 Political Survey—2008 Presidential Election/Gun Control/Schools/Iraq,” USPEW2007-04POL, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, April 2007.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center: April 2009 Values Survey,” USPEW2009-VALUES, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, March 2009.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Social and Demographic Trends Poll: January 2010 Millennial Survey,” USPEW2010-01SDT, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, January 2010a.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: Trust in Government,” USPEW2010-GOVTRUST, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, March 2010b.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: 2011 Political Typology Survey,” USPEW2011-TYPO, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, February 2011.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: December 2012 Gun Control Survey,” USPEW2012-12GUN, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, December 2012.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: January 2013 Political Survey,” USPEW2013-01POL, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, January 2013a.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: February 2013 Political Survey,” USPEW2013-02POL, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, February 2013b.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center Poll: May 2013 Political Survey,” USPEW2013-05POL, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, May 2013c.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center: July 2015 Political Survey,” USPEW2015-07POL, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, July 2015.\nPew Research Center, “Pew Research Center: August 2016 Political Survey,” USPEW2016-0816, Version 2, Ithaca, N.Y.: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, RoperExpress, August 2016.","category":"gun control","plaintext_cite":"Schell, Terry L., Samuel Peterson, Brian Garrett Vegetabile, Adam Scherling, Rosanna Smart, and Andrew R. Morral. State-level estimates of household firearm ownership. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2020.","bibtex_cite":"@book{schell2020state,\n title={State-level estimates of household firearm ownership},\n author={Schell, Terry L and Peterson, Samuel and Vegetabile, Brian Garrett and Scherling, Adam and Smart, Rosanna and Morral, Andrew R},\n year={2020},\n publisher={RAND Santa Monica, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"agencyfeesprohibited","years":"1990-2018","short_desc":"Agency fees for teachers' unions prohibited","long_desc":"This variable captures whether a state has a policy prohibiting agency fees for teachers’ unions at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; Valletta, Robert, and Richard B. Freeman. \"Appendix b the nber public sector collective bargaining law data set.\" When public sector workers unionize (1988): 399-420. ; Sanes, Milla, and John Schmitt. Regulation of public sector collective bargaining in the states. Washington, DC: Center for Economic and Policy Research, 2014. ; Feigenbaum, James, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, and Vanessa Williamson. From the bargaining table to the ballot box: Political effects of right to work laws. No. w24259. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Valletta, Robert, and Richard B. Freeman. \"Appendix b the nber public sector collective bargaining law data set.\" When public sector workers unionize (1988): 399-420.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{valletta1988appendix,\n title={Appendix b the nber public sector collective bargaining law data set},\n author={Valletta, Robert and Freeman, Richard B and others},\n journal={When public sector workers unionize},\n pages={399--420},\n year={1988},\n publisher={University of Chicago Press Chicago}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Sanes, Milla, and John Schmitt. Regulation of public sector collective bargaining in the states. Washington, DC: Center for Economic and Policy Research, 2014.","bibtex_cite3":"@book{sanes2014regulation,\n title={Regulation of public sector collective bargaining in the states},\n author={Sanes, Milla and Schmitt, John and others},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Center for Economic and Policy Research Washington, DC}\n}","plaintext_cite4":"Feigenbaum, James, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, and Vanessa Williamson. From the bargaining table to the ballot box: Political effects of right to work laws. No. w24259. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018.","bibtex_cite4":"@techreport{feigenbaum2018bargaining,\n title={From the bargaining table to the ballot box: Political effects of right to work laws},\n author={Feigenbaum, James and Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander and Williamson, Vanessa},\n year={2018},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"neamem","years":"1990-2016","short_desc":"Membership in the National Education Association (NEA)","long_desc":"This variable captures membership in the National Education Association (NEA) union at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Education Association.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"pc_tunion","years":"1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018","short_desc":"Percent of statewide political contributions from teachers’ unions","long_desc":"This variable captures the percentage of statewide political contributions from teachers’ unions at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Institute of Money in Politics","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"ptratio2","years":"1990-2016","short_desc":"Pupil/teacher ratio","long_desc":"This variable captures the ratio between pupils and teachers at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; Common Core of Data","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"edpolicy","years":"1990-2018","short_desc":"Education reform policy","long_desc":"This variable captures education reform policy outcomes at the state-year level that are aimed at increasing educational efficiency and often blocked by teachers’ unions.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{finger2018vested,\n title={Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states},\n author={Finger, Leslie K},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={378--401},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"NAEP_all","years":"1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Pooled NAEP scores for each administration","long_desc":"This variable captures pooled National Assessment of Educaiton Progress (NAEP) scores for each administration at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r4_score_avsc","years":"1991, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Fourth grade reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade reading scores at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m4_score_avsc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Fourth Grade Math Scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade math scores at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r8_score_avsc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Eighth Grade Reading Scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade reading scores at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m8_score_avsc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Eighth Grade Math Scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade math scores at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"merger","years":"1990-2018","short_desc":"Mergers between the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA)","long_desc":"This variable captures AFT/NEA Mergers and all employed union workers in education at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"strongaft","years":"1990-2018","short_desc":"AFT strongholds","long_desc":"This variable captures strongholds of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"totalstudentsstate","years":"1990-2016","short_desc":"Total student enrollment","long_desc":"This variable captures the total student enrollment in schools at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"charters","years":"1990-2018","short_desc":"Charter school policies","long_desc":"This variable captures charter school policies and laws at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{finger2018vested,\n title={Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states},\n author={Finger, Leslie K},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={378--401},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"tfa","years":"1990-2018","short_desc":"Teach For America expansion","long_desc":"This variable captures the expansion of the Teachers for America (TFA) at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{finger2018vested,\n title={Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states},\n author={Finger, Leslie K},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={378--401},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"perfpay","years":"1990-2012, 2014-2017","short_desc":"Performance pay","long_desc":"This variable captures performance pay schemes for teachers in schools at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{finger2018vested,\n title={Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states},\n author={Finger, Leslie K},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={378--401},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"privchoice","years":"1990-2018","short_desc":"Private school choice programs","long_desc":"This variable captures private school programs at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Finger, Leslie K. \"Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46, no. 2 (2018): 378-401.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{finger2018vested,\n title={Vested interests and the diffusion of education reform across the states},\n author={Finger, Leslie K},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={378--401},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"r8_gnmale_avsc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade boys reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade reading scores among boys at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r8_gnfemale_avsc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade girls reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade reading scores among girls at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r8_fle_avsc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Eighth grade free/reduced lunch eligible reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade reading scores among those eligible for a free or reduced lunch at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r8_flnot_avsc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade not free/reduced lunch eligible reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade reading scores among those not eligible for a free or reduced lunch at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r8_racep_white_perc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade White reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade reading scores among Whites at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r8_racep_black_perc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade African American reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade reading scores among African Americans at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r8_racep_hispanic_perc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade Hispanic reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade reading scores among Hispanics at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m8_gnmale_avsc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade boys math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade math scores among boys at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m8_gnfemale_avsc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade girls math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade math scores among girls at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m8_fle_avsc","years":"1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Eighth grade free/reduced lunch eligible math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade math scores among those eligible for a free or reduced lunch at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m8_flnot_avsc","years":"1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade not free/reduced lunch eligible math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade math scores among those not eligible for a free or reduced lunch at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m8_racep_white_perc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade White math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade math scores among Whites at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m8_racep_black_perc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade African American math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade math scores among African Americans at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m8_racep_hispanic_perc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Eighth grade Hispanic math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures eight grade math scores among Hispanics at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m4_gnmale_avsc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade boys math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade math scores among boys at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m4_gnfemale_avsc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade girls math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade math scores among girls at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m4_fle_avsc","years":"1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Fourth grade free/reduced lunch eligible math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade math scores among those eligible for a free or reduced lunch at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m4_flnot_avsc","years":"1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade not free/reduced lunch eligible math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade math scores among those not eligible for a free or reduced lunch at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m4_racep_white_perc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade White math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade math scores among Whites at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m4_racep_black_perc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade African American math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade math scores among African Americans at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"m4_racep_hispanic_perc","years":"1991, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade Hispanic math scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade math scores among Hispanics at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r4_gnmale_avsc","years":"1991, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade boys reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade reading scores among boys at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r4_gnfemale_avsc","years":"1991, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade girls reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade reading scores among girls at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r4_fle_avsc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016","short_desc":"Fourth grade free/reduced lunch eligible reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade reading scores among those eligible for a free or reduced lunch at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r4_flnot_avsc","years":"1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade not free/reduced lunch eligible reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade reading scores among those not eligible for a free or reduced lunch at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r4_racep_white_perc","years":"1991, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade White reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade reading scores among Whites at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r4_racep_black_perc","years":"1991, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade African American reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade reading scores among African Americans at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"r4_racep_hispanic_perc","years":"1991, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014","short_desc":"Fourth grade Hispanic reading scores","long_desc":"This variable captures fourth grade reading scores among Hispanics at the state-year level.","sources":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105. ; National Assessment of Educational Progress.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Lyon, Melissa Arnold. \"Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking.\" Economics of Education Review 82 (2021): 102105.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lyon2021heroes,\n title={Heroes, villains, or something in between? How “Right to Work” policies affect teachers, students, and education policymaking},\n author={Lyon, Melissa Arnold},\n journal={Economics of Education Review},\n volume={82},\n pages={102105},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"EPU_State","years":"1985-2020","short_desc":"State and local sources of economic policy uncertainy","long_desc":"This variable captures the level of uncertainty within a state that comes from state and local policy issues. We averaged the authors’ monthly measure to make the yearly value. More information is available here: https://policyuncertainty.com/state_epu.html","sources":"Baker, Scott R., Steven J. Davis, and Jeffrey A. Levy. State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty. No. w29714. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Baker, Scott R., Steven J. Davis, and Jeffrey A. Levy. State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty. No. w29714. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{baker2022state,\n title={State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty},\n author={Baker, Scott R and Davis, Steven J and Levy, Jeffrey A},\n year={2022},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"EPU_National","years":"1985-2020","short_desc":"National and international sources of economic policy uncertainy","long_desc":"This variable captures the level of uncertainty within a state that stems from specifically national policy-related sources. We averaged the authors’ monthly measure to make the yearly value. More information is available here: https://policyuncertainty.com/state_epu.html","sources":"Baker, Scott R., Steven J. Davis, and Jeffrey A. Levy. State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty. No. w29714. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Baker, Scott R., Steven J. Davis, and Jeffrey A. Levy. State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty. No. w29714. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{baker2022state,\n title={State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty},\n author={Baker, Scott R and Davis, Steven J and Levy, Jeffrey A},\n year={2022},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"EPU_Composite","years":"1985-2020","short_desc":"Composite index that captures both state + local and\nnational + international sources of economic policy uncertainty","long_desc":"This variable is a composite index of policy uncertainty at the state level created “using news articles that contain terms related to the economy and uncertainty and also a term from a composite set of terms that contains state-specific policy terms as well as the set of national policy terms.” We averaged the authors’ monthly measure to make the yearly value. More information is available here: https://policyuncertainty.com/state_epu.html","sources":"Baker, Scott R., Steven J. Davis, and Jeffrey A. Levy. State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty. No. w29714. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Baker, Scott R., Steven J. Davis, and Jeffrey A. Levy. State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty. No. w29714. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022.","bibtex_cite":"@techreport{baker2022state,\n title={State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty},\n author={Baker, Scott R and Davis, Steven J and Levy, Jeffrey A},\n year={2022},\n institution={National Bureau of Economic Research}\n}"} {"variable":"pctsmoker","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Percentage of smokers","long_desc":"This variable captures the percentage of adult smokers in each state-year.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}"} {"variable":"tobratio","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Ratio of tobacco lobbyists","long_desc":"This variable captures the ratio of the number of tobacco lobbyists in the state to the total number of registered lobbyists","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202. ; Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{shipan2006bottom,\n title={Bottom-up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states},\n author={Shipan, Charles R and Volden, Craig},\n journal={American journal of political science},\n volume={50},\n number={4},\n pages={825--843},\n year={2006},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"healthratio","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Ratio of health lobbyists","long_desc":"This variable captures the ratio of the number of health lobbyists in the state to the total number of registered lobbyists","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202. ; Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{shipan2006bottom,\n title={Bottom-up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states},\n author={Shipan, Charles R and Volden, Craig},\n journal={American journal of political science},\n volume={50},\n number={4},\n pages={825--843},\n year={2006},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"tobaccolobby2","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Power of tobacco lobbyists","long_desc":"This variable captures the presence and perceived power of health lobbyists compared to other organized interest groups.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202. ; Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{shipan2006bottom,\n title={Bottom-up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states},\n author={Shipan, Charles R and Volden, Craig},\n journal={American journal of political science},\n volume={50},\n number={4},\n pages={825--843},\n year={2006},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"healthlobby2","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Power of health lobbyists","long_desc":"This variable captures the presence and perceived power of tobacco lobbyists compared to other organized interest groups.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202. ; Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{shipan2006bottom,\n title={Bottom-up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states},\n author={Shipan, Charles R and Volden, Craig},\n journal={American journal of political science},\n volume={50},\n number={4},\n pages={825--843},\n year={2006},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"propneighban","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Proportion of neighbors with smoking bans in restaurants","long_desc":"This variable captures the proportion of neighboring states that have adopted a smoking ban in restaurants at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}"} {"variable":"pct_covered_state2","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Proportion of total state population covered by smoking ban in restaurants","long_desc":"This variable captures the proportion of the total state population covered by smoking ban in restaurants at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}"} {"variable":"restban_inn","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Home state adopted smoking ban in restaurants","long_desc":"This variable captures whether a home state has adopted a smoking ban in restaurants at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}"} {"variable":"tobacco","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"A state is a tobacco producer","long_desc":"This variable captures whether a state is a tobacco producer at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202. ; Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Shipan, Charles R., and Craig Volden. \"Bottom‐up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states.\" American journal of political science 50, no. 4 (2006): 825-843.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{shipan2006bottom,\n title={Bottom-up federalism: The diffusion of antismoking policies from US cities to states},\n author={Shipan, Charles R and Volden, Craig},\n journal={American journal of political science},\n volume={50},\n number={4},\n pages={825--843},\n year={2006},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"smr","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Smoking attributable mortality rate","long_desc":"This variable captures the smoking attributable mortality rate by state for each state-year.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}"} {"variable":"prior","years":"1990-2008","short_desc":"Prior smoking restriction in restaurants","long_desc":"This variable captures whether a state had prior restrictions on smoking in restaurants at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states.\" The Journal of Politics 74, no. 1 (2012): 187-202.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2012social,\n title={The social contagion model: Exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of antismoking legislation across the American states},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={74},\n number={1},\n pages={187--202},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press New York, USA}\n}"} {"variable":"rps_lead","years":"2000-2013","short_desc":"Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS)","long_desc":"This variable captures renewable portfolio standards, which mandate electric utilities procure a certain percentage of generation from renewable sources.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; Carley, Sanya, and Chris J. Miller. \"Regulatory stringency and policy drivers: A reassessment of renewable portfolio standards.\" Policy Studies Journal 40, no. 4 (2012): 730-756. ; Carley, Sanya, Sean Nicholson-Crotty, and Chris J. Miller. \"Adoption, reinvention and amendment of renewable portfolio standards in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 37, no. 4 (2017): 431-458.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Carley, Sanya, and Chris J. Miller. \"Regulatory stringency and policy drivers: A reassessment of renewable portfolio standards.\" Policy Studies Journal 40, no. 4 (2012): 730-756.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{carley2012regulatory,\n title={Regulatory stringency and policy drivers: A reassessment of renewable portfolio standards},\n author={Carley, Sanya and Miller, Chris J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={40},\n number={4},\n pages={730--756},\n year={2012},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}","plaintext_cite3":"Carley, Sanya, Sean Nicholson-Crotty, and Chris J. Miller. \"Adoption, reinvention and amendment of renewable portfolio standards in the American states.\" Journal of Public Policy 37, no. 4 (2017): 431-458.","bibtex_cite3":"@article{carley2017adoption,\n title={Adoption, reinvention and amendment of renewable portfolio standards in the American states},\n author={Carley, Sanya and Nicholson-Crotty, Sean and Miller, Chris J},\n journal={Journal of Public Policy},\n volume={37},\n number={4},\n pages={431--458},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ftg_lead","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"Distributed generation measures","long_desc":"This variable captures distributed generation policies, which refers to technologies that generate electricity at or near where it will be used, like solar panels, at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; Freeing the Grid (2016)","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"aceee_lead","years":"2006-2017","short_desc":"Energy efficiency measures","long_desc":"This variable captures measures pertaining to energy efficiency, which refers to a broad suite of mechanisms used to reduce consumption of energy, at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE)","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"sev_lead","years":"2003-2012","short_desc":"Severance taxes on oil and gas extraction","long_desc":"This variables captures severance taxes at the state-year level on oil and gas extraction.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; Weber, Jeremy G., Wang, Yongsheng, Chomas, Maxwell, 2016. A quantitative\ndescription of state-level taxation of oil and gas production in the continental U.S.\nEnergy Policy 96 (September), 289–301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.\nenpol.2016.06.008.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Weber, Jeremy G., Wang, Yongsheng, Chomas, Maxwell, 2016. A quantitative description of state-level taxation of oil and gas production in the continental U.S. Energy Policy 96 (September), 289–301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. enpol.2016.06.008.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{weber2016quantitative,\n title={A quantitative description of state-level taxation of oil and gas production in the continental US},\n author={Weber, Jeremy G and Wang, Yongsheng and Chomas, Maxwell},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={96},\n pages={289--301},\n year={2016},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"wind_potential_adj","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Wind capacity","long_desc":"This variable captures annual wind energy in gigawatt-hours that could be produced from capacity installed on windy land area measure wind resource at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; US Department of Energy","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"solar_potential_adj","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Solar energy capacity","long_desc":"This variable captures the average solar energy potential per meter-squared multiplied by the land area of a state.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; National Renewable Energy Laboratory","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"medianaqi06","years":"2000-2018","short_desc":"Air quality","long_desc":"This variable captures the quality of air across states at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"electricity_price06","years":"2000-2018","short_desc":"Price of electricity","long_desc":"This variable captures the price of electricity across states at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"gasoline_price","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Price of gas","long_desc":"This variable captures the price of gasoline across states at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"natgas_price","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Price of natural gas","long_desc":"This variable captures the price of natural gas across states at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214. ; U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"gasprod06","years":"2000-2018","short_desc":"Natural gas production","long_desc":"This variable captures the level of natural gas production at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"oilprod06","years":"2000-2018","short_desc":"Oil production","long_desc":"This variable captures the level of oil production at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"prop_tax","years":"2004-2013","short_desc":"Oil and gas property tax exemption","long_desc":"This variable captures whether a state exempts oil and gas wells from property taxes at the state-year level.","sources":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","category":"environment","plaintext_cite":"Trachtman, Samuel. \"What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?.\" Energy Policy 138 (2020): 111214.","bibtex_cite":"@article{trachtman2020drives,\n title={What drives climate policy adoption in the US states?},\n author={Trachtman, Samuel},\n journal={Energy Policy},\n volume={138},\n pages={111214},\n year={2020},\n publisher={Elsevier}\n}"} {"variable":"dem_exit","years":"1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004","short_desc":"Proportion of residents identified as Democrats through exit polls","long_desc":"Proportion of state residents identified as Democrats (out of the electorate, e.g., Democrats, Republicans, and Independents) obtained from exit polls.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11, no. 4 (2011): 415-439.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11, no. 4 (2011): 415-439.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2011using,\n title={Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={11},\n number={4},\n pages={415--439},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"lib_exit","years":"1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004","short_desc":"Proportion of residents identified as liberals through exit polls","long_desc":"Proportion of state residents identified as liberals (out of the electorate, e.g., liberals, conservatives, and moderates) obtained from exit polls.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11, no. 4 (2011): 415-439.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11, no. 4 (2011): 415-439.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2011using,\n title={Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={11},\n number={4},\n pages={415--439},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"demvote","years":"1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004","short_desc":"Proportion of residents voted for Democratic presidential election","long_desc":"The proportion of state residents voting for the democratic presidential election obtained from national election data.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11, no. 4 (2011): 415-439.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11, no. 4 (2011): 415-439.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2011using,\n title={Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={11},\n number={4},\n pages={415--439},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"dem2","years":"1978-2006","short_desc":"Democratic state residents identified as Democrat out of all Democrats and Republicans.","long_desc":"The proportion of state residents identified as Democrat out of all Democrats and Republicans (identifiers). Developed using multilevel regression, imputation, and post-stratification using CBS/NYT polls with a 3 year moving average. Details in paper.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11, no. 4 (2011): 415-439.","category":"elections","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11, no. 4 (2011): 415-439.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2011using,\n title={Using national surveys to measure dynamic US state public opinion: A guideline for scholars and an application},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={11},\n number={4},\n pages={415--439},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"ttax1k","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Total tax payment","long_desc":"Total tax payment per $1,000 personal income ($)","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{census.gov, title={Census}, url={https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html}, journal={Census.gov}}"} {"variable":"fee1k","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Total fee payment","long_desc":"Total fee payment per $1,000 of personal income ($)","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{census.gov, title={Census}, url={https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html}, journal={Census.gov}}"} {"variable":"taxshare","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Percent tax revenue","long_desc":"Percentage of tax revenues in total state revenue","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{census.gov, title={Census}, url={https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html}, journal={Census.gov}}"} {"variable":"feeshare","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Percent fee revenue","long_desc":"Percentage of fee revenues in total state revenue","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{census.gov, title={Census}, url={https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html}, journal={Census.gov}}"} {"variable":"tax2fee","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Ratio, taxes to fees","long_desc":"Ratio between taxes to fees in total state revenue","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"smvrd","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Whether or not a state has a supermajority rule","long_desc":"1 if a state has a supermajority rule, 0 if not","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"smvryr","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Number of years since supermajority rule enacted","long_desc":"Number of years passed since adoption of supermajority rule","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"thresh","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Percent needed to pass tax bill","long_desc":"Percentage required passing a tax/revenue increase bill","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"dratio","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Dependency ratio","long_desc":"Dependency ratio: Number of dependents (children aged 0-17 and elderly aged 65+) per 100 working age population (aged 18-64)","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Population and Housing Unit Estimates Datasets.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/data/data-sets.html.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“Population and Housing Unit Estimates Datasets.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/data/data-sets.html.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{census.gov, title={Population and Housing Unit Estimates Datasets}, url={https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/data/data-sets.html}, journal={Census.gov}}"} {"variable":"elimit","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Whether or not a state has expenditure limits","long_desc":"Existence of expenditure/appropriation limits in state constitution","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. Kioko, Sharon N. \"Structure of state‐level tax and expenditure limits.\" Public Budgeting & Finance 31, no. 2 (2011): 43-78.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Kioko, Sharon N. \"Structure of state‐level tax and expenditure limits.\" Public Budgeting & Finance 31, no. 2 (2011): 43-78.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{kioko2011structure,\n title={Structure of state-level tax and expenditure limits},\n author={Kioko, Sharon N},\n journal={Public Budgeting \\& Finance},\n volume={31},\n number={2},\n pages={43--78},\n year={2011},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"fee1k1","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Average annual fee burden with supermajority","long_desc":"Average of annual fee burden in states with supermajority rules","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{census.gov, title={Census}, url={https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html}, journal={Census.gov}}"} {"variable":"fee1k0","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"Average annual fee burden without supermajority","long_desc":"Average of annual fee burden in states without supermajority rules","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{census.gov, title={Census}, url={https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html}, journal={Census.gov}}"} {"variable":"t2f1","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"tax-to-fee ratio","long_desc":"Average of annual tax-to-fee ratio in states with supermajority rules","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{census.gov, title={Census}, url={https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html}, journal={Census.gov}}"} {"variable":"t2f0","years":"1960-2008","short_desc":"tax-to-fee ratio","long_desc":"Average of annual tax-to-fee ratio in states without supermajority rules","sources":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440. “Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Lee, Soomi. \"Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 18, no. 4 (2018): 417-440.","bibtex_cite":"@article{lee2018states,\n title={Do States Circumvent Constitutional Supermajority Voting Requirements to Raise Taxes?},\n author={Lee, Soomi},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={18},\n number={4},\n pages={417--440},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"“Census.” Census.gov, n.d. https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html.","bibtex_cite2":"@misc{census.gov, title={Census}, url={https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/state/about.html}, journal={Census.gov}}"} {"variable":"counts_tobacco","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced on tobacco","long_desc":"The total number of tobacco-related bills introduced at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"code100","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced on tobacco in the control category","long_desc":"The total number of introduced tobacco-related bills in the control category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"code200","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced on tobacco in the environment category","long_desc":"The total number of introduced tobacco-related bills in the environment category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"code300","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced on tobacco in the agriculture category","long_desc":"The total number of introduced tobacco-related bills in the agriculture category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"code400","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced on tobacco in the insurance category","long_desc":"The total number of introduced tobacco-related bills in the insurance category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"code500","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced on tobacco in the advocacy category","long_desc":"The total number of introduced tobacco-related bills in the advocacy category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"code600","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced on tobacco in the litigation category","long_desc":"The total number of introduced tobacco-related bills in the litigation category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"code800","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced on tobacco in the finance category","long_desc":"The total number of introduced tobacco-related bills in the finance category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"code900","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced on tobacco in the miscellaneous category","long_desc":"The total number of introduced tobacco-related bills in the miscellaneous category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"governor_tob","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Whether a governor mentioned tobacco in the SOS Address","long_desc":"This is a binary variable indicating whether a governor mentioned tobacco in the State of the State (SOS) address","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318. ; Pacheco, Julianna and Graeme Boushey. 2014. “Public Health and\nAgenda Setting: Determinants of State Attention to Tobacco and Vaccines.” Journal of Health\nPolitics, Policy, and Law 39(3): 565-589.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Pacheco, Julianna and Graeme Boushey. 2014. “Public Health and\nAgenda Setting: Determinants of State Attention to Tobacco and Vaccines.” Journal of Health\nPolitics, Policy, and Law 39(3): 565-589.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{pacheco2014public,\n title={Public health and agenda setting: determinants of state attention to tobacco and vaccines},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna and Boushey, Graeme},\n journal={Journal of health politics, policy and law},\n volume={39},\n number={3},\n pages={565--589},\n year={2014},\n publisher={Duke University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"enacted_tob","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of enacted bills on tobacco","long_desc":"The total number of enacted bills on tobacco at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"enact100","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills enacted on tobacco in the control category","long_desc":"The total number of enacted tobacco-related bills in the miscellaneous category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"enact200","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills enacted on tobacco in the environment category","long_desc":"The total number of enacted tobacco-related bills in the environment category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"enact600","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills enacted on tobacco in the litigation category","long_desc":"The total number of enacted tobacco-related bills in the litigation category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"enact800","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills enacted on tobacco in the finance category","long_desc":"The total number of enacted tobacco-related bills in the finance category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"neighcount_code100","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced in neighboring states in the control category","long_desc":"The total number of tobacco-related bills introduced in neighboring states in the control category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"neighcount_code200","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced in neighboring states in the environment category","long_desc":"The total number of tobacco-related bills introduced in neighboring states in the environment category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"neighcount_code600","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced in neighboring states in the litigation category","long_desc":"The total number of tobacco-related bills introduced in neighboring states in the litigation category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"neighcount_code800","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"Total number of bills introduced in neighboring states in the finance category","long_desc":"The total number of tobacco-related bills introduced in neighboring states in the finance category at the state-year level.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"Healthcapst","years":"1990-2010","short_desc":"State expenditure on health per capita","long_desc":"Per capita health expenditures by state obtained by the US Census Survey of State governments; standardized to range from 0-1.","sources":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Pacheco, Julianna. \"Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 17, no. 3 (2017): 299-318.","bibtex_cite":"@article{pacheco2017free,\n title={Free-Riders or Competitive Races? Strategic Interaction across the American States on Tobacco Policy Making},\n author={Pacheco, Julianna},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={3},\n pages={299--318},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"suiWun","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"White suicide rate","long_desc":"This variable captures the suicide rate of White individuals (men and women) at the state-year level.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873. ; CDC","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"suiWMun","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"White men suicide rate","long_desc":"This variable captures the suicide rate of White men at the state-year level.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873. ; CDC","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"suiWFun","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"White women suicide rate","long_desc":"This variable captures the suicide rate of White women at the state-year level.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873. ; CDC","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"perc_empl_white","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"White employment-to-population ratio","long_desc":"This variable captures the employment to population ratio of White individuals (men and women) at the state-year level.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"perc_empl_white_men","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"White men employment-to-population ratio","long_desc":"This variable captures the employment to population ratio of White men at the state-year level.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"perc_empl_white_women","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"White women employment-to-population ratio","long_desc":"This variable captures the employment to population ratio of White women at the state-year level.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873. ; Bureau of Labor Statistics","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"perc_college","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"College degree","long_desc":"This variable captures the share of population age 25 and older with a bachelor’s degree or higher at the state-year level.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873. ; Ruggles, Steven, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Josiah\nGrover, and Matthew Sobek. 2017. Integrated\nPublic Use Microdata Series: Version 7.0 [Dataset].\nMinneapolis: University of Minnesota.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Ruggles, Steven, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Josiah Grover, and Matthew Sobek. 2017. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 7.0 [Dataset]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota","bibtex_cite2":"@article{flood2017integrated,\n title={Integrated public use microdata series, current population survey},\n author={Flood, Sarah and King, Miriam and Ruggles, Steven and Warren, J Robert},\n journal={Minneapolis, MN},\n year={2017}\n}"} {"variable":"binge_drinking","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Adult binge drinking","long_desc":"This variable captures the alcohol consumption rate among adults at the state-year level.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873. ; Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, American Community\nSurvey.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"sexratio_mf","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Male/female ratio","long_desc":"This variable captures the ratio between males and females in the population at the state-year level.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873. ; Ruggles, Steven, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Josiah\nGrover, and Matthew Sobek. 2017. Integrated\nPublic Use Microdata Series: Version 7.0 [Dataset].\nMinneapolis: University of Minnesota.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Ruggles, Steven, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Josiah Grover, and Matthew Sobek. 2017. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 7.0 [Dataset]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota","bibtex_cite2":"@article{flood2017integrated,\n title={Integrated public use microdata series, current population survey},\n author={Flood, Sarah and King, Miriam and Ruggles, Steven and Warren, J Robert},\n journal={Minneapolis, MN},\n year={2017}\n}"} {"variable":"avg_hh_size","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Average household size","long_desc":"This variable captures the size of the average household in each state-year.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"single_person_hh","years":"2000-2016","short_desc":"Single-person household","long_desc":"This variable captures single-person households in each state-year.","sources":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Rambotti, Simone. \"Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000–2016.\" Journal of health and social behavior (2022): 00221465211069873.","bibtex_cite":"@article{rambotti2022examining,\n title={Examining the Association between Racialized Economic Threat and White Suicide in the United States, 2000--2016},\n author={Rambotti, Simone},\n journal={Journal of health and social behavior},\n pages={00221465211069873},\n year={2022},\n publisher={SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA}\n}"} {"variable":"outsourcing","years":"1992-2015","short_desc":"State-level outsourcing decisions","long_desc":"This variable captures the annual state government macro outsourcing at the state-year level.","sources":"Potter, Rachel Augustine. \"Macro Outsourcing: Evaluating Government Reliance on the Private Sector.\" The Journal of Politics 84, no. 2 (2022): 1-15.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Potter, Rachel Augustine. \"Macro Outsourcing: Evaluating Government Reliance on the Private Sector.\" The Journal of Politics 84, no. 2 (2022): 1-15.","bibtex_cite":"@article{potter2022macro,\n title={Macro Outsourcing: Evaluating Government Reliance on the Private Sector},\n author={Potter, Rachel Augustine},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={84},\n number={2},\n pages={000--000},\n year={2022},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"debt_inc_ratio_low_yr","years":"1999-2017","short_desc":"Debt-to-income ratio","long_desc":"This variable captures the median ratio between debt and income in each state-year.","sources":"Wiedemann, Andreas. 2021. \"How Credit Markets Substitute for Welfare States and Influence Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from US States.\" British Journal of Political Science, 1-21. ; Federal Reserve’s Enhanced Financial Accounts.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Wiedemann, Andreas. 2021. \"How Credit Markets Substitute for Welfare States and Influence Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from US States.\" British Journal of Political Science, 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{wiedemann2021credit,\n title={How Credit Markets Substitute for Welfare States and Influence Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from US States},\n author={Wiedemann, Andreas},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"replacement_ratio1_yr","years":"1997-2018","short_desc":"Unemployment insurance benefit replacement rate","long_desc":"This variable captures the unemployment insurance benefit replacement rate at the state-year level.","sources":"Wiedemann, Andreas. 2021. \"How Credit Markets Substitute for Welfare States and Influence Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from US States.\" British Journal of Political Science, 1-21. ; Department of Labor","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Wiedemann, Andreas. 2021. \"How Credit Markets Substitute for Welfare States and Influence Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from US States.\" British Journal of Political Science, 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{wiedemann2021credit,\n title={How Credit Markets Substitute for Welfare States and Influence Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from US States},\n author={Wiedemann, Andreas},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"disinc","years":"1990-2014","short_desc":"Disposable income","long_desc":"State-level average disposable incomes in each state-year observation.","sources":"Wiedemann, Andreas. 2021. \"How Credit Markets Substitute for Welfare States and Influence Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from US States.\" British Journal of Political Science, 1-21.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Wiedemann, Andreas. 2021. \"How Credit Markets Substitute for Welfare States and Influence Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from US States.\" British Journal of Political Science, 1-21.","bibtex_cite":"@article{wiedemann2021credit,\n title={How Credit Markets Substitute for Welfare States and Influence Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from US States},\n author={Wiedemann, Andreas},\n journal={British Journal of Political Science},\n pages={1--21},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}"} {"variable":"greenfield","years":"2003-2012","short_desc":"Greenfield foreign direct investment","long_desc":"This variable captures greenfield foreign direct investment (FDI) at the state-year level.","sources":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700. ; Financial Times' fdiIntelligence database","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","bibtex_cite":"@article{andrews2018ethnocentrism,\n title={Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment},\n author={Andrews, Sarah and Leblang, David and Pandya, Sonal S},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={80},\n number={2},\n pages={697--700},\n year={2018},\n publisher={University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"MAdeals","years":"2003-2012","short_desc":"Number of foreign acquisitions of existing US firms","long_desc":"This variable captures the number of foreign acquistions of existing US firms that take place in each state-year.","sources":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","bibtex_cite":"@article{andrews2018ethnocentrism,\n title={Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment},\n author={Andrews, Sarah and Leblang, David and Pandya, Sonal S},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={80},\n number={2},\n pages={697--700},\n year={2018},\n publisher={University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"FTZ_count","years":"1997-2012","short_desc":"Free trade zones (FTZs)","long_desc":"This variable captures the number of free trade zones in a state-year.","sources":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","bibtex_cite":"@article{andrews2018ethnocentrism,\n title={Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment},\n author={Andrews, Sarah and Leblang, David and Pandya, Sonal S},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={80},\n number={2},\n pages={697--700},\n year={2018},\n publisher={University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"npass_pop","years":"2001-2014","short_desc":"Annual volume of international air passenger traffic in airports","long_desc":"This variable captures the annual volume of international air passenger traffic in each state's airports.","sources":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","bibtex_cite":"@article{andrews2018ethnocentrism,\n title={Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment},\n author={Andrews, Sarah and Leblang, David and Pandya, Sonal S},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={80},\n number={2},\n pages={697--700},\n year={2018},\n publisher={University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"gdp_mine","years":"1997-2014","short_desc":"Minerals as a dollar amount for each state-year.","long_desc":"This variable captures mined minerals as a dollar amount for each state-year.","sources":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","bibtex_cite":"@article{andrews2018ethnocentrism,\n title={Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment},\n author={Andrews, Sarah and Leblang, David and Pandya, Sonal S},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={80},\n number={2},\n pages={697--700},\n year={2018},\n publisher={University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"mine_share_gdp","years":"1997-2014","short_desc":"Minerals as a percentage of gross state product","long_desc":"This variable captures a state's propensity to receive natural resource sector FDI as a percentage of gross state product.","sources":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","category":"economic-fiscal","plaintext_cite":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","bibtex_cite":"@article{andrews2018ethnocentrism,\n title={Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment},\n author={Andrews, Sarah and Leblang, David and Pandya, Sonal S},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={80},\n number={2},\n pages={697--700},\n year={2018},\n publisher={University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"imm_sent_enacted1","years":"2001-2011","short_desc":"State immigration laws enacted","long_desc":"The number of anti-immigrant laws passed in the preceding legislative session. anti-immigrant\nlaws are classified as laws that restrict undocumented migrants access to\npublic services or benefits, including documentation requirements for driver’s licenses and employment eligibility.","sources":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Andrews, Sarah, David Leblang, and Sonal S. Pandya. 2018. \"Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment.\" The Journal of Politics, 80(2): 697-700.","bibtex_cite":"@article{andrews2018ethnocentrism,\n title={Ethnocentrism reduces foreign direct investment},\n author={Andrews, Sarah and Leblang, David and Pandya, Sonal S},\n journal={The Journal of Politics},\n volume={80},\n number={2},\n pages={697--700},\n year={2018},\n publisher={University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}"} {"variable":"bites7994","years":"1988-2016","short_desc":"Total number of dog bite fatalities","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of dog bite fatalities in each state-year.","sources":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247. ; Sacks, Jeffrey J., Randall Lockwood, Janet Hornreicht, and Richard W. Sattin. 1996. \"Fatal dog attacks, 1989-1994.\" Pediatrics 97(6): 891-895.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fix2017examining,\n title={Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws},\n author={Fix, Michael P and Mitchell, Joshua L},\n journal={Statistics, Politics and Policy},\n volume={8},\n number={2},\n pages={223--247},\n year={2017},\n publisher={De Gruyter}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Sacks, Jeffrey J., Randall Lockwood, Janet Hornreicht, and Richard W. Sattin. 1996. \"Fatal dog attacks, 1989-1994.\" Pediatrics 97(6): 891-895.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{sacks1996fatal,\n title={Fatal dog attacks, 1989-1994},\n author={Sacks, Jeffrey J and Lockwood, Randall and Hornreicht, Janet and Sattin, Richard W},\n journal={Pediatrics},\n volume={97},\n number={6},\n pages={891--895},\n year={1996},\n publisher={American Academy of Pediatrics}\n}"} {"variable":"dogfight5","years":"1988-2016","short_desc":"Number of investigations into dog fighting for the prior 5 years","long_desc":"This variable captures the number of investigations into dog fighting in a given state for the prior 5 years.","sources":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247. ; pet-abuse.com’s animal cruelty database.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fix2017examining,\n title={Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws},\n author={Fix, Michael P and Mitchell, Joshua L},\n journal={Statistics, Politics and Policy},\n volume={8},\n number={2},\n pages={223--247},\n year={2017},\n publisher={De Gruyter}\n}"} {"variable":"neighadopt","years":"1988-2016","short_desc":"Whether the state has any neighboring adopters of the local breed specific legislation policy","long_desc":"Dichotomous indicator of whether the state has any neighboring adopters of the local breed specific (LBS) legislation policy.","sources":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fix2017examining,\n title={Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws},\n author={Fix, Michael P and Mitchell, Joshua L},\n journal={Statistics, Politics and Policy},\n volume={8},\n number={2},\n pages={223--247},\n year={2017},\n publisher={De Gruyter}\n}"} {"variable":"mostsimadoptcit","years":"1988-2013","short_desc":"Whether state's most ideological similar neighbor adopted local breed specific legislation (BSL)","long_desc":"An indicator of whether the state’s most ideological similar neighbor had adopted breed-specific legislation (BSL) preemption in a prior year.","sources":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fix2017examining,\n title={Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws},\n author={Fix, Michael P and Mitchell, Joshua L},\n journal={Statistics, Politics and Policy},\n volume={8},\n number={2},\n pages={223--247},\n year={2017},\n publisher={De Gruyter}\n}"} {"variable":"adopt","years":"1988-2016","short_desc":"Whether the state has adopted a local breed specific (LBS) legislation policy.","long_desc":"Whether the state has adopted a local breed specific (LBS) legislation policy at the state-year level.","sources":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Fix, Michael P., and Joshua L. Mitchell. 2017. \"Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws.\" Statistics, Politics and Policy, 8(2): 223-247.","bibtex_cite":"@article{fix2017examining,\n title={Examining the Policy Learning Dynamics of Atypical Policies with an Application to State Preemption of Local Dog Laws},\n author={Fix, Michael P and Mitchell, Joshua L},\n journal={Statistics, Politics and Policy},\n volume={8},\n number={2},\n pages={223--247},\n year={2017},\n publisher={De Gruyter}\n}"} {"variable":"jprison_totalrt","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Total Inmates per 100,000 population","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of inmates per 100,000\npopulation.","sources":"Hawes, Daniel P. 2017. \"Social capital, racial context, and incarcerations in the American states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 17(4): 393-417. ; BJS National Prison Statistics (ICPSR Study No.\n34981)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hawes, Daniel P. 2017. \"Social capital, racial context, and incarcerations in the American states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 17(4): 393-417.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hawes2017social,\n title={Social capital, racial context, and incarcerations in the American states},\n author={Hawes, Daniel P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={4},\n pages={393--417},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"BJS National Prison Statistics (ICPSR Study No. 34981). Retrieved from https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/NACJD/studies/34981"} {"variable":"prison_whtrt","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"White inmates per 100,000 population","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of White inmates per 100,000 in each state-year.\npopulation.","sources":"Hawes, Daniel P. 2017. \"Social capital, racial context, and incarcerations in the American states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 17(4): 393-417. ; BJS National Prison Statistics (ICPSR Study No.\n34981)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hawes, Daniel P. 2017. \"Social capital, racial context, and incarcerations in the American states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 17(4): 393-417.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hawes2017social,\n title={Social capital, racial context, and incarcerations in the American states},\n author={Hawes, Daniel P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={4},\n pages={393--417},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"BJS National Prison Statistics (ICPSR Study No. 34981). Retrieved from https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/NACJD/studies/34981"} {"variable":"prison_blkrt","years":"1980-2010","short_desc":"Black inmates per 100,000 population","long_desc":"This variable captures the total number of Black inmates per 100,000 in each state-year.\npopulation.","sources":"Hawes, Daniel P. 2017. \"Social capital, racial context, and incarcerations in the American states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 17(4): 393-417. ; BJS National Prison Statistics (ICPSR Study No.\n34981)","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Hawes, Daniel P. 2017. \"Social capital, racial context, and incarcerations in the American states.\" State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 17(4): 393-417.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hawes2017social,\n title={Social capital, racial context, and incarcerations in the American states},\n author={Hawes, Daniel P},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n volume={17},\n number={4},\n pages={393--417},\n year={2017},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"BJS National Prison Statistics (ICPSR Study No. 34981). Retrieved from https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/NACJD/studies/34981"} {"variable":"dec_sparts_mrp","years":"1990, 1996, 2006, 2016","short_desc":"Public opinion on government funding of arts","long_desc":"This variable captures state-level estimates of public opinion on governmental support of the arts.","sources":"Jacobsmeier, Matthew L. \"Public opinion on government funding of the arts in the United States: Demographic and political Factors.\" International Journal of Cultural Policy 27, no. 4 (2021): 463-484.","category":"demographics","plaintext_cite":"Jacobsmeier, Matthew L. \"Public opinion on government funding of the arts in the United States: Demographic and political Factors.\" International Journal of Cultural Policy 27, no. 4 (2021): 463-484.","bibtex_cite":"@article{jacobsmeier2021public,\n title={Public opinion on government funding of the arts in the United States: Demographic and political Factors},\n author={Jacobsmeier, Matthew L},\n journal={International Journal of Cultural Policy},\n volume={27},\n number={4},\n pages={463--484},\n year={2021},\n publisher={Taylor \\& Francis}\n}"} {"variable":"sentencerate100k","years":"1978-2015","short_desc":"Sentence rate per 100,000","long_desc":"This variable captures the sentence rate for every 100,000 people in each state-year.","sources":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335. ; US Department of Justice: Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2017. National\nPrisoner Statistics, 1978–2015, ICPSR36657-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-University Consortium\nfor Political and Social Research.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2021judicial,\n title={Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States},\n author={Taylor, Travis N},\n journal={Journal of Law and Courts},\n volume={9},\n number={2},\n pages={305--335},\n year={2021},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"US Department of Justice: Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2017. National Prisoner Statistics, 1978–2015, ICPSR36657-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{united states department of justice, place={Ann Arbor, MI}, title={National Prisoner Statistics, 1978-2015 (ICPSR 36657)}, url={https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/NACJD/studies/36657}, author={United States Department of Justice}, year={2017}}"} {"variable":"dsl","years":"1978-2015","short_desc":"Determinant Sentencing Laws (DSL) - 1 = yes, 0 = no","long_desc":"This variable captures whether states have determinant sentencing laws (DSL), with 1 indicating that a state does, and 0 indicating that a state does not.","sources":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335. ; US Department of Justice, https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/strsent\n.pdf; National Conference of State Legislatures, https://www\n.ncsl.org/documents/cj/sentencing.pdf","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2021judicial,\n title={Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States},\n author={Taylor, Travis N},\n journal={Journal of Law and Courts},\n volume={9},\n number={2},\n pages={305--335},\n year={2021},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"US Department of Justice, https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/strsent.pdf","plaintext_cite3":"National Conference of State Legislatures, https://www .ncsl.org/documents/cj/sentencing.pdf"} {"variable":"electedpros","years":"1978-2015","short_desc":"Whether a state has an elected prosecutor","long_desc":"This variable captures whether a state has an elected prosecutor, that takes a value of 1 if the state elects its chief prosecutor and 0 otherwise.","sources":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335. ; Coppolo, George. 2003. States That Elect Their Chief Prosecutors, ed. Office of Legislative Research.\nHartford: Connecticut General Assembly.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2021judicial,\n title={Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States},\n author={Taylor, Travis N},\n journal={Journal of Law and Courts},\n volume={9},\n number={2},\n pages={305--335},\n year={2021},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"Coppolo, George. 2003. States That Elect Their Chief Prosecutors, ed. Office of Legislative Research. Hartford: Connecticut General Assembly.","bibtex_cite2":"@book{coppolo2003states,\n title={States that elect their chief prosecutors},\n author={Coppolo, George},\n year={2003},\n publisher={Connecticut General Assembly, Office of Legislative Research}\n}"} {"variable":"termlength","years":"1978-2015","short_desc":"Judicial term length of state supreme court justices","long_desc":"This variable captures the term length of state supreme court justices at the state-year level.","sources":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335. ; National Center for State Courts, http://www.judicialselection.us/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2021judicial,\n title={Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States},\n author={Taylor, Travis N},\n journal={Journal of Law and Courts},\n volume={9},\n number={2},\n pages={305--335},\n year={2021},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"National Center for State Courts, http://www.judicialselection.us/"} {"variable":"recall","years":"1978-2015","short_desc":"Whether a state has judicial recall","long_desc":"This dummy variable, which takes the value of 1 if the\nstate permits judicial recall by voters and 0 otherwise.","sources":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335. ; National Center for State Courts, http://www.judicialselection.us/","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335. ; National Center for State Courts, http://www.judicialselection.us/","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2021judicial,\n title={Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States},\n author={Taylor, Travis N},\n journal={Journal of Law and Courts},\n volume={9},\n number={2},\n pages={305--335},\n year={2021},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"National Center for State Courts, http://www.judicialselection.us/"} {"variable":"sentencecomm","years":"1978-2015","short_desc":"Whether a state has a sentencing commission","long_desc":"This variable captures whether a state has or does not have a sentencing commission, with 1 indicating that a state does, and 0 indicating that it does not.","sources":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335. ; US Department of Justice, https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/strsent\n.pdf\nPrisoner Statistics, 1978–2015, ICPSR36657-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-University Consortium\nfor Political and Social Research.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2021judicial,\n title={Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States},\n author={Taylor, Travis N},\n journal={Journal of Law and Courts},\n volume={9},\n number={2},\n pages={305--335},\n year={2021},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"US Department of Justice, https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/strsent.pdf"} {"variable":"mand_min","years":"1978-2015","short_desc":"Number of categories for which a state has mandatory minimums","long_desc":"The number of offense categories for which a state has mandatory minimums at the state-year level.","sources":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335. ; US Department of Justice, https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/strsent\n.pdf\nPrisoner Statistics, 1978–2015, ICPSR36657-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-University Consortium\nfor Political and Social Research.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Taylor, Travis N. 2021. \"Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States.\" Journal of Law and Courts, 9(2): 305-335.","bibtex_cite":"@article{taylor2021judicial,\n title={Judicial Selection and Criminal Punishment: Trial Court Elections, Sentencing, and Incarceration in the States},\n author={Taylor, Travis N},\n journal={Journal of Law and Courts},\n volume={9},\n number={2},\n pages={305--335},\n year={2021},\n publisher={The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL}\n}","plaintext_cite2":"US Department of Justice, https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/strsent.pdf"} {"variable":"YearCBrequired","years":"1900, 1904, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1914-1916, 1918-1920, 1922-1926, 1928-1930, 1932-1935, 1937-1940, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1959-2000","short_desc":"First year mandatory collective bargaining law for teachers in effect","long_desc":"First year in which a mandatory\ncollective bargaining law covering\nteachers\nwas effective at the beginning of\nthe school year (on September 1st).","sources":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","bibtex_cite":"@article{paglayan2019public,\n title={Public-Sector Unions and the Size of Government},\n author={Paglayan, Agustina S},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={63},\n number={1},\n pages={21--36},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"CBrequired_SY","years":"1900, 1904, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1914-1916, 1918-1920, 1922-1926, 1928-1930, 1932-1935, 1937-1940, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1959-2000","short_desc":"Whether mandatory collective bargaining law for teachers in effect","long_desc":"Dummy variable indicating whether a mandatory collective bargaining law covering teachers was effective at the beginning of the school year (on September 1st)","sources":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","bibtex_cite":"@article{paglayan2019public,\n title={Public-Sector Unions and the Size of Government},\n author={Paglayan, Agustina S},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={63},\n number={1},\n pages={21--36},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"CBeverrequired","years":"1900, 1904, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1914-1916, 1918-1920, 1922-1926, 1928-1930, 1932-1935, 1937-1940, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1959-2000","short_desc":"If mandatory collective bargaining law ever passed before 1990","long_desc":"Dummy variable indicating if the state ever passed a mandatory collective bargaining law prior to 1990","sources":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","bibtex_cite":"@article{paglayan2019public,\n title={Public-Sector Unions and the Size of Government},\n author={Paglayan, Agustina S},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={63},\n number={1},\n pages={21--36},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"avginstrucsal","years":"1939, 1949, 1959-1974, 1979-1981, 1983-1987, 1989, 1992-1999","short_desc":"Average instructional staff salary","long_desc":"Average salary of instructional staff, in US dollars, at 2010 prices","sources":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","bibtex_cite":"@article{paglayan2019public,\n title={Public-Sector Unions and the Size of Government},\n author={Paglayan, Agustina S},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={63},\n number={1},\n pages={21--36},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"ppexpend","years":"1919, 1929, 1939, 1949, 1959-2000","short_desc":"Average current operational expenditures per pupil","long_desc":"Average current operational expenditures per pupil, in US dollars, at 2010 prices","sources":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","category":"education","plaintext_cite":"Paglayan, Agustina S. 2019. \"Public‐Sector Unions and the Size of Government.\" American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36.","bibtex_cite":"@article{paglayan2019public,\n title={Public-Sector Unions and the Size of Government},\n author={Paglayan, Agustina S},\n journal={American Journal of Political Science},\n volume={63},\n number={1},\n pages={21--36},\n year={2019},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}"} {"variable":"medical_marijuana","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Whether a state had a medical marijuana law","long_desc":"This variable is a binary variable capturing whether a state has a medical marijuana law in place at the state-year level.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"marijuana_ted","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Marijuana Treatment Episode Data Set","long_desc":"Marijuana Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) collected annually by state substance abuse agencies. Admissions per 100,000 aged 12 and over.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"marijuana_kgs","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Total amount of marijuana seized","long_desc":"This variable captures the total amount of marijuana seized at the state-year level.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"init_avail","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"States with an available initiative process","long_desc":"Whether states have an available initiative process, measured at the state-year level.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"prop_neighbor","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Proportion of neighbors adopted medical marijuana laws","long_desc":"The proportion of a state’s contiguous neighbors that previously adopted medical marijuana laws at the state-year level.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cancer_rt_sl","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Cancer incidence rate","long_desc":"This variable captures the incidence rate of cancer, and it specifically captures the Age-Adjusted Invasive Cancer Incidence Rates by State. Rates are per 100,000 persons and are age-adjusted to the 2,000 U.S. standard population.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"healthcare","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"heroin_kgs","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Total amount of heroin seized","long_desc":"This variable captures the total amount of heroin seized at the state-year level.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"cocaine_kgs","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Total amount of cocaine seized","long_desc":"This variable captures the total amount of cocaine seized at the state-year level.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"methamphetamine_kgs","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Total amount of methamphetamine seized","long_desc":"This variable captures the total amount of methamphetamine seized at the state-year level.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"hallucinogens","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Total amount of hallucinogens seized","long_desc":"This variable captures the total amount of hallucinogens seized at the state-year level.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"law_pop_init","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Whether state passed medical marijuana law through direct initiative","long_desc":"Whether state passed medical marijuana law through direct initiative","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"law_legislature","years":"1995-2014","short_desc":"Whether state passed medical marijuana law through legislation","long_desc":"Whether state passed medical marijuana law through legislation at the state-year level.","sources":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","category":"drug-alcohol","plaintext_cite":"Hannah, A. Lee, and Daniel J. Mallinson. 2018. ”Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states.\" Policy Studies Journal 46(2): 402-423.","bibtex_cite":"@article{hannah2018defiant,\n title={Defiant innovation: The adoption of medical marijuana laws in the American states},\n author={Hannah, A Lee and Mallinson, Daniel J},\n journal={Policy Studies Journal},\n volume={46},\n number={2},\n pages={402--423},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Wiley Online Library}\n}\n"} {"variable":"rorestriction","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Domestic Violence Restraining Order Restriction (in place)","long_desc":"Domestic Violence Restraining Order Restriction (in place). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"rorestriction_enacted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Domestic Violence Restraining Order Restriction (enacted)","long_desc":"Domestic Violence Restraining Order Restriction (enacted). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"rosurrender","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Surrender Provision for Permanent Restraining Orders (in place)","long_desc":"Surrender Provision for Permanent Restraining Orders (in place). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"rosurrender_enacted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Surrender Provision for Permanent Restraining Orders (enacted)","long_desc":"Surrender Provision for Permanent Restraining Orders (enacted). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"rodating","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Restriction Order Applies to Dating Partners (in place).","long_desc":"Restriction Order Applies to Dating Partners (in place). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"rodating_enacted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Restriction Order Applies to Dating Partners (enacted).","long_desc":"Restriction Order Applies to Dating Partners (enacted). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"mdrestriction","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Violent Misdemeanor Restriction (in place)","long_desc":"Violent Misdemeanor Restriction (in place). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"mdrestriction_enacted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Violent Misdemeanor Restriction (enacted)","long_desc":"Violent Misdemeanor Restriction (enacted). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"exparte","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Restriction for ex parte Restraining Orders (in place)","long_desc":"Restriction for ex parte Restraining Orders (in place). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"exparte_enacted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Restriction for ex parte Restraining Orders (enacted)","long_desc":"Restriction for ex parte Restraining Orders (enacted). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"stalkingmd","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Stalking Misdemeanor (in place)","long_desc":"Stalking Misdemeanor (in place). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"stalkingmd_enacted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Stalking Misdemeanor (enacted)","long_desc":"Stalking Misdemeanor (enacted). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"stalkingf","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Stalking Felony (in place)","long_desc":"Stalking Felony (in place). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"stalkingf_enacted","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Stalking Felony (enacted)","long_desc":"Stalking Felony (enacted). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"mandarrest_n","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Mandatory Arrest Law (in place)","long_desc":"Mandatory Arrest Law (in place). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"mandarrestenact","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Mandatory Arrest Law (enacted)","long_desc":"Mandatory Arrest Law (enacted). Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"dvgunlaw","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Whether or not a DV gun law was enacted in a year","long_desc":"Whether or not a DV gun law was enacted in a year. Dummy Variable (1 if law in place, 0 if not in place).","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"num_enacted_laws","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Number of enacted DV gun laws per year.","long_desc":"Number of enacted DV gun laws per year. This is a discrete variable, ranging from 1 to 8.","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"gunhomicides","years":"1990-2016","short_desc":"Gun Homicides by year by state","long_desc":"This is a continuous variable capturing gun homicides by year by state.","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; FBI EZASHR database: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezashr/asp/off_selection.asp","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"FBI EZASHR database: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezashr/asp/off_selection.asp"} {"variable":"femmurdersfamilybygun","years":"1990-2016","short_desc":"Female murders by family member with gun","long_desc":"A continuous variable capturing female murders by family member with gun by year by state.","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; FBI EZASHR database: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezashr/asp/off_selection.asp","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"FBI EZASHR database: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezashr/asp/off_selection.asp"} {"variable":"mass_shooting_num","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Number of mass shootings","long_desc":"This variable captures the number of mass shootings at the state-year level.","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","bibtex_cite2":"Mother Jones: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/massshootings-mother-jones-full-data/"} {"variable":"numregdvgunlawenact","years":"1990-2017","short_desc":"Number of regional DV gun laws enacted by year","long_desc":"This is a discrete variable capturing the number of regional DV gun laws enacted by year","sources":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23. ; Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455. ; Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states=","category":"criminal justice","plaintext_cite":"Schiller, Wendy J., and Kaitlin N. Sidorsky. 2022. “Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990–2017.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly: 1-23.","bibtex_cite":"@article{schiller2022federalism,\n title={Federalism, Policy Diffusion, and Gender Equality: Explaining Variation in State Domestic Violence Firearm Laws 1990--2017},\n author={Schiller, Wendy J and Sidorsky, Kaitlin N},\n journal={State Politics \\& Policy Quarterly},\n pages={1--23},\n year={2022},\n publisher={Cambridge University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite2":"Zeoli, April M., Alexander McCourt, Shani Buggs, Shannon Frattaroli, David Lilley, and Daniel W. Webster. 2018. ”Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide.\" American Journal of Epidemiology 187(7): 1449-1455.","bibtex_cite2":"@article{zeoli2018retracted,\n title={Retracted: Analysis of the Strength of Legal Firearms Restrictions for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence and Their Associations With Intimate Partner Homicide},\n author={Zeoli, April M and McCourt, Alexander and Buggs, Shani and Frattaroli, Shannon and Lilley, David and Webster, Daniel W},\n journal={American journal of epidemiology},\n volume={187},\n number={7},\n pages={1449--1455},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n","plaintext_cite3":"Everytown Gun Law Navigator https://maps.everytown.org/navigator/states.html?dataset=d omestic_violence&states="} {"variable":"intropot","years":"2010-2016","short_desc":"Introduced bills legalizing or regulating medicinal marijuana","long_desc":"The number of introduced bills legalizing or regulating the use of medicinal marijuana.","sources":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","bibtex_cite":"@article{olson2018return,\n title={Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states},\n author={Olson, Adam and Callaghan, Timothy and Karch, Andrew},\n journal={Publius: The Journal of Federalism},\n volume={48},\n number={3},\n pages={495--522},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"signedpot","years":"2010-2016","short_desc":"Signed bills legalizing or regulating medicinal marijuana","long_desc":"The number of signed bills legalizing or regulating the use of medicinal marijuana.","sources":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","bibtex_cite":"@article{olson2018return,\n title={Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states},\n author={Olson, Adam and Callaghan, Timothy and Karch, Andrew},\n journal={Publius: The Journal of Federalism},\n volume={48},\n number={3},\n pages={495--522},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"introcat1pot","years":"2010-2016","short_desc":"Introduced bills on medical marijuana explicitly questioning constitutionality or declaring \"null and void\"","long_desc":"This variable captures the number of medical marijuana related bills that were introduced that fall under the first category. The first category includes proposals that back nullification in the traditional sense by either explicitly questioning the constitutionality of a national law or declaring it “null and void” within the state.","sources":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","bibtex_cite":"@article{olson2018return,\n title={Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states},\n author={Olson, Adam and Callaghan, Timothy and Karch, Andrew},\n journal={Publius: The Journal of Federalism},\n volume={48},\n number={3},\n pages={495--522},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"introcat2pot","years":"2010-2016","short_desc":"Introduced bills on medical marijuana that vow \"non-acquiescence\" to a national statute","long_desc":"This variable captures the number of medical marijuana related bills that were introduced that fall under the second category. The second category includes proposals that vow “non-acquiescence” to a national statute, pledging not to cooperate with its provisions but stopping short of declaring the measure unconstitutional.","sources":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","bibtex_cite":"@article{olson2018return,\n title={Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states},\n author={Olson, Adam and Callaghan, Timothy and Karch, Andrew},\n journal={Publius: The Journal of Federalism},\n volume={48},\n number={3},\n pages={495--522},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n"} {"variable":"introcat3pot","years":"2010-2016","short_desc":"Introduced bills on medical marijuana that are partly inconsistent with existing national law","long_desc":"This variable captures the number of medical marijuana related bills that were introduced that fall under the third category. This category includes proposals that are partly inconsistent with existing national law. Typically procedural in nature, these proposals generally permit state cooperation with a national statute but attempt to reset the terms on which such participation occurs. They are inconsistent with the extant legal framework, but they work within it rather than rejecting it wholesale.","sources":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","category":"government","plaintext_cite":"Olson, Adam, Timothy Callaghan, and Andrew Karch. 2018. ”Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states.\" Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48(3): 495-522.","bibtex_cite":"@article{olson2018return,\n title={Return of the “rightful remedy”: Partisan federalism, resource availability, and nullification legislation in the American states},\n author={Olson, Adam and Callaghan, Timothy and Karch, Andrew},\n journal={Publius: The Journal of Federalism},\n volume={48},\n number={3},\n pages={495--522},\n year={2018},\n publisher={Oxford University Press}\n}\n"}